A forum about Jehovah's Witnesses.
According to moderator discretion, posts/comments deemed to be deliberately antagonizing, particularly disruptive to the orderly conduct of respectful discourse, apparently uninterested in participating in open discussion, unintelligible or illegible will be removed.
You may attack a user's arguments, but not the user.
In order to avoid the constant debates and arguments that stem from Reddit in general, we are asking readers to refrain from making pro-atheist comments and posts, please. If you keep doing it after repeated violations, you will feel the full force of the ban hammer!:) Take that conversation to r/Creation.
2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
If you disrespect God, call him names or try to undermine his sovereignty and righteousness in a disrespectful way. You will be banned. There is a difference between genuine curiosity regarding his style of rulership and blasphemy.
Psalms 139:21-22 Do I not hate those who hate you, O Jehovah, And loathe those who revolt against you? I have nothing but hatred for them; They have become real enemies to me.
Posts & comments that promote gnostic beliefs or opinions contrary to orthodox Christianity & Jehovah's Witnesses' doctrine will be removed, repeated violations will result in a ban.
e.g: Saying the Apostle Paul is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, saying that Jehovah is a Freemasonic name for a Sun God, saying the God of the Old Testament is Satan, glorifying the gnostic gospels that had Jesus casting spells & curses as a child, & saying that being a JW gets you the mark of the beast.
FKJ - Future Kingdom Judgement
GB - Governing Body
T.T.A.T.T. - The Truth About The Truth
MoL - Man of Lawlessness
DF'd - Disfellowshipped
MS - Ministerial Servant
JC - Judicial Committee
UP - Unbaptized Publisher
CO - Circuit Overseer
JW - Jehovah's Witnesses
Mother - The Watchtower Society
Christendom - Non-JW denominations
EXJW - DF'd or Dissociated from JWs
COBE - Coordinator Of the Body of Elders
Evidently - Weasel word. A word often used in the Watchtower's written material. Ironically, it is often asserted without evidence or accompanied by a Bible verse that is out of context or does not apply in the situation described and thus is not evidence.
NuLite™ - When the Watchtower changes how it interprets the Bible, it uses the terms like "the light is getting brighter" or "new light" for the new interpretation. This is a reference to Proverbs 4:18 "But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light, That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight." It applies these phrases even when the new interpretation is completely at odds with the old interpretation or when it flip-flops between positions. Often, the only explanation or justification for the new interpretation is the phrase "the light is getting brighter", which is to say, no justification at all is given. Maybe those who keep having to fix their interpretation of the Bible should reflect on the very next verse in Proverbs 4:19, Ezekiel 13 & 14.
Rank & File/R&F - Term Ray Franz used to refer to Jehovah's Witnesses.
2T2 - 2 Thessalonians 2
P.I.M.O. - Physically in, mentally out. When a person is still pretending to be a JW (often for reasons related to shunning) but in reality no longer believes the doctrine of the Org nor accepts the authority of elders or the GB.
P.I.M.I. - Physically in, mentally in. A JW believer, through and through. Contrast with PIMO.
P.O.M.O. - Physically out, mentally out. No longer believes in the doctrine of the Org nor pretends to.
P.O.M.I. - Physically out, mentally in. A JW who is no longer an active member (maybe because they're DFd or DAd) and are behaving like a non-member but they still want to be a member or they still feel guilty about their behavior or the still defend the organization. I.e. they are still under the mental influence of the Org.
According to Shepherd the Flock of God, sexual immorality (porneia) includes "manipulation of the genitals between individuals not married to each other. It is not a casual touching of the sex organs but involves the manipulation of the genitals... Willing participation incurs guilt and requires judicial action."
Are sisters required to marry their gynecologist so as not to incur guilt? Must a brother marry his primary care doctor before a hernia or prostate exam? Would these basic medical procedures warrant judicial action if a brother or sister willingly participates in them outside of wedlock with their doctor?
Of course not! The "manipulation of the genitals" isn't considered to be sexual immorality despite occurring outside of wedlock in a medical setting because the intent is not sexual gratification but rather healthcare. The Apostolic decree in Acts 15 was intended to promote good health, not strict obedience to the law at the expense of one's God-given life.
If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!
Why isn't the same logic applied to blood??
No, it wasn't when Jesus was 8 days old. He was already Christ the Lord long before He was ever born to Mary. ‘Have no fear, for, look! I am declaring to you good news of a great joy that all the people will have, because there was born to you today a Savior, who IS Christ the Lord.’” Luke 2:10-11 IS Christ the Lord, not will become Christ the Lord 30 years later. In this publication they actually quote the verse announcing the birth of "Christ the Lord" one paragraph earlier. They really don't care if their wild speculation flat out contradicts the angel who announced Christ's birth. Their doctrine is all that matters.
