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    Words of wisdom by /u/talrich

    Namaste. You seek balance. Here is my wisdom. Your mistakes have no cost but time, and the deconstruction planner even reduces that cost. Most games punish you for building, demolishing and rebuilding. Not Factorio. Let your anxiety wash away as you perceive that every belt placed can be moved. Every assembler is but a visitor to where it resides. The only significance is life, which leads to the further wisdom. Look both ways before you cross the tracks.


    383,390 Subscribers


    3 oil trains to 1 depo

    im new to factorio and trying to figure out how to make this intersection thing work (made in ms paint)


    00:11 UTC


    How do we pronounce Gleba?

    00:00 UTC


    Question about circuit control of inserters.

    Assume for a moment that I have a reason to be hyper effecient with my Reactors, is there any way to get an Inserter to put in one and only one Uranium Fuel Cell?

    I have a Switch arrangement that turns on the Inserter when the Accumulators are < 40% (gives just enough time to get Reactor temps back up over 500 C before they run low), but even with the Inserter stack-limited to 1, it still cycles 4 times before it shuts back off again. That much fuel is not needed just to get the Reactor temps back up to 1000 C.

    I'm kinda wanting to cycle the temps up to 1000 C and then let it drop back down, one Uranium Fuel Cell at a time.

    I know it's a bit OCD, but the game is kinda OCD-ish anyway.

    Also, it might come in handy for other uses as well to understand how to control Inserter activity better.

    23:55 UTC


    What achievements do you hope/expect to see in Space Age?

    I am a shameless achievement hunter and for some reason I feel my motivation to play a game wanes after I've gotten every achievement. My hope is there is a new production related achievement like the 20 million green chips one but magnitudes greater. Something like 20 million blue chips, 10,000 rockets launched, etc. I feel like with all the new boosts to productivity coming in the expansion it wouldn't be unreasonable to have new achievements that require 10-100 times more overall production compared to the old achievements.

    23:40 UTC


    Someone tell me this isn't a "valid" 3 to 2 belt balancer.


    By valid, I mean, tell me how it is not equally as efficient as the "traditional" 3 to 2 balancer on the right side. I was playing with condensing this balancer and came up with the one on the left but feel like it can't be as simple as it was.

    23:21 UTC


    Do I simply need more oil?

    23:12 UTC


    PvP evolving biters

    Is there a mod where the player can produce and evolve biters? Then maybe release these biters against an enemy player?

    22:33 UTC


    Ain't much, but I'm proud of my first playthrough nuclear setup

    22:23 UTC


    Recommended mods (especially PVE)

    I was wondering if there's any mods you guys recommend getting to play the game. I've only been a couple hours deep into the game. But what I'm most looking for is something that makes the PVE aspect more interesting. In my experience it was just a nuissance that wasn't interesting to interact with to the point where I felt like just disabling it, since the PVE was not THAT threatening to make the game challenging, but also not fun enough to make me wanna go do it. So a mod that overhauls that would be much appreciated.

    22:03 UTC


    Will mods still work with 2.0?

    I haven't seen this posted anywhere or addressed in the FFFs. Apologies if I've missed something obvious.

    Does anyone know to what extent mods, and specifically mods like Space Exploration, will be impacted by the 2.0? Not necessarily "will my base still work" because obviously probably not, but more along the lines of "will mods function at all from a fresh game restart?"

    Primarily asking because Satisfactory 1.0's release has pretty much destroyed all mod functionality for now, making that game mostly unplayable for me until things get better squared away. I had planned to take off time in October after the Factorio 2.0 release, but if SE (which is currently my main squeeze) doesn't work, I may wait until the mod community can catch up with the new tools.

    20:57 UTC


    [Vanilla] first base, first rocket launch (25h) full spaguet, where do I go from here ?

    19:51 UTC


    Helmod clarification of icons

    Im tinkering with helmod and I see these icons above some items and I have no idea what they mean. Tried lookin in the helpfiles but couldn't find it. So of to reddit I go!


    I mean the star on the plastic in the top and the bullseye? on the plastic in the bottom!

    much obliged fellow engineers!

    18:23 UTC


    Pretty lights

    It is a linear shift register.

