
Photograph via //r/MuslimNoFap

NoFap support for Muslims, help for Muslims struggling with porn

Basic Advice: Start here

Dealing with triggers
What to do when you relapse
Muslim Counselling


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves by sinning, do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
[Surah Al-Zumar, 39:53]

But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts. Verily, Paradise will be his abode.
[Surah al-Naaz’i’aat 79:40-41]

Rasoollullah (sallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, "Be conscious of Allah wherever you are. Follow the bad deed with a good one to erase it, and engage others with beautiful character." [Tirmidhi]

In the name of Allah , the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu, Muslim brothers and sisters,

PMO (Porn, Masturbation Orgasm) has become a huge problem in the Muslim Ummah. A lot of Muslims spend excessive amounts of time in front of their computers viewing porn while we should be engaged in productive activities that are of benefit to us, either in this world or the hereafter. Each and every second, we approach death. We all know this. Yet we are not able to get rid of the problem.

So, all the Muslims can unite under this subreddit and give support and encouragement to each other.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Muslim is the brother of his fellow Muslim; he does not wrong him or let him down. The one who meets the needs of his brother, Allah will meet his needs. Whoever relieves a Muslim of distress, Allah will relieve him of distress on the Day of Resurrection.” [Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2442) and Muslim (2580)]

Feel free to share any verses of the Quran and Hadith, progress reports, queries and any motivating material.

Insha Allah, we will be able to get rid of this problem.


  1. If you are new to this sub please take some time to go through the information in the wiki. It includes some advice, helpful links, information on accountability groups and a list of useful tools. This will give you a good understanding about porn, its consequences and how to overcome the challenges it presents, insha allah.

  2. Our sub provides you a badge where it will show you the time duration you have abstained from porn and masturbation. You can click the link which says "To set/reset badge" and enter the date that you have stopped the prior activity.

  3. If you need support please feel free to share your story. There are many here willing to help you out. If you need an accountability partner you can post it here. Please always be careful because you don't know who is on the other side. May Allah bless you for all your efforts and be in Dua! Surely your creator is watching you and showing mercy on you.


  1. Fear Allah and try to make good deeds and help your brothers and sisters.
  2. (Women are welcome) through this subreddit to overcome their addiction. There have been past issues with private messages between men and women, and men posing as women, so we recommend that everyone remains gender neutral where possible.
  3. Please flair all posts. We have created flairs so that readers can filter by themes that are relevant to them, and so that posters can draw attention to the type of content they are providing, or the type of assistance they are looking for. Filter options are provided above. Unflaired posts will be automatically removed by a bot.

  4. State the relevance of a post to noFap and abstinence from porn, if it is not obvious. Include context to all posts.

  5. Please don't post any possible triggers. If triggers are unavoidable, mark your post as NSFW. Readers who would like to avoid posts with triggers should turn on their NSFW filter.

  6. This is an Islamic Forum so take care of your language.

  7. Don't give a Fatwa if you aren't a scholar. This is not a place for religious discussions e.g. about Fiqh. If you quote an opinion from a scholar give the reference or the link. Please direct any Fiqh questions to a qualified scholar whom you trust.

  8. Maintain anonymity. Neither ask for nor share personal information, e.g. email addresses, telephone numbers or names. Any survey must be approved by the moderators. No selfies or videos in which people admit to sinning.

  9. If you see anything illegal or anything which is unislamic then please click the report button. You may also message the moderators

Support for partners

r/loveafterporn - a place to find support if your partner is addicted to porn. There are useful links in their sidebar, too. (If you participate in their subreddit, please read and obey their rules.)


28,344 Subscribers


I relapsed after 344 whole days!

I feel so worthless. I relapsed after nearly a year. I feel like god will punish me and everything will fall apart in my life, I really don’t know what to do.

I feel like all my progress is gone and I will never be able to stop.

I’m just scared of god destroying me but I also feel numb.

I feel nothing .

00:10 UTC


How do you stop yourself from watching porn when feeling stressed?

