A community dedicated to Counter Strike: Global Offensive, developed by Valve Corporation. A community for discussion, gameplay videos, memes, and other CS:GO content.
Rule 1: Remain Civil.
Rule 2: Content must be relevant to r/csgo.
Rule 3: Low effort / Low quality posts are not allowed.
Rule 4: Reposting is not allowed.
Rule 5: Direct self promotion is not allowed.
Rule 6: Trading threads, Asking for donations, Giveaways and Gambling topics are not allowed on r/csgo.
Rule 7: You are allowed to discuss about hacking and other rule breaking issues, but you are not allowed to promote hacks, item duplication, boosting, glitches, etc.
Rule 8: You may not posts videos without having at least 10 comment karma.
Rule 9: Recruiting for teams is not allowed.
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r/GlobalOffensiveTrade (General trading)
r/cheapcsgotrading (For trades under $50)
I've validated files, got good internet and redownloaded CS2.
Any ideas how to fix?
Hey guys I have some questions about the future of the armory, would like to hear some opinions
What do you think will happen when the case hardened deagle is removed from the armory? there are some scenarios but they kinda boil down to:
Nothing (at least for the moment)
Some (or all, even the case) collections get replaced for new ones
If the second scenario happens, do you think I can stockpile armory pass stars and go ham with these new hypothetical collections/cases the moment they go live?
Hi, I'm new to CSGO2 and I’m looking to buy pins badges or medals (whatever they’re called) that show up on your profile in game. I want to collect a lot of them, but I’ve been using CsFloat and the problem is that there’s no dedicated section.
Can anyone recommend a website where I can purchase these items? I’d prefer not to buy them from the Steam Market since they’re much more expensive there compared to other sites.
I am not the best at aiming and my current train experience as ct ist just rush A with tons of flashes every round. I can't get into any favorable positions in time and haven't found a consistent way to molo main. How do you guys handle A when you are getting outaimed and rushed over every round?
I open cases in real life I love counterstrike 2 Follow my Twitch as well
I played 3 games on new Train with my friend and we both experienced annoying glitch, where enemys would have ragdoll animation for split second despite being alive. Happened 3 times in 1 game. I have consistent 120fps, no packet loss and 4ms ping with 600Gb/s internet. Anyone else?
range is from 2015-2024
People sit and wonder just how many cheaters any game has, the simple answer is to play GTA and then you'll get it. In GTA a TON of people are cheating but you only know this because nobody is hiding it, CSGO has the same amount of cheaters if i had to guess, they're just not flying around and throwing cars to make it obvious. When is something going to be done about this? The fix isnt an anti cheat update, more reporting power needs to be given to people who can spot a cheater so they can personally do something about it, humans are the best detectors of cheaters after all
My mouse kept shutting off even though it’s wired and having consistently bad teamates just took me over the edge. Anyone have good recommendations for a cheap mouse and big mouse pad? I play on really low sense so a big mousepad that’s cheap would be useful .
We are too fucking negative as a community in here and in the game and it’s sad, if every update we have people complaining then I get why valve isn’t talking with the community. I remember in the end of csgo life people kept saying that this game is dead, then we got cs2 and we were always comparing csgo, a game who was polished for almost 10 years, for a game on a new engine, of course csgo will feel better but the game was outdated, yall need to embrace change or stop having so much opinion over the game direction. Anyways thx valve for removing water on overpass, this is a good change, if you could also replace next update the wate in ancient and Anubis and do it more like train for fps sake’s that would be perfect
Tldr: yapping
New to csgo best skins under 10usd for awp
Hi all! I would like to ask about something that has been on my mind for a long time. I remember watching a YouTube channel a long time ago where there was a lot of footage of custom CS:GO weapons.There were also some videos about Minecraft 3. I can't find this channel, I think there was a part called "blamo", but I'm not at all sure.I would be grateful for any information.
Hi looking for the best combo. Any suggestions or personal combos?
Hey, I was trying to find this awp, that I lost on some crash site in 2018 just out of interest where is it now, is there any way to find it by this info? I already checked and its not on this profile anymore
Hey. I have stutters that does not go away even after I lowered the settings since latest update.
Does anyone know any fix to this?