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Hi guys. I’m currently following the steps from Eddie dSuZa’s video on “Raspberry Pi 5 - Finally built a POWERFUL smart home hub for HomeKit”.
I’m stuck on the “second wonder” (11:45 min in video) where he tests the MQTT service is working. Portainer container shows its working but when I pull up the MQTT Explorer app (just as he did in the video) and plug in the IP Address and click connect, I’m getting a disconnect error where he is getting a connection error.
Has anyone found a solution to this? I’ve read the comments and I’ve seen multiple questions around this same error but not much solution was provided.
Hoping someone has followed the steps and knows the fix.
So I just set up homebridge running on a windows laptop that I keep inside a closet and I accidentally closed the node js window that was running home bridge. I can seem to find that instance to save my life. Can anyone help me? My homebridge is still running as I still have access through the web page.
I've installed the Apple TV enhanced plugin but never managed to make it works, I have the following error message:
To be noted, I've installed Python and run the certificates command (as per this post), but still not working.
[22/12/2024, 21:58:20] [Apple TV Enhanced] [E] Living Room: Unable to execute request 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protocol.py", line 275, in _receive
await semaphore.acquire()
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/locks.py", line 387, in acquire
await fut
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/atvremote.py", line 997, in _run_application
return await cli_handler(loop)
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/atvremote.py", line 726, in cli_handler
return await _handle_commands(args, config, storage, loop)
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/atvremote.py", line 865, in _handle_commands
atv = await connect(config, loop, protocol=args.protocol, storage=storage)
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/__init__.py", line 155, in connect
await atv.connect()
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/core/facade.py", line 723, in connect
if await setup_data.connect():
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/__init__.py", line 1103, in _connect
await protocol.start()
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protocol.py", line 146, in start
self.device_info = await self.send_and_receive(
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protocol.py", line 262, in send_and_receive
return await self._receive(identifier, timeout)
File "/var/lib/homebridge/appletv-enhanced/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/protocol.py", line 274, in _receive
async with async_timeout.timeout(timeout):
File "/usr/lib/python3.11/asyncio/timeouts.py", line 98, in __aexit__
raise TimeoutError
>>> An error occurred, full stack trace above
Hi everyone.
I'm struggling a little with the magic occupancy plugin and my light. I have followed exactly the 6 automations from the plugin homepage example ... but as soon as I select "only at night" in all the automations, it totally stops working.
Could someone explain to me why? Am I doing something wrong?
I have the new light strip (H61F5) and already have everything set up with the official Govee plugin at the moment, which works fine. However, since this light strip is Matter compatible, I can see the light strips in the home app twice ( as well as buttons for the scenes that I've set up).
Just wondering if there is a way to show the scenes only and not the light strip using the plugin. I'd much rather just control the lights via the Matter entity and keep it local but I still want the ability to enable certain scenes. Does anyone know if this is possible or do I have to have the light strip come through from the plugin?
So, I needed to control the Tplink switch that was powering the Christmas Tree lights, from Siri on my Homepods, and it seems that the only way was with HOmeBridge - So I installed the native Homebridge app on my Sydnology DS918+ NAS.
Worked for a while and then stopped - went into the Homebridge UI, and it seemed that there was an update available - installed that update and all was working again. Just happened again, same symptoms, same resolution.
I went looking through all of the Homebridge UI options - don't see anything that will force a module update when available - or am I missing something. That would be logical - or a flag that says "don't stop the running plugin if you see an update available". Can't find either.
Hello everyone!
I’m very new to Homebridge and home automation in general, so I hope this isn’t too basic of a question. I’m planning to install several devices in my home and would love to integrate them into HomeKit via Homebridge, but I’m facing a bit of a challenge due to my ISP’s setup.
Here’s what I’m working with:
My ISP uses CGNAT (Carrier-Grade NAT), meaning I don’t have a public IP address, and I can’t use a DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service. Because of this, I’m unsure whether I’ll be able to access or control my devices outside my local network.
Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Looking for help in adding Govee H5127 presence/motion combo sensor to HA. Govee integration has been installed with an API from Govee, but I’m unsuccessful adding the H5127 device to HB.
The device has both Presence mmWave and Motion PIR. It connects via Bluetooth and functions via WiFi.
