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Can't Dim Tuya lights

I have two tuya lamps which you can dim and alter the colour temperature via the smart life app.

Within Hoobs I can dim the lights but not alter the temperature, which is not a big problem.

The main issue is that the log shows warning and errors even after configuring the light, I have tried various values and even changed the type to Dimmer. Using as a Dimmer only allows on and off functionality, in this configuration there are no errors or warning.

Sample of the errors and my config below,

Any advice please to resolve this problem.

09/11/2024, 1:53:26 pmTuya Web BridgeTuyaWebPlatformWarning[Colin's lamp] Characteristic.Brightness - Characteristic 'Brightness' will receive value higher than allowed (111.11111111111111) since provided Tuya value (110) exceeds configured maximum Tuya value (100). Please update your configuration!

09/11/2024, 1:53:27 pmTuya Web BridgeError[Tuya Web Bridge E166@Colin's lamp@Colin's lamp@Brightness] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 111 exceeded maximum of 100

09/11/2024, 1:53:27 pmTuya Web BridgeTuyaWebPlatformWarning[Colin's lamp] Characteristic.ColorTemperature - Characteristic 'ColorTemperature' will receive value higher than allowed mired (570) since provided Tuya kelvin value (1000) is lower then configured minimum Tuya kelvin value (7142.857142857143). Please update your configuration!

09/11/2024, 1:53:27 pmTuya Web BridgeError[Tuya Web Bridge E166@Colin's lamp@Colin's lamp@Color Temperature] characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 570 exceeded maximum of 500

{"id": "Colin's lamp",

"device_type": "light",

"min_brightness": "0",

"max_brightness": "100",

"min_kelvin": "140",

"max_kelvin": "6500"

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


Help Needed with Homebridge Setup and Using an iPad as a Home Hub

Hi...I’m running a setup with a Raspberry Pi 5 using Homebridge. I wanted something to keep my ring cameras always on, and easy to glance at in my house, and accessible through the Apple Home app. I also need to be able to control and view my devices remotely, whether I’m on mobile data or any WiFi network. I saw an iPad could be good for this as I didn't wanna do any complicated VPN type things.

I bought a 9th generation iPad after hearing it could act as a home hub. However, while setting it up, I discovered that the “Use this iPad as a Home Hub” option is no longer available. After doing some research, I found out Apple removed this feature.

I decided to downgrade the iPad’s profile to bring the home hub setting back, and it does show up again, but now I have a new issue. It seems to have messed with the Apple Home app configuration, removing my connected devices, including my Homebridge setup.

Is there a workaround to still use this iPad for remote access to my devices, or do I need to look into other options? Would getting an Apple TV or HomePod be more reliable in the long run for my needs, even if I don’t plan to use voice commands?


22:27 UTC


ProtonVPN on Raspberry Pu running Homebridge

Hello! I'm running Homebridge on a Raspberry Pi. A while back, I installed ProtonVPN on the computer. But when it is on, Homebridge doesn't work. Is it possible to have the VPN on and have Homebridge work? Thank you!

14:57 UTC


Homebridge with Eufy Doorbell and other cameras

Ive setup the eufy plugin on homebrideg and added all the devices individually to my home

However i can't get the live feeds to work

2 of the cameras show a snapshot but 2 don't

I have 2 pan and tilt indoor cams, a 2C Pro and a Doorbell
The door bell chime works just not the live feed

11:55 UTC


How important are homebridge updates

Ok I’m gonna preface this with I’m disabled (mentally and physically), the majority of my home is for accessibility; lights, fans, air con, cameras. I don’t have door locks (although I have once had a garage opener but I haven’t been able to get it to work on my new house)

Being disabled, my brain doesn’t work, I struggle the majority of the time to fix any errors that pop up in my home. I set it all up in 2020, I don’t remember how. I had a great brain day and it all worked out. I’m also using a pi if that helps.

The point of my post is that I see on homebridge page that there’s always updates for things. But because I have no idea how to fix it if I breaks things, I avoid them. I figure the longer I wait, the less issues the update will create.