As-salamu alaykum everyone,

I’ve been struggling with porn addiction lately, especially when stress hits me hard. It’s like my brain goes on autopilot and I just wanna escape. I’ve tried praying more, but sometimes it feels like I just give in anyway.

What helps me is when I distract myself with gaming or going for a walk, but it's so tough in the moment. Anyone have other tips or tricks that work for you when you're stressed? I need all the help I can get!

23:33 UTC


hadith from prophet muhammed peace be upon him on prayer bringing us back from our sins

Salam fellow muslims, there is a beautiful hadith I heard on Yaqeen that I find hope in for whatever demonic tendencies I hope by Allah's mercy to be above some day.

Verse in Quran on not despairing of Allah's mercy https://quran.com/39?startingVerse=53

Found it in a khutba that's less than 20 minutes (Not counting Duas at the end) from September by Omar Suleiman

This is taken from transcript "Think about this lifestyle. This man prays in the day or prays at night and steals during the day. Think about this. He prays during the day, he steals at night. He lives between salah and sariqa, theft. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam responded, he said, إِنَّ صَلَاتَهُ لَتَرْدَعُهُ That his prayer will one day bring him back. And another authentic narration from Anas sallallahu alayhi wasallam, he said, أَنَّ فَتًى مِنَ الْأَنصَارِ كَانَ يُصَلِّي مَعْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمْ That there was a young man from the Ansar. And realize, no one was Muslim that long with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because his entire mission on earth was two decades, alayhi salatu wasalam. And if you're an Ansari, that means that it's less than a decade. And so this young man used to pray with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But look at his description by the companions. ثُمَّ لَا يَدَعْ شَيْئًا مِنَ الْفَوَاحِشِ إِلَّا رَكِبَهُ There wasn't a single one of the obscene deeds except that he was guilty of those deeds. فَوُصِفَ لَهُ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ حَالَ He was spoken about to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, described to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in this regard. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said إِنَّ صَلَاتَهُ سَتَنْهَاهُ يَوْمًا One day his prayer is going to stop him. One day his prayer will bring him back. Look, the man has shut a lot of doors between him and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Don't shut the most important door that he has. And to all of the people in here that are struggling even with a major sin, don't diminish the major sin, but don't let shaitan get in your head and tell you what's the point of your salah if you're committing this sin. And Anas goes on to say subhanAllah that this young man repented to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shortly after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that. And so don't let the shaitan play you into thinking that at any point giving up the salah is necessary because you've distanced yourself that much from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala"

Link to video and transcript https://yaqeeninstitute.org/omar-suleiman/how-to-make-the-most-of-your-salah-khutbah

Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJehIEnUFwM Podcast on spotify https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Pxxier51StrFIpDrdxfIb?si=mHi2G7GTRs2QyKNL185GzA

It's can also be found on Apple Podcasts


Also found this thread interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/1btg2hx/what_ive_benefited_from_increasing_istighfar/

21:03 UTC


"5+ years of emotional numbness/porn addiction. Today I cried for the first time in years—my face went numb, trembling, and it scared me. Has anyone else experienced this?

I’ve been completely numb for over 5 years. No happiness, sadness, nothing. Just a void. Porn addiction has controlled my life since I was a teenager, and I’ve never talked about it. Today, I finally cried—like really sobbed—and my whole face went numb. My eyes and lips were shaking, and it felt like ants crawling under my skin. It was terrifying but also... relieving? Like I remembered I’m still alive inside.

Has anyone else felt this? The physical numbness, the trembling? I’m scared to see a doctor (haven’t been in years), but I think my body is breaking down. I also feel like porn addiction has fried my brain—I can’t feel emotions, or even cry normally.

If you’ve been through this:

  • How did you start healing?
  • Did therapy/meds help?
  • What physical symptoms did you have?

I’m desperate for hope. Please, if you’ve survived this, tell me how.

19:44 UTC


Is this actually true?

I have hit Puberty recently, but is this true? Because it sounds surreal when we think about the prohibitions in Islam. I have never fapped and I don’t think about ever doing it since it’s sinful. But can someone explain this?


