
Photograph via snooOG

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    Welcome to ESO Cribs!

    Here's your one-stop shop for getting ideas on how to decorate your house in the Elder Scrolls Online.

    For Furnisher and Decorator Requests

    Please specify in the title what platform you are playing on for quicker response times.


    • All content should be related to Elder Scrolls Online.
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    • We have the right to remove any post. We strive to be fair, and will never remove a post or comment without reason.


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    Luxury Furnishings May 3: Filled Alchemy Shelves, Full Amino Core, Clockwork Alchemy Flask, Tubes Clockwork Alchemy Rack, Vertical Clockwork Coffer, Crystals Clockwork Pot, Clockwork Titration Stand, Glowing Redguard Bottle, Glass Dome Telvanni Specimen Jar

    1. Alchemy Shelves, Filled 4,000g

    2. Amino Core, Full 10,000g

    3. Clockwork Alchemy Flask 3,000g

    4. Clockwork Alchemy Rack, Tubes 3,000g

    5. Clockwork Coffer, Vertical 4,000g

    6. Clockwork Pot, Crystals 10,000g

    7. Clockwork Titration Stand 3,000g

    8. Redguard Bottle, Glowing 15,000g NEW

    9. Telvanni Specimen Jar, Glass Dome 1,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:15 UTC


    Looking for a home decorater on PS/NA

    Anyone on PS4 or PS5 in the NA server available to decorate my house? I'm terrible at designing and am looking for a tropical look in the Sword Singer Redoubt that everyone gets for Mays daily login.

    00:39 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Apr 26: Curtained Changing Room, Curtained Clockwork Changing Room, Sturdy Clockwork Loom, Sturdy Clockwork Spinning Wheel, Fabric Bolts Common Crate, Stacked Quality Fabric, Rolled Rugs, Folded Laundry Shelf, Blue Thread Spool

    1. Changing Room, Curtained 3,000g

    2. Clockwork Changing Room, Curtained 20,000g

    3. Clockwork Loom, Sturdy 20,000g

    4. Clockwork Spinning Wheel, Sturdy 12,000g

    5. Common Crate, Fabric Bolts 4,000g

    6. Quality Fabric, Stacked 450g

    7. Rugs, Rolled 2,500g

    8. Shelf, Folded Laundry 300g NEW

    9. Spool, Blue Thread 250g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:27 UTC


    [Xbox/NA] The Fists of Thalmor guild is looking for community leaders!!!

    06:35 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Apr 19: Small Banker's Sign, Packs Banner, Transmute Banner, Transmute Small Banner, Large Fighter's Guild Sign, Hanging Inn Grahtwood Banner, Grahtwood Fighters Guild Banner, Small Merchant's Sign, Small Stablemaster's Sign, Mages Guild Wood Elf Banner

    1. Banker's Sign, Small 3,000g

    2. Banner, Packs 4,000g

    3. Banner, Transmute 12,000g

    4. Banner, Transmute Small 5,000g

    5. Fighter's Guild Sign, Large 12,000g

    6. Grahtwood Banner, Hanging Inn 4,000g

    7. Grahtwood Fighters Guild Banner 12,000g

    8. Merchant's Sign, Small 3,000g

    9. Stablemaster's Sign, Small 3,000g

    10. Wood Elf Banner, Mages Guild 12,000g NEW

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:16 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Apr 12: Large Banker's Sign, Foodhall 450g Banner, Furnishings Banner, Outfit Banner, Outfit Small Banner, Hanging Inn Sign, Large Mages Guild Sign, Large Merchant's Sign, Mystic's Banner, Large Stablemaster's Sign

