This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible.
A community for passionate EDH players to discuss the competitive meta of the format.
Be excellent to each other.
Be inquisitive. Feel free to ask questions.
Accept that opinions are just opinions. Contrary dialogue is valuable -- personal/emotional attacking is not.
Hateful posts will be removed.
Text posts only.
Low quality posts may be removed. Common ways this rule is broken include any post that talks about a deck but doesn't provide a decklist, does provide a decklist but doesn't give any information about the metagame, your general strategy, or other relevant information.
You may post with budget restrictions. However, expect non-budget cards to be brought up and discussed.
You must provide a budget. If you cannot afford a bunch of cards all at once feel free to ask which suggestions you should prioritize getting first.
You must provide a meta breakdown. Include commanders, strategies, wincons, or if you are going into a blind meta.
Include the deck's main goal and how it gets there.
List any experience (if any) you've had with the deck.
Be respectful of all suggestions and criticisms.
No rules questions. Please use the Magic Judges chat to ask about rules and card interactions.
If your meta/league has custom rules or bans we ask that you move your requests to /r/EDH instead.
Flair your posts correctly.
Meta-specific decks welcome.
At LGS, there was someone that made an Iron Man cEDH deck that actually performs pretty well, picking up wins against things like TymThras, Kinnan, Yuriko, etc.
What are some other commanders that you or someone at your LGS have made work and perform pretty well, despite the commander not being a common cEDH commander at all?
If you don't mind mentioning what the deck does and some info about it that would be awesome! Always looking to find some unique stuff.
Hello everyone!
The goal of this weekly thread is to give players a place to ask questions (no matter how basic) and to post the decks they have been working on for critique by some of our most experienced members; here's how it works:
Post a comment in this thread for help about:
• a CEDH related question that you have had that you'd like answering
• questions about individual cards, including newly spoiled cards from upcoming sets
If you have questions looking for more feedback on a specific deck, please consult our Deck Help post rules, and create a new post following those criteria.
We hope this weekly thread will provide better educational opportunities for members of this subreddit to receive high quality deck or game advice they may not receive elsewhere. We very much look forward to working with you all.
Please also feel free to come visit us on the Discord (link in the sidebar) and use the #help channel for any other Competitive EDH related questions. Many of us are online at most times of day and would love to help.
Note that for purely Magic rules related questions, your best resource is the MTG Judges chat
The /r/CompetitiveEDH Discord server now hosts awesome cEDH events! Whether you are interested in cEDH over Cockatrice or Spelltable, we have something for everyone. Our Game Masters also run special themed events not listed here on a semi-regular basis. As always, we also have our 24/7 LFG service where you can find games on both Cockatrice and Spelltable.
Check out our Discord link here.
Upcoming events:
Thursday, 2pm (Eastern) - Cockatrice vLGS: An earlier virtual LGS each week for cEDH played over Cockatrice (webcam welcome, too!)
Thursday, 8pm (Eastern) - Cockatrice vLGS: Our virtual LGS featuring cEDH played over Cockatrice.
Friday, 8pm (Eastern) - Webcam vLGS: Our weekly virtual LGS featuring cEDH played over Spelltable.
Saturday, 2pm (Eastern) - Saturday Cockatrice League: A free weekly mini tournament played over Cockatrice. The top scorer wins special roles. Get more information here and here.
Hello everyone! Do you know if there is a Hashaton cEDH Discord? Looking to bounce some ideas off other brewers. If nobody knows of one, I might just make it myself. Please let me know!
I don't think this is in the works or anything, but it was a question asked a long time ago and was curious if answers may have changed. It is certainly the premiere way to win in blue/black decks. I doubt it knocks blue out as a top contender, but is there anything that could fill up its space in the meta where all top decks Want the combo?
Just wondering where he is sitting? I switched to TnT about 5 months ago and loving it but always loved Tivit.
With the prevelance of creature based decks/combos etc does a Tivit list with a few more board wipes look a lot more viable?
I've seen some lists now running 3 or 4 wipes including cyclonic rift, toxic deluge, damn and languish or nuclear fallout.
It's a deck I truly don't understand but that I want to love. I love thrasios as a infinite mana outlet and temur is one of my favorites color combos, but I never truly understood Rog/Thrasios. Can somebody make me love it? Cause Rog makes me think you want to go turbo but than I see that a lot of the lists are just midrangey thrasios decks so idk. The primer on cedh ddb is not updated post-ban and also really not that helpful in making me understand why I should play this over other decks so I reall don't know.
