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Thoughts had while watching Season 9

1 Comment
04:21 UTC


In Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man

CSM had just written out his resignation letter to the FBI after being excited at the fact his story was going to be published. Lets say CSM's story was published and wasnt altered or changed in anyway, and he hands in his resignation. What now? What does he do with his life? What about The Syndicate's reaction and CSM's stake in the project

CSM knows a lot and is dangerous with his resources and knowledge. He'd still be a threat and im sure CSM would have a plan in place if The Syndicate decided to take him out.

Still its fun to think about in this scenario. What do you think may or may not happen if this outcome of CSM no longer with the FBI came true?

02:05 UTC


How different would "Final Destination" would had been as an episode of The X Files?

So idk if it's ever been confirmed or not but the first Final Destination film began as a spec script for an episode of the X Files. How different would "Final Destination" would had been as an episode of The X Files?


01:36 UTC


"I was surprised to wake up the next morning to find Mulder asleep in my room"

00:18 UTC


'I Want To Believe' was released on this day on 2008.

23:03 UTC


Priorities ❤️

20:00 UTC


This is a one I haven't seen before...

... I feel like it could be a BTS shot from FTF, maybe?

19:13 UTC


Scully is Scrooge

She has a tendency of spend her holidays with someone from beyond the grave.

In Beyond the Sea, Her dad died right after Christmas and then Luther Lee. Offs began channeling him. She gets a phone call from her dead sister in Christmas Carol. She spends all Christmas Eve with ghosts in How the Ghosts stole Christmas and she investigated zombies during the New Year in Millennium.

18:50 UTC


I mean, duh—they’re journalists.

They have to make sure people stay informed and alive!

15:34 UTC


Grotesque (S3, E14) Is Underrated

Just finished rewatching Grotesque and I think it’s a really underrated standalone episode. I loved the themes about the darkness inside of everyone, grotesqueness in art, why we see gargoyles and other scary looking creatures in art and architecture, and how easy it is to get obsessed.

I also loved how we finally saw an FBI agent who knew Mulder at the academy who doesn’t like him and looks down on him. We always hear about stuff like that, but it’s surprisingly rare that we see Mulder’s spooky past come back to haunt him. That’s a missed opportunity with the series and I wish that this guy wasn’t a one-off antagonist.

This episode is one of the few times when Mulder’s voiceover philosophizing actually enhances and focuses the themes of the episode rather than serving as an excuse for lazy writing like it so often does. I loved hearing about the linguistic and cultural origins of the word gargoyle, about why we see and like grotesque images in art, and why we might want to put those images in our own art. I love it when the episodes can be educational as well as entertaining.

It’s one of the most beautifully shot episodes too. It has such a strong sense of mood and I loved the color grading. The episode won an Emmy for Outstanding Cinematography, deservedly so. If Disney ever does the live action Gargoyles adaptation that they keep teasing, they should use this episode as an inspiration for how it should look.

I do have a few gripes. I think the reveal of the killer is convenient and obvious. Despite how good the visuals in the episode are, there are a few lost opportunities. We get hints at a gargoyle-like creature running around, at least in Mulder’s mind, but we never see it properly, not even in a quick subliminal flash. That would’ve been great. When I talked about Syzygy, I mentioned how “Deep” by Danzig was completely wasted in a totally disposable diner scene. This is the episode it should’ve appeared in. It would’ve fit the episode’s themes perfectly and enhanced the dark mood. As good as Mulder’s final voiceover is, I’m not sure we needed it. Voiceover is most effective at conveying things that visuals and regular dialogue can’t convey. I think Mulder could’ve said much of the same stuff to Scully or it could’ve been communicated some other way.

I’d give it a 3.5/4. I want to give it a 4/4, but those episodes have to be particularly excellent or do that extra special something that makes them stand out from the rest. This one almost does, but not quite.

13:18 UTC


Meeting David Duchovny…

Okay, so I’m going to David’s show in London this Saturday and me and my friend have bought meet and greet tickets…

I am SO NERVOUS. I’ve never been to a meet & greet before so I don’t really know what to expect? I know there’ll be a photographer there to take our photo, and I know the whole thing will be super quick, in and out kind of situation.