    17:32 UTC


    Robots! Robots everywhere!

    I finally got robotics up and running - my tech tree is *almost* done - working on the last few now. I can launch a rocket any time I want (I haven't launched it waiting on maybe building a satellite first).

    I did run into an issue with the robots, though.

    It seems they sort of run out of gas while flying around.

    I started with putting strips of Roboports across the middle of my base in strategic places, but that seems like a very "sledgehammer" sort of approach.

    I'm also still not getting enough movement of iron plates to keep my factories fully fed and I have thousands of robots.

    I guess what I'm looking for is a recommendation for a few QOL mods that will let me monitor my actual inventory a bit better - like how much of a thing I have total (including in robots) and where I have shortages better somehow.

    I do not want to change the mechanics of play at all. I just want to get better information made available to me.

    I'll take any recommendations you guys have.

    Thanks in advance.


    17:09 UTC


    Ore supply problems

    I'm playing a bit of Space Exploration at the moment, still on Nauvis w/o chemical science yet... I'm basically in a constant resource crisis, it felt like my starting patches evaporated and I'm on life support via a single core miner. I don't really have the resources for trains at the moment, and I'm only producing 200 iron ore/min. How can I up my rates? Do I just need to suck more patches dry? Thanks

    16:53 UTC


    Will Aquillo be like SeaBlock? Please say yes

    16:32 UTC


    New rails curves bigger than I thought.


    What if I told you this is reality that the new rails occupy a larger area than the old ones at the same bends?
    Of course, if the author of the mod(fake new rails) did everything right.

    If there is anyone with beta access, can you check if these are the right bends or not?

    16:06 UTC


    Factorio as a Combinatorial Optimization problem

    Hello, as a project, me and a buddy are modelling Factorio as a Constraint Programming optimization problem using the MiniZinc toolchain: MiniZinc Website. The goal is to optimize a factory layout.
    Some specifics regarding the layout:

    • Assume unlimited power.
    • Assume unlimited raw material flow.

    We are currently exploring different way to measure how optimal a specific layout is.

    Our current two viewpoint are:

    Maximize a production of a component (white science, is what we purpose), give a specific area.
    Minimize the area of a layout, given a specific production goal (10 white science/minute etc.)

    What are some other concrete measures we can model and what are some tips you wish to provide, Constraint Programming/Minizinc specific or Factorio specific.

    If you are curious about the project we can post updates.
    The factory must grow...

    15:46 UTC


    Is there any way I can play in sandbox mode but with blueprints working?

    I wanted to play a run in sandbox mode, where no character exists, so I can move very fast through the map without worrying about clipping or dying. However, I also wanted to gather resources to build things. Sandbox mode with cheats off is what I wanted, but when I try to use the deconstruction planner, for example, it gets stuck because, obviously, there are no bots. Is there any way I could play with blueprints but only use the materials I have available in sandbox mode? Thanks in advance!


    15:17 UTC

    11:56 UTC


    i already launched a rocket but since its like 12 pm i forgor to post it. here is rocket silo

    11:43 UTC


    Factorio on ARM64 Phone


    Hi. I'm MaxRM.

    Several days ago I have installed Windows 11 ARM64 on my phone - Xiaomi POCO x3 PRO.

    Then I decided to try running Factorio on it and it worked!


    And then I'll explain why it worked. Windows 11 ARM64 has a built-in x86/x64-ARM64 translator, which allows you to run programs not originally designed for the ARM64 CPU.

    I must say - it works well despite the fact that it is not running natively, but there are big problems with control it. Unfortunately, I forgot my USB-USB-Type-C converter in another city, so I couldn't use the keyboard and mouse to play fully, I had to use the OnScreen keyboard to take the screenshots shown in the video.

    In general, I could imagine a mod that would work as an environment for creating custom controls in the form of different buttons, switches added on top of the screen (aka virtual gamepad), as it is done in "InputBridge" or "PojavLauncher", which gives you great potential in creating virtual controls for comfortable gameplay, but the problem is that most likely no one will want to make such a mod.

