
Photograph via snooOG

What makes Reddit amazing? it's community and nothing is funnier than seeing a comment trend happening before your very eyes. Sometime its' funnier than the actual post. Think you found one? Post it for the world to see.

What makes Reddit amazing? it's community and nothing is funnier than seeing a comment trend happening before your very eyes. Sometime its' funnier than the actual post. Think you found one? Post it for the world to see.

  1. No Reposts - All repost will be removed if found
  2. Comments must not need to include context of actual post - This means that any comments must be understood without having viewed the actual post that had been commented on
  3. All posts have to be screenshots - These screenshots must be hosted through well known hosting websites such as imgur
  4. Do not give away joke within title - This ruins all the fun a negates the point of actually clicking on the link
  5. No comments that are making fun of someone else - Any type of hate or racism will not be tolerated and you will be banned
  6. All posts have to make some attempt at humor - If you find an interesting comment or conversation please do not post it here.NOTE: RANDOM COMMENTS ARE NOT HUMOR,and add no value to this community. If you find random comments amusing please try out /r/nocontext .


2,037 Subscribers



Im trying to see the comments on reddit but the typing thing comes up on the app version. Any help?

1 Comment
16:50 UTC

13:10 UTC

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