
Photograph via snooOG

For people who love any sort of twisty puzzles, including but not limited to: Rubik's Cubes (and any size/design variants), the Square 1, the Pyraminx and more.

Mega-Survey 6 Results | Competition Website | Current Results | New? Scroll down before posting

For people who love any sort of twisty puzzles, including but not limited to: Rubik's Cubes (and any size/design variants), the Square 1, the Pyraminx and more.

Want to ask a question? Please check our wiki to see if your question already has an answer.
Think your cube is unsolvable? Want to know which cube is right for you? Want to brag about an accomplishment? Any other sort of posts like these? Post them in the Daily Discussion Thread!

Join the /r/cubers Discord server here!


  1. Use the Daily Discussion Thread for "repetitive content". A detailed list of what is restricted to the Daily Discussion Thread can be found here.

  2. Flaming and hateful comments will be removed. Ad hominem criticism, such as “You’re only sub30, what do you know about x?” will not be tolerated either. Answering a question with "just google it" is also not an acceptable response.

  3. Titles need to be relevant to your post in a meaningful way. It must directly relate to the content of your post. If someone can’t figure out the topic of your thread from the title, it will be removed. No titles in all-caps.

  4. Self promotion (youtube videos, instagram, books, apps, etc) is allowed once every 7 days. Youtube promotion must be a direct link to a video on the channel. The title of the submission must reflect the title of the video. Attempts to break this rule by using alts, having friends post your videos, etc is against reddit's terms of service and will result in all involved accounts being banned. Asking for likes on reddit or other social media platforms are never allowed. Self promotion from stores falls under rule 5.

  5. No biased promotion of one cube shop over another. This includes "X store is now selling this cube!" posts, sales and deals, and self-promotion from stores. Our full guidelines regarding what cube stores can and cannot post can be found here.

  6. Requests for solve critiques must meet our solve critique guidelines.

  7. Private cube sales and trades aren't allowed, go to /r/cubetrades for that. Commissions for work are also not allowed.

  8. Contest entries (e.g. ones that are hosted by other websites, "share this page to win", etc) are prohibited.

  9. This is not the place for customer support with cube stores, please use private messages instead.

  10. No affiliate links. Only link to websites directly.

  11. Follow the sitewide rules, and abide by reddiquette.

  12. Memes are only allowed on Mondays (as indicated by the Daily Discussion Thread) and posts must be flaired as Meme within 15 minutes of being posted. On other days use r/CubersMemes instead. Be mindful of others when posting memes on meme monday - just like other posts on other days, make sure not to post to excess.

  13. Pictures of patterns are limited to non-WCA puzzles.

Write a modmail or PM any of the mods if you need some mod-ly duties performed.

Browse without memes

AMA Schedule:

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A huge thank you to /u/Laziness9999 for the awesome header image.

Another huge thank you to /u/Cubing_in_the_dark for the subreddit logo.


145,336 Subscribers


I lost my sub-4 with three +2s

11:06 UTC


What is your definition of a cuber?

I have a very curious question for debate.

Do you consider anyone who can solve a rubik's cube a cuber?

Just curious because there are celebrities who can solve a rubik's cube but don't do anything to try to improve and or regularly solve. Same thing can be said with friends you may have who can solve a cube, but don't regularly solve.

And you can't really call them non cubers right? Since they can solve a cube?

08:18 UTC


Has anyone actually modded the gan 12 with the gan 11 like Jperm did in his video?Do you think it's worth it?

07:10 UTC


order of learning ZBLS

If I want to learn ZBLS, what is the order of learning ZBLS? There are 5 kind of ZBLS. conU, insertE, insertC, conF2L, sepU. I don't know the order of learning ZBLS...

Don't say 'you don't have to learn ZBLS to sub10' I know.

1 Comment
05:23 UTC


Non-cubers after watching a tiktok tutorial

This is my third post in a row, meme mondays are not enough.

05:10 UTC


Daily Discussion Thread - Apr 29, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the discussion thread! This thread is for accomplishments, simple questions, and informal discussion about cubing!