Is this stupid? Should I be updating things asap if everything’s working fine. (Last year my Tuya app decided to no longer talk to homebridge, I risked it and updated everything and I still haven’t figured that one out, I’ve moved almost everything to SL successfully. My anko led strip won’t talk to homebridge at all in either Tuya or smart life but I’ve made a work around using the tap scenes)

I know you are all geniuses and most of what you’re going to tell me will go right over my 1/6 of a human brain. Please try to dumb things right down for me. (I might need a few days to understand what you say so please bare with me)

(I understand the irony of a dumb person owning a smart home but it’s necessity for me, not fun)

23:48 UTC


After years of faithful service. boom

Have had this install running for quite a long time, starting with a pi, then moving to a vm, then moving to a container, and everything has been great. Then just all of a sudden, my home app doesnt see it any more.

tore it down and rebuilt the container 3 times, eventually starting from zero, not using my saved config. Same result

Have started from scratch with ubuntu and get the same results.

Homebridge *seems* to work as I can see its devices, and THEY do work, but the home app just cant see them

Have deleted the home in the app. even deleted the home app/settings and re-downloaded it.

Starting a new home, I add and let it see the QR code, and it acts like it adds, and it shows up as an active bridge, just doesnt pass on its devices.

I *feel* like I want to blame ios 18, but I get the results with ipad os 16.6.1

Anyone ? I've lost all my automations, and boy was I spoiled.

22:18 UTC


Avahi mDNS Usage

I have a LibreELEC box where Homebridge is running via Docker container. As per mDNS Options (Homebridge), if running in Docker container, add the following volumes:

 - /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus
 - /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket

I added them to the command line:

docker run -d --restart=always --net=host \
  --name=homebridge \
  -v /storage/homebridge:/homebridge \
  -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \
  -v /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket \

However, I get the following in the logs:

Starting Avahi daemon
Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 108).
Successfully dropped root privileges.
avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
bind(): Address already in use
avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.
Starting Avahi daemon
Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 108).
Successfully dropped root privileges.
avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
bind(): Address already in use
avahi-daemon 0.8 exiting.

If I remove the Avahi mounts and run it with the following:

docker run -d --restart=always --net=host \
  --name=homebridge \
  -v /storage/homebridge:/homebridge \

It appears to run fine:

Starting Avahi daemon
Found user 'avahi' (UID 105) and group 'avahi' (GID 108).
Successfully dropped root privileges.
avahi-daemon 0.8 starting up.
No service file found in /etc/avahi/services.
*** WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended. ***
Joining mDNS multicast group on interface docker0.IPv4 with address
New relevant interface docker0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Joining mDNS multicast group on interface eth0.IPv4 with address
New relevant interface eth0.IPv4 for mDNS.
Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
Network interface enumeration completed.
Registering new address record for fe80::6c42:c6ff:fe7d:d925 on vethdbd7680.*.
Registering new address record for fe80::42:f5ff:fe97:e0cc on docker0.*.
Registering new address record for on docker0.IPv4.
Registering new address record for on eth0.IPv4.
Registering new address record for ::1 on lo.*.
Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
Server startup complete. Host name is LibreELEC.local.

Just curious, should Avahi be used with the mounting commands or use it without it.


18:59 UTC


Updating Node.js broken?

So I’ve updated it with the config menu for a long time, but now it says failed to download, error 404? Does anyone have any advice?

09:17 UTC


Spoken announcements in daily routines or scenes

I'm wondering if there is a way to have HomePods make timed announcements the way my Nest Hub does.

Like, “It’s 7.30, you need to be ready to go.… “

I have more HomePod Minis than Nest and was hoping to keep it that way.

I have seen a workaround that uses recorded audio files, but I hate the sound of my voice.

22:18 UTC


Constant start up followed by fail

This has worked for me for over a year now and today it started this loop im not sure why any help would be awesome

im running it on a VM with linux

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [HB Supervisor] Starting Homebridge with extra flags: -I -P /var/lib/homebridge/node_modules --strict-plugin-resolution

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [HB Supervisor] Started Homebridge v1.8.5 with PID: 1924

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 3 platforms.

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded 1 cached accessories from cachedAccessories.

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded plugin: homebridge-broadlink-rm-pro@4.4.19

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Registering platform 'homebridge-broadlink-rm-pro.BroadlinkRM'

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy@0.9.0

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy.DummySwitch'

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded plugin: homebridge-dummy-sensor@0.3.0

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Registering accessory 'homebridge-dummy-sensor.DummySensor'

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded plugin: homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap@2.6.0

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Registering platform 'homebridge-lutron-caseta-leap.LutronCasetaLeap'

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loaded plugin: homebridge-tplink-smarthome@8.0.3

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Registering platform 'homebridge-tplink-smarthome.TplinkSmarthome'

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] ---

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loading 3 platforms...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Lutron] Initializing LutronCasetaLeap platform...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap starting up...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Lutron] LutronCasetaLeap plugin finished early initialization

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Initializing BroadlinkRM platform...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] [INFO] Automatically discovering Broadlink RM devices.