    And also, this post is intended to attract the attention of developers, because I want to say:

    Pease make a native port for Windows ARM so that it works even better than it does now. I know that there is already a port on MacOS ARM64 and some ARM64 console from Nintendo, so in general it should be possible to just compile the existing source code for Windows ARM.

    Or you can send source code to me, and I will do it myself)

    10:44 UTC


    okay so like 5 minutes after my last post i "accidentally" started a forest fire

    10:21 UTC


    [LTN] How stop mod assume that train is lost if it just unloading too long?

    LTN sends another train when a single one cannot unload in 10 min. I changed the option to maximum (10 hours), but I wonder if there is a way to cut that thing entirely?

    09:45 UTC


    gonna leave yall with this image. the bus spaghetti

    09:41 UTC


    I finally got robots! After 17 hours and....

    I got over 150 hours on this account. This is as far as I ever had made it. All my accounts combines comes about 1200 hours combined because I just love the game this much. This is the stepping stone to late game. Now two problems. Green Circuits and Power. Fuuuuuuu* the starter phase is over.... now my biggest problems is getting my freaking rail network to work.... ugh. Any advice for this sprouting Factorian. Pretty please??? How many hours you guys got? Let me know below 😀

    Ps. I have never launched a rocket or even made nuclear power plant.... I'm kind of scared too 😳

    09:09 UTC


    Swarms are starting to ruins my life...

    Still love this game...but the swarms....I dismantled my boilers and even tried to switch to solar panels.

    But no matter what, as soon as a swarm gets taken care off, another one attacks, literally. I even went so far as to destroying nearby nests.

    Even after most of my factory is useless and destroyed, they just keep coming.

    I am honestly considering scrapping the whole session and start over.

    I also don't understand because there was no escalation. I barely got attacked at first then, the next thing I knew, I had an army bursting through my walls and destroying my turrets.

    Probably doesn't help I am in a desert with no oil and only coal?

    Again, let me know your thoughts, please.

    Also, sorry for the typo mistakes.

    Edit: why am I getting downvoted when I'm only trying to understand what happened? I am not saying the game is bad, I am just trying to see what I can do better.

    08:30 UTC


    Is it a good idea to run a megabase without accumulators?

    Im very new to megabases and i was wondering if i could just skip them entirely and have city blocks made entirely of solar panels, in combination with nuclear plants. I would guess it would waste more nuclear fuel as it would be warming and cooling the reactors every day, but still, uranium isnt a concern. Side note: im thinking abt it just because im too lazy to learn to do the logic for a nuclear+solar with accum grid.

    07:54 UTC


    Genuine question to people who say they "can't afford" Factorio

    Every now and then someone posts in this forum saying they're playing a bootleg copy of the game or really really want the game after finishing the tutorial but won't buy it because they "can't afford" the 35€ or so to buy it. Or they are complaining in general about how it was "too expensive."

    Of course if you have to choose between Factorio and food the choice is clear, although your general cost of living will go down during the first few hundred hours of gameplay. What I don't get is that if you already own a PC or a console, and copious amounts of time to waste, how can't you shell out 35€ for a bit of luxury? Is this really the first time your computer use ventures from bread-winning Word and Excel work to a game? Or has the seemingly "free" availability of all sorts of electronic distractions made people forget that developing and distributing stuff costs actual money?

    Where I live, Factorio costs about as much as three or four movie tickets, which will entertain you for maybe 10 hours. Do the math.

    I don't want to sound arrogant here. I'm actually interested. I don't understand how people prioritize their budget when it comes to games.

    06:41 UTC


    12 or 8 beacons (again!)

    Hi All

    I generally use 8 beacons - this works great for grids of machines and is maximally efficient for beacons per machine IMHO.

    However, I am trying to get a stockpile of nukes and WOW you need a lot of Centrifuges. I am currently trying to make 1 nuke per second which equates to around 300 centrifuges doing kovarex (with no modules) producing U-235.

    So, my question is which is most SPACE efficient. I have city blocks. For a given area am I going to get more product using 12 beacons per machine or 8? I am guessing that 8 is still the better solution. 12 takes up quite a bit of space and going from 8 to 12 beacons seems to be hitting diminishing returns in terms of speed increase (is this correct? how do beacons stack?)

    06:24 UTC

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