Not sure if you should comment here or make your own post? We have a full list of what does and doesn't belong in this thread on our wiki.

No question is stupid here. If you have a question, ask it!

Check our wiki for tips on how to get faster, puzzle recommendations and more!

Join the r/cubers Discord server here!

05:00 UTC


Some sub 6s for you guys to enjoy

  1. 5.47 D F2 L' U2 L2 B2 U2 R2 B2 U2 F2 U2 F' U L2 D' R' F' U' @2024-04-27 17:38:58

x2 // inspection U' R' F y D' R' // cross U2 R' U' R // 1st pair y' R U' R2 U' R // 2nd pair L' U' L y L' U L U' L' U L // 3rd pair y' L' U L // 4th pair R' U' R U' R' U2 R // OLL 26 U' U' R U R' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U // PLL - Jb 50STM /5.47=9.14TPS

  1. 5.96 U2 R' B2 F2 L2 R' D2 L B2 L R2 U2 D' L F D2 F2 R B2 L' D @2024-04-27 18:39:35

x' z' // inspection U' D L F' U2 l D' D' // cross y L U L' // 1st pair U' R U R' U' y L U L' // 2nd pair U' R U R' // 3rd pair U2 L' U' L // 4th pair R' U' R U' R' U2 R // OLL 26 R' U' F' R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' U R // PLL - F 52STM /5.96=8.72TPS

  1. 5.32 R' B' D2 U2 L2 B' D2 B D2 L2 D2 L' F R D2 F' U' L' R2 @2024-04-28 19:02:14

x' // inspection R U' D D x' L F' D R' D // cross y' y' R' U R // 1st pair U2 y' R U' R' U' y L U' L' // 2nd pair D R U' R' D' // 3rd pair R U' R' // 4th pair U F R U R' U' R U R' U' F' // OLL(CP) 39STM /5.32=7.33TPS

  1. 5.75 B2 D2 F' D' L F L B R D' B2 L2 D2 B2 L2 U' B2 L2 D2 @2024-04-28 19:22:21

y2 // inspection r' U' r' D L F // cross y L' U L U L' U' L R' U R // 1st pair U2 L' U' L U2 L' U L // 2nd pair y U' F U' F' // 3rd pair U R' U2' R U R' U' R // 4th pair U' L U2 L' U2 L F' L' U' L U L F L2 U' // PLL - Ra 51STM /5.75=8.87TPS

02:48 UTC


Are there any tutorials for the sudoku cube v2?

Whenever I look it up it's just the numbered one. I recently got the wisdom sudoku cube and I've realized Im a dumbass for thinking I could solve it without any help.

02:07 UTC


Results for cubers.io weekly competition Apr 2024 Week 4!

Thanks for checking out the results for this week's cubers.io competition Apr 2024 Week 4!

For those who haven't yet joined in, come compete with us! cubers.io is a website where you can participate in weekly WCA-style cubing competitions with fellow cubers from around the world. You can log in with either your Reddit or your WCA account! To keep things fresh, there is a rotating selection of non-WCA bonus events as well. Get more info at GitHub!

This results thread displays the top 10 participants in each event, as well as the top 50 overall points earners.

As always, full results are available at cubers.io in the competition leaderboards section!