Like reducing the risk of prostate cancer while it being prohibited just sounds fake

17:39 UTC



Salam everybody, I hope this find everyone, because this will be so useful not only to you, but to me too. Our desires are only temporary, every sensation and urge that you get is totally controllable. When we allow shaytan to whisper in our ear for these temporary thoughts about corn/fapping, we must always remember one thing, WE LIVE WITH THE REGRET. Sure you might feel better after you are done, and that feeling of corniness goes away. But now you have this feeling of regret. That regret will follow you to your grave, and my brothers, is that how you want to return to Allah? This is yet another test FROM him, the one and only.

Don’t be embarrassed, don’t be ashamed for speaking about your stories, that doesn’t help you. It helps NOTHING. My brothers you are searching for advice, but the advice is sitting in your hands right now, the Quran. When you get thoughts or urges,read the Quran. When you see something in public, read Quran. When your friends talk about it, walk away and guess what, you know I’m going to say it, READ QURAN.

Lastly my brothers, I want to also remind you that everytime you watch corn, you typed whatever in to get you to that point. remember that your fingers and hands will be talking for you on the day of judgement. Our mouths are completely shut, let your hands on the day of judgement say that you turned to the Quran instead of committing sin.

Much love to my brothers, may Allah guide us all on the righteous path. P.S: look at the science behind corn and fapping and how it affects your body. Let me tell you guys, IT RUINS YOUR BODY SOOOOOOO BAAAAD. No more, KHALAS.

13:34 UTC


Need some urgent advice!

Salam. So I'm a 23 male. I really need some advice on something that I've been struggling with. It's going to sound explicit but I need to put it out. So it's been 3 weeks since I last fapped and doing well alhamdulliah. I feel more close on the deen with lesser temptations. But now and then I have these bad thoughts. Always always I have these thoughts wanting to have se* with someone. I have these thoughts of women with big bottoms. I suddenly get like attracted to. Like I want to dance or have a lap dance or twerk on me. It's crazy thoughts I don't know why. Back in high school I once experienced those moments in a party not Zina though. Also my many years of watching porn just messing up with my brain. I also recently deleted insta off my phone because some reels was popping up showing women half naked with big bottoms. I be having such high desires of girls and getting a feel on. I really want to stop this because it's ruining my masculinity and I want to do this the halal way. Sec after marriage and find a pious women with haya. And not look at her like a body type or toy. Also I want to stop having thoughts about wanting to have se and lap dances I even have dreams of me actually having se with women it's crazy. I want to desexualoze my brain and lower my gaze and have haya and control of myself. So if anyone can help much appreciated as many responses.

1 Comment
05:44 UTC


Need help

I am a 16 year old boy I can always get to the 1.5 week mark and then always do it . I’ve been able to go 2.5 weeks before yet I still did it I always get so close then ruin it. It’s not even the corn for me I’m not even addicted to that i just fall into the trap of doing it. Currently 1 week and 2 days in am currently so close to doing it so I just came on here to speak about it and try get it off my mind and not do it rn

1 Comment
00:11 UTC


I failed and I don’t know what to do next

I’ve failed after a month or so and Honnestly I don’t know what to do anymore Ramadan is in around a months time snd I don’t want to be thinking about anything I’m not supposed to and focus on my deen but I’m afraid I’ll fall into this trap again..

1 Comment
23:49 UTC


Planning to start a chat group to abstain from PMO

Hello everyone,

I am having a hard time, and I assume some of you might be too. I am planning to create a reddit chat group for each of us to help and support one another in ridding ourselves of this evil. Regardless of your age or gender, you can leave a comment, and I will add you.

LETS DO IT TOGETHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

00:12 UTC


I need to control myself in this moment

I have been throu this addiction since i was a kid but two years ago i stopped, but this summer I fell into it again and till know I can't stop it. The biggest moment when I get urges is before I shower after training because I know I can do ghusl without getting attention on me from my family. How can I concentrate and control my lust in that precise moment right before going to the shower? May Allah help me and the whole Muslim ummah in whatever problem they are afflicted.

