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The Canadian offspring of r/SkincareAddiction

Skincare recommendations and purchasing advice for those living in Canada!


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can someone recommend me a fungal acne safe moisturiser that contains no active ingredients for very DRY skin. Bonus if i can use it with makeup and doesnt make it peel.

03:36 UTC


Where to buy cyperus rotundus(nut seed ) oil in Canada?

I ve hopped on the tiktok train (yet again) and reviewed the study that was conducted regarding how good this product is. However, I am skeptical of buying it from amazon.ca, I was wondering if anyone else has a recommendation regarding this oil. Thanks!

13:28 UTC


Advice needed for extreme dry skin maintenance care?

Okay, so to preface this, I have always had really great skin for 90% of the year, every year, and that other 10% of the time happens like clockwork--every time there is a major seasonal or temperature change, my skin takes about a week or two where it dries out and peels like crazy, and then goes back to normal after a week. Over the years, I have managed to combat this by exfoliating thoroughly and moisturizing frequently until it settles down again. When my skin is not misbehaving, I have just been washing my face in the morning and using one of L'Oreal's hydrating, unscented 24 hour moisturizers every day, and reapplying after showers. This is how my skin has worked for years, I had a system for it, and it has always worked, until this year.

When the weather got warm this year and the snow melted, I expected my skin to do it's temporary freak-out for a week before calming down again. It was right on time as soon as the temperature started hitting above 20C, but then it just...never stopped freaking out. For the first month, my usual way of getting things back to normal would work, and it would go back to normal for a few days, but as soon as I settled into my regular skin care maintenance routine, it would start all over again. Eventually the stuff I do to get it back to normal just stopped working completely. I suspect that this probably has something to do with the fact that I'm about to turn 40 and skin changes as you age.

For all of August and September so far, my new skin cycle has been dry and peeling, and even if I very gently exfoliate, skin breakage happens and my dry skin becomes a wall of tiny scabs. When the scabs heal up, they just turn into more dry skin. I basically looked like I was recovering from a sunburn all day, every day, with the added bonus of enough little cuts on my forehead that it looked like I was having an acne breakout, which I am definitely not having.

The other day, after deciding that what I was doing was not working, I said to hell with it and just exfoliated, rinsed my face and then slathered vaseline all over my forehead before I went to bed. The next morning was a marked improvement, and I am on day two of that right now and the scabs are almost healed up. The vaseline isn't preventing the little abrasions from healing, but they aren't visibly scabbing because of the barrier it creates, which is great.

The thing is, I do not want to cover my face with slime forever. I'm cool with this being a thing I might need to do if I ever have super dryness outbreaks, but I obviously need a new daily moisturizer that is meant for extremely dry skin and will not need to be re-applied like 50 times a day. (bolded for people just skimming this, I am sorry for the essay!)

I did some quick googling last night and I have seen 1) recommendations for looking for a face specific cream with lanolin in it because that's really great for extremely dry skin and 2) people warning you to stay away from face creams with lanolin in them if you have extremely dry skin because it will definitely make things worse. So, some very mixed messages on the lanolin front. I have also seen recommendations on using Aquaphor, which I did not realize was an entire line of skincare things (I have only ever heard of it in the context of keeping tattoos moist while they heal up), but they have so many options that I am not sure where to start.

Any recommendations would be extremely welcome. I am in Canada, so it would be ideal if recommendations are things I could walk into a drugstore and buy off the shelf, but I will order online if need be.

13:21 UTC


Caudalie Vinoperfect Serum

Hi, I have bought the serum - for the ones, who have used it before and seen good results - did you apply it daily? How long did it take for you to see a visible difference?

04:29 UTC


SPF reccs

Looking for something that is high quality but affordable and suitable for sensitive, acne prone skin, I have oily skin so something lightweight would be ideal!

02:24 UTC


Mikaela Beauty still a working business?

I’ve emailed them and haven’t got an answer . Their fb and Instagram is not updated from 2019. I was just wondering if you ordered from them in last couple months.

11:54 UTC


SA cleanser in night BP in morning

can i use salicylic cleanser in the night then use benzoyl peroxide in morning? If not what are the side effects?

