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UniFi Protect plugin don't work with the G4 doorbell

Hi, Team!

I had to move the homebridge from one controller to another (from CloudKey G2 to UDM Pro). All works except Doorbell. I got the error:

[04/02/2025, 10:54:20] [homebridge-unifi-protect] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'LEAVE_PACKAGE_AT_DOOR.LEAVE PACKAGE AT DOOR'). See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
[04/02/2025, 10:54:20] [homebridge-unifi-protect] This plugin threw an error from the characteristic 'On': Unhandled error thrown inside read handler for characteristic: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'DO_NOT_DISTURB.DO NOT DISTURB'). See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.

And I do not see the doorbell in HomeKit...

1 Comment
21:10 UTC


New installation managed by telephone and physical switch


Small practical question for my future house.

I plan to install led ribbons that will be controlled with my phone thanks to the MiBoxer FUT035S+ mini Dimmer controller (https://www.byled.fr/mini-controleur-rgbcct-12a-24ghz-miboxer-fut037s-2044.html) and the Tuya WL-BOX2 WiFi gateway (https://www.byled.fr/passerelle-wifi-tuya-ios-android-pour-controleurs-miboxer-wl-box2-2429.html).

So far, so good.

The problem is that there will be normal wall switches to turn these led ribbons on and off.

I'd like to make sure that even though they can be switched off via the switches, they can still be controlled via the Tuya app.

The power should never go out.

While doing some research, I came across this device;

Shelly Plus 1


which could do the trick.

I do have one question, though: how will my installation react in this scenario?

My led ribbon is on and I turn it off with the switch (behind which the shelly is connected). Then I want to switch it on via my Tuya app.

Will this work? Will the Tuya app be able to communicate with the Shelly switch?

If anyone has a similar scenario, or another idea to solve my problem, I'd love to hear from you.

thank you!

14:26 UTC


Alexa / HomePod Doorbell UniFi chime

Where can i set this up to have my Alexa and HomePod as a chime for my UniFi doorbell? I can see my doorbell Video in Homebridge or homekit. Ok. But from now i dont know what i have to do. I dont know why my HomePod isnt ringing when anybody push the trigger.

14:24 UTC


Samsung Washer & Dryer for Homekit

Does anyone know of a plugin that will connect Samsungs washer and dryer to HomeKit. I know it won't be able to control them but would like to get notifications and time remaining left how the SmartThings app does.

00:33 UTC


Homebridge on Synology NAS: Upgrade node.js v20.9.0 → v20.18.2

I'm running Homebridge (installed through Synology NAS Package Center) and the latest version states that I have to upgrade Node.js (v20.9.0 → v20.18.2).

According to Synology Package Center for Node.js v20, it states that "20.9.0-1003" is the "newest online version". I know this isn't true because Homebridge is stating I need to be using 20.18.2.

I have the latest version of DSM 7.2.2-72806 Update 2 on my DS923+.

How do I upgrade it? If I search the Package Center > Community, there's nothing newer than "Node.js v20".

21:44 UTC


Status bar missing

Hello !

After updating to 1.8.5 (Docker container on a OrangPie) i noticed that the status bar is now missing.

Tried cleaning browser cache and 3 different browser, but did not managed. Any idea would be appreciated 😋


1 Comment
21:07 UTC


*UPDATE* Help: I can login and add the bridge to my home but the accessories still do not show up. It seems like my plugins are installed properly but nothing shows up after I add the child bridge in home.

12:07 UTC


Hoobs Plugin for Huum Sauna

Thanks to ChatGPT and some trial and error, I was able to create a plugin for my HOOBS box to allow me to control my HUUM Sauna.

Figured others might be interested:


09:01 UTC


Update node.js

I’m on version 20.18.0 so I am not in a huge hurry to get it updated. When I attempt to update, I get an error 404.

Following the instructions, I need to update GLIBC first. What’s the easiest way to update this without having to start over?

Running on a Pi4

01:22 UTC


Fresh install of HomeBridge, Can't update node

Trying to update node because some of the plugins I'm trying to use request it.

I follow instructions online and go into terminal on HomeBridge.

root@homebridge-vm:/var/lib/homebridge $ hb-service update-node

ℹ Updating Node.js from v18.13.0 to v22.13.1...

