Welcome to all daddies. While we do not have an exact age, we cater to those 40+ or the silver foxes in their 30s. Being an actual dad is not a requirement, but acting like one is.
Gay daddy pics, GIFs, and videos
Our Rules:
No incivility. Comments that are disrespectful, hateful, or harassing, will be removed and posters banned.
No off-topic posts. The photo must be of a "daddy." If the photo contains something that may not be widely considered to be a "daddy," the post may be removed. This is at the discretion of the mods. Also, where the "daddy" is a secondary character in the photo or video, it will be removed. "Daddy" should be the primary focus of the image or photo. Images containing women (clothed or otherwise) will be removed.
No low-quality posts. When submitting photos, please ensure that the picture quality is decent. Images that are blurry, overexposed, or generally low quality may be removed.
No posts strictly to blogs or Tumblrs. If you are going to post content from them, please link directly to the content, and not the top-level blog domain.
No modified or photoshopped photos.
No pictures strictly of genitals or the anus. If you want to upload a photo of either, it should include other portions of the body. A face (full or partial) is not required for self posts, but is encouraged. If the intent or general feel of the picture is simply a dick or ass pic, it will be removed.
No bodily fluids. Pictures containing urine and/or feces, or excessive mucous will be removed, and posters subject to banning. Allowable bodily fluids are ejaculate and saliva.
No personal requests for videos, photos, or dating. This includes posting or requesting user Kik, Snapchat accounts, etc. Requesting Instagram information is allowable if the account listed is not a private account.
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