Hey everyone, looking to dip my toe into the CEDH scene, my local lgs has a group that meets weekly as well as ill be playing over webcam. I have this budget Ob Nixilis list i would like some feedback on. Budget is around $200 to start but will proxy going forward after that (locals is kind of proxy friendly so figured i would start with none and work my way up) Any and all feedback is appreciated! Local meta is mostly meta decks (rog si, kinnan, tnt, glarb, kenrith, najeela) Basically want to give myself a fighting chance.
Hi guys, I'm looking for advices on how to make my deck more performing based on the continuous use of instants and sorceries to draw so trigger pingers and the commander. Many have told me that it will never be a competitive deck but I would like advices on how it can best express itself according to the style I have given it, even if it will never be competitive. Thank you so much and greetings from Italy.
Hello there and it is finally time for a new set Review for cEDH and I was really looking forward to this "Death Race" set and I think it even overshot my expectations, not just from story and vibe but with many of the cards. I do know there will be someone along here doing a TL:DR comment and spoiling the video but regardless, at least try to click the link, even if you watch it later ;) Trust me its a fun time!
Video Link:
I love decks with a different playstyle or theme to them than you normally see (love krrik or Okaun/Zndrlsplt for example)
Are there any decks that are cedh viable you can think of?
Been playing Cedh for up to 6 - 7 months now. My first deck for the format was Magda because of its budget nature. Ever since the banning of Dockside, I just don't see as many people playing it. I'm curious where people rank it and why it isn't doing super well. I don't think the banning of dockside was the end of the world for this deck, but it did cause change and I want to know what people think about it in this current meta
Looking for ideas for my Bello, bard of the brambles deck. So far it hasn’t held up well and is probably closer to high power casual. Was trying to build it more enchantress but seems that I never have enough blockers or interaction. Looking for any cedh lists or just good recommendations on what i could throw into this deck.
I started playing cEDH with a group of friends around 4 years ago but haven’t played any at all outside of my LGs. Recently I’ve been looking for a cEDH community to branch out and learn more about the format (since I’m sure the entire format can’t be encapsulated by just the 8 players at my store)
My issue is most of the communities I have joined so far tend to focus on quantity of content over quality of content. That’s great for welcoming new players into the format, but I’d love to find a place that has content for more advanced cEDH play- compared to “new to cEDH what commander should I play” type of content.
My favorite example of what I’m looking for are the specific commander discords. I find discord to be very good at segmenting content whereas deeper and longer discussions and can be had.
[[fury storm]] [[storm kiln artist]]
This is monored and makes infinite treasure if you've at least cast your commander once. It's more mana intensive but less risky than a [[chain smog]] magecraft combo.
My question is where does this best fit? Anyone using this with success?
Jeska + XX decks are the only ones I've gotten any traction but always open to new ideas.
PS - Fury Storm is infinite magecraft in lots of decks so Black / Red, Jund, and Jund+ can use it with [[Professor Onyx]] or [[witherbloom apprentice]]. I guess this makes it more of a [[fury storm]] SCD even though my favorite use is with artist.
I see most Ob Nix decks running this card. Not sure if I’m either under valuing it or missing a line.
Thanks in advance.
Hey people, I've been wanting to build a new cedh deck and food chain is my jam.
I've been considering Atraxa food chain and Etali too. I finally optex out of Etali and basically narrowed it down to Atraxa or Cazur/Ukkima.
The idea of a more "turbo" food chain strat on Cazur / Ukkima seems cooler for me, but Atraxa has a really good effect , has white and seems a bit stronger.
My main deck is an Ob Nixilis list and I love it, but I want to try something else too.
So, general thoughts on Cazur / Ukkima? Obviously, I know it's no Blue farm or some other top deck (and I am not looking for that either, ofc) but would you say it can hold it's own in midrange hell?
The turbo play pattern with an aggresive tainted pact/demonic for the foodchain seems fun, even if it may not be the best
Edit: Forgot the list lol I'm basically following this curated list from the Cazur/Ukkima people. Just asking for a general opinion on the deck. https://moxfield.com/decks/OjY9mvS_eUqlNUqdSpfPTQ
I will make some adjustments for our pod but yeah, I will be following that.
Hey everyone,
I recently got into cEDH after spending the past two years playing casual and high-power EDH. I’ve been really enjoying the fast-paced, combo-heavy gameplay and wanted to give it a shot in a competitive setting.
Right now, my main deck is Winota, which I’ve upgraded to cEDH with some inspiration from online lists. Here’s my decklist:
The tournament allows up to 10 proxies, including Reserved List cards proxies. However, I’m unsure if I should stick with Winota, as I’ve seen a lot of discussion about her currently not being that strong in cEDH.
