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What path should I take to become an engine designer for performance car companies or race teams?

I’m 22 years old and kind have just been living life on autopilot. Going from warehouse jobs to being an electrician.

Recently though I had a deep reflection and decided that I need to do something that’s extremely fulfilling to me. Since high school I’ve loved cars, loved working on them and loved learning about all the engineering that goes into them. And I love doing hands on work and things that make you think and come up with solutions which is why I became an electrician.

A dream I’ve always had was to be an engine designer for an F1 team or BMWs M division or for Ferrari. But I’ve always doubted myself due to my ADHD. Now though I am extremely determined to go back to school and see it through this time so I can actually achieve that dream even if I have to get medicated.

My question is though, what would be the best path to get there. I know a mechanical engineering degree would be only the baseline. So what type of clubs, internships, skills, practice outside the classroom, and projects do I need to do to become a performance engine designer. And yes I know that ICE’s are very slowly starting to be phased out but I can’t stop thinking about how amazing of a job that would be creating a cup winning F1 engine or designing the next Ferrari V12 it sounds so surreal. Any advice would help. Thank you all in advance

20:45 UTC


I'm a fourth year but still couldn't decide what I want to do.

I still dont know which specific role (design, control, project management, fea, heat transfer?) in which field (defense, hvac, automative, medical, petroleum?) to go with.

In college classes, what I particularly enjoyed were design for strength and stiffness, some fea stuffs, but I'm also open to hvac. I would say the field i'm the most interested in would be defense, but that's still not 100% sure, and most importantly, i don't have a citizenship yet (which i can apply 2 years later) so it's not my current option.

How feasible is it to change the role or field after gaining a few years of experience?

20:17 UTC


Which College for MechE Degree & Music/Clubs in DMV Area

My son is a Junior in High School. He takes AP classes and has been in a robotics club for six years. Also has played a string instrument for 8+ years and is in a local youth orchestra. He wants to pursue a MechE degree in MD, VA, DC, or DE. Playing in a college orchestra is important to him, and so is making friends and not studying so much that he doesn't have time to eat or sleep properly. He may not have a car his first year of college. Any thoughts on what college might be a good fit and allow him to pursue MechE, play orchestra, and private lessons on his instrument?

1 Comment
20:00 UTC


Advice for long term career

Being Mechanical engineer, would you recommend pursuing mechanical design engineers job especially compressor design as long term career? Please share your thoughts if it has potential of career growth and rewarding.

19:26 UTC


guidance on career in formula 1 (currently a student)

I am in a dilemma and am looking for some guidance so that I can gain some clarity on my path to Formula 1. I am a second year mech engineering student (international)

Points to be noted:

I had no choice to choose UK for my studies because at that time my parent's had lost their job right after COVID era. So I picked the university that was compatible with my education loan as well as scholarship. I am in Canada as of now.

I lookedto get technical skills as in working in a garage/tuning shop where I can gain further insight in the vehicle engineering and understand the main components and develop my engineering mindset. But in my home country they do not offer internships at these shops and I've got rejected because they are looking for skilled technicians. I do not even mind working for free as long as I am learning.

My involvement in the FSAE team is kind of limited because it is more of a design project for the 4th year students so I am considered as a volunteer and I mostly shadow the the 4th year students.

I have also given it a thought whether if I should transfer to UK Universities like Oxford Brookes/Cranfield and continue my undergrad in Mechanical Engineering and proceed to do my masters in Motorsport Engineering.

If I want to be an Engineer in Formula 1 (I am passionate about trackside race engineering as well as powertrains), what do you think is worth considering and am I on the right path? Also what skills you think I should develop as I end up graduating?

1 Comment
19:18 UTC


Where would you recommend I move for my next job?

I want to take a break from Houston and move to an another beautiful metro city with more vibrant and young people crowd (Late 20's to Mid 30's).

I have 3 years of design experience strictly in 2D/3D modeling.

I am a Canadian citizen working here in the USA on TN so obviously I wont be able to work for Defense or Aerospace industries.

18:36 UTC


A Mechanical Marvel for Copying and Scaling Designs - Plagiograph


Before digital tech took over, the Plagiograph was the go-to tool for copying and scaling designs. This clever mechanism used linkages and geometry to replicate drawings with precision. It was a game-changer in engineering, architecture, art, and even textile printing—helping reproduce intricate patterns and blueprints.

What’s amazing is how its principles still influence modern tech like CNC machines, 3D printing, and robotics. It’s simple, effective, and surprisingly satisfying to use.

1 Comment
16:56 UTC


Making cardboard prototype?

I am an apprentice cad designer and for first time was asked to do a site visit with my boss to make a design for a safety guard to cover a motor and belt. I was struggling under time pressure to visualise it fully and wasnt confident enough in my measurements tosend the drawings to fabricate the part. I asked if it was ok to shedule another visit and i would try make a cardboard prototype. The boss agreed but seemed a little annoyed i couldnt design it there and then. Is it normal to want to make a cardboard prototype first? Does anyone else do this?

If so any tips or ideas for better cheap materials for prototyping steel fab parts?

16:29 UTC


What I thought I’d be doing as an ME. ☺️😩

For those who pursued mechanical engineering without fully knowing all the details of the profession, or just love for cars, did you anticipate that our jobs would be more hands-on and less burdened by endless design reviews, bureaucratic hurdles, and constant pressure to meet deadlines for mediocre pay?

This dude is living the dream for sure. Much closer to what I had envisioned I would be doing.

Anyone else feel the same way?

14:27 UTC


Courses/Job opportunities

So , I'm in the last year of my engineering degree in a pvt Indian engineering College.

Can someone suggest me with any jobs/courses that would be better for me OR should I apply for jobs/courses in any other foreign countries ?

