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Socialist History Reading List

Hey guys, can anyone recommend any books, or share links to a reading list that focuses on history? I’ve looked on some subreddits and most existing reading lists are only compromised of theory, however my historical literacy is incredibly limited so I’m trying to address that at the moment.

I recently read Open Veins of Latin America which was amazing, if there are any similar books you can suggest, please do so. I’ve also got A People’s History of the United States, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa and Gleijeses’ Shattered Hope on my list. Suggestions that focus on any part of the world are welcome. Thank you!!

09:38 UTC


Good books on the Chinese revolution and cultural revolution?

I want a better understanding of Maoism's distinctive qualities. Also a better understanding of the revolution, its successes and failures. Thank you!

16:00 UTC


Tech and Revolution

1)Are there any hacktivist groups who has revolutionary left ideals(not anarchist, a lot of "popular" groups act anarch). i mean the first thing in mind is Anonymus but recently they act like pro-dem in their official accounts, i don't know much about them but maybe they have a problem with their "administration" even though i don't have an idea about their form of organization.

2)If any of you are in computer science(developer, cybersecurity, academy etc.) or interested in CS as a hobby, how do you implement these ideological values? I for one am transhumanist and i believe even though tech became a dopamin p*rn in capitalist society it could become a very important step in evolution in a socialist/communist society(especially internet and the peoples habit to connection that came with it).

3)As you can understand i am kinda obssesed with the CS/Tech and Revolution synthesis, so i would love it if you know any author who wrote about transhumanism and anti-capitalist revolutions and such. (even though i am not an anarchist, anarcho-transhumanist books/researchs would be useful too)

01:01 UTC


Split in the Communist Initiative of Cyprus

22:00 UTC


Role of dissidents within settler society

Hi :)

I'll make it short and concise- I'm looking for materials/advice on the role of dissidents from within settler societies as part of the struggle against settler colonialism, to better inform my activism. Thank you.

19:02 UTC


Interview with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kenya Booker Ngesa Omole

1 Comment
14:06 UTC


was the doctrine of breznev to focus on afghanistan why america had a stronger hand in middle east?

the breznev fear of islamist movement's surge in afghanistan seemed unnecessary as these movements before the war in afghanistan had limited funding (by the US) and seemed to side with the USSR as soviets interventions in middle east specially palestine could have been used as a chip to sway the mujahedeen the funds and weapons used by the shuravi could have been sent to socialist forces in eygpt syria and etc...

a intervention in iran seemed to me to make more sense than afghanistan where reactionary groups were already prepared for a long war of iteration

Hafiz was unfit to lead the saur revolution

kgb had former intel about saur revolution and who would gain leadership and the background of hafiz seems to be already skewed and questionable as he had worked with CIA funded associations before hand it why would kgb let him take power is another question i could not find a answer to as the soviets killed him later anyways and there were speculation widen the party of hafiz about him too

and his execution's of marxism policy seems to be a disaster almost as if intentional to start a up rising

plus he made limited reforms and i did not find any letters of him asking for tactical or maybe policy help from soviets instead just demands of equipment that is not useful in hands of conscripts

maybe the limited intervention in iraq and iran were due to the war and the fact that soviets picked sides when it was already too late its seems strange too be strictly neutral in one end and make a full invasion later on

here is the source:

hafiz ties to cia:



aid to MENA powers document of CIA:


edit: spelling mistake

12:11 UTC


Thoughts on the movie Do the Right Thing

I watched it yesterday, I rent my movies from my local library I never pay for them especially with the ongoing genocide knowing that most production studios support the Zionist entity. I thought that the black power movement was actually very negatively portrayed in the movie. I find that there is very few Hollywood movies than positively portray the struggle for black liberation and the black experience in Amerikkka. Most movies tend to place white people in the role of the white savior (The Help, The Blind Side, etc are good examples of this). I think Boots Riley’s work is great and I really like The Color People. If any of you have watched Do the Right Thing let me know your thoughts.

