Post your cuckold picture with a cuckold caption here.
Please post your cuckold picture with a cuckold caption here instead of on /r/cuckold.
Rule 1: Captions only, meaning text on the image. Photos, drawn art, and gifs are all acceptable to caption.
Rule 2: Captions must be on-topic: Cuckolding. No rape or incest. Incest goes on r/IncestCuckCaptions.
Rule 3: Content must be 18+ by all measures.
Rule 4: Crop excessive blank space off of your images.
Rule 5: Don't request caps here. r/CaptionRequestNSFW is for that.
Rule 6: All captioned images must contain a dominant female presence. No solo dick pic captions.
Rule 7: Original captions only please.
Rule 8: Posts can be removed if text is too hard to read on the background. Make sure caps are readable.
Rule 9: If the post instructs people to message you privately in any way you are a bot & permanently banned.
Rule 10: “Reblog if” “repost if” “by posting this” “will do X for each upvote” = banned for being a bot.
Rule 11: Caption can't BE an ad. You can watermark your site in the corner as long as the rest is a caption.
Rule 12: All rules of the Reddit site and app still apply to this sub.
Rule 13: No involuntary pornography, (name your models) Reddit has a rule against “involuntary pornography” AKA “nonconsensual intimate media” which they do apply to captions. Safe to cap: Pornstars, 18+ celebrities, amateur 18+ models posting themsleves on Reddit, OnlyFans, etc. and aspiring models 18+ trying to be famous on social media. Not safe to cap: non-famous people you know IRL or you found on social media. If you include the name of the model on the image, in the title, or in a comment the mods can easily verify your caption is allowed.
(All posts may be subject to mod review)
To get a verification flair next to your name, please send an image of yourself to the moderators with your username, this subreddit and the current date in shot.
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