(I'm a Pretty avg student , scored 87% in my high school (use to be a 🤓, Currently not ) I choose engineering only because parents told me it will be easy (they lied of course) .

14:13 UTC


moving out of plant/manufacturing

have been working as a manufacturing engineer the last 2.5 yrs. I enjoy it but don’t see myself sticking with it in the long run. I see myself in a corporate function as my next role and away from the floor. Any advice on how to do so, what paths there are to take? I also want to get an MBA down the line, but in the mean time want to switch positions before doing so. Thanks!!

13:09 UTC


Some Projects Suggestions

Honestly I am very confused between Mechanical, Robotics/Mechtronics, And Aerospace Engineering, and I was thinking to make my decision it’s better to do some kind of projects to get the idea of I am getting myself into.

So it was very helpful If you guys can spend some of your valuable time suggesting me some of the projects,in each field or your interested field, projects such that one would be able to make decision once finished.

Thank You For Reading.

1 Comment
13:05 UTC


Engineering jobs that don't consist of sitting 8 hours straight staring at the monitor?

Hey, So I'm an mechanical engineer major and recently I've heard that a lot of engineering jobs are just doing computer work all day. Since then, my motivation for studying kinda went down...

Are there a lot of engineering jobs that aren't only computer related? Or that are idk 50/50 field/pc?

12:29 UTC


Hi is there any forums here in reddit regarding on how to be a PME (Philippines)

Can you recommend any thread? Subreddit groups? Or you can comment here on how to become a PME(Philippines) TIA

1 Comment
09:48 UTC


Need help with starting out.

So I am a junior in high school, and I was wondering if anybody has any tips on where to start from my position. I don't have any experience in CAD but I really want to design things that just... do work. I really want to get started with this potential career but I just need a lot of advice on the topic. I am also interested in working/interning at a car company in the future. I am in Calculus at the moment and am starting AP physics next year, if that helps me propel myself forward a little.

06:03 UTC


Sliding Metal Plate "snap into place" Mechanism

Im trying to design a small thin metal plate that would slide along another small thin metal plate (both around the size of a nickel but square, 2.5mm thick) but the sliding plate needed to "snap" into place (up or down) and not simply move freely.

What would be the best way to do this at this size?

1 Comment
05:30 UTC


Should I change careers?

Have 2 years in as a process engineer with an accredited bs on mechanical engineering but work more in a process improvement/ liason position. Layoffs are on their way but I live in the dog eating capital aka Springfield. We got bought by a holdings company that screwed a lot of people out of promotions where I work and feel I would have to leave to find a job. My pay it relatively low but am honestly contemplating a career change in the event of a layoff. Should I consider another career at this point? There is NOTHING in Springfield Ohio.

05:00 UTC


Timing belt problem

New here and hoping to get some ideas! I'm trying to steer a small outboard with a motor and timing belt. Problem is how to grip the belt onto the tube. It has a plastic sleeve with a screw that clamps it to the tube, but it's smooth. I wondered about screwing or gluing the belt on (it only has to move about an inch each way). But doesn't feel very satisfactory - any ideas?

03:19 UTC


Axle recommendations

I'm making a wheeled rover robot to carry animal feed and supplies in my woods. I've made a rudimentary chassis with unistrut, motors and gearboxes from a mobility scooter. But I'm stumped what I could use for axles. I prefer to use repurposed materials. Would 25mm mild steel be heavy duty enough? They would stick out about 10 inches either side and join to some quad wheels and tyres. Tia!

02:52 UTC


Jobs that require travel to a Mexico

Does anyone work at a particular US company that requires traveling to Monterrey Mexico or nearby Ramos. I have a few family members there and I am looking to change jobs to live closer. I currently work in California but I am looking for jobs in Austin, Tx. If certain companies offer the opportunity to travel there though that would be good as well. Please let me know ! I have experience in semiconductor and automotive.

02:01 UTC


Is Biotech a high paying industry for mechanical engineering?

Hi, I’m currently a sophomore biomedical engineering major who’s planning to switch to mechanical for my junior year, and was wondering how well paying biotech is for mechanical and if any of you guys might be willing to share your salaries in it. Biotech is the industry I’m most passionate about, which was why I originally chose BME until I realized mechanical is probably better for it lol, and I wanted to hear from ppl actually in the industry. I’m been exclusively applying to internships in biotech focused on manufacturing because I’m in a major hub (Massachusetts), but if another industry like Defense has higher paying jobs I’d focus my attention on that. Thanks in advance!

22:21 UTC


The coffee grinder problem

FEA showing that the curved coffee handle actually hinders the structural performance.

18:32 UTC


How to stand out against other engineers?

I’ve been thinking about this recently after I bombed an interview.

I have all the qualifications, but so does everyone else applying for the role.

I have years of experience, but so will they.

I have done some cool stuff that I can talk about, but surely everyone has.

What do you think makes a good engineer stand out? What type of things do hiring managers look for (other than the obvious skills)?

17:10 UTC


Why is this coffee grinder crank arm curved?

17:02 UTC


DIY CNC Machine: Help Me Choose Aluminum v. Steel

16:23 UTC


Engineering experience

What are the best ways to gain engineering experience so that i dont graduate with nothing on my CV

Im 25 so have worked lots of other jobs before and have plenty of 'soft skills' and work experience but nothing that translates to engineering.

I am doing a foundation year so have another 3.5years to go and dont want to waste any time when i could be doing thing to add to my CV!

Thanks in advance!

15:12 UTC


Best ME field?

I am yet to go to collage, and I've seen at their websites that they offer different fields to specialise in, i think it was production, constructions and product development, and energy processing. Also which one has ghe highest salaries in europe?

14:29 UTC


MTech In BITS Pilani

09:21 UTC

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