A subreddit for finding guilds and guild members for World of Warcraft.
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Created for Guild recruitment purposes.
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Recruiting: [H or A][US, EU or OC][Server]<Guildname> Other info
Example: [A][US][Proudmore]<Yup> 7/7H EN Thursday Runs
Try and keep it simple like that but if you need to, you can add more info at the end like so:
[H][US][Perenolde] LF RDPS for Hardcore MoP Progression
We are a guild at round 35 members so far, seeking others to join us. We are a group of laid back and friendly players. I doubt we will ever get too “sweaty” or “try hard” with the content, but we are interested in trying raiding and mythic+, as our busy IRL schedules will allow. We recently ran our first raid together, we had 20+ members strong for a good ol' proper raid, which we cleared on normal!
Mainly at heart we just want to be the type of guild that is filled with like minded friendly folk, that can have a good laugh together as we play the game we love. We also do not want to grow too big, and keep it small to medium size, as to allow ourselves the chance to properly get to know one another over time.
We plan to tackle end game with a no pressure style approch. We don’t expect you to know everything about the game (cause we sure as heck don’t! ) as long as you are willing to try, that’s all we can ask for! Many of us are parents with children, so expect the planned to become unplanned as the need arises and if need be, try again next time.
I believe this would br a great place for beginners and newer players, as well as veterans and good ol’ altoholics (like myself ). We have really assembled some great people, and it's been a joy to login to see everyone having fun and socialising together.
Anyways, that’s my post! Seek me out on bnet or seek out the guild directly using the in game guild finder by searching Hearthhome, if you have any questions or just want to join!
bnet: Magilicotti#11430
[NA] <The Eh Team> is a newly re-formed guild looking for DPS raiders and a Healer and Mythic+ Members. Always clear Heroic however wouldn’t mind Mythic in the future with the right headcount.
Our Culture & About us: We’re a group of diverse players that want to have fun and get bosses down! We are a Semi/Casual guild, many of us play other games together and our active times would lean towards evening and late night. I also like to organize some social events / games for prizes.
For Raiding: We raid on Tuesday / Thursday 7:30 PST to 10:00 AM PST - A good portion of our members have been raiding together for many expansions dating back to MOP. We get ATOC every tier and with more members we hope to expand that into Mythic kills in the future. We also like getting the raid meta-achievements as fun nights.
For Mythic+: We do not have a set day for Mythic + but usually gather 10 EST or around raid time on the other nights of the week, pinging it out in discord. We get Keystone Master and Portals for those who are interested each season. A few of our members also like to run a lot of alt keys as well.
Progression: Heroic 7/8 currently but would love, to enter mythic and start working on the first few bosses!
Message me here for Bnet if you would like to chat more! Starz#1174
Just came back to retail after 13 years of being away last week. I was playing Classic for the past few l months, and it just didn't have the enjoyment I was looking for. I currently have a 601 Ilvl Assa Rogue, that I'm looking to get back into heroic raiding, along with M+ outside of raid times, and off days, and eventually the possiblity of getting into some early Mythic bosses.I would also be willing to play another class or spec other than healing. I have a very flexible schedule, so any times or days are fine. I'm not looking for hardcore, but also nothing to casual that interferes with getting things done. I also have a 595 Guardian Druid and 595 Spriest.
Add me on Bnet if you have any questions
Guild: ENDEX
Raid Times: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 830 PM – 1030 PM EST
Requirements: Discord, Headset/Microphone
Server: Cross faction, H and A
Guild Mission: Progression Raiding Guild with M+
ENDEX is a close-knit group of adults from all walks of life who enjoy coming together to raid, conduct M+ and socialize. We are currently in Nerub-Palace Progression, and our main focus is around that. We are looking for active players who believe in Guild progression and participate in the game towards that function.
