This is a place for stock photos with funny captions like this and this.
OC only. If you didn't make it, don't post it. If you stole the joke and added images, you will probably get called out. Also, no reposts.
Use imgur or Reddit's image hosting if possible. Don't use TinyPic, Photobucket, etc.
Use only stock photos. You can typically tell by the watermark. GIFS are allowed and are awesome, because Harold says so.
You may resize/stretch the photos. No other editing/drawing/photoshopping allowed.
No memes. This includes Hey Caaaarl, Doges, anything from Advice Animals, etc.
No posting personal information or doxxing.
Link directly to the image not the imgur page. (e.g. "http://i.imgur.com/abcdef.jpg" is correct)
Moderators have final say in removing comments/posts. This includes moderating content of comments to encourage users to be nice to each other, posting NSFW w/o tags, posting in a foreign language ( swahili or fuck off, m8) and lots of other secret rules we make up on the fly to react to the stupid users who risk it all by coming here daily and golden showering us with content, only to get butt hurt by neo-HaroldNaziSurfPunks..
Non YDS formatted posts containing Harold go to /r/HaroldPorn
Put the caption on the image. Please put the caption of the post on the image, not in the submission title.
Max 2 posts/user/day. Please limit your posts to 2 per user per day.
A post consists of a stock photo with captions that create a story. The captions have to be coherent and create a monologue or dialogue between characters. The only edits acceptable to the photo are cutting and resizing it. Do not use photos of famous people or places.
Try to use Comic Sans with colorful font. Make sure it is readable. Example of good text usage
Here are a ton of harold photos
To make a request, send a self-post with a link to the stock photo and an optional idea. Preceed the title with "[Request]".
To discuss any topic related to the sub, send a self post explaining your thoughts. Preceed the title with "[Meta]".
oldie but a goodie