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Human rights and Marxism

I’ve been told in passing discussions that human rights don’t factor into Marxism mostly due to them having been socialized within a capitalist society. Are there works by Marx that delve into this or is it incorrect?

13:24 UTC


Musk, X and the Brazil narrative

I hope my american comrades in this sub are aware of the implications of the narrative being pushed by the far right in the USA and here in Brazil regarding the inclusion of Elon Musk in a local investigation on online militias. Brazil's constitution very clearly criminalizes hate speech, and Musk's refusal to abide to OUR constitution was promptly responded and reacted to by our legal institutions. Suddenly, Lula and Alexandre de Morais became these ditatorial figures in US media and social media, with right wingers jumping on the story and crying censorship while they themselves defend the movement of the US Congress to ban TikTok because it is a Chinese company. The narrative being pushed, that our freedom of speech is being threatened (it isnt) and that we are under a tyranical socialist disctatorship (girl, i wish we were!) is a repetition on what we saw in 2010s and back in the 1960s, both instances in which the USA directly influenced in our politics, with backing a military coup in 1964 and backing and influencing the Dilma Rousseff impeachment in 2016, and subsequently the Bolsonaro election in 2018. Bolsonaro and Musk wete buddies, with Bolsonaro bringing Musk's starlink to Brazil, without moving through the correct channels, and allowing starlink to operate in our country - which, btw, starlink was overwhelmingly being used by criminals killing indigenous populations and burning down the amazon -. It worries me that now, in election year in the USA where Trump has real chances of winning, Brazil is being once more being treated with the Red Scare tactics and I hope that comrades in the USA are aware and paying attentionl to how the empire is distorting reality to justify its influence in Brazil.

19:49 UTC


Trying to Track Down Jean Ross

I am currently researching Jean Ross, who inspired the character Sally Bowles from Goodbye to Berlin and Cabaret. I am looking for any more formal information on her and her work writing for The Daily Worker on Stalin-era films, etc. I have searched through some internet archives before but had no luck. Does anyone know of any good places where The Daily Worker is archived? I don't want to start buying newspapers from the 40s (lol). Or, is there anyone who may have more information on her writing?

1 Comment
03:49 UTC


Book Recommendations on Iran-Iraq War or Communism in Iraq?

I'm looking for books on either the Iran-Iraq war or the history of communism in Iraq. I tried reading a book about the Iran-Iraq war and was too distracted by the US/imperialist propaganda in it. Really, any book about Iraq in the 20th century would be greatly appreciated

01:40 UTC


A question about the books of Sankara

Good Day to you, fellow Comrades!

A question:

Are there PDFs of books related to the works of Thomas Sankara himself? I would love to see and have them!

Thank you to those who will respond to this.

13:20 UTC


Resilience, Tragedy, and Hope: The Story of Venmani

I recently published my inaugural write-up about the communist village of Venmani; do give it a read.


07:39 UTC


Bi-Weekly Discussion Thread - (March 31)

We made this because Reddit's algorithm prioritises headlines and current events and doesn't allow for deeper, extended discussion - depending on how it goes for the first four or five times it'll be dropped or continued.

Suggestions for things you might want to comment here (this is a work in progress and we'll change this over time):

  • Articles and quotes you want to see discussed
  • 'Slow' events - long-term trends, org updates, things that didn't happen recently
  • 'Fluff' posts that we usually discourage elsewhere - e.g "How are you feeling today?"
  • Discussions continued from other posts once the original post gets buried
  • Questions that are too advanced, complicated or obscure for r/communism101

Mods will sometimes sticky things they think are particularly important.

Normal subreddit rules apply!

[ Previous Bi-Weekly Discussion Threads may be found here https://old.reddit.com/r/communism/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWDT ]

00:01 UTC


Being a trans minor/upcoming election/powerless to aid in leftist change

I’m not sure excactly why I’m posting this. I’m partially hoping for advice or a solution of some sort but I doubt that will really come. Being a trans minor with this upcoming election is extremely stressful. I’ve had to leave my home state because of the laws being passed there. With the upcoming election I recognize no matter who wins I’m in trouble. I keep seeing other trans people say “hope Biden wins” but the Democratic Party is doing just as much horrible shit. I have no positive hopes for this election. Not only do I recognize my rights will likely be stripped away I also recognize as a minor who only recently was even able to start driving that I likely will not be able to aid in any actual change that could potentially happen from the social unrest. Whether or not change happens, whether or not my life ruined before that can happen, and knowing that I likely will not be able to have any part in what will undoubtedly shape my future is horrible. Either way project 2025 is likely to happen which in every sense of the word would ruin my life. I only live with my disabled mother who had to take out a loan on a house so we could move to a state where I would not get CPSed simply for being on hrt. I have no way I could leave the country. I just have lost all hope. My dream has always been to aid in real change. It seems I will not have the opportunity as I either my life as I know it is destroyed or it happens before I’m an adult (good still, but unlikely). What do I even do to prepare for the folllowing year, knowing that I cannot aid in change and without change the worst for me will happen.

09:44 UTC


Che Guevaras’ books

Im interested in reading the books/diaries written by Che Guevara, at the moment I am reading motorcycle diaries but want to continue beyond that, however I’m not sure which book l should read next.

Many thanks

03:54 UTC


r/Kommunismus community suddenly disappeared any other migrants/mods here, who know what happened?

