
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share information, thoughts and ideas, news, and credible studies and research regarding the science around global climate change. Interdisciplinary research from biology, chemistry, geology and more are all encouraged.

/r/GlobalClimateChange is a moderated subreddit with the goal of providing credible information in relation to the study of global climate change. Interdisciplinary studies are encouraged. Please review the Rules for Submissions before submitting to /r/GlobalClimateChange, and Rules for Comments before commenting. Strive to be informative, professional, and encouraging in your communications with other members here. Please note that this is not a subreddit for news articles that do not discuss recently published material in credible scientific journals or reports.

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Sustainable Products and Energy Survey

If anyone has the time and would like to take this quick survey for a school project, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


15:52 UTC


As the moon moves away from the Earth, how will it effect the Earths climate?

I was wondering if there was a climatologist who could explain how the moons gradual distancing from the Earth effects the global climate now and in the future. Thanks!

12:08 UTC


I am young and need to choose a career. What do we need the most?

Dear all,

I am 3/4 through my BSc in Physics in Canada. I would like to work in sustainable energy, or whichever domain has the biggest impact on the climate. As it stands, politicians and financial institutions have the biggest leverage in deciding the fate of the climate, so working in solar panels wouldn't do much help for example. I am young, driven, and reasonably smart. I have family in the EU, UK, and USA, so I can move around. If you had to give me 20-year plan which would save the climate, what would you tell me to do? I'm thinking something Greta Thunberg or Boyan Slat, somebody needs to be the face of change and I will step up to it if no one else does.

Thanks for your help, any criticism helps, but optimism can only result in positive effects. Shoot for the stars and you'll land on the moon.

1 Comment
07:24 UTC

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