
Photograph via snooOG

The subreddit for all things Copenhagen!

Visiting or moving here? Read the pinned thread before posting.


146,919 Subscribers


Where in CPH can I get my ingrown toenail treated?

As the title says, I’m struggling with an ingrown toenail currently and would like to get it treated as it’s becoming somehow infected.

I’ve seen other posts recommending going to a doctor and getting a referral for an orthopedic surgeon, but the problem is I’m here for two months as a tourist so I don’t have an adress or a doctor. So if anyone has any helpful info I’d really appreciate it.

08:28 UTC


Kan man komme op på kbhs tage?

Hej derud. Er pt på sabbat år og er blevet rigtig interesseret i Urban exploring ig rooftopping. Så jeg ville høre om der ikke var nogen der kendte nogle steder hvor man lovligt eller ulovligt kunne komme op på kbhs tage?


21:56 UTC


BFL - J-dag

1 Comment
21:34 UTC


Carlsberg truck

Where is the truck? Its mental and packed in bars and everyone is waiting for it. What is the point of all this? Getting sus of the truck -- is it real?

21:18 UTC


Finding a job


I’ve been applying through Linkedin and workindenmark for quite a while ( some months ) and I didn’t even get an interview.

-EU citizen

-2 universities ( economics and law; bachelor and master’s degree)

-5 years of work experience, currently working in Big4

-I’ve been learning Danish for 3 years, but I’m not that good at speaking

-fluent in English

-polished my CV

What else should I try? I also tried to find a local recruiting agency, that can guide me to some jobs.


19:44 UTC


Bedste italienske (pasta) takeaway?


16:08 UTC


Paul Fischer (1860-1934), Tramcars on Bredgade Street, Copenhagen

13:07 UTC


Altan projekt i ejerlejlighed. Hvordan kører man sådan et projekt og får det stemt igennem i ejerforeningen?

Hej folkens,

Jeg har lige købt en ejerlejlighed i København K.

Der har tidligere været et altan projekt som blev nedstemt fordi der ikke var nok der mødte op til general forsamlingen, da det kræver kvalificeret flertal (66,6%) for at det bliver vedtaget. Der er lavet lidt benarbejde der viste at 78% af de adspurgte gerne vil have altan og 5% gerne vil vide mere.

Hvad er jeres erfaringer med at få gennemført et altan projekt? Specielt er jeg interesseret i af hvordan man takler modstand og at projektet bliver nedstemt pga. uenighed om fx. udseende af altan.

Jeg har talt med en af min venner der forslå følgende steps.

- Nedsæt et en altan projekt gruppe.

- Få først en betinget betinget forhåndsgodkendelse af kommunen.

- Indhent tilbud fra leverandører (Altan.dk skulle være det billigste og bedste da de fik lavet det for ca. 5 år siden).

- Lav informationsmøde.

- Lav justeringer til planen.

- Fremlæg til endelig vedtagelse. (få fuldmagter fra dem som ikke kan deltage)

Ting der er vigtige.

- Lav et projekt alle kan se sig selv i.

- Arkitekt tegninger skal være knivskarpe.

- Få finansiering som fælles lån (fordel: folk med kredit godkendelse kan få altanen og hvis man sælger lejligheden indenfor et par år hænger man ikke på lånet)

- Få det som optional om folk vil være med OG at det senere hen bliver muligt for folk at få altan.

12:16 UTC



Hej Reddit,

Jeg søger lidt inspiration til gode steder at afholde en julefrokost. Maden må gerne være klassisk, og der skal være plads til højt humør!

Vi bliver 20, og har er budget på 1000kr pr snude.

08:50 UTC


Monthly thread for advice and recommendations, November 2024 – ask your questions here!

Welcome to Copenhagen!

Use this thread to ask for advice about accommodation, sightseeing, events, restaurants, bars, clubs, public transportation, jobs and the like. Questions about visiting and moving to Copenhagen are only allowed in this thread.

Before posting, be sure to read our wiki for guides and answers to the most frequently asked questions from newcomers. Tourists will find useful information at WikiVoyage, WikiTravel and VisitCopenhagen, while new residents should visit the international websites of the City of Copenhagen and the Danish Immigration Service.

Be specific when asking for recommendations – tell us about yourself and what you like. Generic recommendations for "a nice restaurant" or "must-see attractions" can be found on TripAdvisor. Also, as locals we probably don't know much about hotels in the city.

If you're not looking for general advice and recommendations, feel free to create a new post in the subreddit. We love seeing interesting observations, stories and pictures from visitors and new neighbours!

This thread is created automatically at the beginning of every month. Click here for previous threads.

06:00 UTC


Arken museum. Don’t bother.