  1. 2023RAPO01: 0.95

  2. Primary-Decision2787: 0.96

  3. 2022MOUR02: 1.02

  4. 2022PHAN03: 1.11

  5. 2022NUNE03: 1.13

  6. 2021SAMP01: 1.21

  7. 2023ALVE12: 1.21

  8. 2022STOU01: 1.26

  9. 2017XUR04: 1.34

  10. 2022MULL02: 1.36


  1. 2017XUR04: 5.12

  2. 2023RAPO01: 5.18

  3. 2023ARRA01: 5.94

  4. 2023NAZI02: 6.21

  5. 2023XIAN02: 6.72

  6. 2022SCHE13: 6.87

  7. 2019BREA02: 6.94

  8. 2021MARA01: 6.99

  9. 2023PANP01: 7.05

  10. 2018ISAK06: 7.21


  1. 2017XUR04: 22.27

  2. 2023XIAN02: 24.54

  3. 2019BREA02: 28.26

  4. 2023MATZ02: 30.08

  5. xsrvmy: 30.44

  6. ryau91: 31.38

  7. 2018VOLO05: 32.89

  8. 2017POPK01: 34.96

  9. 2019CARR22: 35.17

  10. Theemo04: 35.67


  1. 2023XIAN02: 45.00

  2. 2019JEDY01: 49.17

  3. 2019BREA02: 50.11

  4. xsrvmy: 54.32

  5. 2018KUCZ01: 57.88

  6. Theemo04: 59.34

  7. 2017TIKK01: 1:00.88

  8. 2018VOLO05: 1:01.03

  9. 2013BOTZ01: 1:01.57

  10. 2016HINS02: 1:05.25


  1. 2019JEDY01: 1:40.28

  2. 2023XIAN02: 1:48.27

  3. xsrvmy: 1:50.28

  4. Theemo04: 1:50.75

  5. 2013BOTZ01: 1:54.23

  6. 2015PAVE01: 1:56.46

  7. 2016CUTS01: 1:56.68

  8. 2018VOLO05: 1:56.97

  9. 2016HINS02: 1:58.80

  10. 2017WILL05: 2:00.42


  1. xsrvmy: 2:17.22

  2. 2019BREA02: 2:24.45

  3. 2013BOTZ01: 2:26.31

  4. 2023XIAN02: 2:38.72

  5. Theemo04: 2:55.09

  6. 2018VOLO05: 2:59.86

  7. 2019CARR22: 3:06.46

  8. 2023ZAST01: 3:14.69

  9. 2018GUTH01: 3:14.81

  10. KingWilwin16: 3:24.82


  1. 2023RAPO01: 13.04

  2. 2023XIAN02: 17.10

  3. JAKPiano3412: 18.17

  4. theclashguy: 30.44

  5. abunickabhi: 36.82

  6. 2014JIAN10: 41.21

  7. LukeMSki: 44.29

  8. mandatoryvirginity: 44.78

  9. 2022CHIS01: 46.09

  10. 2022THON01: 1:02.14


  1. 2022THON01: 4:31.88

  2. LukeMSki: 4:35.81

  3. 2014JIAN10: 4:58.34

  4. SchawnStein: 10:17.40

  5. 2017TIMM01: DNF

  6. 2019RIBE11: DNF

  7. 2013BOTZ01: DNF


  1. abunickabhi: 4:38.56

  2. LukeMSki: 11:37.36

  3. 2022THON01: DNF


  1. 2022THON01: 2/2 3:05

  2. 2023HUGH01: DNF


  1. 2021MERU01: 8.74

  2. 2017XUR04: 9.06

  3. 2023ARRA01: 9.58

  4. 2016PARK02: 9.83

  5. 2019PILH01: 9.99

  6. lofn16: 10.39

  7. 2019JEDY01: 10.93

  8. 2018VOLO05: 11.64

  9. 2017ZHAD01: 11.99

  10. Legitimate_Sky_3415: 12.53


  1. 2023RAPO01: 5.13

  2. 2023DIAZ20: 7.30

  3. HistoricalChip2494: 7.58

  4. 2018RIDA01: 7.79

  5. 2019CARR22: 8.38

  6. 2023XIAN02: 8.73

  7. 2017TIBB01: 9.09