21:46 UTC


Need someone to check up on me daily

So i have been trying to leave the corn addiction for 3+ years and i have tried several things but nothing works i relapes after some time i once didnt watch corn and mastrvate for 7 or 8 months but after that i was never be able to do that again. It is easy for me to not watch any corn or masturbate in ramadhan but Outsite ramadhan it gets the same. I pray 5 times and not let the motivation disperse as i know if i let go of motivation i am doomed. however even with the motivation when the urges hit i get blinded by my desires and fall back to it. It is not that worse yet and i want to stop it right here and i have noticed something that when i am about to watch it again and someone interupts in between i stop. So having someone knowing about my addiction who mostly check up on me will be really helpful

and will prevent me from falling back to it. And also if you have the same issue then i can check up on you too. Dm me if anybody is willing to help. Thanks for reading.

18:52 UTC



Assalam Ailikom brothers and sisters i'm near to 4 months of nofap and i wish this will inspire many of you i feel better and noticed a lot of benefits and the most beatiful at all is that i never missed 1 salah since i stopped doing that evil sin and i started going to pray fajr daily in masjid alhamdulillah.

for peope who is struggling remember that the doors of repentence are always open alhamdulillah and if you stop ruining your brain and yourself with corn and fap and improve yourself as a person and on deen Allah the almighty will reward you and help you in your life. it's never late to change, think good about the consequences of that filth may Allah forgive us and guide us into the right path.

17:37 UTC


16 days in, 30 days till Ramadan

Asalam alakum everyone, I am genuinely happy right now because last time I had a long streak, I relapsed at day 16. Alhamdulillah I have reached this far and insha Allah I will reach Ramadan without fapping.

May Allah make this easy for me.

1 Comment
16:20 UTC


I am fed up

Assalamualaikum Literally again and again I am relapsing I am still a teenager maybe because of hormones but I feel like shit now I need serious help guys I can't even reduce it .

15:57 UTC


I feel like Allah hates me

I looked at porn but I didn’t fap I’m legit crying rn it’s 2:03am i feel like Allah hates me and I have Allah all over my room I fapped so many times before and I keep on breaking my streak I’m only 13 and I’m heavily distracted by this ummah I’m not tired every time I close my eyes a porn image comes up idk what to do now I need to clear my head it’s 2:06 in the morning pls help and motivate me

15:07 UTC


Control urges

I used to do it like everyday but I've controlled it to a great extent now

Here are some things i did whenever i felt an urge

Make wudu and pray nafil

Rub ice in it (i know it sounds funny but it helps)

Take a cold shower

Distract yourself

Just lower your body temperature by any means

Washing face also helps...

And just remember why you're doing it (for the sake of allah)

14:52 UTC


Need an accountability partner

Need a male accountability partner that is disciplined to quit for good. Need someone who will check on me and keep ourselves from doing this haram. Dm me to get in contact

04:15 UTC


I need help - Female Masturbation Addiction

I need help. Most masturbation advice is conveyed towards males and I feel disgusting and weird doing it as a woman. I always had a very strong sexual desire, I even remember touching myself when I was young. I didn't know what I was doing at all, I didn't know what masturbation was at the time.

When I was 11 I figured out what it was, but I didn't know the Islamic view on it. I was still very uneducated on the topic of masturbation, but I felt like it was wrong. I would repent every single time I would masturbate, and I promised myself I would never do it again but I would always relapse no matter how hard I tried.

I'm unable to control my thoughts, so I honestly don't know how to stop masturbating to my own sexual fantasies.

I'm 16 now. Things have only gotten worse, and my sexual desires have gotten stronger. I crave intimacy it's like I need it, and in order to relieve my desires I need to masturbate - but at the same time, I don't want to. I know it's such a big sin and I feel horrible and disgusting every time I do it but I honestly can't find a way out.

I've been praying every day since I was 10 to stop this horrible addiction, literally, nothing works and I feel hopeless.

If my family ever found out they would disown me. I've tried countless times to stop and I cannot express the amount of disgust I feel after fapping to a video, however, I feel less disgusting when I masturbate to my own fantasies. Either way I always repent because I know it's wrong.