Due to the bad reviews about Louisiana we decided to bike to the Arken instead. What a bad decision that was. More than half of it was under construction. The only overwhelming thing there was the stench of paint fumes. In fact, the pallet sculpture at Christiania was better than anything in that building.

So yeh. Just a heads up because the website doesn’t inform you and they still charge you a full ticket price.

21:27 UTC


Gammel Knas is BACK

not sure whether anyone else was in agony waiting for this nightmare to end, but the coffee shops finally have Gammel Knas again and the other day I was actually able to pick up a large block of it at my local bakery. thank GOD

20:19 UTC


J day!

The most sacred of all danish holidays are coming upon us tomorrow!

J day! Launch of the christmas beer!


How are you celebrating it?

And for me personally- where should a 35F celebrate it?

Happy J day!

16:56 UTC


Sports bars

Hi, can you recommend sports bars to watch German Bundesliga on Saturday? Also, how is the stance towards St. Pauli fans in Copenhagen? I know Fc Copenhagen has a fan friendship with HSV 😅

16:07 UTC


HJÆLP: hvor kan jeg købe "La Cucina" The Regional Cooking of Italy ???

Jeg er lidt i en nødsituation og jeg skal have fat på kogebogen "La Cucina - The Regional Cooking of Italy". Er der nogen der ved, hvor i København, jeg kan købe den??

Arnold Busck og Politikens Boghal har den ikke


15:00 UTC


Skifte fra s-toget til lokalbanen på Jægersborg St. - hvor lang tid tager det?

Kære reddit🫶🏻 Jeg håber, I kan hjælpe mig! Jeg har en aftale ‘nordpå’ i dag, hvor jeg gerne vil tage toget. Jeg skal skifte fra S-toget til lokalbanen på Jægersborg station, og Rejseplanen angiver, at det kan gøres på 4 min. Jeg har dog aldrig været på Jægersborg station før, så er det realistisk? På forhånd tak!🙏🏼

14:01 UTC


Hellerup vs Charlottenlund vs Klampenborg: vibe & perception

Hi all

I apologise in advance if this offends anyone. This is not my intention.

I was hoping to get a local point off view of these three bougie suburbs. I appreciate that it's not necessarily Copenhagen. And also understand that most of people in this area are perceived as up themselves.

But I just want to know how they stack up against each other. And what do people think if a person when they say they live in these areas.

My current perception is that Hellerup is a nice bougie area which is close to Copenhagen centre. It used to be old money but more it's mostly new money. And that there is really two Hellerup. The Hellerup that is east of the train track and one that West of the train track.

Then there is Klampenborg. A bit further than the other two. But offers better proximity to nature. The beach and the Dyrehavn. Mostly old money, older people, big houses. Quite sporty.

Charlottenlund is sandwich between the two and has a more surburbia feel. Kinda like where you end up if you can't afford Hellerup or Klampenborg.

It's this a fair assessment?

13:47 UTC


On the report system

We're getting a lot of reports every day.

Some of them are worthy of our attention, but most of them target submissions to this sub which the moderator team and the ever diligent automoderator already curate quite a lot. You should see the daily removal pile, e.g. ~20 submissions have been removed in the last 24 hours.

No posts asking for generic advice and recommendations

At the moment, basically every single submission asking for any kind of recommendation gets reported by users as breaking the rule "No posts asking for generic advice and recommendations".

I am not a fan of many of the recommendation threads myself, but the fact that every single recommendation thread gets reported is close to being an abuse of the report system in my opinion. For the record, this is what the rule states:

Use the pinned thread for questions about visiting or moving to Copenhagen.

Posts asking where to go for dinner, where to go clubbing, which museums are open, how to find an apartment, which neighbourhoods are safe and similar repetitive topics will be removed.

It doesn't state anywhere that you can't ask for recommendations on /r/copenhagen. If recommendations are to be banned entirely, this will require a rule change.

Keep all posts related to Copenhagen

Anything that isn't physically inside the borders of the Copenhagen/Frederiksberg municipalities also tends to get reported as breaking the "Keep all posts related to Copenhagen" rule. Let me remind you what this rule states too (emphasis added):

Submissions should be centered around the city of Copenhagen and the surrounding area.

Content related to Denmark as a whole should be posted to r/Denmark, while questions about e.g. mortgages and taxation can be directed at r/dkfinance.

The definition of this surrounding area isn't provided, but it is surely more than just the Copenhagen and Frederiksberg municipalities.

Custom reports

We also get daily reports with custom messages such as "low effort" and "please moderate this sub". I would like to empathize once again that we do actually moderate the sub quite a bit. These users don't even have a specific rule to pin stuff up on, so instead of downvoting submissions tthey are spamming the report system.

