Explain things like you are one, all, or any combination of Charlie, Mac, Dennis, Sweet Dee, and Frank.
Yes, this is another "Explain like..." sub. Explain things like you are one, all, or any combination of Charlie, Mac, Dennis, Sweet Dee, and Frank. You know what to do, so why don't you bozos get to it?
1. Post questions you want answered, or channel your inner Rob McElhenny and answer some other jabrony's question.
2. The "Sunny opening teaser" format is not required, but it's great to help you get started.
3. Don't be a dick. Unless you're answering a question in character as one or more of the gang... then you should definitely be a dick.
4. No low effort (e.g., single sentence) responses, please. This applies to top level comments (i.e., comments responding to OP), but conversations and discussions beyond that are fine, obviously.
5. The mods reserve the right to do an ocular patdown on any potential threat and either clear them for passage or eject them from the premises.
6. Other IASIP characters may be involved, but it should still focus primarily on "The Gang".
7. All posts must adhere to all federal and state bird laws.
8. Your explanations don't need to be factually accurate. Just like many of the explanations on IASIP, they can be complete and utter bullshit, if you decide that's funnier.
Season 3s Mac is a serial killer includes a scene with him wearing that typical goat that walks on two legs but always seems to be sitting down.
Later in the episode after fighting or sleeping with the “tranny” he has a grey t shirt on that is much more Hollywood than catholic.
On an unrelated note I find much it to be much less pleasure rewatching episodes on Disney plus.