Post pictures, discussion, questions, and general chat about John Browning's last great design, perfected by Dieudonné Saive.
Clones, knock-offs, and others are welcome too!
Welcome to /r/hipower, the only subreddit dedicated to John Moses Browning's other famous handgun design!
Pictures, reviews, discussion, and questions are all welcome here.
Picked this up last week and I’m really liking it, however the one problem I’m having is that it’s grouping about 8 inches high at 5 yards. I also had my beretta 92 and 226 for comparison, both which grouped great so I wasn’t just having some kind of weird off day. I’ve contacted sds/inglis, no response yet.
Has anyone else had this problem? Also small sidenote, I haven’t figured out how to grip this with thumbs forward yet, at first I was almost using the slide catch as a gas pedal but it was catching the slide every round
I just bought an FN double action only hi power and it came with 1 10 round magazine. I bought 2 SA35 mags but found that the DAO mags are different. Do the FN hi power mags work? What other mags are compatible with it?
Recently picked up a hi power clone, and would hopefully like to find a set of fiber sights for it, but am unsure of the dovetail configuration. From my crude measurements, it looks like the rear is 0.430, which is not the standard hi power dovetail. Does anyone know the exact specs for this dovetail setup, and my micrometer isnt the best. That's!
Killer finish on this pistol, and the grips are nicer than my expensive humidor.
The Girsan and the Springfield models of my favorite pistol. I like the Girsan, but I adore the Springfield. It's a classy piece for EDC, 15+1 with Farraday HP ammo. I have an Inglis coming tomorrow, so I'll post that soon.
FEG cut to hug an ACRO with M90K cerakote.
Just wondering. I prefer a blued look. Had this for years.
My first and definitely not last, Hi Power
Not sure in regards to value but it’s a pretty good shooter. Hammer rides forward sometimes. Belgium made serial 72496.
Good evening gents! As a long time Hi Power fan, I’m very stoked to see so many clones on the market right now. What’s everyone’s opinion as to the best clone currently available? Are any clones currently using all barstock small parts? Which manufacturers have the highest round count so far? Thanks in advance for any insight 👊🏼
Hey guys, we are trying to figure out how old and how much worth my friends Browning FN Hi power 9mm is. It has a serial number stamp starting with B 49XXX. Brownings serial number search didnt help. Appreciate any leads
Picked this up as my first pistol just the other day, and I just have to say that this thing is really sweet! The fit and finish is better than a Springfield SA-35 that I was also considering, and I love the brass bead front sight. Took it to the range yesterday and put 100 rounds through it, and didn't have a single stoppage running Ammo Inc. and PMC Bronze 115 gr. 9mm ball. Slammin' deal for a shade over 400 bucks!
What's the difference? Is the Springfield worth the extra money?
I’m thinking about grabbing one, how do they run with SD ammo?
I ordered parts from BHSS, C&S, and CnC warrior over the last few weeks, only time I've ever online shopped with this card. Unless a major department store got hacked it's from those orders. Card is getting repeatedly bounced off shit like "EZ COUPONS" and other blatant fraud charges this morning, thankfully none are going through but since I don't have a branch here I can't just replace it today.
Being that someone previously mentioned getting their info stolen after an order from a for mentioned I figured I'd reiterate, either the problem was not taken care of or one of the other two got hit. I've ordered from C-S before plenty and have never seen people mention it happening with AK parts besides Atlantic so I assume it's still an open breach at BHSS.
Use a visa gift card or a burner.
So I recently bought my first HP, a FEG clone (the clone-correct one, not the one with the slide-mounted safety) and am currently trying to remove the magazine disconnect. However the pin in the trigger won't budge, and after giving up for now and reassembling I've noticed that occasionally the trigger doesn't drop the hammer after inserting a magazine unless I tap the bottom (idk if I damaged something or if the mag's just not seating properly). What am I doing wrong?
Has anyone heard of putting trigger parts from the GP competition model (either the entire system or mix and match components) into a standard BHP? The sear, hammer, trigger*, trigger lever, and sear lever** all have slightly different geometry than the standard BHP. I have seen write ups on the GP Competition model confirm that it did have a significantly nicer trigger.
* I believe the sear lever on the GP Comp has a different pivot location, so I know the slide on a standard BHP would require modification for it. Similar to the C&S match sear lever does.
Looking to get one at my local gun store for 700$ and wondering if its worth the price. Anyone have experience with them/have the FTE issues been worked out by now at all?
Hey all.
I already have an FN with the SFS from the factory in 9mm. I’d kinda like to pick up another range fun and possibly carry HP. Since there’s lots of choices now, which one is considered to be the best bang for the budget buck?
Those of you with a C&R license will be interested:
I checked Atlantic Firearms this morning, completely by chance, and found where they have a couple C&R eligible FN-manufactured Hi Powers available.
I just purchased one for myself. Figured I’d share with you all!