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Stereo Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] TV Vol Up Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] TV Vol Down Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Window Fan Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Speed Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Fan Mode Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Input Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] AC Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] Power Heatpump Accessory Ready

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Loading 1 accessories...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [unlock jigs door in am ] Initializing DummySwitch accessory...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Lutron] Finished launching; starting up automatic discovery

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Learn'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Scan Frequency'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Stereo'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'TV Vol Up'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'TV Vol Down'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Window Fan'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Speed'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Fan Mode'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Input'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'AC'...

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Initializing platform accessory 'Power Heatpump'...

Setup Payload:


Enter this code with your HomeKit app on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:


│ 411-11-546 │


[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] Homebridge v1.8.5 (HAP v0.12.3) (Homebridge 4AA2) is running on port 51158.

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.]


> Homebridge 2.0 is on the way and brings some breaking changes to existing plugins.

> Please visit the following link to learn more about the changes and how to prepare:

> https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/Updating-To-Homebridge-v2.0

[2024-11-06, 4:35:58 p.m.] [Broadlink RM] [INFO] Discovered Broadlink RM4 Mini (5216) at (ec:0b:ae:98:c9:57)

[2024-11-06, 4:35:59 p.m.] Error: 40180B1F837C0000:error:0A000412:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1590:SSL alert number 42

[2024-11-06, 4:35:59 p.m.] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...

20:41 UTC


Can't update Homebridge. where am I going wrong?

Hello All,

Im trying to update my Homebridge but every time it fails,

[06/11/2024, 15:11:33] [Homebridge UI] Running Command: npm install --save homebridge@1.8.5

[06/11/2024, 15:11:40] [Homebridge UI] Error: Operation failed with code 1.

I have tried installing updates via the Homebridge UI, via SSH terminal

When I try to update Homebridge via terminal I get this notification

Unsupported engine {

npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: 'homebridge@1.8.5',

npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '^18.15.0 || ^20.7.0 || ^22' },

npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v18.14.2', npm: '9.5.0' }

But when I try to update the Node it says this

Updating Node.js to LTS, please wait...

Installed: v18.14.2

Current Node.js LTS: v22.11.0

Updating Node.js to v22.11.0...

Downloading to /tmp/tmp.zNuESoCcds/node-v22.11.0-linux-armv6l.tar.gz ...

curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found    

So im a bit confused why Current and installed nodes are not the same.

Apologies im still trying to learn the system.

install on a raspberry pi Raspbian GNU/Linux Bullseye (11); update using MacOS 15.1

18:01 UTC


Google Nest SDM plugin

I installed google nest SDM plugin after the original Nest plugin was giving problems due to tokens expiring. I was able to set it up with the YouTube video (it was quite technical). Now I can see all my 3 nest in the homekit, however they sometime show different temperature than what it is in the nest device. Is this is a known issue with this plugin or have i setup it up incorrectly and have to go through the steps once again...please advise

15:42 UTC


Working Homebridge in Synology NAS, but unable to add to Home on Apple device

Hi all;

I have what seems to be a perfectly functional Homebridge install in my Synology NAS (via Docker), and even added my Ring Doorbell, but I cannot it seems, add these devices to Home on my iPhone.

When I try to add Homebridge (as a bridge) it tries for about two minutes, and then coughs up this error. I do not have a firewall on, but the logs say the Homebridge is working on port 48932, which is different than the port I'm using to access the Homebridge WebUI. Not really sure whether that might be the problem or not.

Nothing I can see in the logs that happens when I try to connect it to the Home app.

Any thoughts?


22:13 UTC


Server homebridge was on died and now I can't get things running again

I've had a homebridge server running for years. it never gave me any trouble. recently the server that the VM was running on died. I had a backup of the VM that I've restored to another machine. The instance starts, interface loads, but I have no control over any of my accessories. Mostly Wiz bulbs. I even went as far as to start from scratch but homebridge is not discovering any of my accessories.

would someone mind helping me out here with some next steps / things to try?