  8. 2018ISAK06: 9.13

  9. 2023CHUC04: 9.29

  10. 2018ADAM06: 9.38


  1. 2023RAPO01: 1.78

  2. 2016GALA04: 1.92

  3. 2022HIEN02: 2.00

  4. 2022LARR02: 2.05

  5. 2023DIAZ20: 2.18

  6. 2023OULE01: 2.19

  7. 2021PANE01: 2.23

  8. 2018OVER04: 2.25

  9. 2022GOWM02: 2.25

  10. 2021MEZL01: 2.39


  1. 2018KUCZ01: 31.46

  2. 2019CARR22: 39.44

  3. 2021OTSU01: 40.91

  4. 2022STEP04: 41.54

  5. 2017TIKK01: 47.65

  6. 2018VOLO05: 51.34

  7. xsrvmy: 53.25

  8. Theemo04: 59.88

  9. 2022ADAM01: 1:06.44

  10. aCanOfTomatoSauce: 1:06.51


  1. 2023DIAZ20: 1.54

  2. 2019BENC04: 1.54

  3. 2019REDI02: 1.59

  4. 2022MEDE02: 1.61

  5. 2020TINL01: 1.63

  6. 2014MAUR06: 1.66

  7. 2022SAMS03: 1.66

  8. 2021HITC01: 1.68

  9. 2018HANU02: 1.78

  10. 2018GRYT01: 1.83


  1. 2023DIAZ20: 3.00

  2. 2019LINJ04: 3.20

  3. 2017TIBB01: 3.39

  4. 2022PORT01: 3.52

  5. Theemo04: 3.60

  6. 2024TRUB01: 3.70

  7. 2022CENT02: 3.80

  8. 2022ADAM01: 3.81

  9. 2018RICH05: 3.91

  10. 2022WIGI01: 3.96


  1. 2016SZAN01: 22

  2. 2017TENU01: 22

  3. 2018RIAB01: 22

  4. 2018GRYT01: 23

  5. 2013BOTZ01: 25

  6. 2018DIAZ09: 27

  7. mandatoryvirginity: 30

  8. 2022THON01: 32

  9. 2023STRI02: 35

  10. 2019PAHL02: 39


  1. EddtheRexMan: 19.52

  2. 2023SACH03: 30.22

  3. 2022HOGU01: 37.02

  4. 2018SAND22: 40.32

  5. 2018SHAH38: 52.07

  6. 2019RIBE11: 1:20.05

  7. 2022STEP04: 1:52.01


  1. 2023DIAZ20: 2.60

  2. 2023NAZI02: 2.72

  3. 2018STEP07: 3.40

  4. 2022CALD07: 3.71

  5. 2022STOU01: 3.72

  6. 2022NUNE03: 3.88

  7. EJCube: 4.10

  8. 2021MARA01: 4.14

  9. Legitimate_Sky_3415: 4.17

  10. 2019JEDY01: 4.20


  1. 2021HITC01: 1.49

  2. one-triangular-nibba: 2.51

  3. 2018VOLO05: 2.92

  4. RedstoneTim: 2.93

  5. 2023HEND11: 2.93

  6. abunickabhi: 3.09

  7. StormScorpion: 3.17

  8. 2022ADAM01: 3.27

  9. ARSEMANLOL: 3.47

  10. 2022GORL02: 3.68


  1. 2023SMIT12: 8.40

  2. 2021HITC01: 12.69

  3. 2022RODR52: 43.64

3x3 Mirror Blocks/Bump

  1. HistoricalChip2494: 12.76

  2. 2019TARA03: 26.37

  3. 2018VOLO05: 31.43

  4. 2022GORL02: 33.03

  5. 2019NIKI07: 33.50

  6. 2019PAHL02: 38.66

  7. ralphishere3: 40.09

  8. 2023STEL02: 49.10

  9. 2019RIBE11: 50.87

  10. 2023ZAST01: 51.80

Void Cube

  1. derekcfop: 7.76

  2. ThatOneRubiksDude: 12.40

  3. abunickabhi: 13.39

  4. 2011CHEN54: 14.47

  5. 2022KAMI02: 14.69

  6. 2021SAMP01: 14.98

  7. 2023CHUC04: 15.11

  8. EJCube: 15.27

