
Photograph via snooOG

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very confusing coworker situation

hi all, i posted here a couple days ago and forgot to add something important. so, my coworker (19m) has been making subtle excuses to touch me (20f). for example, he’ll pass by me and lightly brush against me or put his hand on the small of my back. he’s silly about it too sometimes, he’ll lightly punch my shoulder or try to trip me. he’s made comments about how his friend thinks i have a nice ass, and when i brought it up again jokingly he said “no comment”. also, he’s always picking on me like my ankles look weird or something??? that’s one he actually told me lol. i told him he was being mean and he responded with “oh you don’t know half of what i think in my head” and it immediately got awkward after for a bit. anyways, given all of that, he will literally just rip ass in front of me and laugh. straight up fart. he’s also referred to me as “one of the guys”. to make a long story short, i am beyond confused. a part of me thinks he’s attracted to me and his immature brain is glitching out or something. what do yall think??? tyia!!!

1 Comment
04:44 UTC


Young guy here, once again alone on a Saturday night

This is a ongoing occurrence and has been for years. Nobody texts me. Nobody returns my calls. Nobody asks me to do anything. Every single weekend I sit alone on my room switching from app to app on my phone bored out of my mind because I want to do something. I’ve tried. I really have tried to make friends, but it always ends up with me getting ghosted. I have nobody. No girlfriends. No brothers. No bros. Just by myself each and every night alone.

04:35 UTC


Is it odd that we're suffering but he gave his mom half his check?

I am in a jam and I really really need some good, sold advice and it's gonna be a hefty read. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Met almost two years ago. Me (f 47) and my now fiancee (m 44) have been for the most part pretty solid and in the beginning for the first year I had my own house and he had his own living (situation). Him and his mother bought a house together. That right there should tell you where I'm going with this. I didnt know then what I know now otherwise I wouldn't have fallen for the smoke being blown up my ass and I'd be long gone by now. His mom never liked me. Not from the moment she met me. She lied to him and said she did but jeez it was so obvious. He completely thinks I'm crazy of course but it gets better..... Long story short, I had toove in because I lost my house. Yikes! Yeah, it's bad here. She's a petty creepy bitch. Period. He will defend her shitty behavior but come after me for reacting to it. She kicked me out right before telling him that he needed to pay the water bill but it was too late We've had no water or food in this house for over a week. I haven't showered in over a week. Neither has he but he's ok with it. I'm grossed out. He gave his mom half his check today. Didn't ask her to turn the water back on and yes she still lives here but she has a shower and running water where she is. Like why wouldn't he pay for the water to get turned back on first? What am I even doing here?

Please some one tell me if I'm crazy or not

He will pay back everyone he owes, his son, his herb mixologist and hand over I'm sure over $800 to his mom to pay for her bus ticket and whatever else she needs. Meanwhile I pawned my grandmother's jewelry to pay for his Ubers and pizza yesterday. No shower. No grocery store trip. Nope. Today, it's like it never happened and I'm broke again. The car needs repair work so he can stop paying Ubers. Do you think he called his mechanic before paying her? Nope. Soore money down the drain. I can't speak to him about any of this because he gets so pissed (red flag I know) and this is the best part.....

He expects that the three of us are all going to have to live together and get along.

I think I need to haul ass and find a cave to live in since I don't have a car, no job (lost it when my car broke down picking up his son and he just left it there for MONTHS so it got towed and I had to just suck it up) Where I live walking isn't feasible or safe because it's country but still heavy traffic on the main road where stores and stuff are located. I have no funds, no car, no job, no family, can't get in touch with friends because my phone and tablet within a week of each other broke and Google has deactivated my Old account. I lost EVERYTHING I had built up over ...since 2003. I asked him for his help in at least buying another phone for $100. He said no. That it wasn't his problem.

He has his moments but I think these few examples are really extreme enough. But am I being to hard on him? I have no where to go but it is toxic as fuck here. Should I be pissed about today or am I over reacting? All help, greatly appreciated. Thank you

03:08 UTC


Why would a man reach out to an ex he dumped just to say hello?

Me 36F, him 40M Long distance, never met, 4 months long relationship (short but very intense, talked multiple times a day, love, marriage, etc, planned to meet but life came up) It ended terribly because his busy life got in the way, he changed his mind, decided ldr wasn't going to work. After me foolishly begging for answers, he came out to say all the reasons an ldr wouldn't work because of his life and career, wished me happiness and seemed like he was DONE in the worst way.

It's been 2 months since our last text communication, and ge just texted me "Hey", asked me how I was, double texted because I didn't answer right away, had a bit of small talk and he stopped responding (1am his time) And when I asked him the next day why he was reaching out, he answered in the evening and said "just wanted to say hello." I told him he should call to say hello (vid talk as we used to) annnd radio silence, no text back from him since yesterday.