    1. Banker's Sign, Large 12,000g

    2. Banner, Foodhall 450g NEW

    3. Banner, Furnishings 25,000g

    4. Banner, Outfit 12,000g

    5. Banner, Outfit Small 5,000g

    6. Inn Sign, Hanging 4,000g

    7. Mages Guild Sign, Large 12,000g

    8. Merchant's Sign, Large 12,000g

    9. Mystic's Banner 4,000g

    10. Stablemaster's Sign, Large 12,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:12 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Apr 5: Arched Clockwork Door, Bell Jar Clockwork Gear Display, Tall Jar Clockwork Gear Display, Stand Clockwork Globe, Clockwork Illuminator Holder, Spot Clockwork Illuminator, Compact Clockwork Orrery, Intricate Clockwork Orrery, Simple Clockwork Orrery, Rotary Clockwork Switch

    1. Clockwork Door, Arched (Open/Closed) 25,000g

    2. Clockwork Gear Display, Bell Jar 2,500g

    3. Clockwork Gear Display, Tall Jar 3,000g

    4. Clockwork Globe, Stand 4,000g

    5. Clockwork Illuminator Holder 2,000g NEW

    6. Clockwork Illuminator, Spot 14,000g

    7. Clockwork Orrery, Compact 20,000g

    8. Clockwork Orrery, Intricate 100,000g

    9. Clockwork Orrery, Simple (Animated!) 35,000g

    10. Clockwork Switch, Rotary (Active/Inactive) 8,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:23 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Mar 29: Devotional Clockwork Altar, The Mage / Thief / Warrior Clockwork Calibration Guide, Frozen Clockwork Lens Assembly, Brassbloom Clockwork Planter, Surveyor's Clockwork Sextant, Spiral Clockwork Stairway, Stargazer's Clockwork Telescope, Surveyor's Clockwork Telescope

    1. Clockwork Altar, Devotional 15,000g

    2. Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Mage 50,000g

    3. Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Thief 50,000g

    4. Clockwork Calibration Guide, The Warrior 50,000g

    5. Clockwork Lens Assembly, Frozen 7,000g

    6. Clockwork Planter, Brassbloom 7,000g

    7. Clockwork Sextant, Surveyor's 75,000g

    8. Clockwork Stairway, Spiral 65,000g NEW

    9. Clockwork Telescope, Stargazer's 75,000g

    10. Clockwork Telescope, Surveyor's 15,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:21 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Mar 22: Welded Open Animal Trap, Fresh Pheasant Carcass, Animal Druidic Totem, Wall Mount Elk Head, Marked Nord Stone, Orcish Grand Table with Skins, Fox Pelt, Whale Spine Skeleton, Echatere Pelt Tapestry, Bird of Prey Taxidermy

    1. Animal Trap, Welded Open 2,500g

    2. Carcass, Fresh Pheasant 7,500g

    3. Druidic Totem, Animal 3,500g

    4. Elk Head, Wall Mount 20,000g

    5. Nord Stone, Marked 4,000g

    6. Orcish Grand Table with Skins 50,000g

    7. Pelt, Fox 2,500g

    8. Skeleton, Whale Spine 15,000g NEW

    9. Tapestry, Echatere Pelt 25,000g

    10. Taxidermy, Bird of Prey 2,500g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:13 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Mar 15: Grey Hare Carcass, Hanging Geese Carcass, Complete Crocodile Skeleton, Wall Mount Deer Head, Wall Mount Echatere Horns, Bone Merchant Fargrave Stall, Daedric Titan Skeleton, Colossal Titan Skull, Unidentified Fargrave Bones, Wall Mount Wolf Head

    1. Carcass, Grey Hare 5,000g

    2. Carcass, Hanging Geese 7,500g

    3. Crocodile Skeleton, Complete 9,000g

    4. Deer Head, Wall Mount 15,000g

    5. Echatere Horns, Wall Mount 15,000g

    6. Fargrave Stall, Bone Merchant 30,000g

    7. Skeleton, Daedric Titan 200,000g NEW

    8. Titan Skull, Colossal 4,000g

    9. Unidentified Fargrave Bones 9,000g

    10. Wolf Head, Wall Mount 20,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    00:20 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Mar 8: Golkarr Orcish Banner, Iron Orcish Banner, Bear Orcish Figurine, Orsinium Orcish Gazebo, Warrior's Orsinium Sarcophagus, Honor Orsinium Totem, Obedience Orsinium Totem, Strength Orsinium Totem, Covered Orcish Well, Snowy Grated Orcish Well

