
Photograph via snooOG

The online community for Asian men. The only space on the web dedicated to critically examining the Asian male experience.

The only space on the web dedicated to critically examining the Asian male experience.


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Resources for all new subscribers and lurkers - last update 9.24



  • Check out this collection of studies on the condition of Asian men in the West.
  • Expect to be flamed if you demonstrate ignorance of these studies.



65,993 Subscribers


Ubisoft's board is launching an investigation


....Finally, let me address some of the polarized comments around Ubisoft lately. I want to reaffirm that we are an entertainment-first company, creating games for the broadest possible audience, and our goal is not to push any specific agenda....

Some what of a CYA b/c shareholders may sue for 'gross negligence'

04:56 UTC


Looking to improve my outfit style, something about this one looks off, what is it?

I just got myself a turtleneck for the first time so I've been looking into appropriate outfits.

This is the best one I can come up with at the moment, but something here just looks off? I don't think it's the color combination. Best I can think of is that the outer layer is wrong, maybe a caramel wool coat would had paired better?

Any advice are welcomed, thanks

04:33 UTC


If you feel unattractive dating as an Asian guy, watch this video

I’m not a dating coach (anymore). Just wanted to make this video to help some of my Asian brothers.

I notice a lack of pride in most Asian guys when it comes to their identity as Asian men.

A lot of us feel like we've been dealt a bad hand, like we would be better off white or something, like we're not dating the type of girls we want precisely BECAUSE we're Asian.

I know how it feels because I used to be that guy, with so much self hatred and insecurities about being Asian.

I've been both the guy who gets ignored by women and now the guy who can fill his calendar with dates everyday if he wanted to.

The interesting thing with social dynamic and women is that they respond to you how you perceive yourself.

Most girls are a “maybe” with Asian guys. They might not be in the “fuck yes” category for Asian guys. But they are at least a “maybe”. 

But if you approach the conversation with any bit of self hatred in yourself, she will then feel it and reject you.

Conversely, if you think you are the shit, absolutely love yourself, then you will be surprised at how many people and girls will respond positively to you even if they may think they are “not into Asian guys”. 

So please my Asian bros, start being fucking proud to be Asian, stand tall and proud, and you will attract the right type of girls and people into your life. And then we can create a shift in the perception over time.

Hope you enjoy a deeper discussion of this topic in the video, consider leaving a comment so I know if you got something out of it


04:33 UTC


[Two Asian Matchmakers Podcast] Lessons from a Matchmaker and a Coach

I was on the Two Asian Matchmakers podcast – here's what I shared about dating, confidence, and breaking stereotypes

Asian Matchmaker, May from Two Asian Matchmakers, interviewed me for her podcast recently, and we had a really deep conversation about Asian masculinity, dating, and what it takes to succeed in relationships as an Asian man. We talked about a lot of topics that I think might resonate with this community, so I wanted to share some key takeaways with you all:

1. Asian Men and Stereotypes

We kicked things off by talking about the common stereotypes Asian men face in the dating world, especially in the West. Whether it’s the assumption that we’re not masculine or assertive enough, or just being overlooked in general, it’s something we’ve all experienced at some point. But the truth is, a lot of this comes down to how we present ourselves, and how the media and society have shaped those perceptions. It's important to break away from these stereotypes by developing confidence, improving your style, and owning your cultural identity.

2. The Cultural Divide: Dating in Asia vs. the U.S.

One thing that I’ve seen in my coaching is the huge difference between dating in Asia and dating in the U.S. For guys who’ve grown up in Asia, there’s often this big “culture shock” when they come to the West and realize that things work differently here. There’s less emphasis on status or money (like in some parts of Asia), and much more focus on authenticity, confidence, and communication skills. Understanding these cultural nuances is crucial for success.

3. The Importance of In-Person Game

We also touched on the importance of in-person interactions. In today’s world, online dating apps have their place, but nothing beats the impression you make when you approach someone confidently in real life. For Asian men, mastering in-person “game” is essential because it helps cut through any preconceived notions or biases people might have. Whether it’s during the day or at night, being able to approach women confidently and authentically is a huge advantage.