19:20 UTC


hb-service install fails on windows 10

Hi all,

I'm installing homebridge for the first time on a windows 10 machine. Node.js installed fine and 'node -v' and 'npm -v' returned correctly. I then did the command via npm to install homebridge/homebridge-ui.

However, when I then go to 'hb-service install', I get the following error message:

>>'hb-service' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

There are suggestions for what to do if hb-service isn't found on a Mac, but I don't see any such suggestions for Windows. Anyone else encountered this?

18:55 UTC


Bosch Solution 2000/3000 - any feedback on how well the Homebridge plugin works?



Looking for feedback before i invest in this new alarm upgrade, does the homebridge plugin work well. Keen to get this connected to my HK setup.

11:28 UTC


Shelly and Homebridge 2.0?

Asking here because others have asked on the plugin page and not received any responses in months - does anyone know if the Shelly plugin will work, or be updated to work with HB 2.0?

I have a lot of Shelly devices and hope to add more, but I'm concerned that the Shelly plugins don't seem to being maintained much these days.

09:47 UTC


Magic Occupancy huge delays


I don't know if it always has been like that but suddenly both me and my GF have noticed that it takes about 3-5 seconds for our motion sensor operated lights (via the magic occupancy plugin) to come on.


The automations in home are simple and do not do any heavy lifting.

Did anybody else notice? Is this something that can be fixed? I can code if needed.

EDIT: I should probably mention that I run my HB on my M1 Mac Mini with 16GB RAM


14:37 UTC


Adding homebridge on QNAP

Newbie at homebridge. I’ve got it all set up in a container on my QNAP but no matter what I try I can’t seem to add it as an accessory in HomeKit. It always just tries to connect and then says it can’t find the accessory.

A few questions:

  1. What am I potentially missing?

  2. How stable is homebridge generally? I don’t mind spending time figuring this out initially but I don’t want to be running into issues like this regularly, so I’m wondering if this is worth it for me.

  3. Once you have it setup do you still generally buy HomeKit compatible devices for ease of use, or does it really open things up for you and you just buy whatever smart devices you prefer?

14:19 UTC


NDI Video Stream Support

I have checked the history (and plugins) for NDI stream support on HomeBridge, and couldn't find any topic. I have an Obsbot camera on the network with NDI active. Is there any known way or plugin to integrate that into HomeBridge and HomeKit?

08:35 UTC


Cannot install Hive plying "call to python failed"

Trying to install Bernard Gormans Hive Homebridge plugin onto my pi. I am following what seems like basic instructions but am failing at the first hurdle. https://github.com/gormanb/homebridge-hivehome-control

It says to type the following into terminal:

npx homebridge-hivehome-control

But instead of being prompted for passwords etc I get this error instead....

I type into the terminal...

[ Python Error Call to 'python' failed:> const pyhiveapi = await python('pyhiveapi');at async file:///var/lib/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-hivehome-control/bin/hive2fa.mjs:25:19... across the bridge ...> return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)at import_module (/usr/lib/python3.11/importlib/__init__.py:126)at _gcd_import (<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1206)at _find_and_load (<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1178)at _find_and_load_unlocked (<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1142) ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyhiveapi']
23:15 UTC


Struggling with homebridge-daikin-cloud on Mac


As the title says ... so I could install home bridge, run it, learn that it's impossible to drive my AC units locally (I have BRP069C4x Wifi cards and am using the Onecta app), installed the "verified" Daikin cloud plugin (homebridge-daikin-cloud) by jrnvdb, create a developer account and an "app" on Daikin Europe developer suite. The plugin starts well and is recognized by the Home app.

And so during the setup process both Daikin site and plugin will ask to input a "Redirect URI" which is meant to be Homebridge's IP and the 8592 port. Assume 192.168.X.Y:8592 in my case. In Homebridge log, the plugin will write " Please navigate to to start the authorisation flow. If it is the first time you open this url you will need to accept a security warning". So I try to open a browser window with the address and it fails ... it says "safari can't connect to server" as if it did not exist at all ...

What am I missing ? Thanks in advance.

18:11 UTC


EADDRINUSE Error in a Child Bridge

Trying to get the Apple TV Enhanced plugin working, but it constantly restarts and gives this error:

========= [11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Basement (9A:85:3B:3C:A6:1C): Credentials are no longer valid. Need to repair ...

