
Photograph via snooOG

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    Cal students — the glade is a party right now with Cal fans of all ages and it will just keep getting bigger. Come on down and join the crowd to cheer on the golden bears! Plenty of space at the north end!

    I would have killed for Gameday when I was a student. Don’t miss out!

    1 Comment
    12:53 UTC


    Exactly how packed is Game Day right now?

    I remember seeing it was shoulder to shoulder at the glade earlier. Did it get worse? Are students still thinking it’s worth going to?

    12:13 UTC


    frat parties for 10/11-12

    gonna visit Berkeley w my friends and I was wondering if any frats were throwing that weekend :)?

    10:23 UTC


    Long Covid Misery

    My life has been wrecked by this illness. I feel like I have a permenant concussion that sometimes gets a bit better but often gets a lot worse. My creativity, rapid lines of thought, and visualizations of what could be have been desecrated for 7 months and my heart has worse rhythm than a middle school snare drummer (lol) and beats so hard sometimes it shakes my eyeballs. I also now have vision problems, tinnitis, muscle spasms, frequent migraines, terrible sleep, and constant exhaustion.

    I went to the ER for a brain MRI and many blood tests. All normal. Many other tests are normal too, and my symptoms don't fit well under any conditions doctors know how to treat. I've lost hope in the doctors here- I am now ordering random supplements out of desperation. I have seen 4 different therapists and I really like one of them but I don't see how she can help me. My last real hope is Stanford long covid clinic, but it will probably take many months to get in there. Because where I come from is rural and has no clinical research and few specialists, taking medical leave and going home means I won't get good treatment. I have reduced course load but it is still so hard because I can't really understand anything anymore- I am just following rote patterns to stay afloat and my subject isn't fun anymore.

    Is anyone else going through this too? I feel incredibly isolated because I have to rot on a couch half of every day to have the energy to do anything else and I am super paranoid about getting sick with anything because it always sets me back massively. Comisseration and similar personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. Maybe we can make a post-covid support group or something, because family/friends/doctors/therapists seem to have trouble grasping the scope of what I am dealing with.

    10:02 UTC


    Lost Spoon!

    Found on the glade. Near the pit.

    09:14 UTC


    Failed my first midterm 😂🔥


    09:01 UTC


    Berkeley Social Media Logo Change Opinion

    Looks like they changed the logo for Berkeley again. What are y'all's thoughts?



    View Poll

    1 Comment
    07:38 UTC


    gameday disaster

    why do people have to ruin this for everyone… ppl waiting since 9pm and they get trampled over - signs destroyed, people who can’t breathe etc.

    the administration failed students today

    07:28 UTC


    Student daily diary AD

    I went to Croads dining and took home a velvet cake and 2 brownies. Today was testimony night at fellowship, with 4 juniors saying their stories, which ranged from normal to stuff I haven’t heard of before. After the fellowship was done, we moved to the music building area where I got cheesecake and chocolate cake(cheesecake >>chocolate at night) I went to the glade with some peeps to check it out. Even got some one to take a photo of the me with the car and the calpenille. They started letting people in early but limited the high ground to take photos. The drive way was full of trash, and it was on the road too. Then I walked home. Some guy was waiting for his friends, and I was scared when a car was doing a u turn so close to me. Only one in the room tonight.

    07:14 UTC


    Where to watch college game day activities

    Anyone know any clubs, frats, ppl going live/posting stories/streaming the college game day festivities at the glade? I am so intrigued but will not pull up lol I wanna seeee

    1 Comment
    06:33 UTC


    Am i the only one or is curry pizza house way better than blondies

    06:20 UTC


    Why the logo is changing again…


    05:08 UTC

    04:33 UTC


    What is up with UC Berkeley's new LinkedIn icon?? 😭😭😭

    04:21 UTC


    Feeling burnt out I hate data100

    This class has legit consumed my entire life and I hate every second of it. I genuinely can’t take it anymore! I don’t understand a single thing in class and I genuinely don’t know how to help myself. OH is not enough for me bc the GSI’s obviously need to help others students as well so I get limited time with them which is not enough for me to be at a comfortable spot in class. Really want 1 on 1 tutoring but don’t know who to reach to or what to do. It’s embarrassing how little I understand in that class and every time I try to ask anyone for help they just hit me with “go to oh and read lecture notes” like I’m already doing that but my stupid brain is not functioning at all! I feel so lost and awful that I’m thinking of emergency dropping the class I’ve even missed homework’s bc I didn’t know how to do them! And the ones I do make an attempt at my code runs but fails almost all the hidden tests so I barely get any points on it despite trying my best but I feel like my best is nowhere near good enough for that fucking class! I’m so desperate for any help or advice