4. How to Overcome Internalized Racism

A lot of us have grown up in environments where we were made to feel "less than" because of our race. Whether it was overt racism or subtle microaggressions, this stuff builds up over time. One of the biggest things I focus on is helping guys deconstruct those limiting beliefs that hold them back. Whether it's through therapy, self-reflection, or practical dating strategies, working through this internalized racism is essential for both self-confidence and relationship success.

5. Why Being Direct Works

One strategy I encourage is using a more direct approach when talking to women. It’s something I’ve found works particularly well for Asian men, who are often expected to be shy or passive. By being straightforward—whether it’s complimenting her or showing romantic interest—you can make a stronger impression. It’s not about being aggressive; it’s about being clear and confident in your intentions.

6. Personal Success Stories

Throughout the podcast, I shared a few success stories from guys I’ve worked with. One that really stood out was a student who was incredibly wealthy and successful back in China but struggled with dating in the U.S. He had to learn how to adjust his approach to connect with women here in a more genuine way, rather than relying on status or material things. It’s proof that, regardless of your background, there’s always room to grow and improve in your dating life.

7. Focus on Self-Improvement

At the end of the day, it’s about self-improvement—working on yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally. Whether it’s fashion, body language, communication skills, or simply building confidence, we as Asian men have to take control of our own narrative. It’s not about changing who we are, but about enhancing and owning what we already have.

These are just a few of the things we talked about. I know a lot of us here have felt the weight of these stereotypes and challenges, but I hope sharing this helps some of you realize that there’s a way forward. It’s not about changing ourselves to fit in—it’s about elevating ourselves to be the best version of who we already are.

If you're interested in the full conversation, feel free to check it out her podcast: https://youtu.be/P6_RxhsRnvs?si=DmpJMXJrLlxNQePR

Stay strong, brothers. 💪

01:51 UTC


Anybody have recent experiences with dating in SF vs LA?

I'm late-20s, in tech, but have the option of working from either SF or LA.

I'm currently in SF and the dating scene has been pretty good. I'm around an 8/10 and mostly date through Hinge. Nearly all of my matches and exes are white women with nearly zero matches with Asian women. Doesn't bother me much, but it does feel weird. It is what it is.

I'm considering getting a place down in LA since I'm bored of SF bay area in general, but want to make sure things haven't shifted much recently. Is LA still good for dating? I don't have many friends in LA, so I would have to use Hinge or another dating app.

19:39 UTC


Anyone else tired of white guys going exploiting women in our home countries?

The Philippines, Vietnam, Japan etc are all popular spots for a certain type of ‘expat’ that is their to exploit women due to their lower economic status. I think you can guess what type of guy I’m talking about.

I’m ashamed of our women having to resort to getting with ‘wealthy’ white guys and our countrymen for allowing it. Why are men from these countries allowing the women to sell themselves? I don’t imagine the effects to be good on society as a whole.

Anyone else have similar thoughts?

18:16 UTC


Can I (35M- immigrant) have your advices?

Hi, I know it’s too general question, but anyone, especially those are financially successful, can give me some advices?

I’m a 35-SEA-man, who had to leave my own country due to some political reasons 10 years ago to the UK. As I was pretty much an adult when I came here, it’s been so difficult for me. I’ve spent the last 10 years doing a lot of jobs, mostly labour ones, to survive. Now, my situation is a bit better, so I can start to think about the next step. I haven’t got house, nor car. English is my 2nd language. Having ADHD. A lot of setback, I know, but I’m dedicated, resilient and keen to learn. I don’t want to do drugs related business (even sometimes I felt like this might be the only way for people like me). Again, I know it’s too general to ask for advice, but I hope some one can give me some opinions, as I feel so lost right now. I don’t wanna keep living pay check to pay check anymore. Thanks guys.

16:27 UTC


Asian men are getting better looking, why is this?

Compared to decades ago, it seems like younger Asian men put a lot more emphasis on their looks now. Just compare the college/high school Asian males from 10 years ago to the ones now. Ones now are usually taller with better haircuts, grooming and fitness. This difference isn't obvious when you look at good looking Asian men, but it's very obvious when you compare Asian geeks, who now seem to care about appearance now.

