
Photograph via snooOG

The r/GolfClash subreddit is dark from June 12th-14th in support of the Reddit Blackout Protest. Reddit has made some changes in their billing for API calls that effect ALL of 3rd party developers that have alternate apps. The subreddit has not kicked you out or gone private. Utilize the Golf Clash Discord for questions and chatter. Join link here https://discord.gg/ANAsk68


  1. Keep it on Topic.
    All content must be related to Golf Clash or this subreddit.

  2. No hacking, cheating or buying/selling accounts.
    Posting content that encourages, instructs, or asks about cheats, hacks, or other topics that go against the Golf Clash Terms of Service are bannable offenses and will be removed. This includes the buying, selling, and trading of accounts or game items.

  3. It's only a game. Don't be a jerk. You're allowed to have an opinion, but you're not allowed to be a jerk about it. Rediquette is just as important as golf etiquette. Please follow the Rediquette rules; don't be a jerk. No personal attacks, no excessive profanity, no threats of violence. You can and will be banned without warning.

  4. No Low Effort Posting or Spam
    Low effort content will be removed at the discretion of the moderation team. This includes "title only" posts, "I'm quitting" posts, and other posts that won't generate discussion. Self promotion should be thoughtful, limited and consistently well received by the community. Don't spam.

  5. No "Naming and Shaming" posts
    Please report any cheats or suspect cheaters directly to Playdemic. This can be done via the in-game settings menu within the Golf Clash app or via their support website - https://playdemic.helpshift.com. It may not be a cheat, so please check the Known Issues page on the wiki. This rule also applies to callouts for emoji spamming and similar unsportsmanlike behavior.

  6. No Clan Recruiting or Searching posts
    Please post all clan recruiting and searching posts on the recruiting sub: /r/GolfClashClans

Please report any rule violations directly to the moderation team.

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1 Subscribers




06:04 UTC


why isn't this already a server

if anyone is here please comment

01:13 UTC

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