
Photograph via snooOG

A friendly and uplifting community focused on Mind, Body, & Spirit Exercises, RESEARCH, NEWS, and helpful/motivating information and videos. Exercise has numerous benefits associated with it aside from physically looking and feeling better. Exercise is known to enhance cognitive abilities, mood, and is closely tied to better mind and body health and function overall. KEEP IT POSITIVE OR GET BANNED.

A friendly and uplifting community focused on Mind, Body, & Spirit Exercises, RESEARCH, NEWS, and helpful/motivating information and videos. Exercise has numerous benefits associated with it aside from physically looking and feeling better. Exercise is known to enhance cognitive abilities, mood, and is closely tied to better mind and body health and function overall. KEEP IT POSITIVE OR GET BANNED.


PLEASE READ BEFORE SUBMITTING COMMENTS!!! 😊 This is a FRIENDLY, exercise focused community. Be courteous and helpful to others in their journey. ◉ No negative comments will be tolerated. ◉ DO NOT ASK FOR HEALTH ADVICE. ◉ NO MEDICAL CONDITIONS OR REFERENCE TO PHARMA AT ALL. ◉ No medical, injury, or pain related posts** (try /r/AskDocs or see a professional)


110,622 Subscribers


Most important exercises to do to avoid being decrepit in old age?

Ability to squat as a 40 years old = ability to use the toilet alone in your 80s. Are there other exercises or movemenrs that would be most important for a 30+ year old to start doing now before old age?

04:32 UTC


Hanging on to treadmill

While staying at various hotels last summer, I was in the fitness room everyday. One thing I noticed is that I’m not able to use the treadmill without hanging on.

How do I learn to walk hands free?

04:06 UTC


Routine advice for a beginner

With my current work schedule and home responsibilities, I can only workout 3 times a week. Right now I’ve been going to spin class 2 times a week and I’ve been pretty consistent for over a year, I’d like to add a third day but I would like it to be something different, strength training. I still consider myself a beginner in the workout world. Would you recommend 2 days spin, 1 day strength, or reverse it and have 1 day spin and 2 days strength? A mix of this? I love the weight loss I’ve had with spin, it hasn’t been crazy, but it’s been nice to see my legs tone up a bit. I’m also in a Saturday adult kickball league (silly I know) and I’ve noticed since going to spin I’ve been running faster and my endurance has been great. I guess my goal would be to continue to tone my body and continue to lose weight slowly but surely over the next year, while maintaining my endurance and speed. Thank you!

03:25 UTC


Comprehensive personal trainer to supplement tonal?

Would like to hire an online personal trainer who can:

  1. Provide comprehensive guidance - including customized meal plans and workouts tailed to me
  2. Can login to my Tonal account and create Tonal workouts for me
  3. Available for say a 30 min zoom call every other week or so for questions on form or diet or anything else
  4. Answer quick questions on text/email as and when I have them

Any recommendations for this? Would like somebody who has been a trainer for at least a few years and know what they’re doing.

Coaches who’ve been employed by Tonal are very expensive to hire…hearing like 150-250$ per session or an upfront 4000-5000$ for 4 months.

I’m looking for someone more reasonably priced. Any suggestions?

1 Comment
21:20 UTC


Reduced appetite

I’ve been working out for two months 3-4 days a week. My eating habits have never been particularly healthy and consisted of lots of sodium/processed foods. I snacked heavily and was notorious for this at work and school.

Ever since I started working out, my appetite has reduced significantly. In addition to being more conscious of the nutrients I consume, I've craved more greens and fruits than I have ever in my life. On top of this, I have almost completely stopped snacking. My portions for meals have gotten significantly less, and at times I almost force myself to eat in order to provide nutrients and energy for my body before a workout.

Don’t get me wrong- this is great progress and the best I’ve eaten in years. But, because of how drastic this change is, I’ve been getting a bit concerned. The people around me have noticed how little I’ve been eating in comparison to my normal eating habits. I don’t track calories or am highly concerned with my weight, but there has been a history of eating disorders in my family. I have not started any new medications. Stress must play a role in this, but it’s typical for me to overeat while stressed.

Any idea what this could be, or is this a normal occurrence? I am 18F.

21:07 UTC


are these full reps?

20:45 UTC



56f Ive worked out in the past, however I want to start again and don't know how.

2022 I had long covid for 3 months 2023 I had eyelid/eyebrow surgery

2024 summer I had a bad case of diverticulitis and November got covid again.

Needless to say, I'm very out of shape and quite fatigued most of the time.