    1. Orcish Banner, Golkarr 15,000g NEW

    2. Orcish Banner, Iron 12,000g

    3. Orcish Figurine, Bear 12,000g

    4. Orcish Gazebo, Orsinium 20,000g

    5. Orsinium Sarcophagus, Warrior's 35,000g

    6. Orsinium Totem, Honor 20,000g

    7. Orsinium Totem, Obedience 20,000g

    8. Orsinium Totem, Strength 20,000g

    9. Orcish Well, Covered 20,000g

    10. Orcish Well, Snowy Grated 10,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:16 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Mar 1: Mammoth Orcish Figurine, Orsinium Orcish Stable, Merchant Orcish Wagon, Malacath Orcish Relief, Honor's Rest Orsinium Sarcophagus, Orsinium Statue Base , Head Orsinium Statue, Honor's Rest Orsinium Statue, Chief's Orsinium Tent, Etched Stone Pedestal

    1. Orcish Figurine, Mammoth 12,000g

    2. Orcish Stable, Orsinium 150,000g NEW

    3. Orcish Wagon, Merchant 15,000g

    4. Orcish Relief, Malacath 25,000g

    5. Orsinium Sarcophagus, Honor's Rest 25,000g

    6. Orsinium Statue Base 4,000g

    7. Orsinium Statue, Head 25,000g

    8. Orsinium Statue, Honor's Rest 25,000g

    9. Orsinium Tent, Chief's 15,000g

    10. Pedestal, Etched Stone 3,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:11 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Feb 23: Feather Fern Apocrypha Plant, Wyrdbloom Flower Cluster, Fuchsia Hosta , Aether Cup Cluster Mushrooms, Aether Cup Ring Mushrooms, Climbing Aether Cup Mushrooms, Flowering Wyrdbloom Strand 700g Vine, Flowering Wyrdbloom Vines

    1. Apocrypha Plant, Feather Fern 1,500g NEW

    2. Flower Cluster, Wyrdbloom 4,000g

    3. Fuchsia Hosta 2,000g

    4. Mushrooms, Aether Cup Cluster 10,000g

    5. Mushrooms, Aether Cup Ring 10,000g

    6. Mushrooms, Climbing Aether Cup 5,000g

    7. Vine, Flowering Wyrdbloom Strand 700g

    8. Vines, Flowering Wyrdbloom 4,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:07 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Feb 16: Stone Ra Gada Throne, Four-Column Redguard Archway, Ritual Redguard Brazier, Stone Marker Redguard Brazier, Mosaic Redguard Dome, Palatial Domed Redguard Gazebo, Decorative Shrine of Mara, Peach Wedding Blossoms, Wedding Gazebo, Bare Wedding Pergola

    1. Ra Gada Throne, Stone 50,000g

    2. Redguard Archway, Four-Column 50,000g

    3. Redguard Brazier, Ritual 12,000g

    4. Redguard Brazier, Stone Marker 15,000g

    5. Redguard Dome, Mosaic 90,000g NEW

    6. Redguard Gazebo, Palatial Domed 75,000g

    7. Shrine of Mara, Decorative 50,000g

    8. Wedding Blossoms, Peach 2,500g

    9. Wedding Gazebo 50,000g

    10. Wedding Pergola, Bare 35,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:25 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Feb 9: Mauve Decorative Wall Drape, Seated Lion Ibis Ra Gada Statue, Rolled Redguard Carpets, Redguard Seal, Blue Wedding Blossoms, Wedding Curtain, Wide Wedding Curtain, Wedding Flower Trellis, Wedding Lantern, Hanging Wedding Lantern, Octagonal Wedding Planter