  9. 2022WEIJ01: 15.28

  10. MrDullens: 16.48


  1. 2022THON01: 12.96

  2. KingWilwin16: 14.79

  3. marioodessey: 15.59

  4. 2018VOLO05: 18.14

  5. EJCube: 18.79

  6. 2022RODR52: 25.35

  7. dv7892356: 30.77

  8. 2022WEIJ01: 32.29

  9. tdogzz13: 47.13

3x3 Relay of 3

  1. 2021MARA01: 21.76

  2. 2023NAZI02: 22.45

  3. xsrvmy: 27.21

  4. 2019BURD02: 27.46

  5. MrDullens: 28.99

  6. 2023PANP01: 29.56

  7. 2022SCHE13: 29.75

  8. 2022CALD07: 30.19

  9. 2018VOLO05: 30.43

  10. ARSEMANLOL: 31.29


  1. 2023STEV04: 0.72

  2. 2022WEIJ01: 0.75

  3. EJCube: 0.98

  4. 2019JEDY01: 1.02

  5. 2022CALD07: 1.05

  6. 2022STOU01: 1.25

  7. 2023KITD01: 1.30

  8. 2023ZAST01: 1.32

  9. 2023MEAD06: 1.41

  10. 2022ADAM01: 1.48


  1. 2017XUR04: 2.88

  2. 2021MARA01: 3.99

  3. 2023NAZI02: 4.60

  4. 2018GREN02: 4.80

  5. 2023ALVE12: 4.80

  6. 2018VOLO05: 4.85

  7. 2019BURD02: 4.91

  8. 2017ZHAD01: 4.94


  10. MrDullens: 5.03

3x3 With Feet

  1. 2023PROV01: 1:55.40

  2. 2019TERP01: 3:51.77

Total points this week

Each event gives # of participants - place + 1 points

  1. 2018VOLO05: 1821

  2. 2023ZAST01: 1668

  3. 2022ADAM01: 1602

  4. Theemo04: 1599

  5. xsrvmy: 1564

  6. 2023ALVE12: 1555

  7. 2019JEDY01: 1541

  8. 2022GORL02: 1423

  9. PopFizzCJ: 1386

  10. 2022CALD07: 1377

  11. 2023NAZI02: 1352

  12. ThatOneRubiksDude: 1351

  13. MrDullens: 1349

  14. 2022DEGA01: 1314

  15. 2023XIAN02: 1297

  16. 2021BUTE03: 1296

  17. 2014JIAN10: 1275

  18. 2022STOU01: 1253

  19. EJCube: 1205

  20. 2023STEL02: 1205

  21. 2015SANT44: 1204

  22. ARSEMANLOL: 1204


  24. 2022TILA01: 1194

  25. 2019MACK01: 1191

  26. 2022THON01: 1185

  27. 2023KITD01: 1169

  28. 2018PANO01: 1158

  29. 2023ANDR19: 1151

  30. 2013BOTZ01: 1101

  31. 2019DRUM01: 1099

  32. one-triangular-nibba: 1088

  33. 2017XUR04: 1057

  34. 2022NUNE03: 1044

  35. 2013WANG63: 1039

  36. 2019RIBE11: 1032

  37. 2024WANG08: 1030

  38. 2019CARR22: 1028

  39. 2022SZEP01: 1020

  40. 2023HECK01: 1001

  41. 2023SMIT12: 1001

  42. 2018KAST02: 999

  43. 2017TIMM01: 998

  44. KingWilwin16: 992

  45. 2017DURE01: 982

  46. 2018FRAN26: 982

  47. Hamiltreasurer: 979

  48. 2018LUJA01: 973

  49. 2023SUTA02: 972

  50. 2023MATZ02: 949

02:00 UTC


Cubestation Qualifying Ranks

I know there are Adcanced 1 - 5 and senior 1 - 5, but are there any others?

01:48 UTC


What’s the biggest cube you got?