We expect all our raiders to come to raid with flasks, consumables, enchants, gems. We expect class knowledge, rotation, fight knowledge, and most importantly the ability to give and receive constructive feedback to help with progression. We do not tolerate any type of bullying, flaming, or destructive attitudes. This a video game to play to have fun, de-stress, and enjoy social things. Discord with a headset is mandatory. We encourage all of our team to log in outside of just raiding hours to better their characters via raids, M+ and delves.
We are actively recruiting the following:
Raid Team:
Elemental Shaman
Frost Death Knight (preferably with a decent Blood Offspec)
Melee DPS (615 Ilvl +)
Ranged DPS (615 Ilvl+)
Mythic +:
All Classes and Specs
What to expect:
Your first two weeks will be your trial period. During the first week, you will not be able to roll on any drops unless all the main raid team passes. After the second week, we will look at logs, and overall performance (you are not just a dps/hps number, we take in a holistic approach).
Come join our Awesome Team!
Discord: Gunsmoke0475
BNET: Gunsmoke#11420
IGN: Omegein-Stormrage
DM on Reddit
GUILD NAME: The Last Prophecy
RAID TIMES: W/F 8 PM Pacific to 11 PM Pacific
REQUIREMENTS: Age 21+ & Discord Required
MAIN SERVER: Bleeding Hollow [US] (Cross-Server & Cross-Faction Welcomed)
COMMUNITY: [The Last Prophecy Gaming] | A multi-gaming family established in 1997.
GUILDMASTER: Danitsia (aka Danilynn)
CO-GUILDMASTER: Cips (aka Easypie)
GUILD TYPE: Casual to Semi-Hardcore
The primary thing we’re looking for in all our members is the ability, willingness, and desire to PLAY THE GAME. To be involved in the events we put out there and wanting to be part of it all is a strong draw for us to new members. We want our members to play and have fun and be active!
Secondly, we’re looking for adult players (age 21 and up!) that are serious about working on their characters with whatever time they have available. We do not require X number of hours per week, but we do require consistent activity. We’re definitely looking for folks that can have one main spec, and are comfortable with a secondary spec, as well as have some experience in PvP.
Currently we’re most in need of the following, but do welcome everyone of any class, any server, any faction that enjoys a social guild. It is our hope to eventually build multiple raid teams, one Pacific (our current one) and one Eastern (future).
For our main raid team, the Prophets:
Best raiders from our Heroic Raid Team Prophets move to our Mythic Raid Team, Olympians.
For our overall guild management and PvP squads, we are looking for:
Free weekly beer and pizza offered to anyone that takes on management roles! (LOL)
Some things we absolutely require from our members:
Pretty easy no?
To join us, we make it pretty easy. There are several ways to score that invite.
~ Dani <3
Very little PVE experience in the last 5 years but looking to make the transition into PVE from a PVP player.
High PVP experience, x2 rank 1 glad - Multi rank1 RBG 2700 rating.~
Took a very lengthy break from the game, returning mid dragonflight, and then 2 months late into TWW.
Looking for something casual but still progressive for raiding and mythic+, not looking for anything super competitive in PVE.
High mechanical player, just very little knowledge of PVE being the roadblock. (And PVE gear)
Prefer Rogue - Any spec available
Other specs available - have shaman, DK, mage.
Available for chats to see if the guild and I are a fit.
We're looking for people who want to slam some raids with friends and have fun doing it on a very light schedule.
Raid Schedule: Sunday 8pm - 11pm est
We aim to get AOTC and kill some of the easier Mythic bosses. Our core roster consists of a bunch of ex-Mythic and CE raiders who want to take a more casual approach to the game.
Our first official raid will be on Sunday November 3rd and we are looking for a few more people to fill out a full raid. Though this is our first raid night as a guild many of us have AOTC already, we as a group have pugged AOTC together since shadowlands and now want to make an official team to be able to consistently raid.