Why would a man do this?? (It's not hook up related in this case) Has anyone done something similar before? Did you actually just want to say hi? For what??

Why bother reaching out to a woman you ended things with, wrecked her, and you knew how bad you hurt her, all to ask how she is and disappear after the convo?

I'm not over it, but I'm trying. I'm on anti-depressants, I'm struggling bad, and for him to reappear and then dissapear all within 2 days has me wrecked all over again.

Please help this make sense.

23:01 UTC


Stingy or testing me

I have met a man online (43) and I’m female (30), we went to fives dates however all this dates are coffee date (5 out of 5), but recently I’m starting thinking that he is cheap, because he never asked me for dinner dates,, or he just testing me as he’s richer than me, tbh honest I can’t tolerate stingy people as my culture is all about being generous so I don’t know if this something common in USA ( i really don’t care about how much he makes as I even paid in 3 of these dates and also bought him chocolate and a gift in another date ( something he was want to buy) What do you think?

19:40 UTC


Curious question about online behaviour

I’m going to describe three scenarios in very different contexts that I consider to be the same behaviour but I don’t quite understand the logic behind it. What do you guys think?

So one guy I met at a small party - we already have a tonne of mutual friends because we went to the same school (but I never knew him back then). He was chatty at the party but in a very normal friendly way. After the party he sent a request on Instagram, I accepted and sent one back. He left my request for about a week before accepting.

The next situation is with a tutor from school. They’re usually super friendly and they’ve offered to help with work/career stuff a few times. I’d say we’re closer than he is to other students. After knowing them for 8 months (we have class with them once a week for this entire time) I sent a LinkedIn request. I had connected with my main course leader on LinkedIn already so we had one or two mutuals I think. He ignored it but was still his usual friendly self afterwards. It’s very unlikely that he didn’t see it.

The third is that a guy who is my neighbour (lives on my floor of the building) and we talk often. He was asking about my job. He said he founded the area really interesting and wanted to stay in touch over LinkedIn. I passed him my phone to enter his name and he said “there you go you can see my profile”. I sent the request. He clearly visited the page and then declined the request. Still super friendly and asks what I’m up to a month later.

Some context - I’m 24. I barely use Instagram or linkedin. For both I don’t even use a profile picture that shows my face. On Instagram I have 8 posts I think and 6 are actually work (art/photography) related. On linkedin I never post, I just occasionally like interesting articles and my profile is essentially very boring just lists my jobs / past internships / education. No bio just name and industry area and job title.

What do you think is the cause of the odd responses? I think it’s especially strange that these guys request to stay in touch first then respond like that.

19:10 UTC


Partner opened messages this morning but hasn't responded since, am I overthinking?

So me (24f) and my partner (25m) have been seeing each other for about a month now. He recently went away to see his brother for graduation and said he was flying back today and said he wanted to spend some time when he comes back.

Last night I sent a little bit of a risky text venting about how I feel people are but using his friends as an example... Like but in a like i know how people can be so be careful sorta way. He fly's back today but has since opened the message I have sent him early this morning and hasn't responded to any thing else I've sent him. I've only sent him a good morning text and then another asking if he needs anything when he comes back and then one asking if he was ok. Because I know he's flying or about to get in a plane. And they can be scary. So clueless because be upset about what I sent last night?

I know dependcy and anxiety are somethings I struggle with a lot and this not responding especially when he's about to flying is really making me anxious Ik it shouldn't. But am I overthinking this or did I say something too much last night?

15:33 UTC


If you’ve avoided sex in the past what was the reason?

My husband and I haven’t had sex for about 4 weeks. His reasons have been a combination of him being tired, a new tattoo and being unwell.

We’ve been together 23 years and have always had a really good sex life he’s always had a high sex drive and he’s never really turned me down regularly before.

I was hoping to break the dry spell this weekend and he told me the same thing, but he’s already dropping hints that make me think it’s not happening tonight (he’s feeling like he may be coming down with something).

I don’t think he’s cheating, and it may well be that it’s just a case of him genuinely being unwell and just a rough patch, but I can’t help feeling there’s something he’s not saying.

He’s definitely masturbated, I know twice this week for sure, both times when he thought I was asleep and he was in bed next to me.

I will speak to him again in a few days, I want to give him some space and would appreciate a male prospective on the situation.

Thank you

14:16 UTC


Need a man’s advice on whether he wants me back

Okay so me and my partner have recently split up (very recent; this week).

He messages me constant asking if I’m okay, we spoke yesterday like properly for the first time- he kept asking over and over again if I’m ok (I answered yes every time but he still kept asking like are you sure).

He says he misses me so much and he’s depressed. I asked to call because I just find it easier plus I just wanted to hear him but he said it would hurt him too much and it isn’t the best idea to do that.