    1. Decorative Wall Drape, Mauve 3,000g

    2. Ra Gada Statue, Seated Lion Ibis 25,000g

    3. Redguard Carpets, Rolled 4,000g

    4. Redguard Seal 3,000g

    5. Wedding Blossoms, Blue 2,500g

    6. Wedding Curtain 7,500g

    7. Wedding Curtain, Wide 7,500g

    8. Wedding Flower Trellis 10,000g

    9. Wedding Lantern 5,000g

    10. Wedding Lantern, Hanging 5,000g 

    11. Wedding Planter, Octagonal 20,000g NEW (and gorgeous!)

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    1 Comment
    01:16 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Feb 2: Crimson Succulent Apocrypha Plant, Flowering Ivy Bush, Cyan Fern, Cyan Cluster Fern, Cerulean Spadeleaf Plant, Cerulean Spadeleaf Cluster Plants, Hircine Worship Skull Totem, Small Palm Tree

    1. Apocrypha Plant, Crimson Succulent 3,000g NEW

    2. Bush, Flowering Ivy 2,000g

    3. Fern, Cyan 2,500g

    4. Fern, Cyan Cluster 4,000g

    5. Plant, Cerulean Spadeleaf 1,000g

    6. Plants, Cerulean Spadeleaf Cluster 2,500g

    7. Skull Totem, Hircine Worship 7,500g

    8. Tree, Small Palm 3,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:07 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Jan 26: Blood Red Reach Briarheart, Corpse Blue Reach Briarheart, Mammoth Reach Skull, Weathered Reach Standard, Camp Reach Tent, Mammoth Rib Reach Totem, Ice Witch Reachfolk Banner, Moonburst Reachmen Banner, Bull Reachmen Banner

    1. Reach Briarheart, Blood Red 15,000g

    2. Reach Briarheart, Corpse Blue 15,000g

    3. Reach Skull, Mammoth 50,000g

    4. Reach Standard, Weathered 4,000g

    5. Reach Tent, Camp 2,500g

    6. Reach Totem, Mammoth Rib 4,500g NEW

    7. Reachfolk Banner, Ice Witch 2,000g

    8. Reachmen Banner, Moonburst 4,000g

    9. Reachmen Banner, Bull 4,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:12 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Jan 19: Reachfolk Adorned Dwarven Lamp, Half Nedic Skull Relief, Nirncrux Reach Bowl, Nirncrux Reach Grinder, Nirncrux Reach Grinding Stones, Bloodroot Sprout Reach Vine, Bloodroot Tendril Reach Vine, Skull Reikling Totem, Nirncrux-Laden Stone, Nirncrux Vines

    1. Dwarven Lamp, Reachfolk Adorned 15,000g NEW

    2. Nedic Skull Relief, Half 20,000g

    3. Reach Bowl, Nirncrux 5,000g

    4. Reach Grinder, Nirncrux 50,000g

    5. Reach Grinding Stones, Nirncrux 4,500g

    6. Reach Vine, Bloodroot Sprout 15,000g

    7. Reach Vine, Bloodroot Tendril 25,000g

    8. Reikling Totem, Skull 1,000g

    9. Stone, Nirncrux-Laden 10,000g

    10. Vines, Nirncrux 12,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:14 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Jan 12: Engraved Ancient Nord Prayer Wheel Frame, Ornate Craglorn Brazier, Serpent Craglorn Relief, Carved Craglorn Skull, Craglorn Sword Sconce, Worn Nedic Archway, Blood Nedic Banner, Forest Nedic Banner, Ritual Nedic Stand