Recruiting: We are looking for healers and raid buffs in particular but will consider anyone! -Any Healer -Shaman -Monk -Warlock -Priest -Rogue -Druid
looking for social members just to have fun and socialize. Low level players, new players, max leveled and veteran players are all welcome. If you just want a guild to be in to maybe make new friends or people to play with, you are welcome. We don’t do mythics, raid or PvP yet and are pretty new to everything as the guild was made almost a year ago for a friend group, but due to inactivity we have decided to open the guild to more people and make more connections. We are open to start PvP and raiding on a fun level not a professional one, since we are built up of old players returning and new players that has recently started. We do run alot of dungeons together and would love more people to run both normals, heroics and timewalking with. we also take lower level players with us when doing timewalkings. we are also trying to get into LFR as we are not enough to run a raid group as of now, but we would love to get to the point of normal's (maybe even heroics at some point) and more hard content. if you're interested either reply to the post or just add me on discord or bnet, or share with someone that might be interested, and I'll see to get people invited. hope to hear from people :)
Discord - kiwiikim
WoW char - Grønnjævel
Bnet - Kiwiikim#2568
Hi, and thanks for reading.
Veteran player returning from vanilla. (daddypump)
Looking to try and get the most that I can out of this expansion, and I am hoping to do that with a mature raiding guild looking to do the same. As the name states I am a dad, and prioritize family first however I find enjoyment out of character and guild progression. I have a preference of starting 8PM or later as that is when my kids are down. I am currently timed for almost all M+ 10 keys and raid 8/8H 1/8M
One of the things I enjoy on top of raiding is keying up in mythic + progression. Nothing thrills me more than timing the next key!
Here is my raider IO profile:
Hey, me and my 3 friends (all dps) are looking to join a CE raiding guild for NP
We are looking for a 3 hour, PST timezone guild from 8pm-1am.
All 4 of us has been playing this game on and off since 2007, multiple CEs achieves throughout our wow careers. Big hardcore raiders during classic/TBC (had the time because we werent adults yet)
Why pick us 4? Easy, we are dedicated in trying to achieve CE this tier and more importantly, we are consistent. I've learned that getting that last boss kill is easy just as long as all 20 players play perfectly for that one pull.
I am a warlock here is my raider.io profile
Please add me on bnet if you can fit an additional 4 dps to your starting roster. @ lolwarlocks#1467
this includes me as a dps warlock, dps mage, dps druid, dps shaman
Standard AOTC player looking for a home.
My guild from SL to DF switched their raid times to accommodate several PST players and I can no longer raid with them.
I am a typical midcore raider, have gotten aotc on almost every tier, and need a new place to call home. I am extremely flexible in role: bear tank, prevo or priest heals, devo, survival, destro, or ele dps.
I need raid times to be between 530pm est and 1030pm est Monday through Thursday. If I sound like a good fit please reach out via discord at: Jin N'Tonic#6469
EPICLOOT ist eine Casual Heroic Gilde, welche 2020 aus gemeinsamem Interesse der Spieler und Freunde eines Destiny 2 Clans entstanden ist. Angefangen mit Casual miteinander spielen, haben wir als kleiner Kreis des Clans beschlossen eine volle WoW Gilde zu gründen. In der Vergangenheit haben wir schon oft miteinander geraided, angefangen mit BfA.
Der aktuelle Stand ist: 7/8 Heroisch (Ansurek P2 Progress) und zahlreiche Mythic Keys von von 8-11
Wir suchen vor allem Spieler die Interesse am Raid bzw. Dungeons haben. Wir wollen auf jeden Fall AotC bekommen und weekly 10er Keys zu machen. Unser Wunsch ist es irgendwann in Mythisch zu raiden und dort so weit zu kommen wie wir können, jedoch fehlen uns dafür bisher genug Spieler. Jedoch nehmen wir auch gerne Casual Spieler auf, die nicht so weit gehen wollen, da wir oft auch Normal Alt runs, Transmog runs oder auch Timewalking machen!