00:09 UTC


I found the perfect scramble (3x3 Rubiks Cube)

I tried hand-scrambling a 3x3 Rubik's cube so that no two of the same color were touching and couldn't do it. So, I wrote a program to search for a "Perfect Scramble" - one that meets all these requirements:

  1. All 6 colors on all 6 faces.
  2. No more than 2 colors on any face.
  3. No two squares with the same color touching side-by-side.
  4. No two squares with the same color touching diagonally (corners touching).
  5. No two squares with the same color touching diagonally where two faces meet.
  6. A different pattern on every face.

It turns out there is only one solution:


To create the Perfect Scramble: D2 F2 R2 D2 L2 U F2 U' F' U F2 U' R2 B' F R' D2 F' D' L

To solve it: L' D F D2 R F' B R2 U F2 U' F U F2 U' L2 D2 R2 F2 D2

To create the mirror image: D2 F2 L2 D2 R2 U' F2 U F U' F2 U L2 B F' L D2 F D R'

To solve the mirror image: R D' F' D2 L' F B' L2 U' F2 U F' U' F2 U R2 D2 L2 F2 D2

Because you can hold the cube in any one of 24 different orientations when you start, and because you can use the pattern or the mirror image of the pattern, this pattern can produce 48 unique arrangements.

If you were to randomly search for this perfect scramble, you would have to try around 900 quadrillion different arrangements before you found one of these.

For a longer, more detailed version, see the link. That site also has a link to my source code: The Rubik's Cube Perfect Scramble

22:04 UTC


Results of Roux Weekly Comp #477, next week is open

1 Comment
20:59 UTC


Are there ways to turn an 8 magnet ballcore cube into a 20 magnet ballcore one?

Kinda want it for my ys3m, but i wouldn't get a new cube for it. If there is no way, is there a repelling edge magnet kit?

20:25 UTC


how to buy gan cubicle shirt

how can I get Tymon's Tshirt? I love white simple cubicle logo plus gan logo.

18:47 UTC


Who thinks klotski puzzles should be WCA puzzles

I speedsolve that puzzle and my average is around 15~ seconds, a bit slower than my sub 15 average.

15:14 UTC


Has anyone ever tried cubing with finger sleeves?

Has anyone actually tried this? My fingers were sweaty whilst cubing and I decided to try it cuz why not?

14:26 UTC


Thoughts on method that i develop it?

Helsinki Method the step was write on below :

  1. Build 2 x 2 x 3 : by avoiding any rotations, roux cubers will saw this pretty much easily, less rotations it good things, or you can do EO then built block like on a ZZ.

  2. Last F2L Pairs-EO : At while you inserting last F2L Pair and after that insert the all yellow edges on top (if you start White first), this is tricky, because most of time, Edge Was swapped opposite, you can use Z-Perm to solve it

  3. Insert remaining corners use a 3-Cycle : this is really hard to understand for beginner's even intermediate, you need solve corners at their place use a commutators, the better one, solving 2 corners at same cycle, so you solve two corners much efficiently, then follow the others.

you may found L3C, you can solve it use ZBLL, but there's many optimal solutions with range between 8-11 moves, example algorithms : R U2 R D R' U2 R D' R2

  1. PARITY : if not solved yet, you may get parity there's 3 cases parity and it all easy to solve.

there's statement that i need help to discuss it, it's about how this method was suitable for speedsolving or not, especially third and last step, and i wonder if it's 3-Cycle or Commutators really end up really well in speedsolving? because after i realize the recognize is bit difficult even for high-class speedcubers, i doubt it if Two or more corners can be solve in good way in cycle, i try to 5-Cycle instead making much faster and fewer moves, it's take a lot much more time, and commutators become difficult, the step is require R, D move, which is can be take so much regrips.

And also Parity was really annoying even it's just rare, Parity two flipped corners on other side just nightmare of this method, i did research, and doesn't found any solutions below 18-Moves, and even easy but that moves require many regrips make it much slower on speedsolving make me doubt if someone really can be sub 6 with that methods, and on FMC this is can be nightmare, does that can be used for speedsolving despite being much awkward moves?

