Whether it's melodic, abrasive, or just... extra... slow... This is a community for sharing and discussing Funeral Doom Metal.
Rule #1: Only music related to funeral doom metal may be posted here. Any influence is welcome, but must be, at its core, funeral doom. Other than music, any and all content is welcome so long as it is related to funeral doom metal, FDM artists or productions they've released.
Rule #2: Be respectful to your fellow doom fans. Keep your prejudices to yourself. This subreddit is about one thing and one thing only: funeral doom metal.
Rule #3: Please post Bandcamp links when available, and please encourage listeners to help support up-and-coming artists by buying their releases and merchandise where possible.
Rule #4: Please don't downvote songs you dislike if they are funeral doom. Upvote the good content and downvote things that don't belong here.
Rule #5: Any content deemed to be unrelated to funeral doom metal will be removed. Message the mods if you spot anything that does not belong and we will check it out.
Let the funeral march commence...
If you're looking to explore the dark side of music, pay a visit to our friends over at these subreddits:
Friday is upon us, so go ahead and use the comments here to share what funeral doom you've been listening to over the last week as well as any recommendations or new discoveries you may have...
Once again, less about production values or which album is more technically proficient, more about which is simply your favourite, the one you listen to the most, the one that means most to you for whatever reason (feel free to elaborate in the comments).
(Poll open for 5 days)
It's that time of the week again, so feel free to share what funeral doom acts and albums darkened your week a bit, be they new discoveries, old favorites, albums you revisited, etc.
Stay doomed, my friends!
This is so intense!!!
Less about production values or which album is more technically proficient, more about which is simply your favourite, the one you listen to the most, the one that means most to you for whatever reason (feel free to elaborate in the comments).
(Poll open for 5 days)
Hello and welcome to Funeral Doom Friday, where we take some time to discuss what you’ve been listening to over the last week. So use the comments below to tell us what new discoveries, recent releases, or old classics you’ve been spinning.
Between the chaos of the holiday season and life happening to the mods here, things have started getting a bit out of hand. Overall, we're pretty chill because the people here are pretty chill. That said, we need to reestablish some boundaries.
First, while some content in Funeral Doom Metal can be dark and disturbing, we ask that you refrain from posting graphic gore and shock content, especially videos. Not only does it disturb some members of the community, we risk getting shut down if the "wrong" person comes in, sees that content, and reports us. If you think your video needs an NSFW tag, you should probably look for an alternate video (lyric video, one of the album cover, etc.). We will remove any such videos, and repeat offenders will receive the Ban Hammer Of Doom. Please don't make us reach that point. We like our community here.
Second, posting multiple videos of works in progress needs to stop. Wait for your final product and share that, keeping it relevant to the genre. People don't want to spend their precious time (doom)scrolling this feed looking for new discoveries, only to have to scroll through numerous posts of the same person's project. We get it; you want to share your stuff, but please do so in moderation.
We mods aren't trying to be tyrants. We just want our members and visitors to enjoy their time in these gloomy lands. We thank you all for being here, and for being considerate of each other.
I can't seem to find anyone at the moment so I'm putting this out there.
Snarly, slow, and low.
FFO Bell Witch, Primitive Man, Thou
Anything similar to Sutratma? New listener to this genre. Only other band I really vibe with is Windhand
Anybody got this book? Haven't found out if it's been translated to English yet. Scrolled down the Italian version, and it looks very very interesting.
IL SUONO DEL DOLORE [The Sound of Pain] - Thirty years of Funeral Doom by Stefano Cavanna (Tsunami Edizioni publication)
'Tis Friday folks, so go ahead and use the comments here to share what funeral doom you've been listening to over the last week as well as any new discoveries you may have...
My favorite Ordog albums are “Life is too short for Learning to Live” and “Remorse” 😊
It may be a new year, but the doom still persists, so feel free to share what you've been listening to over the last week: new releases, old favorites, etc.
As an added bonus, please feel free to share what was your favorite FunDoom release of 2024. Perhaps it was something that your fellow community members may have missed.
Lyrics: In the hollow Where cold winds whisper Secrets deeper than the coal
Broken dreams die in silence Deep in the dark of the trees
A needle A pill A fleeting breath It steals the soul And mocks the dead
Empty prayers fall from dying eyes.
Firstly, I'm just gonna say that I totally lost track of what day of the week it was, mia culpa - oh, the temporary joys of being off work.
'Tis the season so here's to hoping everyone survived Xmas intact and all that but it's still (a few hours past) Friday folks, so go ahead and use the comments here to share what funeral doom you've been listening to over the last week as well as any new discoveries you may have...
Merry Christmas and happy holidays, fellow funeral doom appreciators.
As the title suggests, I'm looking for recommendations on the best albums that are so bludgeoningly heavy and soul crushing depressive, that they evoke a sadness and a longing for the rope like no other.
My existing list of bands and albums (these being your usual suspects in Mournful Congregation, Skepticism, Colosseum, Shape of Despair, Clouds, etc.) just doesn't hit the same anymore.
Bonus points for niche bands that aren't that popular even amongst us.
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone know albums or songs similar to this piece?