We ended simply because we just argued too much; always about stupid petty stuff that never mattered in the end but this one argument we had we decided to call it quits.

He says if you need me I’m always here, he will talk in the morning; but he hasn’t even contacted me this morning? He keeps going on to see if I’m active, sending me pics of things he’s doing and things like that.

I just want to know from a man’s perspective whether the likeliness he will comeback- usually an ex would block me and go completely cold turkey on me but he seems to be really interested in what I’m doing and my wellbeing.

Or is the fact he’s being so nice showing more likely he WONT come back😢

I’m such a mess so I just need some understanding why cause my head is all over the place.

Ready for any harsh truths.

12:24 UTC


I (F22) think I am in love with my situationship, and I am heartbroken. I need a guy from a MANS perspective to tell me honestly what you think his actions mean.

Hello! I'm going to be honest, this is a last ditch effort to get any understanding out of the situation I am in, because my heart is so heavy from being sad over it. If there's a kind human out there that wouldn't mind reading this and telling me what their perspective is (and in brutal honesty) I would appreciate it more than you know.

So, I have known this guy for 7 years; let's call him W. We met in high school. We were the most unlikely of friends but we worked. After we started hanging out (we were 16ish I think, maybe younger) we developed a really intense connection. I had already had my first love at this point, and he'd had his, but for some reason we both just felt this magnetic connection towards each other (not saying he's my soulmate, because that would be unlikely, but our chemistry was so strong.)

We dated for like, a month around the year we met, but broke up because I was just young and confused (lol) not because of anything either of us did. Regardless, even after that, we'd hang out in the same friendship group and whatnot, and we were always on and off with each other, for the rest of high school. We both had our fair share of encounters with other people, but something always bought us back together. Also important to mention we had off the charts 'spicy' chemistry with each other, which was also a big factor. All in all though, he is just a human being I feel connected to, and understood by. Also think its important to mention we'd have fights quite a bit here and there, but they always stemmed from either of us being jealous we were talking to other people.

We remained friends for the last year of high school, but didn't talk to much; when we did though, it was always good. He helped me through a lot of trauma I endured and was one of the only people I knew who could make me feel safe and talk about it. In our last year of high school, I got a bf. He knew this and he was seeing someone too. High school ends. End of chapter.

Fast forward to YEARS out of high school (I'm 22 now.) I had been losing feelings for my bf that I was still with up until January of this year, I finally ended a wonderful 4 year relationship, not because anything was wrong, I just felt like I'd outgrown it.

It's sad(ish) to admit, but while I was with my long term bf, I always had W on my mind. Monthly, sometimes weekly. Just wondering how he was, if we was safe, if he was happy.

So, after telling myself after years he probably had forgotten me, and now single, I found him on social media and added him back. And he added me back. We got talking and sending selfies and making smalltalk. He went on to say how much he'd missed me, that he forgot how pretty I was and how much he liked my smile. After a week or so of talking, we caught up.

I was so nervous, but when we finally saw each other in person it was so great. It was like re-meeting him. He was so different (and he said I was too) and we talked for hours and hours that night in his car.

I couldn't shake the feeling I got from seeing him again. I could NOT get him off my mind and I didn't know why.

One night I confessed this to him and he said he felt the same, that I was constantly on his mind and he couldn't concentrate on anything. We were on the exact same page.

Anyway, we caught up again and again, and he said he wanted to see me weekly or fortnightly because he enjoyed my company and vice versa, but just at that because he's studying medicine and it's intense. Fair enough right?

Over the month we've been catching up again, he said a myriad of things to me that inevitably led me to develop new intense feelings for him that were reignited from years ago.

I'm going to LIST them because this is very important to the plot, and part of the reason I am here today.
-Said after a few hangouts that he'd thought about me all the time, even though we hadn't talked for years, frequently too (this was before I had told him I felt that too, so he wasn't just saying it because I did type thing.)
-Said he was developing the '4 letter L word' for me. In. those. words.
-Said he was infatuated with me, obsessed with me, and could never get tired of me. (I feel exactly the same.)
-Said 'I've been looking for you in every girl I've been with romantically and intimately over the years, I just thought of you all the time.'
-Initiated the 'hand thing' where you put your hand up against a guys to see how much bigger they are compared to you.
-Offered to take me to upcoming shows and concerts because he wanted to hang out and enjoyed my company, vice versa.
-Said he cared about me, and was always so beautiful in the way he could give me advice when I was sad.
-Said he'd always wanted to reach out again but was scared I'd reject it. Said he loved how we were now because it felt way more positive and mature.
-That he knows I've always been way out of his league.
-Said it feels euphoric being with me.
-Said that I'm the kind of girl he'd never get over in his whole life. (And same, I think the only person I will care about more than him is the person I marry lol)

We went on to define 'what we were.' I told him I'd just gotten out of a relationship and was planning on being single for a while. He said same for him, and that he wasn't actively looking for someone but would try something out if the right person came along. We agreed on being friends, simply because we really did enjoy each other's company and were both in a better place now.