What's a good way to begin exercising again? If I join a gym, I have no idea what to do. Treadmill? Weights?

19:08 UTC


How do I get back dimples back?

Supposedly, back dimples show more with a lower body fat percentage when I was 2 stone heavier, I had back dimples, now I do not, I like wearing low rise jeans so they would be a nice accessory to get back I'm not sure if this has anything to do with my pregnancy, I weigh less then my pre pregnancy weigh and gained zero weight in pregnancy, only lost weight as I had HG illness, I'm 11 months postpartum anything I can do?

1 Comment
16:22 UTC


How To Chin Up - Step By Step Guide For Beginners

14:07 UTC



In your point of view, what is your favorite method of exercise?

13:41 UTC


Fitness resources

Because I'm trying to mentor someone on fitness. I made a list of youtuber to subscribe to. If you're interested in fitness youtubers, this guy is one of my personal favorites


These guys are pretty good as well.






This is another great resource. Bookmark it if you want. It's great for learning which exercises target which muscles.

12:22 UTC


Starting 75 soft tomorrow

Hi everyone, I'm 18F and starting a modified 75 soft (since I'm in school and a 75 hard doesn't work with my schedule or budget rn). I'm looking to gain some discipline with working out and eating healthy and dont really want to lose significant weight, just gain muscle tone and definition as well as mental discipline, like I already mentioned. My rules are as posted below.

-80g protein per day -20-25g fiber per day -80/20 eating habits -3 full healthy meals, 1-2 small sweets -workout every single day for at least 30 mins -complete at least two classes worth of homework each day -10,000 steps per day, go on a walk if you havent exercised that day -72 oz of water a day -1 extra personal goal each day -mindful and positive thinking (compliment yourself every time you look in the mirror)

Again, l've done some research and in general, these are the things that I believe will be good for MY body and goals and what is reasonable for me personally. I mainly came on here just for some encouragement (I start on Dec 1st, so tomorrow) and maybe I will do some progress checks as well as I continue!

06:42 UTC


Question about power towers?

I got one for Christmas from my mom as I’ve started consistently exercising 2 months ago. I’m 235 lbs. and I do not have the muscles to support my body weight very well. I need to do lesser versions of body workouts like incline push ups.

That being said, the dips component of the power tower tips it towards me. I was just experimenting, I’m in no shape to be doing dips. And I was very shaky when trying them.

I see the section at the end of the assembly instructional video of the guy doing them just fine and he’s far more fit than I am. And also, i have it on carpet which may play a part in it tipping but I’m not sure. It’s midnight so I’ll have to test it on a more flat surface later.

Wanted to know if it’s from my weight/bad form causing the tip, or if this is a low quality product with bad stability if it tips so easily. I’m able to return it and pitch in the difference for a better one, my mom won’t care.

Edit: I was going to post pictures of it in comments so people can see the structural integrity of it, but I can’t comment for some reason. Maybe mods have to approve the post first? Will see

05:40 UTC


Cardio machine(s) for home given the below constraints

I’m likely shooting myself in the foot here but I’ve hit a wall in this process and would appreciate some help. I’m looking for a cardio machine for my home… that meet the following constraints:

  • I live in the top floor unit of an apt

  • I had a stationary bike that I hated

  • I like running/walking in a treadmill but due to having neighbors, can’t run.

  • ETA: I commute a long way to work and have an office job (ie - sit for 10+ hrs a day), and I’m exhausted when I get home so whatever I buy would end up being my only workout for most days.

I’ve been eyeing walking pads but they all seem to have issues with motor burning, pad being misaligned, or it just stop working. I’d also have to oil the track every so often, not a huge deal but part of the maintenance.

Given what happened with the stationary bike, I’m hesitant to spend a lot on the walking pad.

05:28 UTC


Can someone tell me about their experience with primal exercise?

I’m curious to learn more about the 7 movements and functional exercises, I’d like muscles that look ok but work well for health and mobility. I’d just like to hear how you found the exercises.

1 Comment
00:01 UTC


Ive been wanting to get into the shape i was in highschool, i was strong after sports training, junior year i was doing push ups with a girl on my back, maybe she was 80 lbs, i was 140 or so...wanted to know if

Now that im not far from homelessness, can i exercise without food in my stomach? Or does food have to be #1,,, and 2, exercise bcuz il probably have my kindle stolen or battery die, to me reading matters most...

19:32 UTC


Is Insanity true hiit?

The plyometrics.workout breakdown is

~10 minute "warmup" consisting of jogging in place, jumping jacks, butt kicks, and a few other movements for 3 rounds. By this time I'm already gassed if I'm out of shape.