For example, this was the 2019 USA International Math Olympiad Team. Compared to the 2023 and 2024 team, you can see how styling has gotten better over the years (especially for Chinese American males). It is now rare for Asian men to look as dishevelled as some of the people in the 2019 picture. Obviously, the IMO Asian contestants from 2023 and 2024 still don't look "great", which is expected as they're as nerdy as you can get. However, you can tell that they have better grooming than 2019 and prior as a collective, which mirrors this social trend that I'm talking about.

Sure, attractive Asian men probably remained the same, but it seems like the difference between them and nerdier AM is reduced now. This is my impression in real life as well. Younger Asian men as a whole are getting better looking because even the nerdier ones now care about looks.

USA IMO 2019

USA IMO 2023

2024 USA IMO

Compared to other races, Asian men seemed to have progressed the most in their appearance in the past decade. What is the cause behind this renaissance in looks?

12:37 UTC


For Dating Purposes or A GF, SO, Wife, Do You Require a College Grad or Some College.

Is it necessary? For what reason? Do you require her to carry half the sky or is it for someone to communicate with, someone you consider your equal if not better depending. College girls, more often than not also have their requirements and may even supersede yours. There could be trouble, going forward. A lot of people, maybe especially Asians look at a bachelors as a given. The very minimum. Just as how high school degrees were expected back in the day.

I suspect this may be what is behind the growing Passport Bros movement just as 'leftover wives' are in China. If you've seen those interviews or podcasts like Fit and Fresh, etc. Those women are extremely demanding, even to a fault. Have you ever even dated a non-college girl, do you even know any? I've met a few in my last couple of gigs and I was pleasantly surprised. They can discuss a number of topics bc they have access to all the news and tea available on the net. Just like everyone else these days.

Admittedly to find a non college girl you most likely will have to date out. Alls I'm saying is have a 2nd look if you come across one. Talk to her as an equal. Don't be elitist bc you just might like what she has to offer. They have their views and opinions and they may even stimulate you.

14:24 UTC


Can I get another perm if it’s only been 2.5 months?

I am Asian with incredibly straight hair. I got my first perm 2.5 months ago and it was the best thing ever for my hair as I didn’t have to spend so much time styling it in the morning and could just leave for work after a shower. Granted I was paranoid since more hair fell out in the first 2-3 weeks than I have ever noticed (I am not sure if it’s because i paid more attention to my hair since perming it as I had to care for it more or if I just never had my eyes open before while shampooing before lol). The hair falling out went down to normal levels after those weeks though. My hair doesn’t feel damaged or frizzy or dry or anything and never did during the perm (unless the hair shedding was a sign). it is losing volume and the waviness now as it was just a loose perm on around 6-7 inches of hair. I was wondering if (I believe my hair is healthy right now) I could get another perm once the 3 month mark hits so I can get that volume and waviness back. It’s more flat and straight now, but I can still notice the perm when wet as my hair doesn’t just fall straight down in a straight line.

04:09 UTC


Anime’s greatest failure as a cultural export has been its subtle endorsement of European culture, architecture, folklore and beauty standards

So much anime idealises or fetishises Europe. Many stories are set in Europe outright, or some quasi-European setting. There may be one Japanese character or a “hafu”, to establish a tenuous connection to Japan. The characters described as the best looking/ most ideal are invariably blond/blue-eyed/European model looking. This is reflective of Japanese street interviews in which people will say foreigners (read white people) are the most attractive. What gives? Why this Western obsession, even though Japan is just as developed? Typically, when a country industrialised, it also exports its cultural values and norms. But Japan seems to have an inferiority complex in this regard.

03:29 UTC


Does females of any other race degrade & dehumanize their own father, brother, husband, children & self like AFs?


If you have seen anything remotely close to this, kindly post.

There was a solid post about "Western framing of Asian men" that I can't seem to find. Consider this a response for the thoroughness of western think-tanked propaganda.

15:07 UTC


Only this sub seem to understand

The Guardians only have two starting All Stars this year and MLB decided to not show him. Of course it's the Asian, Steven Kwan.

16:39 UTC


Haircut Advice

Been trying to get this Korean Ivy League Cut and showing barbers the photo. However, most don’t seem to get the right bulk in the back and sides.

Any way I can explain to them not to just do a normal fade on the sides?