ALSO IMPORTANT to mention!! The whole time we were talking again, he was texting me every day, consistently, as I was him, every. day.

He was very chatty, happy, and consistent.

Now here's where sh*t hits the fan! We have inter*ourse, right? It was great. End of story.

The next day, it's like I'm talking (or should I say not talking!) to a COMPLETELY different person. He doesn't text me the whole day, completely out of the blue to how consistent he had been over the month previous.

I was (obviously) upset, because we'd just shared a vulnerable experience together and it went from that to nothing. Not a peep.

So I messaged him and asked what was wrong, naturally, and a bit hurt.
He acted completely nonchalant, like he had no idea there was even an issue, before saying he was just 'so busy' with is medicine degree he hadn't had time to text.

Okay, so you weren't too busy 2 days before but just happened to be now that we'd ___?

Anyway, I leave him be after this, and he ignores me for 2 DAYS. I watch as he views my stories and his snap score goes up and up and up. Not one word to me. He also mentioned when we talked that we 'didn't have to text every day,' but that exactly what we'd been doing for a month?? Like OBVIOUSLY we didn't have to keep that same energy going, the initial spark was always going to wear off, but communicate that to me and don't just do and do it right after we've ___? I feel like that's basic respect? So I don't feel used? OR am I asking too much?

Now, because I have respect for myself (and unfortunately feelings for him) in a moment of anger and hurt, I block him.

I did this because I was half-expecting him to see I had, and message or call me to ask what was wrong, but its been 3 days now, and nothing.

Now, I've had multiple thoughts during this grieving period I've had. My first thought was that he used me for ___. But that doesn't make sense to me. I KNOW his character, I have for 7 years, and that not what he's like (or is it?? maybe I don't even know him anymore.) I'm scared that all those things he said to me were just a facade, a lie. But again, I KNOW he actually felt those things. You know when you just know, you know? When he said/did those things he had a genuine look in his eyes, a look of love and adoration. I can't shake it.

Then why, after a month of literal bliss and intensity between us, did he go SO cold on me? Was I used?

Orrr, I read something saying that a guy will pull away after ___ with someone they genuinely love because they're scared of developing feelings? I literally have no clue.

I've been crying every day and unable to get out of bed because I miss him so much. I was so happy to have W back in my life after all these years, like he's been a missing piece in my puzzle. I don't care if we never date, I am happy to just remain friends. Just as long as he's in my life I don't mind. I just miss him :(

I NEED a guy to tell my why this happened. I know with full certainty this guy cares about me. I care about him too. We have this connection and always have. Why did he switch up? I'm scared I'm never going to know the answer, because if he hasn't reached out by now, I don't think he's going to.
Thank you in advance :)

11:11 UTC


Is he interested or not?

I have a friend of mine from Australia. We always talk and discuss various things every single day. It all started with usual friendship. We go often by just greeting each other while some of our friends are also around the call. Then, it came to me one day that we were left together in a call.

It was a bit awkward at first. However, I never thought that an hour of call would last us talking to each other for three more hours. It was so atypical for him to do that, especially we're not that close. We went off talking about various things, such as our common likings to sports. He also asked me about my future plans or how I pictured my future self way back when I was on my collegiate years. It was really something new for me and that I didn't expect he would ask. He would also make me smile with his jokes. Although, he went off that he needs to leave the call since he has other things to do. However, it left me a remark that he still wants to talk to me longer and he's holding back to do that.

Right after that day, we were on a call again with one of our friends. The three of us were finishing some stuff until we all had the chance to take a break. He went right up telling our friend that she can leave the call if she wants or if she has other businesses to do. As for, he told that he has something I might have an interest with to talk to and that I should stay with him in the call. Our friend straight up left me a text message, telling me that she thinks he likes me.

I just don't really know how men are when they're interested with someone, especially on a virtual setup. We haven't met each other yet and I just don't want to get my hopes up for nothing. So, would you care to give me a piece of advice? Thank you for the helpful answers!

10:08 UTC


How do you get over your partners past when you know so much?

I know I know, past does not matter and I need to grow up a bit. I see answers like that often, I am aware of that... that's why I need help.

I am M26 have been dating my gf (F22) for about 5 months.

Before we dated we were friends, so we talked a lot about our history with exes and hook ups. It had been long forgotten... until recently. I went back to our messages to look for a photo and reopened that box of past conversations. It definitely hurt, from descriptive paragraphs to even videos and photos of her.

I'm aware this is from the past, and like her I also have a past. I also understand that she shared this to me as a friend, with lots of trust. I am in no way intending to throw this back to her face, I'm aware it is wrong.

