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Trump killed border security

23:25 UTC


Trump killed border security

1 Comment
23:25 UTC


Make the texts stop!!

I donated to a campaign once, and now I get daily texts from the democratic party. I reply with stop every time, but a new splinter pops up the next day with a text.

I'm a split ticket voter. I lean left, but you all are ticking me off. How do I get off your lists?!?!

18:57 UTC


Real Christians and real Christianity.

Joe Biden received over eighty-one million votes: the majority from Christians of all stripes. Some undoubtably were devout, some worshiped in a more casual., social manner. The thing was, they were all true Christians who understood that while Joe Biden was far from a perfect man (just like the rest of us) he is a decent man who is more concerned about the work-a-day lives of the American people, than making hyperbolic, hypocritical bloviations about his supposed religiosity while draped in sackcloth and ashes.

Hell, he never even said he talks to God.

As president he works for the people and submits legislation to improve the lives of all Americans. His accomplishments are many (too many to list here} such as the Infrastructure Bill, prescription price reductions, capping the price of insulin, etc. and is not concerned with getting revenge against his political enemies by demanding phony committees to investigate phony charges.

His statements are all about policy, not the predictions of doom from Goober hucksters from backwater 'churches' who warn of imminent descent into hell for all who do not contribute to the cost of a new 40-million-dollar Gulfstream jet.

Joe talks of policy, not the rantings of messianic charlatans who worship at the feet of a convicted rapist, a tax cheat and serial adulterer.

Joe talks of policy, he doesn't try to frighten us with talk of fire and brimstone; he doesn't tell us to fall on our knees, he tells us to vote. Joe talks of policy, he's not concerned with fire breathing devils and demons, of talking in tongues, and all the other distracting gibberish of sects and cults.

Joe talks of policy, how he will spread Americas wealth to the downtrodden and disadvantaged, and not spend the money on ecclesiastical gowns fringed with gold and jewels -- on mansions and three-thousand-dollar suits while some of his adherents live in abject poverty.

Joe talks of policy, he doesn't call all of us sinners who will suffer in flames and degradation, doesn't say we are all evil and subject to God's wrath if we demand equal rights and the right to choose who has dominion over our body, a doesn't demand we worship a counterfeit, satiric caricature of a supreme being who lives only in the heads of those who will manipulate for their own malevolent reasons.

Real Christians vote for real policy and will not permit conflation and confusion -- and especially threats -- deter us from what is right for all Americans.

15:09 UTC


Why don't Dems turn stolen election narrative against Trump?

If Trump’s narrative about a stolen election were true, it seems to follow that although he knew about it ahead of time, he did very little to stop it from happening. Does anyone have ideas about why Biden and other Democrats don't make a point of this? They could show that it paints Trump himself as weak, incompetent, unreliable, and/or apathetic, given that he was president when it happened. Couldn’t this make the stolen election narrative less appealing based on what it implies?

Edit: so far, it seems that no one replying here is actually responding to my point. Is my post confusing?

22:13 UTC

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