04:34 UTC


Please give your comments on China after the reform and opening up

Yes, as a Chinese, I want to hear what foreigners think of our country after the reform and opening up. Or if you have any questions about China, I will try to answer them. In addition, please forgive my poor English :(

03:29 UTC


Criticisms of Engels' "Origins of the family." Are they valid and what to read instead?

In a few groups I'm a part of, I have recommended that people read "origins of the family, private property, and the state." This suggestion is often met with pushback which claim that the work is racist and severely outdated. And while there is plenty to criticize about the text, I have yet to see any convincing alternative theories to explain, well, the origins of the family, private property, and the state. And I don't know of any alternative texts to read and recommend which approach the issue from a materialist perspective. Thoughts?

03:16 UTC


Does anyone have any books on historical materialism in the ancient world?

Any recommendations would be appreciated!

13:45 UTC


Bi-Weekly Discussion Thread - (January 05)

We made this because Reddit's algorithm prioritises headlines and current events and doesn't allow for deeper, extended discussion - depending on how it goes for the first four or five times it'll be dropped or continued.

Suggestions for things you might want to comment here (this is a work in progress and we'll change this over time):

  • Articles and quotes you want to see discussed
  • 'Slow' events - long-term trends, org updates, things that didn't happen recently
  • 'Fluff' posts that we usually discourage elsewhere - e.g "How are you feeling today?"
  • Discussions continued from other posts once the original post gets buried
  • Questions that are too advanced, complicated or obscure for r/communism101

Mods will sometimes sticky things they think are particularly important.

Normal subreddit rules apply!

[ Previous Bi-Weekly Discussion Threads may be found here https://old.reddit.com/r/communism/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWDT ]

00:01 UTC


Any tips for short-tempered people?

I just watched a video on South Korea and I feel like tearing my hair out after the first couple of minutes. How can things like this happen and yet people still say that capitalism is the greatest economic system we have and condemn people for believing that there is a way to solve these problems?

I am so tired of people seeing things that are meant to bring class consciousness but instead blame it on Jews or immigrants and so forth. Karl Marx has written multiple books a hundred years ago and revolutionaries from all over the world have talked about it but people still don't listen.

Every now and then I come across a common problem that is caused by capitalism (e.g.: abundance of advertisements, poor public transportation) and I feel like going on a rant. I feel like my friends don't like being around me because I keep getting political.

Are there any tips to calm down and/or maintain hope that things will get better?

15:07 UTC


Was the New Deal fascist?

I feel like maybe this is controversial (or maybe it’s a cold take?), but it seems that essentially the aim of the New Deal was to create a wealthier, “superior” white race. This is based on the systematic exclusion of Black people from the benefits of New Deal programs and the remnants we see today in the massive wealth disparity between white people and people of other races?

I also recognize that it was specifically a response to increasing unrest, increasing class consciousness, and the rise of a socialist alternative in the Soviet Union.

17:57 UTC


Commentaries on the Programme of the Communist Party of Canada (Red Fraction)

06:12 UTC


The Obligatory Gramsci Post Concerning New Years Eve.

Gramsci said a thing.

05:11 UTC


What are your thoughts on the Colombian EPL (a Hoxhaist armed group)?

Hello, I’d like to know if you have any recommendations for learning more about the "Ejército Popular de Liberación" (People's Liberation Army) of Colombia, a guerrilla group that identified as Marxist-Leninist and followed Hoxha's theses. I know that today some remnants of the group still exist, but they have strayed far from their original ideals and are now involved in criminal activities. However, I’m interested in learning about the history of the original organization.

22:34 UTC


Pëtr Alekseev speech at the 'Trial of Fifty

“Pyotr Alexeyev was a very popular figure, and the Moscow Weavers, who affectionately called him "Petrukha," remembered him for a long time. Arrested for carrying on revolutionary activities he made a speech at his trial on March 10, 1877 which he concluded with the following words: "The muscular arm of the working millions will be lifted, and the yoke of despotism, guarded by the soldiers' bayonets, will be smashed to atoms!" Lenin called this speech the "great prophecy of the Russian worker-revolutionary.”

