This is the official subreddit for the YouTube channel 'I HATE EVERYTHING'. It is a place to discuss IHE's latest videos, submit fan art and other media and have general discussion related to the channel or other things we hate. Please follow the rules and submit mature content.
See you next time, BYE!
Keep content related to IHE. This includes social media posts, collabs, artwork and videos about IHE.
Only quality shitposts allowed. Quality shitposts must have some sort of punchline or joke. Any posts that are considered 'circle jerk' material will be removed. Please post to /r/IHEcirclejerk instead.
Keep things civil and mature. There is a zero tolerance policy for public outcry, racism, downvote brigades, and excessive slurs of any kind. Doing so will result in a 7 day ban.
Avoid spamming/resubmitting content (2 week limit). Search for duplicates or similar topics that have already been covered here before posting.
Any suggestions or complaints about the subreddit must be PMed to the mods. We appreciate your feedback, but please message us mods. Do not ask for custom flairs either. If you deserve one, then the moderators will grant you one without you asking.
Any suggestions for a new IHE or SFTW video should be posted in the IHE and SFTW Suggestion Megathread located here, where IHE will be able to view them. You can still make a suggestion for a video in a text post, however you must follow this tutorial.
Never post personal information. This includes personal information of IHE and other users as well. This will result in a perma-ban.
Please include the source for artwork if you did not create it. Fan art and any other creations must be given credit to the original author either in the title or the comments. If the post leads to the source, then you do not need to post the source in the title or comments.
Content unrelated to IHE but has been featured in a video within the last three months is allowed. Posting somewhat unrelated content from older videos is also allowed, but must have something to do with IHE or be somewhat important.
No repetitive memes without some sort of context. Example: Writing something like 'DURR PLANT' in the comment section with no context. Breaking this rule will result in a week ban.
Don't self promote your own content unless it has something to do with IHE.
Follow the Reddiquette. This rule is site wide and all users must follow it.
Moderators reserve the right to remove any posts or comments if found necessary. This is to keep a flow of good content and stop anyone from exploiting loopholes.
Thanks to /u/therealKx3D for providing user flairs and banner to the subreddit
I do homeschool with this thing called abeaka and blah blah blah I have to do work from 3:49 to 8:00.
my mom or meI got upset and I'm "freaking" my mom out because I was hitting my pillow to stop my anger, shes acting like no one would be mad about that whos wrong me or my mom
Just thought today why Alex hasn’t done a video tackling Award Ceremonies. Considering all the biases and controversy they carry I think it might be something for him to look at.
bc they are so disgusting and cringe
I think it would be really interesting to see his reactions to all the new things live, first reaction.
IHE LIVE Unofficial has a lot of Alex’s old streams, but it seems to be missing a few. Does anyone know where I could find reuploads of Alex’s other streams?
One in particular I’m trying to find is the stream where Alex makes the hit ManManBoyBoyMan song “Suck The Truck.” Another I think is missing from the reupload channel is one where he draws Pokemon.
Why did he private the list? https://www.imdb.com/list/ls074480137/