All of the HomeBridge Govee child Bridges don’t accommodate this device.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just a simple question realy.
I have quite a lot of hue lights, but they are quite expensive and IMO the led strips are also pretty poor, So I recently bought some govee lights, the rope 2 and the cylinder floor lamp, which are fairly good for what I wanted, but the intergration is awful into apple home.
I tried home assistent as well and that is equaly as bad. Not that apple home or home assistant are at fault, it just seems that govee have locked down the api to discourage intergration (whether by intent or just poor decision making) but unfortun atly that makes them pretty useless for me.
So (at last) the simple question, is can I apply scenes from apple home (or hue) to govee products with homebridge?
Problem: Scan code in Homekit -> Bridge "Add to Home" -> "Connecting..." for a long time -> "Accessory Not Found"
Since clean reinstalling Homebridge (Win11 via NVM node v20.18.1), I can't get Homekit to pair with any Homebridge bridge. Only thing I can think of that changed was I reverted from node 22 to 20 between installs. Things I've tried:
Any ideas?
When homebridge started, there was no GUi, i used to install plugins via command line. I had been using this plugin for years, I found it pretty essential.
A couple of years ago, I broke all my smart home down, moved and built my own house - I have finished now and rebuilding my homekit home, I can’t find this plugin in the directory, how can I manually install it via command line, I seem to have forgotten. Anyone?
Also, why is this plug in not searchable?
Ever since one of the recent homebridge.io updates where I had to delete a cached accessory file to get the service to start, I had to recreate all my room and put my devices in them. But since then my garage door is now called Garage ratgdov2 and a bunch of numbers.
I tried to rename this in Apple home app and also Eve app, but it just changes back to the ratgdov2 name. Am I missing a step?
I have the plugin Homebridge Webhooks installed on my Homebridge for months, working perfectly as follows:
[1] Short push url http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:51828/?accessoryId=AAAAAAAAA&buttonName=MY%20Button&event=0
[1] long push url http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:51828/?accessoryId=AAAAAAAAA&buttonName=MY%20Button&event=1
[0] double short push URL empty and disabled
[0] triple short push URL empty and disabled
when I press the button I see this on Homebridge log:
[18/12/2024, 18:35:58] [HttpWebHooks] [ERROR Http WebHook Server] AccessoryId 'AAAAAAAAA' not found.
Is is impossible because AAAAAAAAA is the corrent deviceID for the Shelly 1PM mini gen 3, seen on the Shelly App.
If I use the URL directly on the browser, like
I see the same error
If I change AAAAAAAAA to the device id of a button no error is seen but obviously nothing happens.
I discovered a problem with my homebridge accessories previously, that was they changing IPs. So I configured the router to assign fixed IPs to all my homebridge accessories.
I am not sure if I have to configure something on the 1 PM because I by mistake did a factory reset and if there was something there, it is gone.
What is going on here?
Ah, and if I visit the button URL directly, the actions there are not the same as the ones on the shelly app.
So I setup homebridge, added the govee plugin, had it log in and I see my devices there just fine in the home bridge UI and it can control them.
I added home bridge to home using the QR code. That part worked.
None of my devices are showing up from govee in home. How does one surface them from the ones home bridge sees to the home UI? Are they all supposed to show up?
Also, why is their brightness always showing 39% as opposed to 100%?
Hi there,
Fair warning: my knowledge of software systems is very low.
With that out of the way, each day for the past few days my Raspberry Pi running Homebridge becomes inaccessible on the network and the only way to access it again is through a reboot.
When I take a look at the logs, I see this:
[18/12/2024, 01:10:39] [Homebridge UI] Running job to cleanup config.json backup files older than 60 days...
Could not (re-)create mDNS advertisement. The HAP-Server won't be discoverable: DBusInvokeError: Local name collision
Could this be the source of the issue?
For years I’ve been using Homebridge with my Kasa smart light switches with basically no issues and I just got some more. Earlier this year I got a Ubiquiti UDM Pro and other gear and ran into issues with the TPLink Smarthome plugin being able to automatically find devices. After a while troubleshooting, I bit the bullet and just assigned static IPs to everything and manually added them to the config. This worked fine until tonight when I went to add my new switch and assigned it a static IP, add it to the config, and it just doesn’t show up in HomeKit or the accessories tab. I’m reluctant to clear the device cache bc I hate having to re-add everything in HomeKit and set all my automations back up. I’ve restarted the child bridge and the main bridge but no dice. Any advice would be appreciated.