10:39 UTC


Side cross method 3x3

Yesterday at Dubai Open 2024, I saw a guy make the cross at the side and then just do a 'z' move to finish the last layer. That was so weird but the guy was actually pretty fast like sub 10. I just wanna know if this an actual method and what's it called?

09:31 UTC


Christmas cleaning

Last week was Rubik's Cube Day and on this occasion I dug out my puzzles from various places in the house to take a photo of them together.


09:23 UTC


Why R U2 D' B D' has order 1260

09:13 UTC


From C4U unboxing - Various 24 Cube/Chromium versions

1 Comment
05:14 UTC


Daily Discussion Thread - Apr 28, 2024

Hello, and welcome to the discussion thread! This thread is for accomplishments, simple questions, and informal discussion about cubing!

Not sure if you should comment here or make your own post? We have a full list of what does and doesn't belong in this thread on our wiki.

No question is stupid here. If you have a question, ask it!

Check our wiki for tips on how to get faster, puzzle recommendations and more!

Join the r/cubers Discord server here!

05:00 UTC


2x2 Rubix Combinations

Just curious, I've been googling for 5ish minutes but haven't quite gotten the answer to my question. According to google, and a bunch of other people, there are 3,674,160 possible combinations. Does anyone know if that number includes illegal positions on the 2x2, like unsolvable ones? Thanks.

04:48 UTC


Super Weilong written review after using it for some time

I haven't been a supporter of the super Weilong since its release, mostly because of its price and the fact that I wasn't that impressed with it after trying a 20 magnet core in the WRM v9. My first impressions were that it was a really good cube, but it had slightly worse performance than the v9.

I got a standard Super Weilong as a gift from a friend some time ago, and I put a 20 magnet core in it. I've been using this cube for a while and now I have a really different opinion about it.

I didn't really plan to use it as my main at first, because I thought the v9 was better and my turning style was no longer adapted to Weilongs after using my 20 magnet YS3m for a while, but there was an incident where I spilled a little bit of glue on the UV coating after an extremely awkward process of fixing a loose magnet (that I wouldn't recommend trying that to anyone). I fixed the UV coating after that and the surface was good, but it looked a little scratched, so I needed to use it for a while to get all the pieces to look even with the usual wear the cube gets with use.

When I first tried the cube after fixing the loose magnet and installing a 20 magnet core, I felt that it was really good, but it had a couple of issues that made it feel kinda awkward compared to my 20 magnet v9. The cube felt a lot more solid and compact than the v9, but the tracks were in fact a little bit too compact and they were kinda slow, that made a cube that felt noticeably slower on the inside even with relatively loose tensions and the cube felt really unbalanced even if the weight distribution was actually really good with springs. Then I found that it was kinda awkward to setup because of the slow tracks and the tall and soft springs, that made the cube either feel too slow or have weird tensions that made it feel kinda squishy.

For the slow tracks, I needed to change my setup a little bit, I started using thinner lubes and trying to lube all the parts of the cube more evenly instead of slowing them in the tracks like I usually do. That was still a little bit awkward to do, but I managed to get a good setup. After a good amount of breaking in, the tracks also were fast enough to use lube setups that were more similar to the ones I used before, so it wasn't an issue anymore. That means that you should ideally use a lube that spreads uniformly and that works in thin coats at first until the cube gets enough breaking in to work better with other setups, a silicone base works better for this purpose.

I started trying some other spring sets to see if I could make it feel less squishy, I tried the springs that moyu has been using in most of their cubes recently (rs3m 2020, Gts3m, wrm 2019, wrm2020, wrm2021, std YS3m and std wrm v9 are some of the cubes that I remember using them), and a set of old springs from a dual adjustment kit for the Weilong GTS or Guoguan Yuexiao at first to see if they worked. The springs in the super Weilong standard were surprisingly a lot softer than both of them, and while I think that the stiffer springs helped to get rid of the squishy feel, the cube didn't feel that good with them because they made the cube too slow and snappy for me. The issue was mostly that the cube wasn't really usable in the high flexibility setups that the Weilongs before the v9 favored because of the corner twisting issues, that while noticeably better than on the v9, could still happen on the tensions that those setups need. So, it works better in a relatively low center piece travel with low to mid compression setup like the v9, and the other springs I tried didn't feel that good on those setups. I then tried another set of springs that looked like it could work better, Super RS3M v1/RS3M V5 springs, they're noticeably shorter than the other sets of springs and they usually work well for relatively tight setups with low compression, and they worked really well for what I was looking for.