08:41 UTC


Looking for a new retinol...

I'm fairly new to the skincare game and I'd like to swap my retinol product out but I am ✨ overwhelmed ✨ by both the options and information about said options, so I need some help, please! I'm currently using Vivier 0.5% microencapsulated retinol, and I'm happy with the product itself but not so much the price point and accessibility. My routine was built with the help of a medical esthetician and Vivier is one of the two product lines their clinic sells, however I'm at a point where I'm satisfied with my current routine and results so I don't necessarily want/need to keep frequenting this clinic. The esthetician did recommend eventually moving to a 1% solution but I'm happy to swap for another .5% to give my skin a minute to process the change.

Current routine: AM - benzoyl peroxide wash, Olay Complete SPF15 moisturizer, Vichy UV+Age Daily SPF60 PM - benzoyl peroxide wash, ZO complexion renewal pads, Vivier 0.5% retinol, Vichy Aqualia Thermale light moisturizer

04:41 UTC


Can I use atrac-tain on my face?

Atrac-Tain has 10% urea and 4% AHA, and it's advertised to be used on dry, cracked skin. I'll be totally honest, I've been using it on my face here and there and I've noticed great effects. My skin is smoother and brighter, most likely from the exfoliating properties of the AHA and urea. Having said that, should I avoid using this? Not sure if there will be bad longterm effects or if it's not good for the skin in some way.

Haven't seen anything about it on Google or Reddit but maybe someone has some intel ?

18:44 UTC


What's the best night cream I can buy at Shoppers?

or Rexall or wherever.

It can't have hyaluronic acid in it. I've tried to work HA into my routine, and always apply it with added water. It gives me flaky skin and angular cheilitis.

1 Comment
19:19 UTC


Looking for light, budget SPF for my face that's as good as Snail 96, please

Hello everyone,

I currently use the COSRX Snail 96 as my face moisturizer. Used to use Aveeno, but now it's too expensive. The Snail 96 also lasts awhile, since I only use 1 pump a day usually.

I want to find a good moisturizer for my face, that has SPF in it. Minimum to no fragrance. Any recommendations? I just want one product to use.

15:28 UTC


Walmart Cerave product prices! My usual pm moisturizer was sold out but its now $20 instead of $15.

10:59 UTC


Does anyone one know of a similar cream to this one ? It was discontinued and I’m almost out of the jar I have.

20:35 UTC


Taro-Adapalene Benzoyl Peroxide Dryness

My doctor prescribed me Adapalene Benzoyl Peroxide (0.1%/2.5%) for breakouts and a lot of discolouration due to those breakouts. I’ve used it for 2 days in a row and I’m starting to feel a lot of tightness and dryness around my nose and cheek. I realize that I should put more days in between my use of it. My question is are there any products that can help with this extra dryness, like serums? Or should I just stick to a regular moisturizer (and any recommendations for a good one in my case)? I’m very new to having a proper routine so I’m not really sure whether adding anything else right now would be too much. Thank you in advance!

1 Comment
18:54 UTC


I was skeptical about this Vitamin C serum…

I was searching for a new Vitamin C serum that had at least 15% vitamin c, ferulic acid, and an airless pump dispenser and not crazy expensive. I found this one that is made in Canada and only $21 CDN. It smells terrible but I’ve seen good results so far. Anyone else try it?

14:46 UTC


Need acne help

I keep getting almost like a rash around my mouth and severely irritated and painful acne around my mouth and chin. I really need some product recommendations for it. ive had this issue for forever but ive just started thinking about ways to solve it, any help is much appreciated.

06:36 UTC


DE Bora Barrier Repair Cream

I am looking for something similar to this cream. I enjoy the consistency of this, but the price is a little much for me at this time. Has anyone tried any other brand similar to this product?

02:32 UTC


My lips have been in agony for 7 months

My lips have been in complete agony since Christmas. I have tried absolutely everything you can name and nothing has helped for more than a couple of hours.