Followed by 2 circuits, 3 rounds each, 2 minutes each round, with 30 second break in between each round.

I find it very hard to go all out for 2 minutes each round. I get an insane workout, but I feel like I get so tired I'm not really getting a true hiit experience.

01:13 UTC


So Demotivated

I'm completely demotivated and I could use some advice/reassurance

I'm 21 trans woman, 165cm and ~80kg.

I downloaded loseit in late september, and I have stuck to an avg of ~1200-1300calories a day, with around 100g of protein a day.

  • I workout with both cardio and weights 3-4times a week. ~4hrs a week
  • I play football with uni ~2-4 hrs a week
  • I cycle everywhere I go, so about ~4hrs a week too.

Despite this, I haven't lost any weight, maybe 1-2 kg max, of doing this for over 2 months.

I've cut out oil from my cooking, I cut almost all UPFs, I cut out carbs like rice/bread/pasta, and I vehemently avoid sugars, sweets, sodas etc.

I'm doing everything right, and yet I'm not losing any weight! I dont even know how it's possible!!! how is my body still functioning with nearly half the normal calories and so much exercise and yet not burning any fat!

I'm on hormones and I know this can affect my weight, but I don't know what else I can do anymore and I wonder if anyone has had any similar experiences or has any advice for what to do.

I've spent the past week eating ~2000kcal bc i suspect my body is in "starvation mode" and preventing fat burn, but I'm gonna go back to my ~1300kcal a day routine from next week

22:44 UTC


Hey, so I was biking, and I felt like I was going to throw up.

So I was biking, and I was going slow to pass someone, then I decided to race a car I saw, after going around 19 mph for like 45 seconds, I felt like I was going to throw up, what happened? Please help

16:20 UTC


Changing an aspect of my leg routine. Thoughts on this would be appreciated.

My goal is to have leg size, strength, athleticism, and functionality. My original included barbell squats. However today I decided to replace barbell squats with hack squats as my lower back hurts due to my inability to brace my core properly. But to compensate for the athletic aspects and functionality I would supposedly lose, I decided to add pistol squats to the routine. Before anyone asks, I can't do full pistol squats but I can do chair assisted pistol squats and I plan on progressing from there. My idea is that for the leg hypertrophy, hack squats will cover it while the pistol squats will take care of the stabilization as well as add a unique challenge in balancing and also iron out the muscle imbalances. Just wanted to share this and I would really appreciate your thoughts on this.

14:54 UTC


Weighted backpack

I'd like some advice on my weighted backpack and whether I'm doing any long-term damage.

Personal deets

Weight: 10 st 11lbs / 68kg (As of last check)

Height: 5’10

Age 49

BMR: 1600 (inactive) 2600-2800 (active)


I walk about 30-35 miles a week. I eat well, that is to say nutritionally I'm hitting a lot of the markers and some of the macro nutrients too.

I walk for about 2 hours, usually two days on, one day 'off' although that will often include a 4-mile walk (there and back) to the shops. My backpack is currently around 5kg (I think) There are three 1 litre bottles of water in there and I carry my 1.5 litre bottle of fruit juice/water to take it to 4.5kg and there are other odds and sods in there too, so I round it up. I plan to take the back to 7 or 8kg, but for my age and weight I think the upper limit is 10kg, so I'll likely stop before I get there.

I did a 3.5 mile yesterday with a 10kg backpack and I knew about it when I got home. Hard to tell how I feel though as I relaxed and drank a bottle of wine last night.

My concern is with regard to the weight I might be putting on my joints.

Thank you for all considered, respectful replies.

11:31 UTC


how do i increse my weight in pounds but not in kg

Im a big enjoyer of calisthenics and bodyweight movements witch, as you know, become easier once you are lighter especially in kg. However i want to go on a bulk. How do i increase my weight in pounds in kg.

07:09 UTC


One month of good eat sleep and workout

From 58.5kg to 63, no before pic

05:48 UTC


Question about broken forearm and calisthenics.

Around 4 years ago i broke my forearm clean in half, now it's fully healed and still has the titanium plates jointing the two half's. However on certain exercises, predominantly push-ups like diamond variations, reverse grip variations etc which put strain on the forearm cause clear discomfort where it broke. Should i stray away from these exercises or am i overthinking it?

(The doctor(s) who worked on it said it should be stronger, if not just as strong as before. But the discomfort makes me a little uneasy as breaking it again could quite literally shatter my entire forearm bone)

1 Comment
03:47 UTC

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