For the record: I also wish we had less low-effort content, but the best way to get less low-effort content is to produce more high-effort stuff. I've been trying to start up a sister subreddit at /r/CopenhagenUrbanism with the kind of content I prefer and so far every submission on it except for one was by myself! I think the reality is that most people are not interested in submitting stuff, they just want to comment. And the easiest posts to submit and comment on will always be threads like "recommend me X".

The last meta thread on this subject actually resulted in significant changes: the moderator team was doubled and automoderator was made much stricter. The kind of flamewar threads that were common then are much rarer now, which is really nice IMO.

Your thoughts are welcome. Let's get a discussion going.

13:31 UTC


God vinbare eller lign

Skal på min første date i årevis. Vi skal finde et sted i KBH/omegn at få et, måske to glas vin. Vi skal derfor kunne tale sammen (så ikke PS bar😂) Det må gerne være et hyggeligt sted. Helst ikke værtshus-ish, men heller ikke fint og fornemt. Et casual sted med god stemning foretrækkes. Nogen ideer?

*vinbar - den vil ikke lade mig rette

13:28 UTC


Looking to join casual football games!

Hello! I recently moved to the city and I am missing playing regular football.

Are there any casual football games you could recommend to join? 5aside, 7aside, 11s. Anything, as long as it's not a serious league team.

Thanks :)

10:43 UTC


God frokostrestaurant i KBH

Hej! Konen og jeg har endelig en fridag uden børn og vi vil rigtig gerne ud og spise et godt sted som vi gjorde for et par år siden.

Dog er det hverdag og til frokost så vi har svært ved at finde et godt sted - lidt pænt - som har åbent.

Jeg har søgt herinde men har ikke rigtig fundet noget

Hvad er din anbefaling til en frokost restaurant i prisleje 400-600 Per person som ikke er junk eller smørebrød?

Vi plejede godt at kunne li Marv og Ben, fishmarket, no2, og Cofoco restauranterne.

07:46 UTC


Shapes on top of pedestrian crossing boxes

Spending a few days in CPH and was wondering what the strange shapes in the tops of the boxes are for at the location of pedestrian crossings.

They almost look like something to put a cigarette on but surely it can't be that?

17:35 UTC


Reliable camera repair specialist in Copenhagen

Hi everyone! Is there anyone here, or does anyone know a good specialist for analog camera repairs in Copenhagen or nearby? I have a Pentax KM with a “sticky mirror” issue. It only happens when the shutter is cocked, so the mirror stays up, and the depth of field preview doesn’t work either. I’ve already done some cleaning and lubrication under the bottom cover, but it looks like the mirror box might be the issue, so I’d rather not try to fix that myself. Any recommendation for reliable, reasonably priced help would be much appreciated!


10:34 UTC


Food options in/around Brøndby Stadium, or on the way


My wife, two children (13 and 11), and I will be attending the Brøndby v. Nordsjaelland match on 10 November. The match is at 20:00 local time, and we will be coming in from Nyhavn (probably taking the M1/M2 to Flintholm/Vanløse St. and then a bus to the stadium, but could be talked into a different route).

With the match starting at 20:00, we’re looking at what to do for dinner beforehand. I can’t get much info on the food at the stadium other than favorable reviews of the “cafeteria,” and checking the map around the stadium doesn’t look like there is a lot nearby within walking distance. Would it be easier/better for us to find options once we get off the M1/M2, or maybe even do an earlier dinner while in Nyhavn and avoid these other locations altogether?


22:30 UTC


Best place for breakdance/hip hop learning as an adult?

Hellooo, does anyone have any recommendations on the best place to learn breakdance (preferably) or hiphop? As a “restarter” (danced a lot when i was younger and have some experience with freestyling, some base moves etc) Thanks in advance 😙

20:39 UTC


I’ll be visiting Copenhagen from the 22nd to the 27th of December, but everyone is telling me that everything is closed from the 24th to the 26th. Is that true? Am I screwed?

Help. What can we do during these days? I am more concerned about things to do than food!

18:45 UTC


Danes don’t greet back?

Im a foreigner in Denmark and there is something that strikes me: Danes don’t greet back upon saying Hello to them. Is this normal and I need to adjust my mindset, or am I just encountering impolite people?

Situation example: I walk into the office and meet a distant colleague that has seen me before. We are the only 2 people early morning in the office. We have eye contact and I say „good morning“ with a smile. He does not reply or show any reaction.

I can make many more examples like this. The cringe I get is so strong. I am not a complete stranger to this guy. I would understand it if I stand on Strøget and expect random people to smile & greet back. Thanks for sharing any reflections to enlighten me here with this social awkwardness.

14:18 UTC


Bedste flyttefirma i København?

Som overskriften foreslår, vil jeg høre jeres bedste bud på flyttefirmaer i København som ikke fucker rundt med ens møbler<3

09:37 UTC


Buying a Gaming PC

Can any1 help direct me to a decent PC store.

08:51 UTC

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