[edit] I am sorry, it seems that only my Internet connection went bad. Please ignore my post!

hi everyone! today the r/Kommunismus Community disappear from reddit. I am generally curious, whether anyone knows how that happened.

is this a regular occurrence?

is that censorship?

I wanted to go back to a post critical about the war between Ukraine and Russia but I can't reach it anymore.

18:49 UTC


Criticisms of watching educational communist videos online?

I have seen two or three people here mention that we should avoid this,and instead only read if we want to know about theory/history. Of course reading is the primary way of education,but is there a contradiction if we do both?

23:12 UTC


Connections between CIA infiltration in leftist groups to broader lone wolf violence of mass murder and school shootings?

Recently I watched a video regarding the history and development of leftist armed action by Jonas Čeika. Down the chronological line of actions. Specifically the small group American militants, the methods of violence tended to get more obscure and recklessly violent. With little to no reason or purpose on the deaths of civilians. Jonas Čeika did not seem to have an idea on how or why the groups dedicated to leftist causes, committed senseless violence against clear proletariats. However a comment left under the video, highlighted how cia involvement inside these groups often encouraged or staged these boughts of senseless violence. And the more atomized the groups got, the worse the were received. I really think this is an interesting idea that needs to be expanded on. Here is the comment:

@idonnow2 • 4d ago (edited) “Your talk about leftwing terrorism becoming more based on alienation than exploitation makes me think that there might just be a long term connection between the leftwing era of terrorism and the modern era, as people become ever more alienated by capitalist society. If you look at modern alt right stochastic terrorism, it is truly the peak of alienation, it's nothing more than a incoherent twisted hyper individialistic lashing out against an oppressor they can't even properly define, thinking that killing completely innocent civilians is a revolutionary act in and of itself. Of course these people never had any knowledge whatsoever of socialist critiques which explain the alienation they feel, since in the post cold war era socialism had become old fashioned, so they only ever had recourse to reactionary garbage on internet forums, the only place where their issues were being heard at all. Of course i believe a missing link in the chain connecting the two is the most successful form on terrorism known to mankind, islamic terrorism, which has truly revolutionized modern asymmetric warfare, and which is intrinsically connected with the anti-imperialist struggle in the middle east, but which critically is aligned with reactionary politics rather than the European left wing tradition. And historically it also makes sense, coming from the failure of postcolonial secular governments in standing up against western genocidal imperialism in Palestine and control over their resources; such that the triumph of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan heralded a new age of decidedly non left wing irregular warfare in the region. The people joining these movements also struggle with alienation in an ever more xenophobic world in which struggle between the imperialist core and the periphery is increasingly formulated as a clash between cultural-historical foes by reactionaries on both sides. This historical decoupling of antisystemic struggle with alienation in an ever more xenophobic world in which struggle between the imperialist core and the periphery is increasingly formulated as a clash between cultural-historical foes by reactionaries on both sides. This historical decoupling of antisystemic struggle from antisystemic politics is a complex phenomenom, which is related to many other things we can observe: the western working class turning reactionary, anti-imperialist rhetoric being coopted by imperialist states, symbolic performative change being mistaken for actual systemic change, and so on.”

Thoughts? (Also go checkout the vid. It’s really good)

18:01 UTC


Right Wing “Revolutionaries” in the West.

I’ve noticed an uptick in right wing protests and an uptick in revolutionary language in right wing spaces in the west. I have a few questions to basically start a discussion about the topic.

  1. How should we combat right wingers co-opting radical rhetoric?
  2. How big of a problem is this? Am I overthinking it?
  3. Is some form of accelerationism a bad idea? Personally I’m from Canada and the trucker protests were viewed as a people’s march against the government, but it was led by very reactionary people. Should we just give these reactionaries a conservative government to show them that the entire system is to blame not just the “woke libtards”
09:12 UTC


Where can i find documentaries or books about the north vietnamese perspective of the Vietnam war?

I'm looking for contemporary writings about the Viet Cong. How their communist movement started, who was involved, why they came to the conclusions that they did. Basic info on the internet is not good enough. I'm also specifically looking for propaganda documentaries. I'm fine if the facts are wrong or the propaganda is misleading in favor of communism, i will research and fact check myself. I just want to further my understanding of the communist perspective in that conflict. Basically, I'm looking for "Hellstorm" But for the VC in the Vietnam war.

Also, I'm looking for general communist propaganda. if anyone has a "Europa The Last Battle" type of documentary but in favor of communism instead of fascism that would be greatly appreciated. Just looking to expand my educational horizons.

05:27 UTC


Where to learn about the naxalites?

As I understand it there is an active maoist rebellion in India which am has been ongoing for some time.

I'd like to learn more about their philosophy, practice, history, etc. I've tried searching Google YouTube etc and been bombarded with anti naxal propoganda (as expected).

Can you recommend sources or even just search terms to use to gain a better understanding of this movement? Prefer English sources but if I need to translate stuff it's better than nothing

02:06 UTC


Documentaries on the CPP and New People's Army?

I've been getting interested in the Maoist movement in the Philippines. So far I've seen

The Earth of the Revolution, Revolution Selfie, a short doc by red fish

Anyone know any other documentaries? Preferably something from the last couple years.

I'm also interested in learning more about the Naxalites in India. I've only seen this short video by SBS Dateline

07:57 UTC


Cuba: State Security celebrates 65 years of foundation

11:37 UTC

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