
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit to share unique gift ideas with others.

Rules define a subreddit. So let's start with the 8 golden rules of this subreddit first.


  • Make sure to submit unique gift ideas only. If it isn't unique it does not belong here.

  • Please flair your posts appropriately. AutoModerator already does quite a bit of automatic flairing, but it's not perfect, so please check that the flair is appropriate for your post.

  • Make sure to link to the product link directly if possible. Links from trustworthy sites like Amazon, Etsy, Ebay etc are preferred.

  • Due to this subreddit getting a lot of spam, if your account is very new and/or has very little karma, your submission/comment will be removed. If your post does get removed, you can send us a modmail and, if your post isn't spam and doesn't violate any other rules, we'll approve it.

  • No referral links without a warning in the comment or post title.

  • No ad hominem attacks or threats, including troll-feeding responses.

  • If you believe a post or comment is spam, breaks our rules, breaks reddit's rules, or is otherwise inappropriate, please click the "report" button and submit a report (with a reason, please).

  • If over 10% of your submissions and conversation are your own site/content/affiliate links, you're almost certainly a spammer. [1] [2] [3]

And that's it for now. More rules may be added here as the community grows depending on what you guys think is important. But the most important thing is to keep submitting unique gift ideas here and stay awesome.

How to tell whether the gift is unique?

I would say that if you think that the gift you found out is unique, it most probably is unique. If you submit it here, you'll find out.

Self posts asking for gift ideas are also allowed here.

Just mention "Looking for a gift for my 'xyz'" in the title and mention the things he/she likes the most plus other details like the occasion and/or budget in the description. We could have a discussion about it and find the most suitable and cutest gift for that 'xyz' of yours :)

We all love gifts, don't we?? :)

Please send us a modmail if your post gets stuck in the spamfilter. We receive at least 20+ spam posts everyday and it's hard to go through each submission.

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Hover over link flairs for more information.

  • - family
  • - significant other
  • - friend
  • - gift suggestions, other
  • - need gift suggestions/help finding specific gift


106,947 Subscribers


Gift for first anniversary

My girlfriend and I's anniversary is while she is away on a trip so I wanted to get her a gift for it before she leaves. She loves music, (bmth, MCR and Ghost) she loves Lily flowers and handmade/cute gifts. I've been stuck for ideas for the past couple of weeks and I really want to get her something nice. There isn't really a budget, she prefers hand made things/artsy things so I'd spend maximum $120 and put effort into making something. Any suggestions?

04:23 UTC

03:17 UTC


Cute way to gift a bag

I am a 19M giving my gf a designer bag for our anniversary. What are some cute ideas on how to give it to her and what I should also maybe put in the bag and give her. Thanks

02:20 UTC


Gift ideas for friends 40th

Looking for gift ideas for a 40 year old male. He’s really into motocross (raced all his life), music - early November, hot mulligan, etc, and big into fantasy novels

22:59 UTC


Gift ideas for husband

Hey guys please drop some gift ideas for my husband Expect Cologne, shirt ,wallet, silver chain, ring, something unique which he can use day to day life I will be thankful ♥️🩵

19:00 UTC


How to share gift ideas for baby's 1st birthday

Our baby is approaching her first birthday and as it gets closer I know many family members will want to get her a present. How do I go about telling them gift ideas without getting 100 things cluttering up space? What are some good gift suggestions to give to the family for baby's first birthday?

17:34 UTC


First Anniversary Gift Ideas

I (42M) am looking for some first anniversary gift ideas for my lovely girlfriend (42F). I'm a lawyer and she's in liquor marketing. She's sporty, athletic, loves the beach, surfing, hiking, Montauk and tequila. She also loves a good cozy evening, mozzarella sticks, trashy tv and sleeping in. Basically, she's a total babe and I love her.

She has a lot of the typical "stuff" that you would find on some of the gift idea lists I've seen floating around, like an air fryer, personal massager, etc.

She gets free booze for work so something like a fancy bottle of tequila is out.

We've already exchanged spa days/massages as presents, so that's kind of out too.

I've also already given her some fancy pillows for her bed.

We're also going to Spain in September, so I had tentatively thought of a nice dinner there as our anniversary dinner.

She doesn't really wear much jewelry or perfume.

Both of our buildings have gyms, so nothing like gym equipment.

She has a trip to Machu Pichu coming up in the fall, so I was thinking something hiking oriented. But I don't really know what that would be. Open to ideas. She's previously climbed Kilimanjaro.

Thanks in advance.

