A subreddit for the biggest birds. Birds must be BIG!
Help grow the sub by posting high quality gifs and linking the sub in relevant posts across Reddit.
Birds must be BIG! Emus, Ostriches, Cassowaries, Storks, Cranes, Rheas, Condors, Pelicans, etc. No small birds allowed!
Gifs only! Try to only use Imgur or Gfycat. Please link directly to the gif. No links to image pages or albums are allowed, your submission must be a single gif image. Direct links that end in .gif, .gifv, .mp4, and .webm format only.
Please try to include the name of the bird in the title of your post.
When possible, please link the source of the gif in the comments.
Optional: Link the Wikipedia page of the bird you are posting and copy and paste a few lines. Maybe where the bird can be found in the wild, it's height and weight or any other interesting fact you come across.
/r/ShoebillStorks are best birbs