Please make dua for me and advise me if you can.

23:49 UTC


30 days & Habit is gone

Assulamu Alaikum Brothers & Sisters

So since the 28th December of 2024. I stopped fapping, cause I felt guilt after a long time of doing it. First post nut clarity, in like I think 6 years? Felt bad. On top of that I felt tired of doing it, i was drained, exhausted. Wasn't bothered. So I stopped completely.

Told myself hit 10 days of no fap, I hit 10 days, told myself again hit 20 days. I can't lie, day 17-19 was hard, urges came in extremely hard. I came so close to doing it and even ejaculating. I was watching porn but at the last moment I told myself "you're gonna regret it, you lasted this long and if you let it out you'll feel bad, gonna go back to being the beetch boy you are" I was like yeah, heck yeah, I'm not gonna make myself feel bad or go back to being a bitch boy and I progressed to 20 days.

Now hit 30 days. I would say that this masterbation habit went away on day 27.

How do I feel about it? I feel good, I feel normal. My mind is still recovering though. But I feel good. My dopamine levels I can feel them going back to normal. Finding happiness in myself and I can't lie, depression hasn't been an issue.

Won't deny that I've tested myself again on day 27 and nothing, urges completely gone, mind is clear. Thankfully, I don't react to it anymore. Bodily functions back to normal.

It puts a man into a delusion and a set fantasy of what women are.

Overall, I'm aware that everyone is different, some may take longer to get rid of this habit, some don't take long, but trust me when I say this, YOU WILL FEEL GOOD LATER. I know urges can be extremely strong, some of you having high sex drives (Inc. Me). Have willpower, don't give up and carry on. Don't lose your streak.

Stay Halal, Brothers & Sisters or become even more halal.

21:21 UTC


Day 30

Assalamualaikum, first of all i have to begin with saying alhamdulilah for Allah allowing me to see another day without committing this sin. After recently losing my 59 day streak, and falling into the chaser effect after that, I finally pushed through and made it to 30 days now. Inshallah after Ramadan is done I'll be over 90 days.

14:25 UTC



Hi brothers I want ask you guys please Can i do fap without porn because i can't quit porn and fap in the same time because I'm addiction from porn lik more than 7 years Just before ramdan and during Ramadan I'll stop faping inshallah Can you guys answer my question

05:05 UTC


Accountability Partner

30M Looking for accountability partner

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hi everyone, I’m a 30-year-old from Egypt, currently living in the U.S. I’ve been struggling with this addiction for quite some time. Recently, I’ve started to understand myself better and managed to achieve some intermittent streaks, but I’ve always felt the need for someone to share this journey with on a daily basis. I hope Allah will guide and help me, and I want to do everything within my power to seek His help. If anyone shares a similar background and is interested, please feel free to reach out.

20:23 UTC



السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Brothers I hope everyone is well ان شاء الله. I am a 25M that wants to get married. Unfortunately I’ve been addicted to this disgusting habit since I was 11. Alhamdulillah I am on my longest streak so far.

I just wanted to ask anyone here for advice/motivation/reassurance that there’s hope for me. Even after nearly a month in I am still struggling with erection. I would be really helpful to get advice from those who are in a similar situation to mine and have overcome it.

Most important of all I request duas from everyone here and you all will be in my duas also.

جزاك الله خيرا

12:53 UTC


I'm done. please help.

hi, guys . i think i have no idea of what to do next. every two days I'm fapping no matter how i try. I'm also losing my faith, cause I'm not regretting of missing a single salah and I can't stand listening to Qur'an. these days, only when I listen to music or watch someting semi-nude I feel okay. if you have any idea please give. I and all others need to prepare for Ramadan.

17:06 UTC


I need help to recover from a relapse.


I have recently relapsed in a matter of few hours by now and now I need some i sight on what I can do best to recover.

I have asked forgiveness to our Lord, the All Forgiving about the sin made and soon I'll take a walk to do a chore.

However, if there is anything else I can do to recover, you can list down in the commemt section.