    1. Ancient Nord Prayer Wheel Frame, Engraved 20,000g

    2. Craglorn Brazier, Ornate 15,000g

    3. Craglorn Relief, Serpent 20,000g

    4. Craglorn Skull, Carved 35,000g

    5. Craglorn Sword Sconce 5,000g

    6. Nedic Archway, Worn 15,000g

    7. Nedic Banner, Blood 4,000g

    8. Nedic Banner, Forest 12,000g NEW

    9. Nedic Stand, Ritual 4,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:20 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Jan 5: Four-Faced Ancient Nord Prayer Wheel, Boethiah Standard Banner, Serpent Craglorn Chair, Ornate Craglorn Coffer, Sealed Craglorn Display Case, Standing Craglorn Urn, Worn Nedic Altar, Ancestral Nedic Banner, Ritual Nedic Orb

    1. Ancient Nord Prayer Wheel, Four-Faced 25,000g

    2. Banner, Boethiah Standard 12,000g

    3. Craglorn Chair, Serpent 2,500g

    4. Craglorn Coffer, Ornate 5,000g

    5. Craglorn Display Case, Sealed 10,000g

    6. Craglorn Urn, Standing 7,500g

    7. Nedic Altar, Worn 3,000g

    8. Nedic Banner, Ancestral 12,000g NEW

    9. Nedic Orb, Ritual 20,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:11 UTC


    Moonglade: Gladesong Arboretum / Hall of the Druid King

    Been working on this one since it was added and finally got it finished (well, as finished as a house ever is in ESO).

    The entrance in Galen, and a little showcase of my character Emrys Kasorayn, the Druid King =)

    The portal you appear it inside the house, the flower added a nice touch

    Entry view, I've combined Druidic and Khajiit furnishings in this home (as I love both to much to separate them, lol).

    Statue by the entrance to the enchanted forest

    To the right of the entrance, stairs up to the Draoife (druid meeting hall) and the treasury/bank vault room

    Khajiit have moved in and set up a merchant stall. Caska guards the bank and merchants, fezez peddles his wares, if you have coin.

    How'd the khajiit get here in the first place? We built them a stargate, complete with a closing Iris.

    No stargate would be complete without some deity worship

    Entrance to the enchanted forest, framed by stonehenge

    The fountain of life

    Centerpiece of the enchanted forest, an azureblight tree with snowfall and glowing vines for effect

    View from the overlook across Galen

    A secluded library by the overlook

    The Treasury! Spent a lot of time on this, the room ended up being a bit small for the purpose but I think I made it work well enough.

    Complete with dro'mathra guard

    Inside the vault, lots of tidbits i've collected over the years

    Stairway up to the Draoife meeting hall, framed by stonehenge and two shapely trees

    The meeting hall is in a forest all to itself, with sand art circles along the path

    A funerary pyre and altar

    The Throne of the druid king, overlooking the thrones of the three druid circles below.

    Unfortunately I can't upload all of the images here, so feel free to take a look for yourself!

    (at)Emrys_Kasorayn on PC-NA, primary residence.

    20:38 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Dec 29: Oblong Bloodmage Crystal, Blue Crystal Spire, Large Blue Crystal Spire, Blue Flame Brazier, Citrine Geode, Green Garnet Geode, Opaque Cluster Glass Crystal, Lion Khajiit Path Marker, Great Soul Gem

    1. Bloodmage Crystal, Oblong 4,000g

    2. Blue Crystal Spire 12,000g

    3. Blue Crystal Spire, Large 18,000g

    4. Blue Flame Brazier 5,000g

    5. Geode, Citrine 20,000g

    6. Geode, Green Garnet 20,000g

    7. Glass Crystal, Opaque Cluster 4,500g

    8. Khajiit Path Marker, Lion 75,000g

    9. Soul Gem, Great 20,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:12 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Dec 22: Oval Bloodmage Crystal, Blue Crystal Cluster, Large Blue Crystal Cluster, Medium Blue Crystal Cluster, Blue Crystal Fragments, Blue Flame Candles, Bloodmage Crystal Dais, Amethyst Geode, Almsivi Hlaalu Path Marker, Grand Soul Gem