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Family Room (42:1C:FA:6D:61:C5): Credentials are no longer valid. Need to repair ...

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Main Bedroom (16:FB:35:6C:9D:92): Credentials are no longer valid. Need to repair ...

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Guest Room (A2:40:61:B5:DB:D1): Credentials are no longer valid. Need to repair ...

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Basement (9A:85:3B:3C:A6:1C): You need to pair your Apple TV before the plugin can connect to it. Open the webpage Then, enter the pairing code that will be displayed on your Apple TV.

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] [W] Family Room (42:1C:FA:6D:61:C5): You need to pair your Apple TV before the plugin can connect to it. Open the webpage Then, enter the pairing code that will be displayed on your Apple TV.

Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use

at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (node:net:1904:16)

at listenInCluster (node:net:1961:12)

at doListen (node:net:2135:7)

at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] Child bridge process ended

[11/3/2024, 11:45:05 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] Process Ended. Code: 1, Signal: null

[11/3/2024, 11:45:12 AM] [Apple TV Enhanced] Restarting Process...


This is running as a container in Docker on UnRaid, fwiw.

Any help or direction is appreciated.

17:52 UTC


Simplisafe3 plugin issues

I’m a new user to HomeKit. I installed on my Pi using the image from the raspberry pi image tool.

When installing the Simplisafe 3 plugin, I follow the steps listed in the read me. I go to the website from the button on the web portal, log in, I get the site that starts with com.simplisafe.mobile://

I copy and paste that into the field and restart HomeKit. It fails with error “no valid authentication credentials detected” and “not authenticated to simplisafe”

I’ve spent hours trying this from different devices and different browsers. Yes I saw where it says on chrome to open developer tools to get the redirect web site.

Please help

16:04 UTC


Blank Accessories tab / bridges stopped working. Any ideas?

My accessories are clearly detected by Homebridge - when their status changes, I get messages in the Homebridge logs about it

However, when I go to the Accessories tab, it's completely blank

Hi all! I run Homebridge on a raspberry pi 4b, and have never had issues until now. I recently restarted my pi from scratch (as in, reformatted the sd card and re-installed a fresh version of pi lite on it (same as what I had installed before)) and after that, I've had an interesting problem where the Accessories tab is empty and the bridges I set up stop working. The weird part is, my setup works just fine for the first few hours or so... but then (something?) happens and it puts me into this weird state where everything is broken. I've tried re-starting with a fresh raspberry pi install a few times, and each time it'll work for an hour or two and then it'll stop working. Uninstalling/reinstalling Homebridge doesn't make it work, though - I've tried both with reloading a previous configuration and starting fresh, it doesn't make a difference. Has anybody experienced the same issue on a raspberry pi?

For what it's worth, someone else experienced this issue on a Mac (link to Reddit post) but I haven't been able to figure out a way to translate their solution over to a raspberry pi... anyways, if anybody has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I've spent forever googling trying to track down what could be causing this, and I haven't found anything useful. Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks in advance!!

Photo caption 1: My accessories are clearly detected by Homebridge - when their status changes, I get messages in the Homebridge logs about it

Photo caption 2: However, when I go to the Accessories tab, it's completely blank

01:20 UTC


Running Homebridge On Windows

Hi All, I’m installing Homebridge on an extra PC running Windows 10 that I’ve got hanging around. Looking through the documentation, I see that you can either run it natively under windows as a service, or through a VM. The documentation states that running it natively under windows might cause some issues, but doesn’t really provide any examples. So for anyone who is currently running it under windows, are you having any issues with it? Would I be fine just running it as a service, or should I go through and set up a VM first?

01:08 UTC


Add Homebridge to Home

Homebridge running on unRAID server (x.x.2.x, ethernet only, no wifi card) and iOS on Wifi (x.x.1.x)

How do I add the bridge?

EDIT - mDNS repeater turned on and it works!

23:32 UTC


I can't install plugins after update Raspbian

I updated my Pi Raspbian and now I can't update or install any plugins. The error is the same all time.

USER: homebridge
DIR: /usr
CMD: sudo -E -n npm install -g homebridge-webos-tv@2.4.5
sudo: jelszó szükséges

Error: Operation failed with code 1.

You can download this log file for future reference.
 for help.


18:03 UTC


TplinkSmarthome Issue: Adding Loop

14:36 UTC

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