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ajlie | priceless | flutterjerk | flutterroll | |
twipride | celestiamad | twicrazy | spikemeh | |
lunateehee | lunawait | paperbagderpy | abmeh | |
ajhappy | ppfear | twibeam | scootaderp | |
raritydaww | scootacheer | swagintosh | pinkieawe | |
ajsup | flutterwhoa | rdcry | silverspoon | |
ohcomeon | ppcute | abbored | rarityreally | |
raritypaper | sbbook | scootaplease | applegasp | |
twiright | celestiawut | grannysmith | rarishock | |
shiningarmor | chrysalis | cadance | applederp |
flutterfear | ppboring | rarityyell | fluttershy | |
ajcower | ajsly | eeyup | rdsmile | |
fluttersrs | raritydress | takealetter | rdwut | |
ppshrug | spikenervous | noooo | dj | |
fluttershh | flutteryay | squintyjack | spikepushy | |
ajugh | raritywut | dumbfabric | raritywhy | |
trixiesmug | flutterwink | rarityannoyed | soawesome | |
ajwut | twisquint | raritywhine | rdcool | |
abwut | manspike | cockatrice | facehoof | |
rarityjudge | rarityprimp | twirage | ppseesyou |
rdsitting | rdhappy | rdannoyed | trixiesad | |
twismug | twismile | twistare | changeling | |
ohhi | party | hahaha | rdscared | |
flutterblush | gross | derpyhappy | twidaw | |
ajfrown | hmmm | joy | whattheflut | |
raritysad | fabulous | derp | cadancesmile | |
louder | lunasad | derpyshock | shiningpride | |
pinkamina | loveme | lunagasp | fluttercry | |
scootaloo | celestia | angel | sneakybelle | |
allmybits | zecora | photofinish | ppreally |
fillytgap | rdhuh | snails | twisad | |
lyra | bonbon | spitfire | lunamad | |
cutealoo | happyluna | sotrue | discordsad | |
wahaha | sbstare | berry | maud | |
huhhuh | absmile | dealwithit | pinkiepout | |
nmm | whooves | rdsalute | twisecret | |
octavia | colgate | cheerilee | sunsetshimmer | |
ajconfused | abhuh | lily | sunsetsneaky | |
twiponder | spikewtf | awwyeah | scootablue | |
gilda | discentia | macintears | spikehappy |
pinkiesad | starlightrage | ajdoubt | flutterhay | |
diamondtiara | bulkbiceps | spikewhoa | sbwtf | |
sombra | scootaeww | wasntme | nightmaregrin | |
sbshocked | discordgrump | twipbbt | spikeapproves | |
guard | troubleshoes | flimflam | flutternice | |
abstern | rdsnrk | cocosmile | ppdont | |
apathia | thcalm | skeptiloo | ajgrump | |
ajcry | ooh | limestonegrin | sgpopcorn | |
rarityeww | raritytired | raritygrump | raritysquee | |
flutterkay | notangry | goodjob | gummystare |
karma | sbfocus | lunagrump | twisheepish | |
discentiajudge | sgsneaky | sgeesh | skystarfine | |
twisnide | trixieww | twieek | ajeesh | |
pinkie | flutterplz | tempest | pinkiesugar | |
cococold | emberwtf | tempestsmile | ||
quibble | sunsetwhyme | squeestar | ||
rdthis | abteehee | appleroll | ||
flutterbrow | squintyglam | spikeholdup | ||
celestiahurt | rdsup | tempestgaze | ||
sgconcern | celestiahappy | squeekiepie |
Some say it is canceled while Others say it's not, so is it canceled or not?
i found a collection of mlp fla is only episode and dvd is not all episode and song from equestra girls
i found a flash collection of mlp is there only leaks flash file
Can someone help me get my hands on NON-FLA files from that era? You don't need to sort them, I will get them myself, but I just need to know if someone here can help me get those files since they're all un-seeded torrents now.
Hi. I was just wondering if you had Flash Puppets/Moho Puppets of the Equestria Girls Mane 8 in their beach clothes from the beach shorts. I really want to expand my knowledge on animation. Please let me know if you have them. Thank you.
as the title says
(i know the scripts and notes got leaked for them but that's not what im looking for 😭)
Hasbro knows they aren't gonna get anywhere with new characters so they bringing back the true classic G4 cast
So now the shows whole fanbase will be back and I feel like the show will be saved
I'm unsure if this is legitimate or not, and I'm also not sure if it's already been discovered, but I thought I should put this our here just in case.
