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Good Parka’s for Canadian Arctic Winter’s ?

What is a good Ladies Parka for Canadian Arctic Weather living in Winnipeg? I know sale’s are happening now.


1 Comment
15:18 UTC


Does Canada have separate prisons or separate sections of prisons for native English speakers and native French speakers?

I am an American. I am currently watching "Escape at Dannemora" on Netflix. This is a drama based on real events - a prison escape at Clinton Correctional in upstate New York. The prison is about 70 miles south of Montreal. One of the escaped inmates, David Sweat, was spotted and shot by law enforcement less than six miles from the Canadian border.

Anyway, since I am watching a drama about prison, I am curious about how the Canadian legal system handles native English speakers and native French speakers. Are inmates who speak English as their native language incarcerated separately from inmates who speak French as their native language? If they are incarcerated together, are the correctional officers and other prison employees required to be fluent in both languages?

03:58 UTC


For those that are not 100% Indigenous, why and when did your people come to Canada?

Most of mine came in the late 1800 due to Imperial repression (Russia, Prussia and Australia/Habsberg monarchy), land shortages, and chronic unemployment made life more and more untenable in what is now eastern Europe.

12:24 UTC


Canadian office politics

Hey there! I would love to hear insights, tips and tricks about what Canadian corporate life is like, some advice on how to make good relationships with key people, and what really matters to them.

I am more interested in larger Canadian offices but any insight is appreciated!

01:59 UTC


Are there any Cree lullabies/traditional songs?

I’m researching First Nations tribes and I can’t really find any good results on Google for Cree songs. I was wondering if anyone on here might know some, preferably older ones/lullaby-like songs

01:24 UTC


Does anyone know what website I need to login to check these messages?

I keep receiving these emails from NePasRepondreBCPAC-DoNotReplyCAVCO@pch.gc.ca

"Your CAVCO Online account contains 2 unread message(s). Login to your account to review these messages."

Where do I need to login? There is nothing like a CAVCO account.

I have tried googling to no avail.

Tried IRCC account. There are no messages there. I'm a new Canadian Citizen so it's not about any visa application.

Tried Canadian Heritage Account and there is no "messages" option there.

Where else can I check?


01:14 UTC


Canadian Actors and Actress/ Voice Actors and Actress. Canadian American Actors and Actress/ Voice Actors/ Actress are included

What is your favourite Actor and Actress?

22:37 UTC


Help finding an multi-province licensed family therapist

Hi! I'm looking for help with finding a family therapist/counsellor in Canada but have been having a really hard time finding one because it needs to be someone who can practice remotely in both Ontario and Alberta (the family members I want to do family therapy with are in different provinces). I have tried looking on Psychology Today and Google, but have not had any luck finding someone. Any advice on how to find someone who is a) a family therapist b) offers online therapy and c) can practice in both Ontario and Alberta would be greatly appreciated!

22:55 UTC


Do you order tea at Tim Hortons?

21:35 UTC


Noize parka alternatives (similar price, same or better warmth?)

Hi guys,

I’m looking for a new winter parka. So far I’m liking Noize’s warmth, and I think their prices are very reasonable.

But before making my final pick, I’d like to consider some more options.

Could you guys recommend other parka brands that are equally warm (or even warmer), and are similarly priced, as Noize?

21:27 UTC


Dear Canadians: How does Autumn Weather generally look where you live in Canada?

21:22 UTC


Are cross-Canada trains a worthwhile experience?

I'm contemplating exploring other regions of the country. For context, I’m based in the National Capital Region (NCR) and have already traveled extensively through most of Québec, albeit infrequently. Now, I’m debating whether it’s worth the cost to venture toward the more Pacific regions using the train system.

20:46 UTC


Looking for a winter boot that’s casual and warm.

All suggestions are welcome!
Price isn’t an issue, something that looks good and is warm. Gone through so many websites last few days. More looking for brand recommendations that I may have not stumbled upon yet.

19:58 UTC


Where to visit for each province & territory

Hello! I am a Canadian born citizen who has never ventured outside of my home province (ON) within the country.

I’ve been dying to one day explore my country and wanted to make a list of places to consider. I LOVE both nature (particularly places with beaches and oceans) and touristy attractions as well.

About me: I love rides and attractions, seeing our wildlife, and learning about our Canadian indigenous history!

If you know of some really great spots I must check out or big tourist spots I should visit please let me know! :)

15:43 UTC


Where has free-market capitalism worked well for consumers in Canada? We know it works well for shareholders.

It seems you either get the Bell/Telus/Rogers oligopolies, or you get the Tim Hortons abusing workers in order to "maximize shareholder value".

What industries/companies are doing well for the consumer? One example might be microbreweries.

13:29 UTC


Is there a reason I cannot find any information on someone? How do I go about locating an estranged Half brother?

Hello, I tried to locate my estranged older half brother online but found only one search result (an old court case for the 90s in BC involving his father in a child neglect/abuse case). I thought it would be easy to find him since our shared last name we got from our mother is very rare within Canada but I thought wrong (Dakota language origin last name, noted that there are few people in the world that share the same one but we are not related). My mother gave up custody rights to my brothers father for personal reasons (he was very young when she did that, my eldest brother who is a year older only remembers seeing him as a young child). I wanted to reconnect with him just to see how his life turned out. I have no pictures of him, only his name and date of birth (I will inquire which province he was born from my mom). I know his father's name but it proves to be useless as he has a generic Vietnamese name. My main questions are: How come there is zero info about him online? Is there possible reasons why? Where would I start my search?

