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Did some talk about andromeda in it and some personal thoughts in general

23:40 UTC


Difference between buying the N7 Piranha 2 or researching it?

I'm only level 7, should I save my research points to buy a mod instead of researching the weapon?

06:59 UTC


This Game Really Doesn't Deserve the Vitriol Hurled Against It, But...

It really does have its rough edges.

So, I recently decided to replay Mass Effect: Andromeda for the first time in years. Back then, I played it on PC with a ton of mods, so coming back to the base game on my new PS5 was an interesting experience. I went in with tempered expectations, but honestly, I came out surprised by just how solid this game really is. Especially the story and the cast—those aspects hit way harder than I remember. There’s something about the way the game presents the crew, and how you bond with them, that really hooked me this time around. Maybe it’s because I’ve mellowed a bit since my last playthrough, or maybe I was just more open to the idea of a new start in the Mass Effect universe, but I found myself far more invested in these characters than I expected to be.

The main narrative does have its shortcomings, but I still found the heart of the story to be genuinely engaging. It might not be as expansive as it could have been, but the core themes of exploration, hope, and survival are well-realized. It’s a story that grows on you as you progress, especially through the relationships you build with the crew. I was particularly struck by moments of personal connection with characters like Jaal, who offers a fascinating outsider's perspective, and Drack, whose rough exterior hides a surprising amount of wisdom and heart. The character interactions and development are where the game shines, and it's these moments that kept me coming back. Of course, there are places where the narrative could’ve pushed further, particularly with the potential of the Heleus Cluster and the galaxy’s alien inhabitants, but overall, it still feels like a meaningful journey.

Now, onto the rough edges. Andromeda has its share, for sure. While I didn’t run into anything game-breaking, the bugs were noticeable. You know that moment when a door just refuses to open for no good reason? Yeah, that happened to me more times than I care to count. The only way to fix it was to either backtrack and re-approach the door or save and reload. It’s such a small thing, but it breaks the immersion when you’re in the middle of exploring a gorgeous world like Eos or Voeld. It’s frustrating, especially when the environments themselves are so well designed. They’re fun to traverse, but when the game mechanics throw you off, it becomes a bit of a slog. And let’s talk about quests—there are still some that just never got properly implemented, even with the final patch. The codex and quest notification system? A bit of a mess. Sometimes I wouldn’t even know I’d completed an objective because the game just wouldn’t bother to notify me, or it would get stuck in the quest log, lingering there like a ghost.

I’ll admit, the facial animations are not this game’s strong suit. I got used to it pretty quickly, but there’s no denying that the quality isn’t where it should be. It’s most noticeable in those close-up conversations when the characters' eyes just… flicker in a way that feels unnatural. For a game that relies so much on dialogue and character interaction, it can be a bit distracting when their faces don’t quite convey the emotion behind the words. That said, after a while, I stopped noticing it as much—except for the eyes. The eyes still distracted me, but hey, it wasn’t enough to pull me out completely.

Where Andromeda really shines, though, is in its combat. This is, hands down, the strongest part of the game, and honestly, I’d put it up there with some of the best in any action-RPG. The sheer flexibility in combat is a blast. I love being able to switch between profiles on the fly, adapting to different situations without being locked into one specific combat style. Whether I wanted to go all-in as a Vanguard and smash into enemies with biotic charge or hang back and snipe with the Infiltrator profile, the game made it feel seamless. And being a biotic ballistic missile? There’s nothing like it. Charging into a group of kett, sending them flying, and watching them scramble? It’s a power trip. It made me feel like a force of nature, and that’s something Andromeda absolutely nails. The combat feels fluid and dynamic in a way that’s rare for RPGs.

But even here, there are rough edges. Charge, for example, didn’t always work as intended. It’s such a crucial ability for me because I rely on it to keep my shields up, but there were too many times when it just wouldn’t trigger for no apparent reason. I died more than once because of it, and it’s incredibly frustrating when the core mechanic of your combat flow doesn’t function properly. I know it’s not a game-breaker, but in intense combat, it can feel like one.

That said, while the combat is Andromeda’s strongest pillar, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Combat in RPGs is important, and Andromeda nails that aspect better than most. However, there’s a distinct shift in focus toward action that I couldn’t help but notice. The balance between action, story, and character development feels a little uneven at times, but that doesn’t mean the game’s narrative and characters don’t have value. They do, and for me, that value came through much more strongly on this playthrough.

But that’s just my experience. I’m curious—how has Andromeda held up for you all? Did the bugs bother you as much as they did me? Did you connect with the crew or find something different in your latest playthrough? And how do you feel about the combat? Let me know how your experience compares!

20:20 UTC



Playing for the first time and just had this part. I love Peebee

00:00 UTC


Andromeda’s finest 🏆

My first Mass effect game and it was great! 8/10🔥 Now im planning to play the legendary edition to learn more about the past of the game.

