Bitch she's Madonna! We are your reddit home for news, information, music and everything else concerning the legendary Queen of Pop.
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Tbh I still don't understand why it wasn't released...since it is so good both musically and lyrically
she’s just so damn cool!
I think it a missed opportunity for Madonna not to do a spoken word album
Justify my love is mostly spoken word instead of singing
One of the best albums of this century. Mood lifter too.
Just wanted to mention that HBO shows Desperately Seeking Susan regularly. It's showing right now on HBOCM.
I had a vision of this video for the song that I wrote "Lost Soul" after Hurricane Helene devastated thousands and melodically was inspired by Madonna's Bedtime Story.
Ending her career on a high with the Super Bowl and the MDNA tour.
Possibly she'd still do a Celebration tour. but no more albums. Don't know how I feel about her wanting to do another album, an album that just copies Confessions.
Stans spend a lot of time online fighting rumors and fake news concerning their fave, but has there ever been a Madonna rumor/unconfirmed report you wish was true?
Im 35 yrs old gay from NYC - madonna has a lot of hit songs that we all love to be the number 1 track from her list of albums. But i cant get tired of get together ( confessions ) for many years now, Its so addicting! euphoric… the melody builds up with each words. its so sexy!!! Its my pre warm up song before hitting the club and post track song when I get still intoxicated with drinks. I feel so good and gives me some sense of clarity sometimes!!! does anyone feel the same??? its her best song in my opinion!!!
I’m hung up on her!
So I’ve recently noticed that Madonna was wearing LGB in her music video for Jump. Being a big Fan of these clothes and even owning the Pants she’s wearing in Jump, I’d like to know if she has worn these brand before/anywhere else? Google didn’t help so I thought I could ask the Fans :D
Is there a place where I can see all the archived Madonna posts ?
Ok. I’m sure MOST (definitely not 100%) Madonna fans have a song or two where they enjoy a remix BETTER than the original. I mean, Up Down Suite is a remix of Goodbye To Innocence, and the Dub is in my opinion superior. Though I still enjoy the original. Is there an original/album version track, whether a release/single, that you would normally skip UNLESS it’s a remix? I’ll go first: I hate 4 Minutes (esp JT) but the Peter Rauhofer (RIP) Saves London Remix. I love the his specific remix; it cuts most of JT and only keeps the non cheesy lyrics. And also, the Waiting (Remx) ft Everlast (rap verses). Hot remix, but I still like the original. Oh, yeah, Express Yourself (Shep Pettibone edit). What say you?
After the last "we can make it all right, we can make you dance, we can make a party last all night" and before the crying. This has puzzled me for as long as the song has existed.
So I’ve noticed that the powers that be have stopped releasing her singles. I know only a few are left but any word on when next single will be released or even which one?
Stephen Pate Bray is an American songwriter, drummer, and record producer. He is best known for his collaborations with Madonna, being a member of the band Breakfast Club, and for winning the 2017 Grammy Award for the Best Musical Theater Album of the Tony Award-winning revival of The Color Purple.
After being signed to Sire Records in 1982, Madonna opted not to work with Bray for her debut album, but they continued collaborating with her second album Like a Virgin (1984). Together, they wrote and produced some of the biggest hit songs of the 1980s, including several of Madonna's biggest hits.
The Madonna / Bray Songbook:
The songs wrote, produced and recorded by the pair draw a lot of inspiration from styles popularized by black artists such as Motown, rhythm and blues, soul and funk music.
These songs often followed a distinctive structure, many of which repeat the song's second verse and bridge before fading out with the chorus.
Most of them came to life during very intimate moments, where Madonna felt safe to dare, experiment and express herself lyrically and Bray kept it together sonically.
- Ain't No Big Deal
- Stay
- Pretender
- Over and Over
- Angel
- Into The Groove
- True Blue
- Jimmy Jimmy
- Where’s The Party
- Spotlight
- Causing a Commotion
- Can't Stop
- Express Yourself
- Keep It Together
- One More Chance
- Warning Signs
- Desperately Seeking Susan
- Working My Fingers to the Bone
- Pipeline
- Love Attack
- First Is a Kiss
I was listening to Short n Sweet by Sabrina Carpenter and I think it’s lyrical content (Some of it too provocative for mainstream 80’s of course) would have been quite a good fit for pre Like A Prayer Madonna with its addictive hooks and playful lyrics. And I feel it’s a shame Madonna never jumped on the synths trend in the early part of this decade, I think some songs by The Weeknd, Dua Lipa and Kylie would have suited her quite well.
Are there any songs or albums in an alternate universe you’d have liked Madonna to record?
To add to our reminder of the rules of the subreddit we would like to help bring some transparency to how the subreddit is moderated.
There has been some complaints about censoring and why the mods remove posts and comments. There is a lot to moderating a large subreddit like r/Madonna and to help shed some light on how that works, we wanted to go over some of that here.
AutoMod: Reddit Automoderator is a bot that helps moderators automate repetitive tasks in their communities. It's a tool that can be customized to help reduce the workload of moderators. We use this for a variety of reasons. One thing for a celebrity like Madonna and a lot of female celebrities these subreddits get inundated with bots posting all sorts of things, usually fake porn images or posts to anger fans and cause chaos. To prevent this a few filters we use are:
Something to note, when something gets stuck in our AutoMod filters it just states that the post or comment was removed by the Moderators. This incudes the Automoderator.
Also to note, when AutoMod catches a post or comment it doesn't tell us what filter caught it. We just regularily check the folder they are sent to and approve those posts and comments that allowed. We are human and sometimes some are missed. Please just reach out to the mods to let us know about your post and we can push it through. Sometimes we just have not seen it yet to push it through.
There are times the mods will need to manually remove a post or comment. Reasons why this would happen are:
I hope this post is helpful to see what we do and how our goal is to have a positive space for redditors to share their love for Madonna.
If you have any questions you'd like to ask the mods please feel free to ask bellow.