08:00 UTC


2 block with naturally wavy hair

I have 2b hair and am struggling to style a 60/40 two-block. I can style my hair into the perfect shape and look I want when it's moist/damp just by moving it with my hands. The issue is when it starts to dry parts of my hair, specifically the tip of my bangs, start curling upward and start looking like handlebars/horns when I look from the side.

I only really let my hair air-dry and it ends up looking decent most of the time. I don't know how to blow-dry my hair but I'm willing to try it out because it seems like I'd be able to control the shape and volume of my hair more easily that way. I do wanna stay away from flat irons/hair straighteners though.

I'm also considering using products to weigh down my hair since I only use shampoo and conditioner. I think the reason why it looks perfect to me when it's moist/damp is because the water's weighing down my hair and kind of minimizes its waviness/curl.

I'm open to other suggestions, I just don't know what would be the most effective. Thanks!

05:27 UTC


become worldly, travel more. other countries are better than the racist Anglosphere

05:53 UTC


PSA to fellow college students

Get ur dick wet or start a relationship right now because your chances will fall dramatically once you graduate. You're at a point of your life where you are surrounded by thousands of ppl ur age with common interests, if u fail that's just a skill issue honestly. You don't wanna be dating coworkers and making hinge profile review posts on here do we?

02:45 UTC


Western Framing of Asian Men

I was born in the 80s, and by the time I started college, it was around the time social media was gaining momentum. From the start, the 'cuck' of Asian men saturated social media soon after, due to the growning popularity of Japanese pornos. It wasn't something new, Hollywood had been doing it since the invention of cinema, but the internet became an untamed medium and still is today . Therefore, for those who think the Asian American male angsts suddenly spawned from the ether because of the some 'imaginary' White male sexual radian and has nothing to do with Asian male fighting back against anti Asian male and Asian culture propaganda, just look take a look at these WM distorted reality. This is the kind of stuff WMAF or WM with Asian fetish put on social media every minute of every day.

WM Framing

Versus Reality! Poignant that the AM carries family baggage. AM have always been carrying the family's burdens through war, famine and hunger and through both good and bad times.

WM fragility at its finest. Every response to WF going Blacked.

21:49 UTC


[VIDEO] 13 Indicators of Interest (IOIs): How to Tell if She’s Attracted to You (3 Of Them Are Asian Specific)

One of the most common struggles in dating is knowing whether or not a woman is actually interested in you. 

Now I- as someone who’s short at 5’5 and been both fat at 201 pounds and Asian thin with a below average face- don’t depend on receiving IOIs. If I did, I’d be spending forever and a day for something that would never happen. That would make me reactive instead of proactively trying to create attraction from nothing.

However, I know a lot of guys do want to know what these signals of a woman’s attraction are, so I’m going to break down some really common ones. It’s easy to overthink things or misread the signals, especially when they’re subtle. 

But there are actual signs, called Indicators of Interest (IOIs), that women give off when they’re into someone. Recognizing these IOIs can make the difference between missing a great opportunity and taking things to the next level.

I’ve broken down 13 IOIs—10 of which apply to most guys, and 3 that are specifically relevant for Asian men. These are the kinds of subtle, often non-verbal, cues women give when they’re attracted to you. 

(Sidenote: There is a cultural context to consider too as many Asian girls or just anyone coming from either a highly culturally or religiously conservative background may not show any public displays of affection whatsoever, but are completely willing to get freaky once you’re in a more discrete location.)

Here’s a breakdown:

1. Smiling at You

This is one of the most basic IOIs. If a woman is smiling at you frequently, especially when you make eye contact, it’s a good sign she’s interested. A genuine smile indicates comfort and attraction.

2. Playing with Her Hair

Women often play with their hair subconsciously when they’re attracted to someone. It’s a way to self-soothe or signal interest. If she’s twirling her hair or running her hands through it while talking to you, take note.

3. Maintaining Eye Contact

Holding your gaze for longer than usual is a strong indicator of attraction. If she’s not shying away from eye contact, it shows confidence and interest in you.

4. Leaning In When Talking

If she’s leaning closer to you during conversation, she’s trying to close the physical gap—both literally and figuratively. It’s a signal that she’s comfortable and wants to be closer.