While looking for the piano chords for coinky-dink world (the song), I stumbled across what seems to be some sort of script for the EG summertime shorts. Like I said before, I don't know if this is fake or not, but the link is public and it seems real enough to me from I can tell with my limited knowledge. Contains stuff like lyrics for songs, VA lines, a couple credits, etc.
Again, not sure what to make of this, and sorry for wasting everyone's time if this turns out to be illegitimate.
Without further ado, here's the original link I found: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11UkPISOSv2nCpvL4gcrDeb41OTBo4eoTj8nKHTWKu9M/edit?tab=t.0
I'll also put a snippet of the document in the comments, because virus and unknown links etc, etc.
(i do not intend to attack anyone.) what Hasbro is doing with camp cutie mark is one of the worst ideas for g6 and here's why, first using g4 and g5 characters in a whole gen is a bad idea because some just want hasbro to let g4 go rebooting g4 is just going to cause controversy among fans, also only using 3 g4 characters and 3 g5 characters? i'm sorry but that is one of the worst ideas You can do for mlp, what about fluttershy applejack rarity and the other main g5 characters? this will make the fans angry because at this point Your picking favorites, and even if You got rid of the g5 characters reusing g4 characters will still make the fans mad, and some might say some want the g4 characters to come back and that's true however (i mean this in the nicest way possible.)it should be left up to the fans to continue the story of g4, so how do You make everyone happy? You can't however what You can do is try, so how should You go about making g6? it's simple, don't reuse g4 characters, use a completely new cast of characters, don't connect it to g4 IN ANY WAY, and there You go! You got Yourself a g6 which will most likely not cause much Controversy with the fans. (if You are able to Please share this post with Hasbro.)
Does anyone know if an official leaked firelight rig (Starlight's father) exists online
Desiree? Couldn’t they come up with a more clever name? Or since they’re recycling fan favorites, what about using Sunset Shimmer?
Thankfully, this leak is probably not real. But if it was, who would you want the antagonist to be? If it’s a new character, what would be their name?
Is there a server for leaked MLP stuff?
I heard about a recent flash asset leak but most of the leaks to look at require a torrent file thing but that's for computers and most of it is very complex,I would like to download the files from a Google drive but so far no one has created one yet... so would someone kindly create a Google drive with all the mlp flash assets like images of the leaks,I have procreate and a vector app to recreate the assets for animation
._. (Just asking kindly because I know nothing about torrent file stuff only Google docs and Google drive because I really would love to see all the assets though.)
I found the mlp leaks thanks to u/JimJam108 on the internet archive but unfortunately it requires a Computer from what I'm seeing, I have a iPad tho but kinda sad I can't open the files for some reason but I will still keep trying to find a way to open them ...or wait for a comment that might help me out because I don't know the coding stuff ._. But I did manage to get the mlp fonts but unfortunately I wasn't able to open up the files because it's a fla.file and my tablet won't let me see it, I do have season one concept art though but not the assets, I hope someone can turn the files into pngs or a zip folder because my tablet can actually open up zip folders and png folders (I'm not smart with the zip stuff so I learn as I go) hopefully someone can screenshot everything and put them into a zip folder with the pngs and character assets as screenshots or something...😔 I might draw a picture guide if it helps y'all understand what I mean 😔😔🥺
From the MLP leaks, are there any Equestria Girls flash files that have Wallflower Blush in them?
Yeah I Really Wonder If Anybody Has The Fla And Could Actually Send It To Me, Because I am Going To Archive It So That People Can Actually See The Behind The Scenes Stuff For This Terrible Mess Of A Animation "Which I Still Think Is Pretty Lifeless And Was Quite A Disapointing Way Of Ending G3 Which Was My Favorite Generation". And Also In Case People Want To Fix The Errors With The Fla Itself.
Recently, information appeared regarding the future generation (?) of MLP, which will either be a reboot of G4, or a crossover of G4 and G5.
According to the insider, it will be presented in October 2025 and will be released in February 2026, i.e. in honor of the 15th anniversary of G4.
The show is called "Camp Cutie Mark".
The main characters are Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Misty Brightdawn.
According to the script, the main characters end up in the Cutie Mark camp, where many adventures await them.
Hasbro themselves call this generation "FiM 2.0" or "G4.1", but not G6.
Video-presentation: https://web.archive.org/web/20240909232057/https://files.catbox.moe/6q4inf.mp4
Is there any good soundtracks files out there? And not like the songs i mean like beginning of an episode, middle of a fight, those stuff
Hawk Nightwing discusses some of the recent rumours about G5.
Would there happen to be a specific archive of just character .FLA rigs? Besides the archive that was recently posted
Most of the Late 2017 leak download links appear to be dead, and MLP Season 8's leaked episodes are starting to become lost media. Does anyone have a backup for the Late 2017 leaks?