
Photograph via snooOG

The place for aesthetically satisfying data visualizations that you'd be proud to hang on your wall.

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/r/DataArt exists at the intersection between /r/DataIsBeautiful and /r/Graphic_Design/.

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It's the place for data visualizations which blur the line between art and data.

The data represented doesn't necessarily have to be super-useful (though obviously, this is a plus), but must be aesthetically satisfying.

Here are some quick ways to distinguish data art from just a good data visualization:

  • Would you be happy to hang it up on your living room wall?
  • Could you see it existing in a gallery?
  • Could you see it on the front cover of a magazine?
  • Does it present data in a totally unique or boundary-pushing way?
  • Are you slightly unsure if it really even counts as a data visualization at all?

If the general answer is "No", then it's not for /r/DataArt (but could be perfectly suitable for /r/DataIsBeautiful).

If the answer is "Yes" to at least one of these questions, then hang up your artwork to this sub because it'd look great here.

(Consequently, this is not a place for the standard MS Excel visualizations, nor poorly designed infographics.)

"[OC]" tag all original creations.

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I shared a 1+ hour Data Science on YouTube

Hello, I just shared a 1+ hour Data Science project on YouTube. I covered Data Analysis, Feature Engineering, Machine Learning and Web App creation in the video. I also added the dataset link in the description. I am leaving the link below, have a great day!


15:52 UTC


Creating data-visuals in Electron.js & Ableton

16:53 UTC


Impress your boss with dynamic top N in power bi:

18:34 UTC


Unlocking Insights: The Power of Data Analytics Services

In today's digital age, data is often hailed as the new oil, fueling innovation, driving decisions, and powering businesses forward. However, the true value of data lies not just in its abundance but in the insights it can provide. This is where data analytics services come into play, offering businesses the tools and expertise to unlock the full potential of their data.

Data analytics services encompass a wide range of techniques and technologies aimed at analyzing raw data to uncover patterns, trends, and insights that can inform strategic decisions and drive business growth. From descriptive analytics that provide a retrospective view of past events to prescriptive and predictive analytics that forecast future outcomes and recommend actions, these services offer businesses a competitive edge in today's data-driven world.

One of the key benefits of data analytics services is their ability to turn vast amounts of data into actionable insights. Whether it's customer data, sales data, or operational data, analytics services can help businesses make sense of their data and identify opportunities for improvement. For example, by analyzing customer behavior data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers' preferences and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, data analytics services can also help businesses optimize their operations and streamline processes. By analyzing operational data, businesses can identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks, allowing them to make informed decisions to improve productivity and reduce costs. For instance, predictive maintenance analytics can help businesses anticipate equipment failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency.

In addition to driving internal improvements, data analytics services can also help businesses better understand market trends and competitive dynamics. By analyzing market data and competitor performance, businesses can identify emerging opportunities and threats, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition. This strategic advantage can be crucial in today's fast-paced business environment, where being able to adapt quickly to changing market conditions can mean the difference between success and failure.

However, while the potential benefits of data analytics services are clear, realizing these benefits requires more than just access to data and technology. It also requires the right expertise and capabilities to effectively analyze and interpret the data. This is where partnering with a trusted provider of data analytics services can make all the difference.

A reputable data analytics service provider will not only have the technical expertise to analyze your data but also the industry knowledge and experience to provide meaningful insights and recommendations. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, partnering with the right data analytics service provider can help you harness the full power of your data and drive your business forward.

In conclusion, data analytics services offer businesses the tools and expertise to unlock the full potential of their data, driving strategic decisions, optimizing operations, and gaining a competitive edge in today's data-driven world. By partnering with a trusted provider of data analytics services, businesses can harness the power of their data to fuel innovation, drive growth, and achieve success in today's increasingly competitive business landscape.

08:50 UTC


[OC] Light reactive, abstract data art . Trying to work on creating artwork that is 'alive' with real-time data. Link to video showing the sensor input in the comments. First experiments here, let me know what you all think :D

18:31 UTC


Top 10 companies by market cap & revenue

16:52 UTC


Most used DAX functions

1 Comment
13:12 UTC


The Sentiment Scale: How positive or negative a word sounds

06:24 UTC


Steps to make your power bi report look great

21:40 UTC


Increase The Impact Of Your Data With Valuable Data Engineering Services

Our expertise is in offering premium data engineering services designed to increase the impact of your data assets. Our specialists will work with your company to provide customized solutions. These will strengthen the foundations of data architecture, productivity, and policymaking. We offer top-class data engineering services. Contact us, and we will unleash the potential of your data. We lay the groundwork for excellent ideas and long-term accomplishments.

07:45 UTC


Fun data analysis I made about sports players' income

Just for fun, I played with professional athletes' income. I hope you all enjoy this.


