A subreddit for the community of UC Berkeley as well as the surrounding City of Berkeley, California.
A subreddit for the community of UC Berkeley as well as the surrounding City of Berkeley, California. Welcome!
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ASUC's Berkeleytime course discovery system
Chancellor Carol Christ's AMAs: Oct 2018, Sep 2019, Oct 2020
Bear Transit Map, by u/pourover_and_pbr
Restaurant recommendations megathread
Stuff to do in Berkeley, by u/TrainerAurelia
The subreddit for people who want to talk about the City of Berkeley instead of UC Berkeley
UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UCSB UCSC
Banner image by Mark Lilly Photography
Oski snu by /u/NakedPants
r/berkeley is not endorsed by or affiliated with UC Berkeley
guys where are the curves. at my community college everyone had a straight dumpy pulling up to class was like going to ass bakery school. here at berkeley everyone is shaped like a stick figure. ???? doesn't everyone love their sugary boba and pastries?
guys where are the curves. at my community college everyone had a straight dumpy pulling up to class was like going to ass bakery school. here at berkeley everyone is shaped like a stick figure. ???? doesn't everyone love their sugary boba and pastries?
just found out berkeley students made a concerts wrapped kinda late tbh but this da one gpt wrapper or wtv i’ll participate in 🙏🙏🙏🙏
i'm a mech e major planning to minor in eecs - why doesn't cs61a replace e7?? can i petition for the substitution? i'm planning on taking cs61b and i heard that e7 isn't all that great of a class...
referencing this which says cs61a cannot replace e7: https://me.berkeley.edu/undergraduate/semester-advising/#:\~:text=Starting%20Fall%202015%2C%20CS%2061A,Human%2DCentered%20Design%20Course%20Thread.
alternatively: is it worth it to take both e7 and cs61a...? or just thug it out next semester in 61b lmao
Early results usually come around the 1st/2nd week of February. Has anyone started seeing any signs of portal astrology that work this year? Do last year's signs work for anyone?
I'm in Session A, lowkey idk if I even want to take it as it's not a requirement for the philosophy minor, but I figure it'll be useful. Anyone else in my session/taking logic during the summer?
I recently moved to Berkeley end of December and I want to fight people. Any ideas for where I should go?
I need to do this tomorrow with a short amount of time. Somedays it's bumper to bumper, some days it's smooth sailing. How's it been lately? Thanks, go bears!
The American Dream
A million armored vehicles thunder towards our communities
To imprison us at the crack of dawn.
Riding under the banner of a movement which forces
Acknowledgement that the old dream is dead, buried, and gone.
We are immigrants who’ve been outlawed
By the other immigrants who came before,
Or more accurately,
The descendants of those who robbed, murdered, and plundered
Their way on to freedom’s shore.
Lady Liberty weeps at the sight
Of the “huddled masses yearning to break free”
Who were given up to our oppressors without a fight,
By a counter-intuitive and most brutal decree.
What fate awaits us in this prison, far from where we called home?
Is it truly the American dream to be forced away,
To be turned out and left broken, battered, and crying alone?
Job opportunities for data science Vs applied math
I recently moved to Berkeley end of December so I’m quite new to the area. Today I was almost hit by a homeless man shouting in the McDonalds on Shattuck. He was swinging around a backpack and luckily I dodged. I’m thankful he didn’t follow me out. I live and work in North Berkeley. So I want to know where it’s safe to walk. I grew up in Cupertino/San Jose and it was my first time experiencing violence.
I have a Camry that I need to get some body work done on. Preferably a shop that won’t rip off a girl who doesn’t know much about cars 🙏
my friends and i are thinking about signing a lease to all live together in a unit here. i’ve seen pretty negative reviews on reddit and i want to know for anyone living here currently if it’s changed?
i post this in an act of desperation. i lost my pink hydroflask that's covered in stickers today (2/3). i think i probably left it at the kiklo cafe in stanley, though it might have been my latimer discussion (though i checked the classroom and it wasnt there). if anyone has it/saw it please let me know! would check the stanley lost and found if it was open but alas.
Hello! Where r some places to print things now that moffit is closed? tyyyy
hello! is any female identifying individual looking for a place to live just for fall 2025? im studying abroad that semester and i have a lovely little place that’s right next to campus! its a single and will be furnished :)
Hi! I’m a math and Econ major and I’d love to start tutoring (partially to make money, but more so just bc I love teaching). I’m fairly confident I’d be good at it bc I did a lot of it unofficially in high school and even now for my roommates and other dorm mates.
I’m aware that the university offers tutoring services but
and 3) I’ve heard it pays less (which is def the least of my concerns)
My biggest question is how to get started getting my name out to other people - the only people I tutored last semester were people I met in class
I’d love to hear from people who’ve either tutored here (at Cal) received tutoring or anyone who thinks they can help me!
It's hard not to be smug to your classmates when you're elevated and your buttocks are being gently and perfectly supported.
Hi there! I'm planning on graduating early and was wondering if there are usually single semester leases or sublets that open up? I need housing for the Fall 2025 semester only and don't want to take on a full year's lease. Is on-campus housing my best bet? Message me if you are subletting or are studying abroad in the Fall and need someone to take over your lease!!
This shit is annoying as fuck im tryna get my calories burnt and this bum ass machine keeps stopping me as soon as I hit 30 mins. How do I turn this off bro
can someone from last semester's class give their input
hi! want boba catering for your club/sorority/frat? i’m a campus ambassador for Teapsoon, a boba shop on University Ave. in Downtown Berkeley. if you need or want catering for boba and/or snacks for your club/org, reach out to me because I can get you a discount for Teaspoon! this could get you bulk orders to give out to students when you are tabling on Sproul, regular catering services with our baristas, and orders for coffee chats/events! the discount is flexible when I put you in contact with my boss! spread the word if you can as well; our boba is delicious! if you go to Teaspoon on your own, you can use my code: ESCOBOBA. bears like boba so pls reach out!!
apt above chipotle on telegraph! i have two other roommates as well; 4 girls living here in total! 2 bedrooms, each is a double! all will be third years in the fall! pls reach out if interested!!! best location ever! washer/dryer in unit, rent 1k + 30 bucks for wifi/utilities!!