However, coincidentally this is my first relationship with someone who has a past. Before, I always dated girls who so happened to had never had any romantic or sexual experience. I do want to state that it was always a coincidence and not something I looked for purposely. Now I'm kind of stuck learning this new feeling as a adult, when most learn about it as a teen.

It also does not help that we have recently argued because I felt "compared". Whenever we go out or id do something nice she would compliment me by sharing a story similar to our current outing. She would share how its much more fun with me and tell me about her negative experience with past men before me.

I understand it was a way to compliment, but to me I felt as if she was comparing our date with others and ranking them, or having some sort of tally. We spoke and she said she would stop, but I guess I'm afraid she's rather thinking it now instead of voicing it.

I am aware I need lots of growing up to do. I want to be better. So please any advice would help. How do I overcome this toxic way of thinking?

09:58 UTC


Straight and bisexual men, what qualities do you look for in a trans woman, and what is the difference (if any) when you're dating trans women vs cis women?

I'm a trans demigirl who is attracted to both men and women but leaning men.

I wonder how I should make myself more attractive to (non-misogynist) men and have a date, especially when I'm still in the midst of transitioning.

I also wonder if men date trans girls and cis girls any differently, and how different is dating for trans girls vs cis girls.

06:04 UTC


Do I Keep Sending Birthday Messages to Friends Who Never Remember Mine?

I'm in my 40s, and I always make it a point to send birthday messages to my friends, but most of them never remember to send me anything in return. Only two consistently do. While I understand we're all busy and birthdays might not hold the same significance, I still like to show I care. Should I continue sending messages to those who never remember my birthday?

04:58 UTC


Can you share your thoughts on guys sending unsolicited dick pics?

I'd like to hear from the male perspective.

So, I just found out that this guy l've been talking to has been randomly messaging girls he's never met before, trying to see if they would hook up with him and sending them unsolicited pictures of his cock. One girl reached out to me saying he found her on Facebook and Snapchat after seeing her name tag at Taco Bell and sent her explicit photos, which seems strange.

I tend to see the good in people and justify their behavior, so part of me thinks maybe he's seeking validation for his weight loss and may not actually intend to meet up with these girls, considering he's introverted and not typically like that.

Is this something men do or is this creepy?

04:36 UTC


Does this sound like my next door neighbors are gay?

The house next door to us, there's two men that live there. They're the only 2 in the house. We've lived at our house for a long time and we've known these neighbors for years. My brother brought something to my attention recently. He said to me "you know those two guys that live right next to us, do you think that they're gay?" That got me thinking. I said "huh, I don't know! It does seem like that now that you say that!" All the years I’ve known these neighbors, it never crossed my mind once that they could be gay. But now I’m curious as hell to know if they are. And the thing is these two guys don’t look gay. You know how most gay guys you can tell by their body language, voice, or their appearance that they are. But these two you can’t tell. I also have another thought. If there both living in the same house, it makes me wonder if they sleep in the same bed together or separate.

03:50 UTC


Drew a boundary with my (26M) GF (20F) grabbing coffee with a guy (23m) she met online, what are your thoughts?

My GF (20f) moved here to the US from Ukraine about a year ago. We have been dating for 6 months and have been exclusive the whole time. She is part of a Ukrainian Telegram group for Ukranians local to the area. She was invited to get coffee from one of the members (23m) to what she thought initally was a group gathering. She found put it was just going to be a 1 on 1 meeting. She then texted me about it.

I told that if a stranger/acquaintance woman invited me to a 1 on 1 coffee I would decline because I believe it would be inappropriate because I am in a relationship. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for her to do the same. I then said I have no problem with her making Ukranian friends or male friends, but having 1 on 1 meeting with a guy she met off an app is not a good way to go about it.

She than said she understands and didn't really want to go anyways. I thanked her for communicating with me.

However, I feel a bit bad by telling her its not okay. This is because I dont want to be controlling or jealous. I also feel bad because I know she has had a hard time making friends here, I am pretty much her only good friend in the States. But if I was from the outside looking in, I believe I would still think it is bad idea.

What are your thoughts? Am I a jerk for saying its not okay?

02:18 UTC


I think my (26F) fiancé has lost interest in me. How do I bring the spark back beyond just physical intimacy?

This is an alt account because my fiancé knows my main. My [26F] fiancé [26M] and I have known each other for 10 years, been together for 4 years, and been engaged for 6 months. We’re getting married in a few months. How can I help bring the spark back into our relationship?


  • Over the last year, it’s felt like he’s pulled away emotionally. He’s busier with work and works a physically draining job, so I get that exhaustion could play a role in this. But even when we do have time together, it just feels like he finds me annoying more than anything.