1 Comment
06:05 UTC


Colors ranked by how many Fortune 500 logos they appear in.

00:25 UTC


I Shared a Python Data Science Bootcamp (7+ Hours, 7 Courses and 3 Projects) on YouTube

Hello, I shared a Python Data Science Bootcamp on YouTube. Bootcamp is over 7 hours and there are 7 courses with 3 projects. Courses are Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly and Scikit-learn. I am leaving the link below, have a great day!


16:59 UTC


Data Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) allows computers to simulate human creativity, contextual reasoning, and automatic process modification. As more companies have integrated AI tools for data management and analytics, stakeholders want frameworks and laws to regulate them. After all, unethical applications that misuse AI platforms to mislead or defame individuals have made them worry. This post will explain data ethics in the age of artificial intelligence.

What is Data Ethics?

Data ethics involves scrutinizing data practices, like aggregation, analytics, or sharing, based on moral, social, philosophical, and policy-related value systems. As a result, most data professionals must understand the principles of data ethics and encourage data strategies that promote responsible data storage and processing.

Simultaneously, AI technology has raised awareness and enforcement challenges concerning ethical data usage worldwide. For instance, generative AI solutions attract business leaders, consumers, investors, and policymakers due to the potential to accelerate many processes for productivity.

However, some malicious individuals have used AI-powered content generators to produce and distribute problematic media at scale. The inappropriate output might include photos depicting people committing unlawful activities or fake news articles that could harm social harmony.

The Importance of Data Ethics in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Data ethics offers new opportunities to reconsider relevance, effectiveness, and inclusivity across AI use cases in data management. It helps corporations create a culture of accountability and address stakeholders’ concerns regarding privacy, equality, and report validation.

The rising demand for ethical artificial intelligence development for business insights also reflects the impact of data governance and privacy regulations on the IT and technology industries. Leaders require data ethics to comply with those ever-evolving legal obligations. They must identify in-house and external risks to responsible data usage.

Businesses can benefit from data ethics in governance, transparency, and stakeholder relationship improvement. Brands adopting data ethics are well-prepared for new amendments to regional data protection, localization, anonymization, and data retention mandates. Furthermore, investors want to support organizations contributing to legitimate business intelligence (BI) development.

The Benefits of Data Ethics

  1. Stakeholder trust in the brand increases. Customers, employees, investors, and suppliers feel safe interacting with your enterprise information systems. Besides, they are more likely to recommend your offerings to their loved ones. Trust is integral to increasing the adoption of artificial intelligence across data operations.
  2. Ethical Corporations enjoy revenue boosts due to increased client retention. When a company embraces data ethics, it attracts privacy-conscious consumers and investors. So, acquiring new clients requires fewer resources.
  3. Stakeholders will gladly participate in market research surveys, irrespective of whether human or AI hosts will process their responses. They will genuinely respond to questions and share honest feedback if they trust your company’s data protection, privacy compliance, and AI data ethics.
  4. Data ethics helps organizations mitigate legal risks in using artificial intelligence processes. It facilitates robust data governance standards, eliminating non-compliance penalties concerning trade freedom or finance.
  5. Individuals, especially younger professionals, want to work in an environment that champions responsible computing, AI-driven automation, and advanced cybersecurity measures. Accordingly, data ethics can help attract talented individuals, while your brand reputation will benefit from transparency, diversity, and ethical data usage. As a result, employee retention will improve.

Understanding the Principles of Data Ethics in the Artificial Intelligence Era

1| Accountability

Companies must be responsible for data governance and legal compliance using adequate measures like technology upgrades, policy revisions, and expert onboarding. They will require activity monitoring facilities to ensure employees and suppliers handle consumer data via governance-compliant AI processes.

Your enterprise must voluntarily cooperate with investigative agencies and cybersecurity specialists if data leaks occur. Doing so will allow the leadership to understand new risks to affected individuals’ privacy or online identity.

If an artificial intelligence add-on misbehaves and damages customer data, you must immediately recover the details. Otherwise, losing clients’ billing and address records will hurt communication, post-purchase support, and warranty fulfillment.

2| Transparency

Brands must not hide intelligence or records that might assist investigators in evaluating harmful cybersecurity events. They must also inform stakeholders of the legitimate business purposes for which they ask for personally identifiable information (PII) or install web-based trackers in devices.

Educating target audiences on third-party data sharing and AI processing scope is essential for compliance and moral integrity. After all, many users lack vital digital skills concerning cookie management, anonymous browsing, data mining, online surveillance, and third-party features in your business automation applications.

3| The Right to Choose

Explicit consent and preserving a timestamped proof of consent will ensure stakeholders know what the data processor company will do with their data. However, several companies have failed to empower the consumers and employees. For instance, they have made preventing online surveillance or refusing AI-based profiling difficult by using misleading consent forms.