    1. Bloodmage Crystal, Oval 4,000g

    2. Blue Crystal Cluster 10,000g

    3. Blue Crystal Cluster, Large 20,000g

    4. Blue Crystal Cluster, Medium 10,000g

    5. Blue Crystal Fragments 8,000g

    6. Blue Flame Candles 2,500g

    7. Dais, Bloodmage Crystal 100,000g NEW

    8. Geode, Amethyst 20,000g

    9. Hlaalu Path Marker, Almsivi 15,000g

    10. Soul Gem, Grand 5,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:20 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Dec 15: Familial Dark Elf Ash Garden, Velas Dark Elf Tomb Marker, Bronze Burial Dark Elf Urn, Bound Mummy, Blue Elegant Necrom Urn, Sacrificial Velothi Altar, Small Velothi Altar, Prayer Velothi Kneeler, Velothi Podium of Recitation, Burial Velothi Urn

    1. Dark Elf Ash Garden, Familial 10,000g

    2. Dark Elf Tomb Marker, Velas 5,000g

    3. Dark Elf Urn, Bronze Burial 10,000g

    4. Mummy, Bound 8,000g

    5. Necrom Urn, Blue Elegant 12,000g NEW

    6. Velothi Altar, Sacrificial 10,000g

    7. Velothi Altar, Small 4,000g

    8. Velothi Kneeler, Prayer 3,000g

    9. Velothi Podium of Recitation 35,000g

    10. Velothi Urn, Burial 10,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:19 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Dec 8: Dark Elf: Communal Ash Garden/ Ancestral Tomb Brazier/ Serano Tomb Marker, Broken Funerary Urn, Scroll Guardian / Skyward Gazing Mummy, Necrom Funerary: Offering Mushrooms / Pyre Logs, Mourning Velothi Candle, Prayer Velothi Cerecloth, Meditation Velothi Seat, and more

    1. Dark Elf Ash Garden, Communal 15,000g

    2. Dark Elf Brazier, Ancestral Tomb 15,000g

    3. Dark Elf Tomb Marker, Serano 5,000g

    4. Funerary Urn, Broken 4,000g

    5. Mummy, Scroll Guardian 8,000g

    6. Mummy, Skyward Gazing 6,500g

    7. Necrom Funerary Offering, Mushrooms 800g NEW

    8. Necrom Funerary Pyre, Logs 6,000g NEW

    9. Velothi Candle, Mourning 5,000g

    10. Velothi Cerecloth, Prayer 5,000g

    11. Velothi Seat, Meditation 10,000g

    12. Velothi Shroud, Mourning 5,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    1 Comment
    01:56 UTC


    Luxury Furnishings Dec 1: Dark Moons Elsweyr Altar, Lunar Reverence Elsweyr Door, Garden Elsweyr Gate, Stone Arch Elsweyr Gateway, Ancient Stone Elsweyr Gazebo, Base Elsweyr Moon Reflection Tower, Lunar Champion Elsweyr Sarcophagus Lid, Lunar Champion Elsweyr Sarcophagus, Dormant Lunar Reflector

    1. Elsweyr Altar, Dark Moons 20,000g

    2. Elsweyr Door, Lunar Reverence 50,000g NEW

    3. Elsweyr Gate, Garden 25,000g

    4. Elsweyr Gateway, Stone Arch 4,500g

    5. Elsweyr Gazebo, Ancient Stone 100,000g

    6. Elsweyr Moon Reflection Tower, Base 30,000g

    7. Elsweyr Sarcophagus Lid, Lunar Champion 7,500g

    8. Elsweyr Sarcophagus, Lunar Champion 4,000g

    9. Lunar Reflector, Dormant 40,000g

    Pictures and more info here: http://lovelynorth.com/luxury-vendor/

    01:14 UTC


    Platform sizes

    Any body know what other platforms match the fargrave platform size?

    10:26 UTC

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