If Winota isn’t the best choice, what other decks or commanders would you recommend for someone new to cEDH? I’m open to trying something that’s both competitive and beginner-friendly.
What are your thoughts? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
So the other night i got an idea of a kinda unique take for turbo with trying to turbo win with jeska more importantly in jund why? Idk seemed unique and fun this is what ive got so far: https://moxfield.com/decks/AlU9KScZN0-AHSP0ILPnDg
So far my wincons are Chain of smog + witherbloom = inf magecraft and inf drain Chain of smog + storm kiln = inf treasure = inf jeska
Food chain + squee = inf creature mana to cast ikra so the next time we cast jeska its gg
WOF + underworld breach + LED = enough mana to hopefully kill with jeska
Dualcaster mage + heatshimmer or twinflame= inf wizard tokens to win through combat
Jeska’s + reiterate = hopefully enough red mana to go infinite and jeska win
If I’m missing anything to make the deck go faster/be more consistent any and all constructive criticism is more than welcome :)
I've been working on a flubs deck that wants to go infinite turn 2. There's currently no real interaction in the deck just a pile of turbo combo pieces. It's basically solitaire and I feel kind of bad winning turn 2 with a 30 minute combo.
Here's the current list https://moxfield.com/decks/ebGm7YoCkk2nF9VM8uQK2g
I was wondering if there was any way of adding some interaction without hindering the decks gimmick of going infinite with flubs. The deck kind of falls apart if flubs and the draw pieces gets removed consistently.
The usual combos are food chain sqree + balista, aetherflux storm + flubs, brain freeze storm.
Posting because I thought this was a neat little interaction!
[[Magmakin Artillerist]]
Magmakin Artillerist - 2R
Whenever you discard one or more cards, this creature deals that much damage to each opponent.
Cycling 1R
When you cycle this card, it deals 1 damage to each opponent.
Possible finisher for [[Hoarding Broodlord]] into [[Peer into the Abyss]] line?
[[Hoarding Broodlord]] to grab [[Saw in Half]], create two token copies of Broodlord. Grab [[Sacrifice]] and [[Peer into the Abyss]]. Cast Peer after Sacrificing a Broodlord, realistically draw this guy and rocks to cast him [[Magmakin Artillerist]]. Go to clean up and discard to hand size, kill the table?
Howdy y'all! I've been cooking on [[Satoru, the Infiltrator]] for a while now, and I wanted to share the list, as I have had great success with the him in my local meta, and I think he may be one of the most slept on commanders of 2024 due to the inherent oddity of his ability. I've written out a decently comprehensive primer, and believe he is a entirely fun and decent alternative to Rog/Si and other turbo decks.
The general thesis of the deck is that Satoru at the helm + all 14 X or zero drop creatures available in Dimir in the 99 enables a number of unique strategies generally available only to Grixis or the like, and make Naus/Necro/Necro/Doomsday very very powerful.
So what do the Satoru-Cantrippers even do, you ask? This seems like a meme, or a joke, or at the very least it must be a bad idea to run 14 cards in the deck that say "If your commander is out this creature has Cycle: 0". Well, I'm glad you asked.
What the Satoru-Trippers enable that is unique from other Dimir builds:
- Help to crack Vamp Tutor, Imp Seal, Lim Dul’s Vault and Mystical Tutor on the turn they are cast.
- Make Phyrexian Tower/Culling the Weak/ [[Songs of the Damned]] into incredibly strong rituals. Also help fuel threshold for Cabal Ritual.
- Can be sacced To Diabolic Intent/Beesech.
- Help draw past lands/dead spells with Bolas’s Citadel, meaning that Bolas’s will often win with no additional support other than Satoru.
- Help to smooth out draws in the early game, and ensure you hit land drops/find fast mana.
- Make Displacer Kitten an extremely strong engine, as you can flicker Satoru on any non-creature spell to manually dig into a wincon.
- Make Hullbreaker Horror a very strong wincon, as looping any zero drop will draw your library.
- Help turn on Cephalid Coliseum.
- Make Doomsday an extremely strong and safe win condition, as going for a Doomsday line after Naus-ing or Necro-ing most often allows you to build a pile of 4 counter spells + Thassa’s as you are likely to have 5+ zero drops in hand.
- Keeps Naus counts down (Avg. mana value of the deck w/o Naus is 1.15), while also allowing for further free digging post Naus.
