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Is it me or is delivering at night in SoCal hard? I’m from the Midwest and delivering to some of these neighborhoods is a challenge with the narrow streets, no parking, poor lighting, addresses that are not visible, and houses behind houses!!!! WTMF!!!!
My on time deliery have been the same for a year. Is this normal or what? Its been 88 since i remenber.
I know if i’m below 90 I can get deactivated but how long do you think they’ll give me? I started getting notifications this week, i’m currently trying to get back there.
As the title says I’m just wondering if I can DoorDash out of the state I started in or not I’m abt to go on a road trip and would be nice to be able to get extra cash
The moment I accepted the order there was already a message from the customer, which means someone else has accepted and dropped this order. I show up, normally there is either a sticker on the counter or a bag with a name. I always wait 3-4 minutes before going in because I hate standing in the store waiting. The barista tells me the order was already picked up and I was the 3rd person in a row. It was a $1 tip so unfortunately I will not be the one who bites the bullet.
Well apparently two orders (this being the second) out of the 260 deliveries being stolen is now our fault? Like what the actual f$&k is this company? Please someone explain what I can do to ensure other dashers don’t steal orders? Im too busy making sure the grocery store isn’t out of an item so I don’t get “punished” for that too.
I’ve also noticed that if you unassigned any order for any reason, the next order will 100/100 times be worse than the one you just unassigned from. Frequently comically bad. To the point where I just sign off for an hour and go do Instacart or something else. I hope one day they have to answer to how terrible they are to everyone involved besides their shareholders. They screw customers, restaurants and drivers alike. Then cleverly pit us all against each other instead of them.
DD needs to higher there base pay these $2 isn’t cutting it…
It was a 12 dollar order for The Cheese Cake Factory. On the way, I got a call from door dash, although my phone mark it as scam likely. A lady said this customer was very important and that if I was going to accept the order I was to make sure to deliver everything in an orderly and timely manner. She also said I would get 8 extra bucks. Kinda weirded me out. I got 3 extra bucks. Eh
Tomorrow is Feb 1, and for deliveries last 30 days for the dasher ranking would that go back to January 2 and the dashes I did on January 2nd no longer count? Or is tomorrow last day that January 2nd dashes will count?
Just trying to make sure I don’t lose my just reached platinum level again or else I can’t schedule myself again tomorrow, also has the scheduling changed? I used to be able to jump back on platinum and the days I couldn’t schedule, if current day is busy, I would be able to jump onto that date and schedule myself back on there. (Posted on other subreddit thought it’d be good to ask here too)
Maybe this is strictly an iOS bug but I was curious if anybody else who’s recently updated their DoorDash app along with iOS 18.3 has had a constant notification going on in their app even though there’s nothing in your messages notifications or anything else or any contract violations that would Warrant this notification constantly ongoing. I’m curious if anybody else is having this go on and if it’s a new tactic, DoorDash is doing to try and get people to go out even when there isn’t much going on at the time of writing this I have this notification going on but in my area it’s so dead right now that pay per hour is locked that being said I can still dash if I want because I am platinum in my area just curious if anyone’s having this problem or if it’s just me thank you in advance
Hey there, I recently moved to Phoenix, AZ after previously dashing in St. Louis, MO. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of the best zones to work and maybe provide some general advice. TIA!
Is there a post or page for guidance on how to file multiple 1099s from side gigs and a W2 from my main job? Tried doing it on my own but have no clue how to or where to put in my mileage/expenses. First year having side gig work and I have 3 different 1099s to file.
I declined
Yes, I left it right where she asked me to. No, I did not take it.
I dont like to complaint about doordash, i do the best i can to accept the good and bad of doordash however i can tell that the new on time doordash metric is going to be reallly bad for most dasher
This new on time rating metric just rolled out in the southern california market where i dash
Doordssh is going to blame and penaltize dasher for things we have no control of such as order not being ready,car accidents,cknstruction, hard to find apartments,buildings
One of the things as dasher we cant control is when food is ready
You can get contract violation for no fault Let say order pick up at 5:40 and delivery time is 6:00
The order is not ready, you say ordee is not delivery, the updatrd new deilvery is 6:30 after you pick up the order
You deliver order 6:20pm, you will get extreenly late contract violation based on the original delivery time not the updated new delivery time of 6:30
Based on this i am going to decline which might be good orders places that take long to prepare such is pizza places and wing place
I am going to take screen shots when the food is estimated to pick up and delivery time and the updated delivery time
I need to communicate with doordash support that the order is not ready
What is your guy opion on how you will deal with the new doordash on time metric?
If you have a larger "item per order" like let's say 14 boxes of pizza to deliver, do you believe DD base pay should be more?
I did this order today because the tip was good! The base pay was $2.00 which was consistent with mileage and restaurant brand (in my area) I just feel like DD should pay higher, on base pay with orders like this, regardless of mileage or restaurant brand. I know we're talking about DD here but sometimes coming together on things like this makes change? Just for context, it was 4 pizza bags, and DD definitely made their bank.
A lot of the time that I’m doing DoorDash, I see people leaving their pets out in the snow rain or just out and about in general looking awful. One time I was delivering to a house up in the mountains and there was a cat with like 2 inches of pure matted fur on its back in a foot of snow. I called animal services the next day, but they couldn’t find the cat. When I delivered to that house a couple of times after that, I never saw the cat again. :(
Still early in the game (day 4)
and DEFINITELY not a friday night. i laughed as i pressed decline.
I don’t mean this to be rude but all the drivers in my area seem to be well, to put it bluntly, not attractive? Not saying they look homeless or anything, just not, sexy? I guess. Like why do attractive fine ass men’s (and women’s) not work this gig? Or is it just my area is full of fugs? Am I unlucky? For instance, one time I thought this guy looks kind of attractive based on his photo in the app, so I brushed my hair all nice before he got there with my chick fil a, but then when he came and dropped off my stuff, I realized he had to have Photoshoped his app photo because he was not nearly as attractive as this photo and it was a letdown.
Poppin off today
Does is it look too dark to you? LOL this is silly sometimes
So I’ve gotten back into dashing recently, mostly in the PDX area and I think it seems kinda low? I’ve been getting a lot of offers for $10-$15 but I have to drive 10 miles away from my zone. Should I be turning down these offers to stick near my zone?
6.50 (I know I shot myself in the foot) "hand it to me" order for someone working at a sex shop. Went into the Adam and Eve. Handed it directly to her. 15 minutes later I'm told she never received it! F you and your stupid Starbucks order C U NEXT TUESDAY! BROKIE!!!! sorry but I have to rage.
Comes out to $20/hr which is $3.50/hr I was making at my office job lmao