5. Laughing at Your Jokes

Even if your jokes are kind of cheesy, if she’s laughing, it’s a great sign she’s enjoying your company. Laughter is a strong IOI, especially when it feels genuine and frequent.

6. Asking Questions About You

If she’s asking about your life, interests, or background, it’s because she’s intrigued. She wants to know more, which is a clear signal that she’s interested in getting closer to you.

7. Mirroring Your Body Language

When a woman starts to mirror your body language—whether it’s how you sit, move, or gesture—it’s a subconscious way of building rapport. Mirroring indicates comfort and connection.

8. Touching You

This is one of the stronger IOIs. If she touches your arm, hand, or shoulder lightly during conversation, it’s a way of showing she’s comfortable and possibly interested in escalating things physically.

9. Complimenting You

Whether she’s complimenting your looks, style, or personality, compliments are a positive sign of attraction. It shows that she’s noticing details about you and likes what she sees.

10. Bringing Up Shared Interests

If she starts talking about topics she knows you’ll enjoy, it’s her way of trying to find common ground. It’s a signal that she wants to bond with you over mutual interests, which is always a good thing.

Now, let’s get into the 3 IOIs that are especially relevant for Asian men. These are culturally specific signs that can give you a clearer sense of whether or not she’s into you as an Asian man.

11. Interest in Asian Culture

If she’s asking about or bringing up Asian culture—whether it’s history, language, or pop culture—it’s her way of trying to connect with you on a cultural level. Even if her reference is a little off, like mentioning anime and you’re Chinese, it still shows she’s trying to bridge the cultural gap.

12. Complimenting Your "Exotic" Traits

When she compliments your dark hair, eyes, or other features that are uniquely Asian, it’s more than just a generic compliment. She’s expressing attraction to you as an Asian man, and that’s an IOI that can be especially powerful for breaking through societal narratives.

13. Mentioning an Asian Ex-Boyfriend

If she casually brings up that she’s dated an Asian guy before, it’s a clear signal that she’s open to dating Asian men. This is her way of letting you know that she’s attracted to Asian men specifically, and isn’t influenced by anti-Asian stereotypes or biases.

These 13 IOIs can completely change the way you see interactions with women. By being more aware of these cues, you can respond confidently and escalate when the time is right. For Asian men, recognizing these last three IOIs can be a game-changer, helping you understand when a woman is interested in you not just as a man, but as an Asian man.

Here’s the full video breakdown of these IOIs if you want to dive deeper into how to spot them and what to do next:

Watch the video here

17:20 UTC


How Do You Style Your Hair Into a Comma Cut?

11:27 UTC


What happens to those guys who can get heaps of sex but not able to get a relationship despite trying?

Speaking of behalf of some people I know. They as guys (between 25 and 35) can easily get sex with girls because they're attractive enough, have enough resources, quite established in their career, many of them are good listeners, know how to handle difficult situations and can be interesting people to be with. Some I know have their own places already. But they somehow have difficulty getting into a relationship, most of the time actually rejected by women.

What do you all think are some possible causes of this phenomenon?

Seems like most threads are about women being able to get sex but not a relationship. But lets flip it around for the other guys. Let me know your thoughts.

Edit: My specific situation is for those guys who had never been in a relationship before, who have had lots of sex in the past (and not saying that part out loud), and have been rejected plenty by women. Not the guy rejecting the women (because that would be voluntary as opposed to involuntary).

Edit 2: I feel like there's so many resources out there about how to get laid, but not on how to proceed to 2nd, third, fourth dates, then eventually moving onto the exclusive conversation and then relationship status. So I just wanted to put it out there to bring some ideas to the table.

10:01 UTC


Alternatives to perms/questions about permz

Hey all. So, to date, I've done a magic perm, as well as a standard wave perm or whatever. In both scenarios, the results are really amazing. However, I find that maintaining them can be a pain in the ass. I typically do something like long on top, short on the sides, parted off center. I find that after 2-3 weeks, even when getting the sides trimmed, a wave perm just doesn't hold up so well. Not to mention that to get another one is damaging to your hair. I like the magic perm much more but, it's super expensive and is basically like getting a conk. I'm thinking about doing away with the perm madness altogether and instead going for something short and cropped and a bit spiky. Any thoughts from perm bros or former perm bros?

15:57 UTC

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