ℹ Target: /opt/homebridge

⠧ Downloading https://nodejs.org/dist/v22.13.1/node-v22.13.1-linux-x64.tar.gz

It's been stuck on downloading for over an hour, tried restarting with same result. How can I fix this?

21:55 UTC


Cannot Update Homebridge UI

This is the error I get when trying:

The user "root" does not have write access to the target directory:


This may cause the operation to fail.

See the docs for details on how to enable sudo mode:


USER: root

DIR: /snap/homebridge/4063/opt/homebridge

CMD: npm install -g homebridge-config-ui-x@4.69.0

npm error code EROFS

⠇npm error syscall rename

npm error path /snap/homebridge/4063/opt/homebridge/lib/node_modules/homebridge-config-ui-x

⠇npm error dest /snap/homebridge/4063/opt/homebridge/lib/node_modules/.homebridge-config-ui-x-Rb3bOFJB

⠇npm error errno -30

⠇npm error rofs EROFS: read-only file system, rename '/snap/homebridge/4063/opt/homebridge/lib/node_modules/homebridge-config-ui-x' -> '/snap/homebridge/4063/opt/homebridge/lib/node_modules/.homebridge-config-ui-x-Rb3bOFJB'

⠇npm error rofs Often virtualized file systems, or other file systems

npm error rofs that don't support symlinks, give this error.

npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /var/snap/homebridge/common/.npm/_logs/2025-02-02T19_34_05_216Z-debug-0.log

Cleaning up npm cache, please wait...

npm cache cleared, please try updating homebridge-config-ui-x again.

Error: Operation failed with code 226.

You can download this log file for future reference.

See https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge-config-ui-x/wiki/Troubleshooting for help.

I followed instructions at the first link up top to enable sudo mode by making the change in the JSON config available from the side panel. I just had to add "sudo": true to that config.

following the instructions for passwordless sudo required. I then i edited the sudoers file on the pi that this is running from. adding: pi ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to the bottom of the file as instructed (and under the user privilege specification section as something else to try) I have restarted the homebridge and ui from power options and have rebooted the pi completely as well. nothing changes.

if i run this> sudo npm install -g homebridge-config-ui-x@4.69.0

i get this> sudo: npm: command not found

i don't know what else to do. this is a fresh install of homebridge.

20:34 UTC


Homebridge setup for Levolor Motorized Blinds with InMotion Hub

For those with the newer versions of the Levolor blinds that use the InMotion Hub, heres how to set it up with Homebridge;

  1. Get the homebridge-motionblinds plugin
  2. Open Levolor InMotion app, Account Settings->About, touch the logo 5 times in a row
  3. Copy the key that pops up
  4. In motionblinds Settings, paste the key in the Key field
  5. Find the MAC address of the hub in your router app. In my Orbi router app this showed up as "USB-BRIDGE_A456". Click on it and copy the MAC address
  6. Paste the MAC address in the corresponding field in the motionblinds plugin settings

Thats all it takes!

19:15 UTC


Two blank homepage status panels?


Does anybody know what these panels are supposed to display? I know something used to be there, but for the life of me I can't remember what. I tried doing a re-install of homebridge to see if that would make the panels come back, but that didn't do anything (I haven't dared try a full factory reset, because my devices are numerous and it would take a literal eternity to redo all my Home Assistant from scratch haha)

04:40 UTC


Tapo L920 Light Strip Plugin

I have Tapo L920 light strips, I can't find a plugin that actually works with these. Everything else works in my house that isn't tapo, or do I bite the bullet and get an native homekit lightstrip?

02:29 UTC


Homebridge accessories stopped working on Unifi network - solved

Hi Team, just sharing for future reference. Been pulling my hair out for two days as my homebridge accessories just stopped working despite the bridge working fine.

Went crazy with firewall rules, rebuilding home bridge etc.

In the end the fix was disabling multicast filtering for all networks. Saving. Giving it a few minutes then all worked again. Since then turning it back on it all works again. Guessing some type of corrupted cache.