  • He’s slowly stopped talking to me as much as he used to. We used to talk together a lot, but now he stares at his phone (reading or watching shows or scrolling Reddit) when he’s home—even when we’re eating, which is something we never used to do. He started telling me not to talk to him when he’s eating, and he gets frustrated when I try to talk with him while he’s sitting on the couch. This could be because he works a lot though.

  • When I’ve asked him why we don’t talk as much, he says it’s because he’s the type of guy who doesn’t have much to say. But he used to be.

  • He takes no interest in my work or hobbies (which he totally doesn’t have to). In the past, I used to talk about work and hobbies (shared and individual) a lot, but he started saying that I only talked about work and specific topics that I tend to nerd out about, so I stopped (except for really basic updates when he does ask sometimes or synopses of things that I’m really excited about and just really want to share with him). He said recently that my voice is really monotone, which makes it hard for him to listen to me talk about that stuff for more than a few minutes, so I try to keep it brief.

  • He calls me throughout his workday sometimes to just tell me about his work. Normally, I’d have no problem with that (I think people should talk about things they’re passionate about and get things off their chest, and I’m happy to be the person who listens), but the petty part of me gets a little miffed because he still calls me out for talking about work or hobbies sometimes—although he’s fine with talking for extended periods about work with no input from me. I talked to him about that being a double standard at one point, but he said it wasn’t, so I normally just let him talk so he can get it out.

  • If I have any amount of alcohol, he says he hates how I am when I drink. Usually I’m sober when he says this.

  • On really lonely days, sometimes I feel like the only ones who I can actually talk to are our cats (or at least they don’t run away lol). Some days I feel like a ghost without them. I know this is irrational. I’ve tried only talking to them when I want to tell him something so I don’t bother him, but he got upset and said it felt like I was giving the cats more attention than him. I stopped talking to them as much when he’s home.

  • Full transparency, I’m not the easiest person to live with. I’ve had to learn/re-learn/unlearn different behaviors and just things necessary for life since we’ve been together. It’s been really grueling (especially for him), but I’ve made a little progress, and I’m still working to do better. Sometimes he says I’ve made an inch of progress when he needs me to make a foot though. I literally don’t know how to go faster than I am, but I’m trying.

  • Just because this is Reddit, I know he isn’t cheating. His schedule and the type of work he does make it impossible, so that isn’t the reason he’s been busier with work. He’s just been picking up overtime to set us up for the future.

TDLR: He’s been withdrawn and busier with work, and we don’t talk a lot anymore. He acts like I’m bothering him when we have time together. I’m also not the easiest person to live with, but it’s making me feel lonely sometimes.

I get that relationships can change, especially since we both work a lot. But I really want to get back on better (and more sustainable) footing before we get married. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! ❤️

02:15 UTC


Men who dated women who go with boy clothes and have a bit of masculine characteristics, how did you do in you rrelationships?

Me (18F) have been into boy clothes and few other characteristics that usually people find it men. Wouldnt call myself a tomboy since i dont do games or anything interested or hobbies like men have (cars,football etc nothing of that sort). I have been in a relationship for a while with a guy and ive always found him telling me how hates seeing me in these boy clothes. Have tried telling him how much it makes me who i am and he didng get it at first. After a while i had to break out crying and begging him to stop as it feels so bad to hear this from him. After a while tho, he stopped. Dont get me wrong, the guy loves me. Would do absolutely anything for me. Guess hes just a man who loves to see his woman being all cutesy. Which apparently i do dress cute and feminine at times but not all the time. So somewhere i still feel like he hates me in these clothes and "doesnt 'prefer' me that way" (like he said) which is lowkey hurting to hear. But ig ive been fine with it and now we are good. But it still haunts me sometimes how i may not be enough for him. As i said men will have their own reasons to see their partner in certain way they want to. So i just wanted to know if what i am worrying for is valid from mens pov and that is why im here in mens sub despite being a woman. However a pov from both men and women wouldnt hurt tho.

02:15 UTC


How to make a man feel appreciated?

I’d like to know in what way men feel appreciated? with which actions? With what responses?

Btw, if I show appreciation a lot and on a regular basis, would him stop appreciating my appreciation? Seems like a play on words lol

01:49 UTC


need advice for high school/college dating

Hi, I am a 16 year old female who wants to begin dating and forming romantic relationships. I would appreciate some advice. A little background on myself is that I have difficulty in social situations and am nervous around boys I am interested in. I am trying to better myself, and have been putting more effort into developing personal style and trying to take care of my appearance. I also lost a lot of weight from my early teens. Besides that, I'm trying to become kinder and more open minded and listen to people who disagree with me, and better my personal relationships with family and get better grades. I'm on a good trajectory and I feel like getting in a relationship or at least preparing for it is something I want to do. So I want to ask men this: What is your advice for someone in their late teens to get in a relationship? What would be good to keep in mind? I specifically hope for some younger men (gen z) to share their experiences with dating girls in this age range (high school and college). What do YOU think young men these days hope for in a girlfriend? And what do you wish the girls you dated back then knew? And any men who are willing to comment and give advice are appreciated. thank you! I hope to hear your opinions.