If God is merciful why not allow Satan to repent?
Correct answer gets a free buble study.
If so you can name the countries where this occurs . Has the religion tried to come up with situation if this worldwide issue ?
Do JWs not believe in South Asia, Australia, or sub Saharan Africa?
Just wondering.
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Would love to get a general idea of who believes in what. Typically there are four main participants on the sub:
If you fall into any camp, please cast your vote.
Prior to 2013, it was believed that all anointed Christians on earth made up the faithful and discreet slave. The belief was clarifed in the July 2013 Watchtower and the faithful slave is now understood to be limited to the governing body.
So who was on the governing body in 1919? I can't find any mention of a governing body existing as we know it today prior to 1971.
If there was no governing body in 1919, who did Jesus appoint as the faithful and discreet slave? Did he reject the anointed remnant in 2013 and appointed a new slave? Or is the 1919 teaching incorrect? Could the current understanding be wrong?
Hi everyone! Im a recent grad, and just began teaching at a daycare center. I teach 2-4 year olds and I just found out that one of my new students comes from a JW family. I will be honest that I am almost completely unaware of the principles of the religion, in fact the only thing I know is that holidays & birthdays are not celebrated. I want to be as respectful of their beliefs as possible, so I thought I should ask other JW’s. What things should I be aware of? How do I navigate holiday celebrations in my classroom? Are there any other things I need to be cautious of or avoid completely?
(Note: irl I know a lot about jw. This is why it has the 'humor flair)
may you then hear from the heavens and act and judge your servants by pronouncing the wicked one guilty and bringing what he did on his own head, and by pronouncing the righteous one innocent and rewarding him according to his own righteousness. 1kings 8:32
then may you hear from the heavens, your dwelling place, and may you forgive and take action; and reward each one according to all his ways, for you know his heart (you alone truly know every human heart) 1kings 8:39
And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, for Jehovah searches through all hearts, and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts… 1Chron 28:9
If you say, “But we did not know about this,” Does not the One who examines hearts discern it? Yes, the One who watches you will know And will repay each man according to his activity. proverbs 24:12
You are great in counsel and mighty in deed, you whose eyes observe all the ways of men, to give to each one according to his ways and according to what he does. Jeramiah 32:19
But Jesus, discerning their reasoning, said in answer to them: “What are you reasoning in your hearts? Luke 5:22
But immediately Jesus discerned by his spirit that they were reasoning that way among themselves, so he said to them: “Why are you reasoning these things in your hearts? Mark 2:8
Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said: “Why are you thinking wicked things in your hearts? Matthew 9:4
And I will kill her children with deadly plague, so that all the congregations will know that I am the one who searches the innermost thoughts and hearts, and I will give to you individually according to your deeds. Revelation 2:23
Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work. Revelation 22:12
I am someone who believes the JW organisation will drastically change. I know there are more traditional JWs who believe everything will happen as they thought it would. But are there any JWs who think it will transform to something unrecognisable to what it was in the 20th century? This includes the beliefs.
The Title says it all. Are they evil or just ignorant with good intentions?
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Now I'm Not A JW. But The Jehovah's Witness Theology Really Intrests Me.
Why is nobody here more excited that we are slowly encroaching upon the end of the end of times? Everything is crumbling before our very eyes. Should we not rejoice for fulfillment of the prophecies that we can have faith there will be a new system of things one day! This is a time for celebration I imagined there would be riots in the streets it was to be total anarchy. Are you all so blinded by the lies of this world that you can’t see that which is right infront of your face? If you are truly one of Jehovahs witnesses u will take the vow of honesty now and mean it. May you seek wisdom and truth in all things.Amen Jehovah loves me
In the Watchtower, paragraph 4 says:
4 A ministerial servant is a baptized brother who is appointed by holy spirit to help the elders care for many practical matters in the congregation. Some ministerial servants make sure that publishers have enough territory and literature for their ministry. Others help to clean and maintain the Kingdom Hall. Ministerial servants also serve as attendants and operate the sound and video equipment during congregation meetings. Much of the work done by ministerial servants is of a practical nature.
Where in the entire Bible does it say that (1) ministerial servants are appointed by holy spirit and (2) what a ministerial servant does?
They say that a ministerial servant helps the elders care for practical matters in the congregation.
Where does it say that in the Bible?
They say ministerial servants make sure that publishers have enough territory and literature for their ministry. Again, what's the scripture?
For an article that is supposed to be Bible based, there's not one scripture mentioned on what a ministerial servant does. Did they make this up?