Thank you

1 Comment
17:03 UTC


Day 8

It's day eight guys, I've been thinking about: عَنْ عَبْدِاللَّهِ بْنِ مَسْعُودٍ : قَالَ لَنَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ﷺ: يَا مَعْشَرَ الشَّبَابِ، مَنِ اسْتَطَاعَ مِنْكُمُ الْبَاءَةَ فَلْيَتَزَوَّجْ، فَإِنَّهُ أَغَضُّ لِلْبَصَرِ، وَأَحْصَنُ لِلْفَرْجِ، وَمَنْ لَمْ يَسْتَطِعْ فَعَلَيْهِ بِالصَّوْمِ؛ فَإِنَّهُ لَهُ وِجَاءٌ. مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ.

So should i fast mondays and Thursdays to help ease the temptations?

1 Comment
11:05 UTC


Endless cycle

I feel all I’m doing is running in a hamster wheel going back and forth. Now what’s worse not only do I feel little if any remorse, but at times I WANT to go back knowing its wrong. I feel all I’m doing is digging myself into a deeper hole. Alhamdulillah I do have moments that I can sit and feel regret that I beg Allah to help me, to forgive me. 20 mins later thoughts come back and I just return. My work quality has tanked, worst review Ive ever had. I have no yearning for marriage after my engagement broke off (not related to this). But my endless relapse make me think my ex fiance dodged a bullet. I feel I have tried everything. Filters, blockers, therapy, coaching. (With muslims) Now Im just going to paths I never thought I would have, consuming extreme thing, and worse things. I fear may reach the major sin of this. (Allah please protect us all from reaching that point) I don’t know what to do anymore. Please if anyone has suggestions, I can use something. My religion has tanked a lot, but I’m barely holding on by a thread. This filth has ruined my mental health and has ruined my Salah, fasting and more. The OCD i have alongside the depression and anxiety makes basic worship difficult. Theres no connection, just o i need to just do it get it over with. What kind of thought is that I feel like a fraud, a hypocrite of a muslim.

1 Comment
02:50 UTC


Seeking for a nofap journey peel

Salam guys,

I’ve heard that sharing emotions, thoughts and problems with someone else can help in nofap journey.

So if anyone of you guys is interested in communicating and making a friendship by taking this journey together (especially if you speak arabic).

01:59 UTC


Day 40: My NoFap Journey as a Muslim Boy

Salaam brothers, I’m on Day 40 of NoFap, and honestly, this journey has been life-changing. I wanted to share some real-life scenarios and benefits I’ve experienced so far.

  1. Office Productivity:

I used to procrastinate a lot, but now my focus at work is insane. Just last week, I finished a major report two days before the deadline, and my boss complimented me for the first time. It felt amazing.

  1. Eye Contact and Confidence:

I was always the guy who avoided eye contact, especially with women. Yesterday, I had to negotiate with a female client, and for the first time, I held strong eye contact. She smiled a lot during our conversation, and I could tell she respected my confidence.

  1. Women's Attraction:

This one is real. I’ve noticed girls at my gym glancing at me more often. One even approached me to ask for workout tips, which never happened before. My aura feels different—more magnetic.

  1. Energy Levels:

No more mid-day crashes. I can pray Fajr on time, work all day, and still have energy to hit the gym. My friends say I seem more alive and present in conversations.

  1. Handling Sexual Thoughts:

It’s not all easy. A girl at work leaned in too close the other day, and it triggered some old thoughts. I immediately made dua and distracted myself by focusing on my tasks. Staying disciplined is a struggle, but it's worth it.

  1. Approaching Women Respectfully:

I met a sister at a family gathering last weekend. Normally, I’d overthink everything, but this time, I introduced myself confidently. We talked about studies, family, and deen without me feeling nervous or fake.

  1. Inner Peace and Control:

The biggest win is feeling in control of my desires. It’s like I’ve rewired my brain. My salah feels deeper, and I’m more grateful to Allah for every small improvement.

Brothers, this journey isn’t easy, but the benefits are real. Discipline is key, and dua helps a lot. May Allah make it easy for all of us. Stay strong!

01:50 UTC

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