I can view the feed no problem and I do see an image before I expand the notification.
So I know the answer to this already but I was wondering if there was a work around. I would like to ditch the ring app completely and use the home app for my ring cameras. It ight now I get the feed and alerts, but still need to use the app to access the time line. Is there a different plugin that could bring that to the home app or would I need to have both apps? Also when I go to enlarge my notification it has space on the bottom like it wants to show a thumbnail but is always blank. Is there anyway to fix that?
Hi HomeKit gurus!! Has anyone ever managed to set the Vimar scene button pair (19591) as generic buttons in the Apple Home app?
In a nutshell, my goal is to have two generic buttons that I can use as triggers for scenes (e.g. Arrive Home and Leave Home). I obviously already purchased and configured the Vimar Gateway, and added it as a bridge. For some reason though, all smart buttons show up on the Apple Home app apart from this one.
I have a Brookstone outdoor smart plug that uses the Smart Point Connect app on iOS. I hate this app and would really like to be able to use HomeKit.
This app uses a username and password to control the plug has Virtual ID IP Address Mac Address
Anyone know if there’s a Homebridge plugin I could use to add this to HomeKit?
I have this accessory appearing on the logs like
[17/12/2024, 00:03:38] [Shelly NG] Failed to add discovered device (id: shelly1pmminig3-XXXXXXXXX): Error connecting to device (code: 1)
This accessory does not exist anymore on my network, and does not appear on Settings > Remove Single Accessory.
Where can I find its entry using SSH and remove it?
I have homebridge running with the official homebridge-tuya-platform plugin.
My device (Luminea outdoor temperature humidity sensor) is recognized by the Smart Live app, by the Tuya IoT platform but not by the tuya plugin in homebridge.
Does this mean that my sensor is not supported by the plugin?
What can I do to integrate my sensor to homekit?
Hey guys,
Since the Shelly DS9 plugin is forked from Homebridge-Shelly-NG, does this mean I can only use the DS9 plugin for devices they support or are the Shelly-NG supported devices also included?
I know there's a supported devices list for DS9, but is it possible that DS9 plugin might work with all devices regardless?
Does anyone have any experience?
I bought a Lenovo ThinkCentre a couple months back in attempt to use it as a home server and learn a bit about privacy and self storage.
I currently have a google nest thermostat and 2 cync lightbulbs. These are my only smart devices on google home.
I would like to be able to use siri to control these devices and discovered homebridge.
My PC / server is running windows 10 home. Homebridge's site said I can't use windows 10 or 11 home as i cannot run hyper v or something.
Is there a workaround here? I was able to set something up to remote into my computer from my mac which isn't usually possible on windows home.
I don't have any other devices that i leave on and would rather try and figure out how to get this device setup considering i bought it for learning purposes and to leave it running all the time. It currently runs tailscale as my exit node and I have a shared folder on it which I can access from my mac.
Am I cooked here?
I have been setting up my Homebridge device, and added the Airwaves plugin. The sensors were added correctly, but, until just recently, I've had a radon leak and it triggered the leak detection in Homebridge.
The radon issue has been resolved, but the leak detection is still on. I physically reset the device (not factory reset, just a hold-button-for-less-than-5-seconds reset), but the leak detected flag is still on.
Anyone know how I can reset this, short of uninstalling the plugin, making sure all the Airthings accessories are removed, and re-installing?
Wondering if anyone else having this issue. Can’t find this plugin on Homebridge running raspberry pi when doing a plugin search. Only ones that show up are Alexa and Alexa-Player. Is there a way to manually install this plugin? Not sure what I would have to enter into the terminal. TIA
I am wondering if there's any way to request a plug-in for devices?
Particularly, I have an Ambient Weather weather station that I'd like to integrate into
HomeBridge. I did do a search but came up empty.
So, how could I request a plug-in be created so I could integrate my weather station
into HomeBridge?
For some strange reason my homebridge is suddenly stuck on the loading screen since 2 weeks or so, restarting didn't work. Any ideas??