Has anyone had experiences meeting David (or any of the cast)? I’ve seen a few posts on here talking about people’s experiences, but I’d love to hear more stories if anyone has them? Just to put my mind at ease 😅😂

10:35 UTC


Mulder's dream fridge S7E2

09:16 UTC


Question about Mulder’s sister (spoilers)

Was it aliens who abducted Mulder’s sister or the Syndicate? I know it doesn’t necessarily matter either way since it all amounts to the same thing where she ends up being used by the aliens as a test subject, but I was just curious who physically abducted her.

In Closure Mulder reads from Samantha’s diary and mentions that after her abduction she was taken and returned many times, so to me that sounds like Mulder was right all along that it was aliens who abducted her from their home. Unless the Syndicate staged the abduction to make it look like an alien abduction…? I’m not sure why they would do that, though.

I don’t think there’s any dialogue that 100% confirms whether it was aliens or the Syndicate, but I think Closure strongly implies that aliens took her. What do you think?

05:44 UTC


Most “how is this man allowed to work for the federal government” moment?

We all know that Fox Mulder is in fact a maniac who frequently defies both common sense and the law, and that he is the enemy of an ultra powerful international conspiracy who secretly control the US government, yet he still manages to hold down a prestigious job with the FBI which he uses to investigate various scenarios involving monsters and aliens.

The question “why do they allow this man to carry a gun?” occurs regularly, but what is the instance that stands out the most? When he is found inside a nuclear reactor with a missing child? When he attacked the victim of a hostage situation because he believed he was a giant insect who turns people into zombies? When he testified in court that a serial killer has been active for a century by feeding off livers and going into hibernation? When he snuck into the Pentagon with fake top secret credentials and accessed ultra sensitive material? What do you think?

(Disclaimer: this is lighthearted I know the lore reasons)

04:17 UTC


How did Scully & Mulder escape in The Truth?

They were cornered by the Super Soldiers at the Abasazi Pueblo site in New Mexico.

Knowle Rohrer was killed.

Then we see two black helicopters flying to the site.

Finally, Mulder and Scully, plus Reyes and Doggett, escaped in their vehicles.

Did they manage to evade the helicopters? That is, the crew on the helicopters didn't see their vehicles and give chase - instead they focused on blowing up the Pueblo where they thought Scully & Mulder were hiding?

Presumably, Scully & Mulder then escaped the country and took on new identities to avoid detection?

02:37 UTC


Did the Rebel Aliens defeat the Colonists?

Or at least keep the Colonists tied up for a while, battling the Rebels on Earth or other worlds?

Is this why the scheduled invasion (infection of the general population with the Black Oil virus) did not take place on December 22, 2012?

02:26 UTC


[SPOILERS] Is it weird I kinda want to stop watching the mytharc after redux?

I'm currently watching x files for the first time and have reached halfway into season 5. Like most people I found myself preferring the motw episodes over the mytharc, but even then I still enjoy the odd episode/storyline when done well.

However, despite hearing that the main story become convoluted after the film, even before season 5 I sort of slowly stopped caring about the alien arc and kinda became bored of it, partly because I already know that infamously a lot of people find the show ends plots unsatisfactory.

Then came redux with this whole new revelation about the conspiracy being about the government perpetuating the military industrial complex and I absolutely LOVED IT. as someone who loves shady government plots like in the metal gear games and Deus ex, the whole exposition from Kritschgau was amazing and I was glued to my seat hanging on to every word. Even though it didn't make sense with the context in the show, it still felt like an amazing reveal that would've made sense had the show been more tightly written.

Redux also had the scene with Mulder and "Samantha", a scene I like in concept however felt slightly dampened by the fact we've seen loads of her clones before. However, the scene and her explanation still felt great since I imagined the "fake" conspiracy to be real, AND previous episodes hinting at cancer man's relationship to the mulders making it almost make sense that he'd want to adopt Samantha and bring Fox into the syndicate as some type of perverted "family".

