For visible assholes hidden behind thongs.
The thong needs to be clearly visible over the asshole. No buttplugs either! If we can't see your asshole or at least a portion of it, your post may be removed.
No bare ass/pussy, to the side, etc. If the thong isn't covering a portion of the asshole, your post may be removed.
A portion of the asshole must to be visible behind the thong. If we can't see any part of the asshole, for any reason, your post may be removed.
No advertising! This includes youtube, facebook, instagram, tiktok, OnlyFans, etc. Link watermarks on images, link comments, and so on all count as advertising.
No asking for upvotes and no baiting for upvotes. This includes bait-y titles and comments. This includes emojis.
No photoshop, uncropped screenshots, filters, etc. Blurring/blocking faces is OK.
Please don't excessively self-promote. Please don't spam fluff in the comments either. Follow Reddit's policy on spam. We also don't want stale pictures we've already seen. Reposts may be subject to an immediate ban.
No low quality pictures. Low quality may include low resolution, artifacting such as speckling, too bright/dark, too oversaturated, filters, banding, red-eye, and numerous other digital artifacts. Here is a good guide on how to take high quality photos.
Do not harass people. This includes namecalling, vulgarity, or posting about other users in other subreddits (witch hunting). It goes without saying. Disagreeing with someone, even strongly and bluntly isn't harassment, but name calling, being excessively rude, and so on may get you banned.