00:57 UTC


Do women intentionally buy bad clothes for their husbands?

It has to be on purpose right? Because the clothes they give their dudes always look like a disaster but the women dress themselves and their kids look decent so no way it isn't on purpose?

00:42 UTC


I (30f) have an issue with my boyfriend (36m) and I don’t know what else to do about it.

Tl;dr My boyfriend oesn’t make me feel like a priority or a girlfriend and I don’t know how much longer I can put up with it

My boyfriend and I have been together since late October. We are sorta long distance (about an hour and a half) and I have commuted to him about every time while he has come to see me once. When I do come over it’s always just us watching tv and eating Uber eats or I am cooking. We have yet to spend a whole day together. We talk on the phone and text through out the day every day. When we are on the phone he is always either working, playing video games with his friends/family or playing them in general, or he is doing research on betting or calling me in between running errands.

About six weeks ago I mentioned to him that I need romance, I need to feel like a girlfriend than some girl who comes over every four or more weeks to sleepover then leave for work. I understand he has a lot on his plate because he has two jobs, projects he is working on and he has custody of his son part time. Like I totally get it. He just also does this thing where he will randomly be like “next time I am going to see you in your city” “I got you something” or “I want to plan this in two weeks” etc. and nothing happens? I don’t even care that he didn’t actually give me anything, I mean, I do wish he would plan a date but I also wish he wouldn’t lie? I confronted him about this also and he said it wasn’t fair because he has been busy which I will accept. I just have seen a very consistent pattern of it and it’s hard to ignore. I have been in a lot of relationships like this and I am willing to be patient but to an extent… quality time is very important to me and I wish he would put more effort in making me feel like some kind of priority. Right now he has been absolutely all talk and it feels hard to believe nowadays.

How do I get through this with him? It’s really bothering me and I am not trying bother him about, I just need to know this isn’t going to be a forever thing for us

00:01 UTC


What do you think of a strange woman or a college asking for a selfie with you? How do you react?

I have never refused.

It only happened once in the USA, when I was at a Baseball game and on my way to the washroom. It also happened once in the UK when I was walking around the airport.

My former employer used to send me to China a lot, because we had a factory there. Several of the female manufacturing engineers asked me for selfies with them.

Maybe it is just easy to be a celebrity there if you are tall.

23:57 UTC


What is this kind of hug?

A couple of months ago, when we group departed, a guy asked me for a hug... it was a light hug... started from that day, he looked at me all the time...

Today when we departed, and only him and me... I asked him "do you want a hug?" He raised his hands and said "come on" then I hugged him - I put my arms around his waist as he is taller, he wrapped his right arm around my both shoulder very tightly and strongly to his body and didn’t let me go, it held for more than 5 seconds... I nearly can't breathe... after hugging, his whole face turned red...

Why did he hug me to tightly and strongly? Does he like me? Does he wanna let me know anything? Or just casual hug?

Update: I have just found a similar photo of how we hugged.. Like this photo

Any comments appreciated

23:26 UTC


What are your thoughts and advice on this? Please help me out

“Situationship” (M 21) randomly blocked me (F 21) after telling me he cares about me - possible avoidant

hi! so i (F21) had a situationship with this guy (M21) for almost 6 months and due to his avoidant nature, it was really hard communication wise and after trying so hard to make it work i eventually just stopped. we didn’t talk for a month and he came back to apologize, was okay for a while and then disappeared again just to come back after 4 months of no contact. he wanted to meet up but i didn’t know about it. after 2 months of silence again, i finally sent a message explaining my feelings and how i felt about the situation overall, he told me he understood and that he is willing to personally apologize, i thought about it and said no but then after a few weeks i was like okay. finally saw him after 8 months of not seeing him and it was okay. he mentioned how much i had changed and also apologized again and told me that he always cared and will always care. we followed each other on instagram again that day and then i randomly notice today that im blocked ? 😂 it seems like it’s only on instagram but im so confused because i thought everything was okay between us, does anyone know how or why this might have happened ? and i wanted to know how to best deal with avoidant people. he has done the ghosting thing a few times but always emphasizes that he doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings due to past experiences and that it’s not because of me because he truly cares however after him just randomly blocking me for no reason, i want to text him and ask him why but i also want to hold back and just leave him alone. however my issue is what if he will never reach out if i leave him alone?? he was good to me when he tried but im tired of him…i care about him but really i don’t think i can do this push and pull thing anymore please help me 😭 i tried so hard to move on but i care about him so much and i can’t imagine him fully out of my life

Tldr: Randomly blocked me on instagram after seeing me 2 days ago where he told me he cares about me and apologized for treating me badly.(after 8 months of no physical contact)

22:28 UTC


How do I ask a guy to be FWB?