05:14 UTC


Questions for the Dutch Canadians

In history class in the Netherlands we often learn that a lot of Dutchies immigrated to Canada after The second world war. According to google there 1 million Canadians of Dutch ancestry. Is there still a community who still speak Dutch? I would love to hear about it.

22:52 UTC


Returning items to Amazon during Canada Post strike?

Hey everyone!

I started a return through Amazon. I had the return label and everything printed off, but before I could mail it out, Canada post went on strike. How are we returning things to Amazon? Its the pre paid labels so I'm not sure you can just bring the parcel to another shipper.

Thanks for the help!

23:03 UTC


All Dressed or Ketchup chips (or Hickory sticks)?

To my fellow Canadians! I wanted to ask others, which is your favorite (or prefer over other options):

  • All Dressed ruffles chips
  • Ketchup chips (doesn't have to be Lays)
  • Hickory sticks
  • Hawkins Cheezies

I personally love them all haha.. but my favorite is Hickory sticks.


EDIT: added Hawkins Cheezies - sorry forgot about this other iconic Canada made/only snack when writing post

03:56 UTC


Is it normal for premiers to independently respond to foreign policy events?

With recent threat from Trump regarding tariff, including energy, i have seen Wab Kinew, Danielle Smith, Yves-Francois Blanchet, and Doug Ford holding press conferences commenting about different solutions even after meeting the fed. Given my understanding of premiers’ role, is it customary for them to respond to US politicians like this?

03:47 UTC


Do Canadians feel a bond with other former British colonies, like how Latin American countries do with each other?

In Latin America we share a common “Latino” identity. Which means we recognize that we’re all historically, linguistically, & culturally connected. We consider Canada to be part of the Anglo-sphere, & refer to all Canada’s inhabitants as Anglos. Do you share a sense of identity/solidarity with ex-British colonies just like we Latin Americans identify with the term “Latino”? If so, how deep is that connection & what is the term used to describe this?

01:13 UTC


What food items in the past were much cheaper?

I'm talking where you think back and can't believe its price back then compared to today. For example, pizza pizza sold medium pepperoni pizza for $5, $5 foot longs from subway, etc

22:13 UTC


what's up with organic recycling in Canada

not sure maybe if it's just a BC thing but they do not allow to use biodegradable plastic bags. apparently, they claim "it need specific conditions to break down. In B.C., they often can't be composted or recycled". I never had such issue anywhere else! can't imagine how smelly organic bins are in the summer, what a great environment for maggots... how you clean organic bin in the summer?

20:36 UTC


Why doesnt Canada have more nuclear energy?

Canada wants to be green, around 80% of Canadians believe in Climate Change and still uranium makes up for only 15% of Canadas energy. Canada has the 3rd largest reserves and is the 3rd largest producer. Why arent Canadians embracing Uranium? We have developed our own technology in the form of CANDU reactors. Ontario has the largest Uranium refinery in the world. We are posed to become a global leader but we arent.

17:56 UTC


Christmas Tree Question

I'm going to be putting up my tree this weekend. If you celebrate Christmas when do you put up your tree and do you do real or fake and do you have any traditions?

Also wanted to add. We do a fake tree as well. And we listen to Christmas music while we put it up. my husband put it up and does the lights on it and the lights outside and my daughter and I do the decorating of the tree. We have hot chocolate also. It's a lot of fun.

15:27 UTC


Secret Santa ideas?

Need two 1)one $100 limit for a tween/teen girl (10-14 age range; minimal liquids as will need to be taken on a carryon flight back home) 2) other $150 limit for an adult (need to be easy to throw into a carryon to travel back home after the holidays. )

Ideas please!

Edit: thanks for all the great ideas. Added some additional context for the situations. Will decide over the next week and use ideas from this list!

06:22 UTC


Black Friday Deals on Mobile Plans

Hi everyone! With Black Friday here, I’m exploring mobile plans and thought I’d share what I’ve found so far and ask for some advice. Many providers seem to be offering deals with bigger data packages but also come with higher monthly costs. Personally, I’m looking for something that offers 30GB of data at a reasonable price.

So far, I’ve noticed Public Mobile and Freedom Mobile have some interesting offers, but I’m not familiar with their network performance. For those of you who’ve used either, how’s the reception and data reliability? Especially in terms of speed and coverage in our area?

Would love to hear your experiences or any other recommendations you might have! Let’s help each other make the most of these deals.

04:14 UTC


Moving from PEI to Edmonton

Need to severely downsize from 2br apartment to studio.

  1. U-Hail Trailer (2016 Tucson AWD)
  2. Moving company and fly

3)Best route to take

Thank you!

1 Comment
03:02 UTC


Other postage options

I usually send Christmas cards to my family all over the world through Canada Post. Now that are on strike, what would my options be? I choose the no tracking cheapest option in Canada post where I only have to buy the stamp and I'm unsure where to find a similar service. Any suggestions?

02:17 UTC


What's a good gift for a Canadian who has been living in the US for many years?

We are newcomers to Canada (Ontario) from the US. We will be visiting my husband's family in Las Vegas over Christmas. My husband's cousin is married to a man from Montreal. We want to bring him a particularly Canadian gift, something he might miss from home that he can't easily get in the US.

01:38 UTC

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