For people who love any sort of twisty puzzles, including but not limited to: Rubik's Cubes (and any size/design variants), the Square 1, the Pyraminx and more.
For people who love any sort of twisty puzzles, including but not limited to: Rubik's Cubes (and any size/design variants), the Square 1, the Pyraminx and more.
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A huge thank you to /u/Laziness9999 for the awesome header image.
Another huge thank you to /u/Cubing_in_the_dark for the subreddit logo.
I understand how current multi-bld works and the only thing I know about old style was that it didn't have a time limit.
I'm searching for a new 3x3 to start speedcubing. I already have some 3x3 but I can't get fast enough with them. I would like it to be around 15/20€. I looked at the 356 series of Gan cubes and they're around 15€, but I would like it to have magnets so it has something different to the rest of my cubes but they cost like 10€ more. Do you think its worth it? Do you recommend any other cube? is it better to speedcube with or without magnets?
anyone from singapore here? i'm lonely and need friends lmao
i main megaminx and 5x5
So, I average around 27-28 seconds( last Pb was 22 seconds) and when I got this scramble and solved it, I was very happy that I broke my Pb by 6 secs but then again I felt sad that if I have inspected it more or turned efficiently i could've done better. In the end I broke my Pb because of luck so don't know what to feel about it.
is there anything to note or bring before one goes to their first competition? mines on saturday
Hello, and welcome to the discussion thread! This thread is for accomplishments, simple questions, and informal discussion about cubing!
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What should i go for? Moyu Super Weilong or Moyu WRM 10?
For reference, I know how to solve a cube, and parts of cfop. And I can basically do f2l completely on intuition just not fast enough to use it SPEEDcubing.
The goal I’m setting for now is to get as fast as possible without much look ahead so maybe sub-20 or 15 (who knows maybe I’m built different)
There’s 2 main problems,
Everyone’s using a different method these days. But since I’m just starting out I might as well use the best one right ? Is that ZZ these days ? But then there’s also roux which I’ve been told is very intuitive(dunno if that’s a good thing) and well cfop, parts of which I already know(but don’t fully remember)
Is there some cheat sheet or guide of sorts that I should follow ? Or just go for YT tutorials ( Also which one, there’s 3 billion tutorials ) ?
I swear I remember there being a magnetic stickerless 3x3 where the edges of the cube were raised a little, like on the border of each face, I haven't been into cubeing for 5 years so I don't remember the brand
He is 3rd place in the world for 3x3 single but he has no profile picture, I have not seen him at last worlds, or NAC, and haven't seen any YouTube videos talk about or mention him.
Hola, un día mire a un amigo que tenía un ghost cube ( me lo entrego desarmado) ya arme el primer nivel pero no se si está correcto, alguien me puede ayudar verificando ?
This is my Ao5 on 3x3. How should I improve?
So in Thursday I broke my 6.09 PB with a 5.70, today I broke it again with a 5.62..
Hi beginner here, I learned the beginner method maybe a month ago and trying to get to the next level.
I just learned F2L yesterday, and think I’ve wrapped my head around how it works. I can get it done without looking at any instructions or algorithms now but it takes time for me to spot where the pieces are for each color and then assess which direction to go etc. My typically beginner method takes me around 1.10 or so to do f2l from white cross. Right now using intuitive f2l takes me about 1.40 on average sometimes a bit longer.
I just wanted to ask, did you have any breakthroughs or shortcuts you learned while learning cfop / intuitive f2l that made your learning process faster and boosted your times way faster when you started to learn it? Tips for quickly spotting location of pieces or recognizing which way to turn for intuitive f2l?
And how long did it take you to fully “get” intuitive f2l?
I was doing some timing test how fast I could solve the 3x3 step on bigger cubes, and I got my first 3x3 sub 30 by several seconds???? (31.68-28.23) I’m so confused it was out of nowhere. My 4x4 might be my new 3x3 main? I’m just flabbergasted.
Trying to solve the Rubik's cube for the first time yet, still unsuccessful. I can solve the first layer, second layer and the yellow cross in about 15 mins but everytime I try to fix the yellow corners, one corner always ends up like this. THIS IS THE FOURTH TIME THIS HAPPENING TO ME. Looked up videos on YouTube and none of the explanations are clear. How to fix this? (Don't mind the cube, it's a very old, very cheap cube that I'm using to learn cubing for now)
I dyed the yellow face on my practice cube brown, would this be competition legal? I partially did it for when I'm practicing is somewhat low lighting areas.
Noob here! i've been cubing for 1.5 month and have a rs3m 2020
i know that its probably good enough at my level but i dont wanna go through the hassle of buying another cube at a later time (where i live inflation is crazy) also i will buy from Aliexpress which means 1 month shipping
So i can buy Tornado v3 Standard or Guhong Pro M both come around the same price i cant really go above that price range and any help is appreciated
It would be a great idea if manufacturers would emboss the name of the cube model on the inside of the center caps so to quickly identify a cube you could just pop a cap ;-)
Just an idea.
Im thinking of buying it any thoughts.