    03:55 UTC


    "The calm before the storm..." via @CalFootball Twitter

    03:55 UTC


    Student daily diary 10/4

    Today, I went to class. Heard a tour guide and a bunch of adults talk about Sproul Hall. They are swimmers apparently. Went to MLK and am doing a unity tutorial. Got the grain bowl, which is like Browns lite. Heirloom grains and not a lot of salad, but cranberries. I was so tired I went to class early for the midterm. It was ok, but I think I got a question half wrong. Good thing there is so much extra credit. Took another class, but was tired and didn’t listen. Went to office hours to finish an assignment and then went to Quidditch. To the people from Quidditch, now you know who I am because I won “player of the day”. Went to croads. The food is ok, and the pho soup was good, but the noodles was hard. Also got pasta and red velvet cake. Went to fellowship, which is students talking about their experiences.

    1 Comment
    02:46 UTC


    anyone heading back from sf on wednesday night?

    bit of a long shot to ask here, but im going to a concert (summer salt) at the fillmore in sf on wednesday (9 oct) night and im worried about coming back to berkeley alone :( if you're heading back from sf at about 9.30-10pm please lmk!

    02:17 UTC


    RSF being closed because of heat is dumb

    It's max 77 today bruh

    01:53 UTC


    Our Lord and Savior Rich Lyons checking out the GameDay set

    01:37 UTC


    what time do the gates open for the game on saturday

    1 Comment
    00:37 UTC


    Emergency drop

    I just requested an emergency drop on the late schedule change petition because I was originally taking 17 units as a freshman, but recently I got a ulab offer which would put me up to 19 units and I don’t think I will be able to take on the coursework load especially as a first semester freshman. If I drop this class I would be at a total of 15 units which I think a reasonable amount as a first year. How long would it take for my request to get approved from BIO and my instructor? I also have a midterm for this class coming up this week wednesday and want to know if I will be dropped before or after. and also what is the likelihood that my request will be approved as opposed to not (im in L&S)?

    00:13 UTC


    I'm fucked for Data140, in need of a plan!

    Help I kinda forgot this class existed in my schedule this semester. I've been dealing with some family issues so l blocked this class out of my brain and used up all my drops and skipped mt and never went to a single lecture and section (yeah ik im sorry), but I'm determined to get back on track. The problem is that I severely underestimated how much material is in this class, the textbook alone. I just need to pass this class, what should my plan be until the end of the semester?

    1 Comment
    00:10 UTC


    what to wear to college gameday

    like the event that’s held at 6am… i dont have ANY cal merch (yet!), but i do have a yellowish gold long sleeve and also a few plain dark blue tshirt…

    1 Comment
    00:07 UTC



    00:03 UTC


    Strawberry canyon pool is $15 for alumni

    I have the full alumni membership (bought for me as a graduation present).

    I get frequent calls asking from the UCB telemarketers asking for MORE money, and every time I tell them, “why would I give you more money?” as the alumni membership is a waste of money that doesn’t get me access or discounts to the RSF, pools, on campus wifi, libraries, courses, or anything else that would be helpful to a recent Berkeley graduate.

    Is Strawberry Canyon pool not owned by the university?! Why the outrageous price?!

    Meanwhile the price for children is $5 or free. Bay Area parents have hella money, why am I subsidizing other people’s’ kids?!

    This is a vent. It’s hot, and I want to swim. $15 is outrageous.

    23:39 UTC


    Lost item on Bancroft & Ellsworth

    If someone left something important on the corner of Bancroft & Ellsworth, message me!

    23:25 UTC

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