  • I use no actives or serums
  • I switched face wash and it’s the inkey oat balm
  • I’ve tried using Vaseline throughout the day, have done this for months and it helps keep it tolerable
  • Blue blistex in the little tub, again, it “helps” but only for a short time
  • Laniege (sp?) lip sleeping mask, use this every night
  • I live in a very humid place, beside the ocean
  • my house is set to be 60% humidity, but I did use a bedside humidifier for sleep for months in the winter/spring but no difference
  • my skin is naturally quite dry but I’ve got everything else sorted, my face has never been more moisturized.
  • I drink A LOT of water
  • I don’t drink anything acidic that would irritate the skin.

I have also tried just using nothing in case the products were irritating, but the pain was unbearable, I could barely move my mouth as it hurt so bad.

What the hell is this?? It’s insanely irritating.

Seeing a dermatologist isn’t an option, the wait is approx 3-4 years where I live (Nova Scotia).

Anyone deal with something similar?? Anything helped??

16:51 UTC


Recommendations for combo skin

I’m new to the whole skin care thing, I have combo skin and I’m looking for some advice for a simple skin care routine, if you have any suggestions please let me know!!

1 Comment
15:10 UTC


Hyperpigmentation In Behind and Inner Thighs?

I'm a Asian male. I have hyperpigmentation in my behind and inner thighs area for a very long time. I believe this happened because I used to sit a lot on a chair a while back and this caused it.

I remember using hydroquinone 2% many years ago but stopped because it burned. I then used it again and stopped. I bought kojie san soap many times but issues is I never used it more than a week straight and just stopped. That has kojic acid and I heard it works for some people.

I seen this topic posted a lot. Does anyone know what is a good option for it? Should kojic acid work if you use it daily? Do you use it once at night or 2 times a day? The other thing is how do you make sure you are using it correctly? I remember I would scrub my inner thighs and behind and then let it stay like that for several minutes before washing it off in the shower. However, do you have to use cold water as opposed to hot water? I got to assume it takes many months for it to go away? It's been embarrassing for it to be like this for a while.

04:58 UTC


Safe to Use Kojie San Soap After Expiration Date?

I purchased this soap many times online. The issue is I rarely used it straight for many days and then it expires. So I had to throw a lot of these things away. It's called kojie san soap.

Does anyone know if you can use this after expiration date? Now it obviously wouldn't work as well but would it be safe to use it?

I read mixed reviews online about using products after expiration date where most times people say it's rarely an issue? But they wouldn't use something that is expired on their face but okay for their body? Anyone here use kojie san soap and used it after expiration date? I would be using it on my inner thighs and behind which has lot of hyperpigmentation. Anyone have experience with this product in general?

05:00 UTC


seeing a dermatologist in canada

I live in BC, how can I see a dermatologist and get an appointment that’s worth my time and actually helpful and not just like a typical doctors appointment where they tell you to drink water lol. is there any reputable well known dermatologist here in lower mainland?

20:33 UTC


Hello, I need some Help locating a type of SUGAR WAX

I am looking for something called CHAMSA Sugar Wax. Does anyone know where I can buy this in montreal, or even canada? I have looked in a few places and I thought I saw it on amazon but i cant find it.

I would really appreciate an answer if anyone knows.

Thank you

02:02 UTC


What prescription retinoid are you using ?

With the discontinuation of cream tret in Canada, what (prescription) retinoid are you using ? & what’s your routine with it ? What other actives are you using ? Even if you weren’t using cream tret, still let me know ! I just started using Biacna gel ( tret & clindamycin combo ). Anyone used that ? How do you like it ?

22:18 UTC


Moisturizer & SPF

hey! I’m looking for a relatively cheap moisturizer and SPF available in canada for acne prone skin. Any reccs?

19:24 UTC


K-Beauty on Amazon


Has anyone ordered Korean skincare products on Amazon? In my case from Beauty of Joseon?

It looks like Amazon (USA) is listed as a verified retailer of BoJ, so unsure if Canada applies or not.

Any insight is appreciated, thanks!

07:51 UTC


Best alcohol free cleanser? Considering Sensibio foaming gel, any good?

01:59 UTC


Korean sunscreen

Looking for Korean sunscreen recommendations and where to get them from? Thank you!

21:12 UTC

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