Crossposted to r/GiftIdeas

15:29 UTC


Help with hair curlers for girlfriend

We went to a wedding and she loved having her hair curled so I thought this would be a great gift however I don't know where to begin with this. She would probably be doing it herself so whichever type is best for that, and she's only done it once so a beginners type maybe?

13:55 UTC


Any fragrance discovery set recommendations?

My sister has asked for a fragrance discovery set for her birthday and I'm not sure which one to get her.

I've seen one from DIEM on Insta but I haven't heard much about them, has anyone used them?

Recommendations welcomed, preferably on the cheaper side🙏

11:15 UTC


Flowery gift with no flower shops near?

Hi, I'm going on a trip with my girlfriend to a small village and our anniversary lands in the middle of our stay. She loves flowers but the village doesn't have any flower shops. I considered getting a bouquet beforehand and hiding it in the trunk, but it will probably wither and she has allergies, so she might get affected throughout the car ride. So, are there any alternatives that I can have prepared that keep the flowery spirit?

11:09 UTC



Hi! I was editing the book, and I was wondering, based on the previews, if the prints are one per page, or if I need to add colored sheets between the illustrations to achieve that effect

04:46 UTC


Help find a gift for my Mom!

I'm looking for a gift for my mom's 60th birthday. She has quite the jewelry collection so I want to get her something a little more unique. I like some of the pieces from Catbird and Audry Rose. Does anyone have experience with them or have other brand recommendations?

21:27 UTC


Bday gift, nephew (7 years with autism)

My nephew is very interested in technology and the related brands. Looking to spend around $25. He has several cell phones, speakers, a TV, and music instruments. He has social media and likes watching YouTube videos about tech and computer viruses. Although not super playful or silly, he’s an extremely curious and smart little dude! I’d love to get him something safe that nurtures his curiosity.

His primary caregiver is fairly hands off and he spends a lot of time alone in his bedroom, so things with that would require grownup oversight are less desirable.

20:15 UTC


Is it a good gift?

I honestly really want to give my bf this but will he like it? I don't know if he will think it's weird or not. Like ik it's pretty expensive but I really love him and I don't mind spending that much money on him but I don't want him to feel bad about it. We are a long distance couple which is why I thought it would be even better but what do you guys think?

19:28 UTC



I need help finding a gifts for my brother. His birthday is tomorrow. He likes fucking around with old computers and computers in general. He also likes tennis a bit. Please help!

1 Comment
17:13 UTC


1st Year anniversary gifts for boyfriend?

Some things that are important to note:

  1. We are both in college and do not have our own means of transportation (meaning we do not have cars)
  2. He is into video games, legos, music, and outdoor like things
  3. He plays a lot of instruments! for christmas last year I got him picks for his guitar
  4. We do not have a lot of “good” photos. He’s the type that loves to take silly/goofy photos and not really stop to smile for a camera
  5. I like being creative and somewhat sentimental with my gifts
  6. He is very weird with receiving cards and things like that. He has expressed before hand that he’s never been great at giving/receiving things like that

I feel like this is all important aspects to know! But for some reason i’m still struggling so much with ideas! I’d appreciate anything 🥲

17:12 UTC


Back to school gift ideas?

I have an incoming sophomore (15F), incoming 5th grader (10F), and an incoming 2nd grader (7M).

15F is hard to shop for, she doesn’t really have any hobbies or interests besides reading the occasional book. She’s not super girly and doesn’t wear much jewelry.

10F is very girly and into makeup and skincare. I got her a Stanley for school, and I want to fill it with some fun items, but I’m not sure what to put in there.

7M has some behavioral issues and hates stuffed animals with a passion, but he likes his VR headset, baseball cards, and Pokémon cards.

I would like to keep the gifts somewhat tied into school in some way, but also keep it fun.

15:36 UTC


I need help

I need gift ideas for my brothers birthday, he is going to be 23 and doesn’t have any hobbies other than gaming.

He likes 70s fashion, and yeah gaming.

I really don’t know what to get him 💀😭

14:44 UTC


More RIMPAC! #Navy

08:18 UTC


Gift for a friend who bought a new car?

Anything which can be useful and related to car

08:14 UTC


Gift for a friend leaving

So one of my best friends is leaving our city - Sam Francisco - in 2 weeks. It’s a super last minute move and she’s sad about having to leave :( I wanna get her smt that reminds her of sf when she looks at it and that she can always come back. Do you have ideas for a goodbye gift related to sf ??

I was thinking sf Fanny pack of coin purse. Can’t think of too many other things


1 Comment
07:29 UTC


Hope my parents like the wedding anniversary gift I gave them.--custom couple bobbleheads

1 Comment
02:49 UTC

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