1 Comment
01:55 UTC


Can not access HomeBridge in browser

Hi folks. Today I switched my network from Eero to UniFi. While trying to get my HB devices back online I realized I can’t access it through a browser like I could in the past. It’s running on a Windows 10 laptop connected via Ethernet. I think it’s still active because child bridges I remove from the home app show back up as ready to add. The laptop has a working network connection and can access any other sites I want. Anyone have some tips to get me going again?

00:33 UTC


J .node 18 upgrade. Homebridge native on Synology

I am needing to update j.node and have no idea where to get 20.x or how to install Anyone.

00:25 UTC


Synology Docker Homebridge Cannot add to Homekit

I just installed the oznu/Homebridge container on my Synology NAS, setup the web portal and ran all the updates, including Node.js via the web portal. It all seems to be working fine. However, I'm unable to add it to Homekit.

When I scan the QR code, it is "Connecting..." for a few minutes then times out and doesn't get added. If I try to enter the code, Homekit seems like it wants another digit, the dashes don't line up properly to what is displayed in HomeBridge and when I touch continue, it just goes back to the previous prompt.

I'm pretty technical so just baffled why this isn't working.

One other thing: I tried doing this over Wifi as well as a USB-C -> Ethernet connector cable and still not successful. iPhone 16 Pro.

12:06 UTC


Homebridge on a Synology NAS not saving camera

I have Homebridge on a Synology NAS running in Docker, but Homebridge is not saving the camera. I'm using Camera.UI, version v5.0.27, Homebridge version v1.8.5, and Homebridge UI v4.69.0. Looking at the log, I don't even see that I added a camera:

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] Launched child bridge with PID 11573

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-ui.CameraUI'

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] Loaded homebridge-camera-ui v5.0.27 child bridge successfully

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] Config changed through interface, saving...

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] Homebridge v1.8.5 (HAP v0.12.3) (CameraUI) is running on port 31598.

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM]


> Homebridge 2.0 is on the way and brings some breaking changes to existing plugins.

> Please visit the following link to learn more about the changes and how to prepare:

> https://github.com/homebridge/homebridge/wiki/Updating-To-Homebridge-v2.0

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] At Home Switch: Configuring bridged accessory...

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] At Home Switch: Setting up accessory...

[2/1/2025, 12:18:47 AM] [CameraUI] Accessories refreshed and config.json saved!

(node:11573) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.

(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)

[2/1/2025, 12:18:49 AM] [CameraUI] camera.ui v5.0.27 is listening on port 8081 (http)

00:27 UTC


TP-link plugin: force rescan for devices?

I’ve been using the TP-link plugin (https://github.com/plasticrake/homebridge-tplink-smarthome) for ages. Lately I’m seeing a number of stale/retired devices in HomeKit, and I’d like to force the plugin to rescan for active devices. I’ve had to do this before, seems like it was emptying or moving a directory of cached devices?

Thanks for any assistance.

ETA: looks like ~/.homebridge/accessories s where I need to perform surgery.

21:20 UTC


Will Tuya always need to renew the trial to use homebridge?

Hi, is there any way to avoid the Tuya platform to connect devices such as smart plugs to Homebridge and Homekit? I ask because of the limitation of having to renew the trial every 6 months.

17:54 UTC


Homebridge Ring - Can't add previously hidden camera

I hid a camera that was working, then decided to re-add it by unhiding and adding back to home, but it's not discoverable. Any way to get it back?

Thanks friends.

1 Comment
17:16 UTC



I need help fixing this. I can’t get any plugins to work and I don’t know how to resolve this.

13:08 UTC


Fetching Temperature Reading

I’m trying to write a simple script on my Raspberry Pi to fetch a temperature reading from a temperature sensor that is exposed to HomeKit using Homebridge.

The purpose of the script is to dynamically update a temperature offset in my Tado smart heating system.

I’m actually having the most difficulty with the part of the script I would think would be the simplest - fetching the current temperature from that temperature sensor.

I’m a beginner coder, but ChatGPT seems to think that using the Homebridge API is the best approach. However, I cannot get the script to work. Depending on my tweaks I run into various errors, including 401 non authorisation errors and an inability to fetch the accessory list.

I have since discovered the Swagger API UI which seems like progress, but even if I update the script to provide an authorisation token, won’t this token expire every few days rendering the code useless?