Some backstory: Before the pandemic I was hanging out with this guy and just vibin. We have already been together intimately a few times but had a falling out and stopped speaking. We've recently reconnected but it's nothing like it was before and that's fine, but our communication has increased a bit in the last week. We just text, but he's offered to help me with some things I mentioned recently. I'm not trying to read into that too much, but he's never offered anything like that in the past. Even before, when things were good, he's not the type of person to offer something like that unless I asked him to previously.

I know he's attracted to me and we've slept together before, so I want to know how to go about asking him for a FWB situationship. He's not someone I would date or even think of trying to get into a relationship with. This is purely about casual sex.

I think I would feel a bit embarrassed if he said no, so what are some things I could hint at to see if this is something he's also interested in?

18:45 UTC


I (f28) think my boyfriend cheated emotionally (m29)

I snooped and I know it is very bad but I saw my boyfriend was sending pics of some girls he knows (ex coworkers, current coworkers) to his mates and saying “I would fuck her” I confronted him and he promised not to do that but I also asked if he masturbated to these pics… I regret asking because of course he said he doesn’t remember but there is a chance… I have nothing against porn or celebrities but he knows these girls and now I feel like he cheated. Might sound crazy but I never realized that this would be my boundary but it is now and sexual fantasies about people we know is a big no to me… I realized I really never thought about other men but him… I love him and would like to fight this but I really doesn’t go away and it’s been a while. Have you experienced similar thing?

18:23 UTC


Gift ideas for boyfriend's 30th birthday

Hey, hoping to get some ideas for gifts men would have actually love to get for their 30th birthday.

My boyfriend has his birthday in a few months, i don't make much money but want to put some aside and get him something really nice for the occasion. He is a bit more of a fancy guy so wondering what can really make his day. Would appreciate cool ideas.

17:04 UTC


Found my husband had been searching for/looking at male escort listings

Found out my (34F) husband (35M) has recently been looking at male escort listings. Should I leave him?

My (34F) husband (35M) and I have been together 2 years. On Friday he mentioned to me that he’s getting pain in his testicle and that it feels swollen.

We made love on Saturday but he couldn’t finish, and when I asked him why, he said he was sore. I accepted it, and we went to sleep. He saw the doctor the following Monday and was officially diagnosed then (prior to that it had just been his fears).

Last night, I saw his browser history for the Sunday was:

  1. Looking at Locanto listings for male escorts in the local area (he looked at 9 in total). What’s important to me here is he searched for locanto before then navigating to the “male seeking male” page which suggests to me he knew what he was looking for.
  2. He then searched google for “young hot guys jerking off”. The number of links in the history suggests he looked at 25 pictures on this result.
  3. His final search was then for “cute young c*ck” (he looked at maybe 10 of these images).

I confronted him immediately and at first he pretended he had no idea what I was talking about. He then said “I don’t even know what that was for” and THEN he told me that he was scared because his d!ck was unresponsive, that he was trying to “handle himself” to pics/videos of me/us and it wouldn’t get hard. He then said he freaked out and that was his reaction - “to see if it did anything”. He said he started with the listings and then went to porn, “had a flick through” and then closed it when it didn’t do anything for him.

I asked him if he had tried this sort of thing before and he said yes, when he was much younger, and that it didn’t do anything for him.

IF THIS IS TRUE, what I don’t understand is:

  • why he didn’t think “oh, it hurts and I couldn’t finish during sex last night, it’s probably the pain”
  • why he wouldn’t try anything physical with me if he was really concerned about the non-responsiveness of it
  • why he wouldn’t try straight porn? (I’ve previously asked him not to watch porn because full disclosure, I’m insecure and would rather us make some hot videos for him to enjoy, but it would be easier to understand than this)
  • why he suddenly couldn’t get hard on Sunday after we had sex fine on Saturday
  • why gay escort listings was his first port of call
  • what he was looking for in the listings that would have turned him on
  • why it took him looking at 25 images of d!cks to realise he wasn’t interested
  • why he would then do a new search for something quite closely related
  • why the search terms seem to have preferences (“cute”, “young”) etc.

To be honest, if he came clean and said “yeah I like to watch this” then I’d be okay with it after an adjustment period. I told him this. But the escort listings???

He’s never ever ever even hinted that he might be interested in men - I’ve asked.

TLDR - Caught my husband looking at listings for male escorts and images of “cute young c*ck” and I’m not satisfied with his explanation.

PLEASE HELP I have no idea what to do and don’t know who this man is any more. Do I get a divorce and run for the hills? Is this a blip or can we work this out? Will I ever be able to trust what he says is true?

15:33 UTC

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