With RS3M V5 springs, a 20 magnet core, adjustments to my lube setup to have faster tracks, and a good amount of breaking in, the cube is great. The impression I had of it having a bad weight distribution was wrong, because after trying one without Maglev and a good setup that was designed for that cube, I actually think that the v9 has worse weight distribution now. The cube also feels noticeably lighter than the v9, with my spring Super Weilong being a 70g cube and my v9 being a 74g cube with slightly worse weight distribution. The v9 is faster, but I don't think that the Super Weilong speed could be an issue because it's actually easier to make a fast yet controllable cube with its base speed, than with the v9 that tends to be too fast. The monopiece internals and the lack of pieces that can split or wiggle makes it feel a lot more solid than the v9 too.

Do I think that the Super is better than the v9 now? Absolutely... Do I think that the price is worth it? I'm still not sure. If you just get a 20 magnet Super Weilong, break it in enough, and adjust your lube setup, it's going to work well but the extra speed and the 3 extra grams from the Maglev, make it feel really similar to a spring swapped 20 magnet v9 because you're negating some of the advantages the cube has over the v9 platform, and while it's going to work better for more flexible setups than springs, I don't think that the cube is quite there to use the full potential of a typical flexible Weilong setup, and a spring swapped 20 magnet v9 is going to be better and a lot cheaper. But If you swap the Maglev for RS3M V5 springs (stiffer springs could work too, but only if you like really snappy controllable cubes), it's going to feel lighter and more balanced, and it's going to work way better for the relatively tight setups that I think the cube is better suited for, making it feel like an upgrade in all aspects to the v9.

So, the cube can actually be better than the v9, but... Is it really worth modding a cube that expensive, going through a really awkward breaking in period and changing your lube setups to get there? I do think that this cube is the best 3x3 available rn and I'm maining it, and while this cube was a gift, I've used hybrid cubes that were a lot more expensive in parts before, so at least the price is worth it for me, but I'm sure that it's not going to be the same for everyone else. The cube may be really stable, solid, light and balanced, but like any other cube, not everyone is going to like how it feels, so it's not like it's worth buying it just to try it. The cube also has loose magnets every now and then, and unlike in the v9, they're pretty much impossible to fix without using extremely risky methods and doing it even with a lot of experience fixing cubes is extremely awkward.

Like everyone else, I'm still hoping that Moyu will release a lite version that actually reduces the price unlike the minimalist one, and that they will maybe make a 20 magnet core with springs one. But at least for now, I can't totally recommend it, even if I think that it's the best cube in the market.

03:12 UTC


Rate my collection after 6 months of cubing

Most important cubes:

GAN mirror purple

SCS stickered 1x1 (main)

GAN 11 M Pro (main)

Gan 356M limited Chinese new year

~20cm 3x3

Qiyi MS 2x2 (main)

Moyu YS3M Maglev

YJ MGC 4x4 (main)

YJ MGC 5x5 (main)

Moyu RS Skewb standard (main)

GoCube 3x3

YJ MGC megaminx (main)

Mofang Jioushi Mastermorphix

Qiyi MS pyraminx (main)

not shown:

Rubik's brand 3x3, which I taught my mom with and let her keep

Moyu RS3M V5 BC UV. ordered, but not arrived

Total is ~500 USD (some cubes were gifted to me, so I'm not sure on the true total)

Any recommendations for a good squan? I'll get MGC 6x6 and 7x7 eventually but I know nothing about squan

00:51 UTC

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