22:01 UTC


Is anyone else having trouble sending out strike teams on multiplayer and then The games just says you lost connection to the server on andromeda

Is anyone else having trouble sending out strike teams on multiplayer and then The james saying you lost connection to the server on andromeda

01:26 UTC


The Future of Mass Effect

So I’ve finally finished the game. While I still think it’s my least favourite of the Mass Effect games, it definitely wasn’t as bad as people tried to make me believe. I really liked Drack, and Peebee, and Kallo. And the ending was great. I wish they’d done something like that epilogue for Shepard and the Normandy.

I really want BioWare do make a sequel. Hopefully this time around the graphics won’t be so buggy, and the voice acting will be a bit better. I want to have the option to have Ryder’s twin be part of the crew too. Not sure how the game would pull that off, but I’d like it nevertheless. I also really want to have a Quarian on the team. Maybe this time we can get a Hanar or Elchor crew mate too.

That being said, I do want another Shepard-era related game first. Then an Andromeda sequel. Not quite ready to let Garrus and Tali and Liara go just yet.

09:53 UTC


Art by ChampagnePain (that's me, please don't repost)

Old art.

The world needs more Dr. Suvi Anwar.

BG is from Pexels.

08:48 UTC


Glad I’m finally playing this!!!

Never gave this game a chance. Didn’t play the original trilogy and tried it when it released but at that time wasn’t my type of game. Fast forward to today I can’t put it down!! Very underrated.

05:39 UTC


Is it bad I like Tann?!?

I’m just starting out and just built the first science outpost on Eos. From the begging Addison seemed insufferable and I get she’s worried and stressed out . Tann while being kind of a dick is funny and while power hungry he kind of seems to let me do whatever I think is best. Even when he “gave me permission” to look on for the other arks I said I don’t need it. he replied I support that enthusiasm and I couldn’t help but laugh what did all of you think about the leaders? Am I wrong?

04:20 UTC


Tried Liam and Peebee in the nomad together for the first time

Oh my god, everything Liam said was to antagonize my girl Peebee! What’s up with this guy? They’re both a bit unstable as far as “bending the rules” goes (their loyalty missions,) but at least Peebs isn’t all high and mighty about it. Also she doesn’t get all pissy when Ryder tells her off. I know some people find Peebee very annoying but I think she’s great. I like Liam a lot but I also dislike him a lot, too. Do you think there’s a reason Liam specifically dislikes Peebee?

15:45 UTC


Outlaw/Exile Behaviour

So is it ever actually established why so many people started acting so aggressively? Like Ryder says, everyone was screened prior to leaving for Andromeda. I understand why some people would revolt to a certain extent, but to go from wanting equality to being slave owners and murderers in the span of a year is insane.

05:30 UTC


Salarian vs Krogan Scout Dilemma

I want to talk about something I find very frustrating. The game gives you an impossible choice, and no matter what you choose, you kill innocent people. You’re essentially saying that one life is more valuable than another, which is a horrible position to be put in.

Now, like most people, I eventually chose the Salarians over Drack’s scouts, but it felt like an impossible decision. I didn’t have a reason as to why one should outlive another, and I had to make my choice based on the fact that I needed a pathfinder I could trust.

I wish the game let you have the option to sit Drack down and actually explain to him why you did what you did. I mean, he’s been through war, he knows that sacrifice happens, and people die. He’s constantly portrayed as this gruff guy who accepts the losses and moves on, but after the Archon ship he acts like it’s the first time someone has ever died.

I know that technically the choice I made doesn’t lose his loyalty, but he still makes multiple offhand comments about how basically he can’t trust us anymore and that clearly I don’t care about his species, which pisses me off because I busted ass curing that Genophage in ME3, and lost one of my favourite characters doing it. I gave the drive core to the Korgans. I helped Kesh reveal that racist asshole who was working for the exiles. Everything I’ve ever done in the Mass Effect universe has been for the benefit of the krogans, but you let a few die and suddenly you’re a horrible person.

Okay, rant over.

tl;dr: I hate the fact that the game essentially forces you to make an impossible decision and still punishes you anyway.

02:04 UTC


Speaking out loud

I'm finishing my first playthrough, and I have mixed feelings about this game. Honestly, I liked this game, it gave ME a new story to tell and new characters to meet. Ever since i started playing the Trilogy I wanted to have a multi-species crew in the game, and Andromeda gave me it, even a turian female.

The story is good overall, but the endgame is getting ridiculous and boring. I didn't like to see Vetra become a "mommy", and the ending itself looks like an ME3 ending ripoff. Same energy: a combined forces assemble against a common enemy who is times stronger, and a key to saving life is to infiltrate the enemy territory. And I don't even mention the amount of glitches and bugs I have encountered.

I don't know how else I would have ended it, but the repetition ruined it for me.

Let me know what you think, I'm curious what others feel about Andromeda.