So stepping back: is the Homebridge API the best way to fetch this temperature reading? And if so, can anyone point me towards how to use it properly in a script I can just set and forget?

Many thanks!

07:58 UTC



Hi, I’ve just recently reset my homebridge pi from scratch to fix the 32 bit error.

One of the plugins for airtouch2+ is not coming up in the search plugin bar. But I can find the NPM link from 3 years ago.

Is there a way to install it without going through the search bar?

05:03 UTC


Updating Node.JS on Synology NAS for Homebridge

Homebridge is requiring an update to Node.js V20.18. The highest one available on the Synology NAS is 20.9 I've been hunting around for a 20.18 package which will work on the Synology NAS with no luck. my other option is to rebuild this thing on Docker which I believe will have an updated Node.js. I'd like to avoid that hassle if I can. Any pointers to something which will solve this?

21:43 UTC


Need help - AirTouch4

As per title, at one stage I had a working plugin for AirTouch 4 HVAC but removed it due to some potential misunderstanding on my part of how to best utilise it.

Now that I’m older and wiser 😉 I want to try again but now can’t find it, documentation available is not clear on how to get it reinstalled.

Anyone out there got any experience here?

07:07 UTC


CBUS and Homebridge - Cannot connect

Until recently I have had a rock solid HOOBS connection to my CBUS system. HOOBS on a Pi and CBUS toolkit on a dedicated laptop with a shac5500 handling the network interface to CBUS devices. My HOOBS SD card died and my backup is old and HOOBS has moved onto v5. I have spent past three days trying to get HOOBS back running. 7 of the 8 bridges are functioning but the CBUS bridge / plugin starts and stops and seems unable to establish a connection. I have checked everything I can think of, and am now at wits end. Any advice appreciated and anyone who knows a contact who could remote into my system and diagnose the issue, please share a contact. Thanks.

05:09 UTC


Looking for this Functionality - Custom Webhooks


I just purchased this hot water recirculation system. The system is Leridian Dynamics, Inc Smart Thermostatic Control 32 complete Maxx-Flow system. They released a firmware update that supports Webhooks into and out of the controller.


I am new to Homebridge and I am struggling on even asking so please forgive me…

Does anyone know of a plugin that creates an accessory that can support this functionality:

Webhook Outbound – This is for setting the base URL of the automation controller to which “pump_on” and “pump_off” are appended and a HTTP GET call is made to the URL when the events occur. As an example for Home Assistant the default base URL would be http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/ to which we would append “pump_on” and “pump_off” e.g. http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/pump_on and http://homeassistant.local:8123/api/webhook/pump\_off. We only support HTTP as there is no data being transmitted as these are HTTP GET calls.

Webhook Inbound – This is not so much something to as simply displaying the inbound URL that can be called via HTTP GET to trigger the controller to turn the pump on and turn the pump off. These are based on the controller name with all special characters removed. The default URLs are: http://ld-SmartCirc:3030/pump/1 to trigger the pump and http://ld-SmartCirc:3030/pump/0 to turn the pump off. Generally you should only trigger the pump and allow the controller to turn the pump off when the temperature difference is met, but we allow the controller to be turned off from the smart phone app so we made this API available via the HTTP listener interface. We only support HTTP as there is no data being transmitted as these are HTTP GET calls.

I have decades of coding experience and I am willing to attempt the development of this plugin but it will be a learning process since I have never coded something like this before.

Thank you for any help or advice in advance!


03:44 UTC


Help! Can't get QR code to work

I am running homebridge on a QNAP NAS. I get homebridge to install successfully via Container Station (Docker). I can see the web interface no issues, all looks to be running properly. However I cannot get the QR code to work. I have tried multiple iOS devices, I've rebooted the routers (Deco mesh system), I've reinstalled home bridge, I've tried all of the advertiser options. I feel like I'm missing something relatively simple but I just can't seem to find any more tips online. The QNAP is connect via ethernet to a switch and the main Deco hub is connect to the same switch via ethernet.

The one thing that has me a little worried is that I connect via my 192.168.xx.xx:xxxx address however the web gui lists the IP address as 10.x.x.x. But I can't seem to find any way to change this?

02:21 UTC

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