- Allow for 2 additional wincons in a 2 color combination that traditionally only wins with Thassa’s + Demonic/Tainted Pact.
- The combination of Satoru-Trippers 1. Enabling fast mana 2. Allowing for further digging, and 3. Providing the ability to pivot between 3 win cons means that Necropotence and Necrodominance are at peak strength (for a Dimir deck) and enable very fast wins that are very difficult to stop once if either Necro resolves.
Anyways, I haven't seen many other Satoru CEDH builds out there, and am interested to hear what people think, if they've tried him out, and how its gone. Cheers!!
Hey guys. I'm looking for some tip or critiques about my Derevi list. It started off as a stax heavy, long game list but I felt that was pretty boring. So I reworked it a bit and this is what I've fallen on.
It needs some work in the mana base for sure, I know that much. Also I want to note that my Moxin and Gaea's Cradle are proxies, my LGS is reserve list proxy friendly. I do have a few cards that I already plan on getting and upgrading with, [[bloom tender]], [[blind obedience]], [[faeburrow elder]] and some others.
I'm worried about my consistency, should I add more tutors? And what other win cons can I add with all that mana Derevi generates. It feels boring to dump a billion mana into a finale for the win in most games. I also feel like it's a bit light on interaction, but I have only played 2 games with it since completing it.
Note: I know there are 99 cards in the deck list, I have 100 in my paper deck. Just haven't had time to go through and figure out which is the missing card.
Any advice or critiques?
Hi everyone, I have recently decided to build Emry cedh and hopefully i can find events with some proxies, as I have the majority of the cards already, I mainly play legacy so I enjoy the type of game play that comes with cEDH.
Obviously I don't have a mishras workshop, LED or grim monolith, but I have pretty much everything else. Is this a viable list to play or are there any win more cards in here I can switch out to get easier wins. Help would be much appreciated as I am not very well versed in cedh, but from what i have seen it looks awesome. I play U painter and 8cast in legacy, so emry seemed like the easiest deck to play.
Hey everyone!
Welcome to Free Talk Friday! Is there anything you've been meaning to talk about that doesn't quite deserve its own thread? Do you wanna tell us about the good or bad beats you've had this week? Do you wanna show off some cool new cards you acquired for your deck? Or do you just wanna say hi? This is the place. Everyone's welcome here! As always, be nice to each other.
Feel free to talk about non-EDH topics as well.
That's all for now. Have fun!
hello!! i’m lookin for help with my midrange tawnos deck :3 the idea wasn’t for this to be necessarily viable at tournaments in any way, but i wanted to push my fav card of all time (booby trap) to its absolute limit. the idea is to play a slow-ish early game with lots of counterspells and card advantage, drop one of the two infinite untaps / mana combos, and mill the deck with tawnos activations. from there, you reanimate the grand abolisher, the lantern, the booby trap, and lore broker for force draw, then blow people up over and over again with copied traps. i’m very new to cedh and this is the second deck ive built, so i KNOW there is so much im missing to this and id like to ask for any and all advice yall would be willing to give!! https://moxfield.com/decks/8H4i04vgSkOqx-18bZJrvg
Hi all,
I am currently exploring the viability of one of the new commanders from Aetherdrift - [[Redshift, Rocketeer Chief]]. I know Gruul isn't the best color combination for cEDH but I really enjoy the idea of this guy. The main wincon for him so far is centered around [[Staff of Domination]]. When Redshift has power of 5+, you are able to draw your entire deck and put every permanent onto the battlefield at instant speed. He is also a beater by going infinite with [[Umbral Mantle]].
Backup win condition is Kiki-Jiki and Hyrax Tower Scout with creature based tutors like Chord of Calling, Elditch Evolution, Invasion of Ikoria, Birthing Pod, Yisan, etc.
I have gold fished this list quite extensively since he has been leaked and I am looking to improve the ability to get the staff into play. I am also looking for better ways of increasing his power to 5. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
My current local meta has the following usual suspects:
My current deck list can be found here - https://moxfield.com/decks/5pAIhm_tx0afURyT4-Ax9g
Hi guys!
I want to get 1 or 2 new cedh decks and I am wondering what decks did you have the most fun win in the last months? I didn’t play for a while now I wonder what I’ve missed
I have read many time of this wincon in Inalla cEDH decks:
Is it possibile to have alternative wincons without [[Shallow Grave]] but using other cards instead (e.g. [[Molten Duplication]] + [[Dualcaster Mage]]? I am trying to get the loop correct but can't find many ways to have infinite mana without it, maybe there are some variations that I am missing.