Bitch she's Madonna! We are your reddit home for news, information, music and everything else concerning the legendary Queen of Pop.
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So 80s so Madonna 🫠
Join us for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the legendary Madonna In Rio concert, which drew an astonishing 1.6 million people! In this special edition, we're joined by Burton Ishmael, the mastermind audio engineer responsible for ensuring that every single attendee experienced flawless sound at this monumental event.
Burton walks us through the unique technical challenges and the innovative solutions used to deliver crystal-clear audio to such a massive crowd. From the immense PA systems to the intricacies of sound design in an open-air environment, you'll get an in-depth look at the expertise required to make this concert one for the history books.
Whether you're an audio enthusiast, a Madonna fan, or interested in large-scale event production, this behind-the-scenes journey with Burton Ishmael offers rare insights and fascinating stories from one of the most iconic concerts of all time.
Hi everyone, not really my thing to create posts, but I just wanted to ask whether this picture doesn't give you some type of Ray of Light flashbacks because I don't really see many pictures of M from this angle and the side eye gave me that feeling as if I was looking at RoL album cover 😀 The whole photoshoot is on her IG as usual.
Does anybody know the chords M is playing? After all it’s the demo version of the song and I can’t seem to find the chords for that online…
I really want her to. What would it take?
Happy Halloween bitches!!! Stream Supernatural 👻
In November 5, 2024 nation has big opportunity to support Democrats and democracy in the whole world on this election. Madonna suddenly decided to be silent this time around. Why? What's the biggest reason?
Thought it was pretty interesting to hear a full orchestral rendition of this!
Prior to the release of the album, it was reported that Madonna had fourteen tracks mastered but wanted to cut one, as she felt that thirteen was a lucky number. Madonna’s final selection was between two songs: To Have And Not To Hold or Has To Be.
Drowned World/Substitute for Love
Ray of Light
Candy Perfume Girl
Nothing Really Matters
Sky Fits Heaven
The Power of Good-Bye
Has To Be
Little Star
Mer Girl
source: todayinmadonnahistory.
I was wondering how much young fans there is and how you got into her? (Im 15)
It came at the perfect time too. What a masterpiece. I understand and have more respect for her artistry now. Damn.
Anyone got song recommendations with a similar vibe to Skin? Ray of Light?
Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull, for those who followed the group in the 70s & 80s) is a highly-respected musician & compositor. He's opinionated, too, as many creators are ;-) and so to hear him mention Madonna was surprising. He has a special POV in this recent article. ...Also surprising: Far Out magazine is still around. :-)
What are songs that would’ve been good singles? I could see these having been potentially hits:
“Don’t Stop”
“Love Tried to Welcome Me”
“Inside of Me”
“Thief of Hearts”
“Where Life Begins”
“Secret Garden”
“Candy Perfume Girl”
“Sky Fits Heaven”
“Impressive Instant”
“Future Lovers”
My favourite Madonna track after Into The Groove.
How does Angel make you feel when you hear it?
I love britney spears and their collab. I have also listened to some songs and by far my favourites are into the groove,papa dont preach,get together,vogue,4 minutes.