And my god the climax was just phenomenal, with Mulder at the hearing, Scully's cancer getting cured and cancer man's assassination, it was like all the plot points I actually cared about was wrapped in a neat bow, and is almost making me wish I could end the main story there.

I'm still gonna keep watching, at least up to the end of the original run. I know in retrospect I might not regret continuing as there's been some amazing motw episodes in season 5 so far, but I just wanted to see if anyone else here felt the same way about the direction the mytharc had been going and what everyone thought of redux.

02:11 UTC


I’ve never finished…

This is going to sound nuts. I’ve been watching this show since it came out when I was a kid. It was (and still is) my absolute favorite. I loved it so much I wanted to become a pathologist for the FBI! I’m too squeamish and became a dentist instead, but I digress. But I’ve never actually finished the show! The furthest I’ve ever gotten is about halfway through Season 6.

And I think when the show was originally aired, my family was moving during the time and then never get cable again and I fell off track. Then we got the DVDs a few years later but never bought past 5. And so I just kept rewatching the DVDs over and over Season 1-5. Especially since people said Mulder left! now as an adult I routinely rewatch the show, quarterly, and again I stop at Season 7 and the cycle starts over and over. My husband thinks I’m bat shit lol. But it seems a shame to actually finish now that I’ve been doing this for 30 years. Right now I’m in Season 2 Host and debating if I should actually finally finish the show (as I do every rewatch) lol so what do yall think ?

01:29 UTC


There have been other post here about Fox’s great hair. What do y’all think of this do?

01:25 UTC


Rewatching the series and trying to push through season 9

I’ve posted before that I’m currently in the middle of watching the series, I was a kid during the original run and remembered catching a few episodes but don’t remember most of it. While I have enjoyed overall the show, obviously the cgi didn’t hold up as a viewer today, I’m having a hard time paying attention to enough episodes to really understand what’s happening. For example, I just finished the episode where the killer doggett put away years ago has been released and it’s revealed he’s somehow manifesting an alter ego that’s murdering people and somehow being catholic is the reason?

My question is, has anyone involved with the show ever come out and said how absolutely awful this season was?

22:25 UTC


I'm in love with this sticker!

18:56 UTC


Bad Translations

Ok hear me out. I imagine many of us live in countries where English is not the native language, and streaming services use the translated versions of names and descriptions. Many of these translations are less than ideal, and some are downright entertaining or incorrect.

One that particularly bothered me were the titles for S8E1 "Within" and S8E2 "Without". Unless I have gotten it very wrong, these are supposed to have the connotations of "inside" and "outside" in a more metaphorical sense.
In my language, they were translated into "Within" in the sense of inside, and then "Without" using the word that has the more concrete definition of not having something (e.g.: "he went to the party without his wife". And yes, we do have two different words for these distinct meanings.

Have any of you come across particularly funny or bad translations, or even massive mistakes in subtitles or dubs?

16:22 UTC


Why did Mulder ride the gondola/tram up Skyland Mt?

It looks like they were making good time in reaching the top if the mountain just by driving, yet Mulder decided its better to ride a tram up the mountain going 25 to 30mph. Am I missing something?

14:23 UTC


Episodes submitted for awards

Does anyone know where we can find which episodes were submitted for Emmy, Golden Globe, and SAG consideration for the actors, writers, etc.?

I'm curious which ep GA submitted to win the SAG award for season 3, specifically, but am curious about the other seasons as well.

1 Comment
06:05 UTC


Out of the corner of your eye: Agent Monica Reyes looks like U.S. politician Kamala Harris

I know they aren’t even the same ethnicity; but dang, the effects of low light, a power suit, and repeated images in American media can do to one’s mind!

05:45 UTC


X-Files Discord Emotes

Hi all. I've been really jonesing for some X-Files emotes to use on Discord, so I spent the last few hours compressing gifs to emote size. I made a server with 50 animated emotes that all have static variants as well. If you have Discord Nitro and would like to join, here is a link. There's no channels for talking or chatting, so just joining and stuffing it at the bottom of your server list for emote purposes is totally encouraged.

I hope it's helpful!

05:30 UTC

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