Does anyone have any link or access to his full speech? kindly share it with me here since I'm unable to find it.

1 Comment
12:24 UTC


The real Squid Game.

16:55 UTC


Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia


I live in Czech republic and I'd like to share my concerns about our primary communist party, "Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM)". I'm afraid the party is starting to move away from Marxism-Leninism.

While KSČM identifies socialism as its ultimate goal, its current program emphasizes “a democratic society of free and equal citizens” built on “political and economic plurality” and explicitly rejects “restrictions on democracy, discrimination, or repression for opinions.” Although I understand their effort to adapt to the modern era, several issues deeply trouble me:

1. Lack of focus on class struggle: The KSČM’s program hardly mentions class struggle, a fundamental pillar of Marxism-Leninism. Without emphasizing the central role of the working class and their fight against bourgeois exploitation, the party risks losing its revolutionary foundation.

2. Western influence on Stalin and the cult of personality: The KSČM seems to have uncritically absorbed Western propaganda about Stalin, dismissing the critical role he played in building socialism, defeating fascism, and leading the USSR. Their outright rejection of "the cult of personality" appears more like a concession to bourgeois narratives than a principled stance.

3. Democratic socialism over revolutionary action: The party seems to prefer a democratic path to socialism, which often leads to reformism instead of genuine revolutionary change. This is at odds with the Marxist-Leninist understanding that bourgeois democracy is inherently a tool of the capitalist class.

4. Pluralism and compromise: Political and economic plurality, as highlighted in the KSČM’s program, risks allowing counter-revolutionary forces to infiltrate and undermine the foundations of socialism.

5. Weak commitment to proletarian internationalism: KSČM focuses heavily on a national context, often neglecting the importance of global solidarity among workers. Marxism-Leninism teaches us that socialism cannot thrive in isolation and requires coordinated international efforts.

I fear that KSČM has become overly influenced by contemporary bourgeois political norms and has lost its revolutionary spirit. A communist party should be the vanguard of the working class, leading the fight against capitalist exploitation, both nationally and internationally.

Have you seen similar trends in communist parties in your country?

Do you think it would be better to try and reform the party from within or to start a new communist party that fully respects the core principles of Marxism-Leninism?

Thank you all for your thoughts.

14:40 UTC


Why are there no revolutions or communist grass-roots movements in the global south?

It seems to me like in Europe the classes who would be the target audience for communist ideas have disappeared, thus giving rise to the horrible working conditions we see in: Bangladeshi sweatshops, Qatar's migrant workers or cobalt miners in Congo.

My question is why under these conditions where people have the most to gain by unionizing and fostering communist political movements, haven't we've seen new communist movements showing up. The idea is already out there, so why hasn't it inspired reforms.

Is it because people in these countries don't have access to the information? even though it is easily reachable on the internet. Is because of bad education on communism or are their governments restricting access to resources?

It also most likely has to do with the US shutting down any genuine attempts at building communism. What do you think are the main reasons? or do I have it wrong in assuming the movement has to come from the workers in the global south?

10:27 UTC


Joining a local organization

I have been thinking of joining a local organization, as it feels stupid to just idly stand by, but there is so little choice and the only real option is a "Titoist" organization. However, I don't really agree with Titoism on a theoretical level. Is it worth joining?

10:10 UTC


Why do ML's dislike anarchists?

I'm pretty new to communist ideology and would love to be informed or corrected if i'm wrong about this.

I've scrolling through some threads on Twitter and i've seen ML's and Anarchists go at eachother, it come off to me that a lot of ML's and Anarchist despise one another. Why is this?

(Sorry if this is badly worded i'm not a native english speaker)

00:09 UTC


In capitalist realism by mark Fischer on page 29 he says “neoliberals were more Leninist than the Leninists” can anyone clarify what he means by this?

Im also slightly confused on his terminology of ‘liberal communists’ in reference to bill gates and George soros, does he mean that they are liberals who fain elements of communism to seem progressive despite acting in contradiction to communism?

22:53 UTC

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