A community dedicated to Counter Strike: Global Offensive, developed by Valve Corporation. A community for discussion, gameplay videos, memes, and other CS:GO content.
Rule 1: Remain Civil.
Rule 2: Content must be relevant to r/csgo.
Rule 3: Low effort / Low quality posts are not allowed.
Rule 4: Reposting is not allowed.
Rule 5: Direct self promotion is not allowed.
Rule 6: Trading threads, Asking for donations, Giveaways and Gambling topics are not allowed on r/csgo.
Rule 7: You are allowed to discuss about hacking and other rule breaking issues, but you are not allowed to promote hacks, item duplication, boosting, glitches, etc.
Rule 8: You may not posts videos without having at least 10 comment karma.
Rule 9: Recruiting for teams is not allowed.
Rule 10: Witch hunting is not allowed. This includes posting profiles, linking to other accounts, etc.
r/GlobalOffensiveTrade (General trading)
r/cheapcsgotrading (For trades under $50)
Can I get an overpay on this gun having a hutji (gold) sticker | London 2018?
Just bought 3 anubis collection cases on the morning and I realised that another 8+gb update came so I will wait for 2 possible days to check my trashy inventory. But can I still somehow open these cases?
i dumped, 700 long hours into csgo. cs2 dropped, my entire 5 stack quit, the game is in shambles, and i was just starting to get really good too. this game was a mistake and now all i have to play that i marginally enjoy fps wise is the finals and valorant. thanks valve.
Hello guys! Lately been thinking about something.. What if there was let’s say a small tournament series, for example twice a year for cs2 players, where everyone in a group of 5 could participate and compete for a prize. I know there are bigger platforms like Faceit, but this would be more casual and welcoming, perfect for players who want to enjoy competitive CS in a low-pressure environment. I know it may sound dumb or whatever, but please, give your honest thoughts and if anyone would actually be interested to volunteer for such thing. Again, this is just an idea🙌
I was thinking of buying this vaporwave skin for the M4A1S because of the price and condition. I was wondering if the price would go up or down in the future, I want some opinions before making the decision.
Guys hi. I was playing deathmatch today and my ping were so high. It was my first time after a long time. After some time, (like 2 minutes for the match to end) my game froze and my screen was shaking. I couldn't move or shoot or do anything. However i was immortal too. People tried to shoot me but i wasn't dying. Is there any chance i get ban from "immortality" or something?