17:56 UTC


Trophy Question

So I just finished getting all the Mass Effect LE trophies and I'm planning on doing the same for Andromeda. I was looking at the trophies, specifically APEX, where I need to do the tutorial thing. My question is do I or do I not need ps plus for this one trophy? I don't want to spend money on a subscription that I will only use for ten minutes.

16:01 UTC


How good of a Pathfinder would Cora have been?

I love Cora, I think she's a great character and she has a pretty relatable story: She's used to being someone's right hand or their subordinate and she ends up having to find her own way.

After Habitat 7 Cora was supposed to be the next Pathfinder, she had more experience with the SAM models, Including SAM-e from the Initiation book, which is a great read I highly recommend it if you like the Mass Effect books. She also is a pretty strong Biotic and her commando training sets her apart from most humans.

The only thing is, Alec choose Scott/Sara over Cora and that rod threw Cora for a loop for a bit.

My question is, how well does Cora do if Alec transfered SAM to Cora. The Ryder twins are still the same, one of the twins is still in a coma but for the most part she has to build a new team with Ryder and Liam at the base.

Personally, I feel like Cora would be okay. She probably would recruit one or two ex Asari commandos since there are atleast two if you count the ones from Uprising.

12:01 UTC


achievements in 2024

Is it possible to gather all achievements in this game as of today? What happens to the multiplayer required trophies when there is no multiplayer anymore?

08:59 UTC


Should Andromeda Galaxy be visible on the Galaxy Map?

What do you think? I always thought about it and searched Andromeda on the Galaxy Map with the hopes to spot it, theorically it'd be pretty close to Heleus right?

01:38 UTC


Let's make a F.A.Q. wiki for this sub

What questions do you think are asked frequently? What should go in the FAQ? Suggest questions but also answers! All info is welcomed.

  • Is Andromeda worth playing?
  • Should I play the trilogy first?
  • ...
16:18 UTC


Entire Armor Sets sold by Armor Merchants.

Just in case any of you guys want to acquire any specific set of armor. I have one set of all of these 11 Armor sets.

The following Armor merchants sell entire sets of Armor. The remaining Armor sets cannot be bought. The only way to acquire them is through research and development and from DLC pack.

Nexus Armor Merchant (N7 Armor Set, Pathfinder Armor Set, Initiative Armor Set)

Aya Armor Merchant (Angara Armor Set, Maverick Armor Set)

Kadara Port Armor Merchant (Kett Armor Set, Maverick Armor Set)

Armor Sets through Research and Development (Hyperguardian Armor Set, Heleus Armor Set, Remnant Armor Set)

Armor Sets through DLC pack (Deep Space Explorer Armor Set, Scavenger Armor Set)

15:48 UTC


Team roekar is blasting off again

19:58 UTC


Sid’s Age vs Appearance

So Vetra tells Ryder she was 14 when Sid was "barely 1". Apparently Vetra is in her late 20's which means Sid is around 15. Sid being a teenager is canonically confirmed by Ryder referring to Sid as a child when doing Vetra's loyalty mission.

However Sid's body model is a fully grown adult Turian, and she's voiced by an adult, too. I know BioWare skipped a lot of corners in Andromeda, however I feel like it would've been very easy to make a smaller scale turian for Sid. Or even just have someone younger voice her to sell the fact she's actually just a kid.

09:08 UTC


Andromeda servers down?

I came back into game after 5 years because I never finish the game and noticed that game will not connect to EA online giving me a message EA is unable to connect. Did they shut down the servers?

20:01 UTC


I see no mistakes is there a reason this didn't work(voeld monolith by kett base) other than vioware only put one solution

17:55 UTC


NG+ weapon ideas

Hey guys I'm back in andromeda after a couple years and I started up a NG+ with a ton of resources. What are the most op, broken, and maybe even silly weapon builds and augmentations that's you've discovered?

23:23 UTC


Stuck on invisible door. Cannot progress.

The Door

The Mission

Been playing around 20 hours. Previously, I've been a big fan of the ME series, but this game is.... it's a mess. My first hour was trying to figure out the glyph puzzle only to realize it was bugged (only after watching a video of someone else completing the same monolith) and I had to just restart.

Anyway, any ideas on getting through this? Or am I just missing something that isn't showing up on the scanner in this cave? Seems weird that they'd have an invisible wall in the middle of the path so I'm assuming it's a texture that isn't loading. Plus, there's a doorframe around the area.

I've previously phased through the ground by mashing MMB, but that isn't working here. I've reloaded from multiple points. My homies can't go through the invisible wall, but Taavos can. The attempt before the video, he ran in a good 15 feet. There are no enemies or wildlife nearby.

1 Comment
22:54 UTC


Why all the hate for this game ?

18:25 UTC


What’s your favorite sniper rifle?

I’ve just discovered the Naladen VI and I’m in love.

01:34 UTC

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