This subreddit is for fans of the Marvel Inhumans. Whether its comics or from the TV show feel free to discuss or post anything Inhumans here.
Recommended jumping off point for new readers: Inhumans by Jae Lee and Paul Jenkins
A subreddit devoted to Marvel's Inhumans and all related story arcs. Discuss all thing Inhumans, comics, art, TV, fan-fic, no Inhumans topic is off limit!
Inhumans TV premiering September 2017 on ABC and in IMAX Theatres.
[](#s "Your spoiler goes in the quotation marks")
Am I the only one that find it weird that she has been in two relationships while being married to Black Bolt??
May be overkill, but I figured this was easier than making 3 separate posts. So my 3 questions are:
Are there any stories with the Inhumans and Eternals crossing over? Seems like they could make something cool with 2 Kirby projects.
Is Black Bolts main power the ability to manipulate electrons, and all other powers he has come from this?
Are there any Inhumans who gain just super strength as their main power after mist exposure?
Thank you all in advance for any help.
I’m a little confused on the timeline of the Inhumans. So at the advice of some people on this Reddit I read the 1999 run on Inhumans, and I really dug it!
Well some time went on and more recently, I’ve fallen massively in love with the Fantastic Four. I have been reading some on the Inhumans’ introduction in Fantastic Four, and I’m a little confused on the timeline. So in the 1999 run, it ends with them moving from neighboring Atlantis to being nestled in the Himalayas, but I swear I remember Maximus “wanting the crown back”. Now from some research I’ve done on their introduction in F4, it appears Attilan is in the Himalayas at that time but Maximus is currently in charge. I have a hard time figuring out which came first. Also, Inhuman lore seems to be indecisive on if normal Earth air is toxic to them. Can anyone answer these questions for me?
I really wish it didn't feel like every comic run involved him immediately being incapacitated, kidnapped, or replaced.
Reading the comics again have made me realize that Medusa feels like the actual main character.
Love me some Black Bolt, I just want to see him thrive and be tortured a little less.
Small edit: the Black Bolt series itself is fantastic and Black Bolt does his thing (still technically incapacitated) and thats awesome. But outside of that...
Throughout the history of the Inhumans, we only have a handful of good comics and showings of the different Inhumans. Ever since I was a kid, I found the Inhumans to be so much more interesting than the X-Men and believed they could explore the Royal Family and Inhuman society a lot more. Instead, we were gifted a couple of decent comics and cameos along with a shitty tv show and whatever that was in Multiverse of Madness. X-Men also kind of stole the whole thing the Inhumans had with Krakoa but whatever.
As others have pointed out, the nearest hope Inhuman fans have to any content coming out soon is that the “Imperial” comic Hickman’s working on is for the Inhumans. Most likely not but we’ll see this summer.
Being an Inhumans fan is perpetual suffering.
I’ve recently read the inhumans by Paul Jenkins and as you could assume I fell in love with the characters. After I was done with it I tried looking for something newer from them, but I saw nothing important, and then I saw that marvel basically hates them and refuses to use them. So I was wondering if that is going to change or if there are any rumours of them returning to the comics or even coming back to the mcu.
Is there a source for the Inhumans books and collections in timeline order? I'd like to get a full story and I feel like I'm jumping around chronologically
I think Henry Cavill’s portrayal as The Witcher showcases why he’d he’d make the perfect Midnight King. Not to mention he resembles the character a lot.
I mean i feel like Marvel is struggling to find a niche for the Inhumans to work. For me, i feel like cosmic redirection would work for them.
Give some sort of Warhammer 40k or Star Wars vibe to them.
But again, what do you think? What niche that can make the Inhumans took off in comics?
I know in NYX #5 has mutant focus, but Kamala not mentioning her Inhuman side during the riot / rally / protest, seems like its slowly going to fade away.
Hi guys quick question,why exactly were the Fantastic 4 fighting the inhumans,and is Medusa a ‘bad guy’ as she’s in the frightful four 😀
Here are some individual characters who I think may have the latent gene within them mostly due to be related in some way to someone who had been confirmed to have such:
What Inhumans/NuHumans from the comics would you've liked to see and know more about? What ones did you find interesting and intriguing? What ones do you think may've had some potential? And what would you've liked to see with them?
Some NuHumans that've had my intrigue and interest include the likes of Quickfire, Emulator, Glorianna, Fulmina, Ren Kimura, and Sarah Garza.
Lads yere probably tired of all the where to start posts but seriously what’s the first few essential reads
Hi all. Sorry in advance for the classic “new here” post. But after first seeing inhumans in Agents of Shield I am totally hooked and want to know as much as possible. I have the classic picks already like Inhumans by Paul Jenkins, Inhumanity and Inhuman so far. Are there any other reads or any media at all I should look into? I know IvX has a lot of drama around it, but does anyone here like it? Thanks in advance and I look forward to having some fun Inhumans conversations.
I know agents of shield did something with the Terrigen mist but agents of shield isn't MCU canon. I know they also made a show about Inhumans which absolutely tanked which is why they're scared of trying anything with those characters again. However I feel like with all the things they know now they can do it much better. They already know what to do. I was thinking thaay while they're introducing the X-Men they might as well introduce the Inhumans or just give small hints. I feel like introducing that can add a lot to the lore and make things slightly more comic accurate. Also I will be honest the show wasn't that good but the comics were pretty nice like the Jae Lee and Paul Jenkins run from 1998 or 4-issue miniseries by Carlos Pacheco and Jose Ladronn. And also some honorable mentions: Inhumans: Once and Future Kings by Chris Priest
Son of M by David Hine
Silent War by David Hine
Secret Invasion: Inhumans by Joe Pokaski
I would love to see the characters in these come to live on the big screen.
What do y'all think?
I have a few Inhumans books already(inhumanity, inhuman, uncanny inhumans) but I’m wondering what are the best earlier places to jump in and get an overall good understanding of the inhumans. Specially wondering if there are any omnibus that are a must
Never read inhumans neither i know the least about them. But am curious. Recently started reading marvel comics, only read 5-6 comics so far. How and where should i start reading marvel inhumans