Consent requests have become a signal that customers interpret as a company’s attempt to respect stakeholders’ freedom of choice or individual agency. They truly trust your security measures if they willingly consent to companies using their data for marketing personalization or remote monitoring of product interactions.

Examples of Data Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

Ex. 1| Marketing to Younger Audiences

In most countries, hyper-personalizing advertisements and connected experiences across smart home appliances to market products to children is illegal. Young individuals are unaware of financial risk-reward aspects related to buying or renting services.

Moreover, if a company fails to safeguard kids’ data, the data leak might adversely impact their well-being later. Therefore, data ethics in marketing tools discourage the gathering and processing of data on children.

Ethical Practices to Avoid or Reduce Personalization for Children

  1. Request age confirmation before offering personalized experiences via digital platforms like your e-commerce portal or brand followers’ community forums.
  2. Conduct compliance audits concerning children's online privacy protection rule (COPPA) adhering to an approved schedule.
  3. Provide restricted interactivity settings or parental control modes throughout online and offline experiences. This configuration must also include artificial intelligence features to moderate marketing content unsuitable to younger audiences.

Ex. 2| Healthcare and Insurance Data Protection

Falsifying clinical test results for insurance fraud or releasing an individual’s medical history records over public media platforms will violate a dozen laws. If a health and life sciences business engages in these activities, it will contravene the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA. Similar laws are present in other territories.

Likewise, employing artificial intelligence in healthcare economics and outcome research (HEOR) can affect treatment effectiveness if the underlying statistics contain quality inconsistencies. Healthcare data ethics expects doctors, pharmaceutical companies, health insurance firms, and safety officers to oversee AI processes and examine output quality before submitting reports.

Ethical Practices to Ensure Electronic Health Record (EHR) Quality

  1. Train employees, laboratory assistants, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and medical equipment vendors on essential cybersecurity skills.
  2. Consult HIPAA and healthcare analytics professionals to comply with government-mandated requirements.
  3. Besides, you must combine human expertise with AI-enabled scalable document verification to identify, prevent, and investigate insurance fraud.


The world is tired of politically motivated marketing campaigns, fake news, identity theft, data leaks, and reckless online surveillance. These problems arise from irresponsible attitudes toward data acquisition, analytics, and usage. Therefore, private and public organizations must appreciate modern data ethics in this era of extensive automation and data gathering powered by artificial intelligence. Otherwise, stakeholders will lose faith in the governments and brands.

Cybersecurity flaws, accounting data manipulation, and legal non-compliance hurt a company’s governance ratings. While reputational loss can last years, competitive disadvantages due to inadequate governance standards can shrink your market share for decades. So, the sooner you enhance your privacy and transparency compliance, the better you can tackle the unique threats of the digitized business landscape.

13:39 UTC


Boost up your power bi design

22:04 UTC


Make Dynamic custom arrows for your KPIs

11:20 UTC


Uncover Business Insights with SG Analytics

Hey everyone!

I stumbled upon this incredible resource called SG Analytics (https://us.sganalytics.com/business-insights/) that I just had to share with you all. It's a treasure trove of business insights waiting to be discovered!

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding startup owner, or just someone curious about the latest trends in business, this site has something for everyone. From market research to data analytics, they offer a wide range of services designed to help businesses thrive in today's competitive landscape.

What I love most about SG Analytics is their simple yet effective approach to presenting complex data. They break down information in a way that's easy to understand, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of expertise.

So if you're looking to gain a deeper understanding of your industry, make more informed decisions, or simply stay ahead of the curve, I highly recommend checking out SG Analytics. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

Happy exploring! 🚀

1 Comment
09:51 UTC


My google maps datas - rewind 2021 (with my face as location marker lol)

23:38 UTC


Data Governance Frameworks: A Deep Dive

Data governance is responsible for developing and implementing policies and standards for managing data within an organization. 

Inconsistent data often leads to bad decisions. Poor data governance can get organizations in trouble with regulators. But with good data governance, organizations can make better decisions, innovate, and increase profits. It’s all about ensuring that the data is accurate and reliable for making smart choices. 

A data governance framework, or a data management framework, is a defined structure that handles the implementation of data governance in an organization. It operates as the foundation of a data governance program and provides a clear visualization of ensuring the quality, integrity, security, accessibility, and usability of data assets. The data governance framework offers a logical structure for organizing and communicating complex activities involved in making decisions and taking action on enterprise data. 



13:48 UTC


I used some nft market data (Profit & Loss, usd volume, number of sales and a couple of other metrics) to create a nice background for this phoenix I drew a long time ago with a friend. Wdyt? :)

08:54 UTC


Show your report on the last available date by default

10:47 UTC

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