Bisher hatten wir nur einen Raidtag, jedoch wollen wir jetzt mit einem zweiten durchstarten.
Mittwoch: 19 bis 22 Uhr
Samstag: 19 bis ~22/23 Uhr (je nach Interesse)
Was wir erwarten:
Dass ihr eure Klasse kennt, ungefähr 610+ seid, und bezüglich des Raids auch pünktlich und zuverlässig erscheint.
Was wir bieten:
Ein gechilltes soziales Umfeld, wo jeder Willkommen ist, ob Student, Familienmensch oder Vollzeitgamer! Wir sind selbst eine sehr diverse Gruppe aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen. Wir haben ein sehr gelassenes Raidumfeld, in welchem wir oft auch spaßig unterwegs sind, jedoch bei Progresspulls auch mal fokussiert and die Sache rangehen. Bei uns darf man sich Fehler erlauben und wir sind auch gerne dazu bereit Spielern zu helfen und sich zu verbessern, wir erwarten aber auch, dass Spieler bereit sind dazu zu lernen!
Was wir suchen:
Wir haben natürlich immer DD spots offen, jedoch benötigen wir im Moment dringend Heiler! Tanks haben wir genug :)
Unsere Erfahrung:
Viele von uns haben schon in vielen Raids seit Legion Heroisch geraidet, manche haben sogar ein paar Mytische Kills in der Tasche. Unsere Raid Leader haben schon mehrere AotC und Keystone Master/Hero Titel, also an Erfahrung mangelt es definitiv nicht.
Wir sind auch immer dabei andere Spiele abseits von WoW zu daddeln, also falls Interesse besteht, schreibt uns gerne auf Discord [smolhope, iones99, xiitsukuyomi] oder auf Battlenet [HopeVII#2580, Iones#2194, XIItsukuyomi#2772].
Raid Times: Tues & Wed, 7-10pm Pacific
High Priority: Any exceptional DPS, DPS w/ OS heals (mythic experience IS required)
Medium Priority: DPS looking to sub in and out as needed
Horror is a 2-day CE focused raiding guild. Playing together since end of Legion, we are a friendly group of players who like to joke around and have a good time, while simultaneously taking our performance seriously. This means we expect quality performance from all members of the mythic team. All raiders will be expected to have a solid understanding of their class, taking raids seriously, and spend the time to understand raid mechanics.
We are recruiting for The War Within, We're currently expecting recruits to have some knowledge of mythic raiding and logs to reflect that experience.
Our goal each tier is to be pushing Cutting Edge, so we expect everyone else to share those same ideals and do what they can to meet those standards.
If you think you'd fit into that culture and earn a spot or have any questions, regardless of our recruiting needs, please reach out to us!
Application: https://forms.gle/MsLYCc8gNEmDeKHo7
Hello there! We are an i610 holy priest and an i614 prot/ret paladin currently 7/8 heroic (via group finder; we've only been progging a week or so) looking for an AOTC guild that already has plans to go for Cutting Edge as well. We are looking for permanent spots (not bench/waitlist spots) so please make sure you guys have room for both of us full-time!
We've been playing off and on since WotLK and are two friendly, no-drama players who enjoy most aspects of the game alongside raiding (mythic+, alts, transmog/rep/achievement/mount farming, etc). Our main goal is to find a chill raid group for mythic raiding (ie one that is not prone to getting tilted and rude or calling people out constantly) but would also love to find a guild/group that does stuff outside of mythic raiding too.
We are Alliance on Moon Guard (with no plans to faction or server transfer) but are open to all servers/factions. Please tell us more about your guild/group! We look forward to hearing from you :)
Hey there! If you're interested in a friendly, relaxed environment to gain some raiding experience, we’ve got you covered. We host two weekend learning raids—Saturdays from 5pm-8pm EST and Sundays from 8pm-10pm EST. These raids are led by experienced leaders who have been successfully running them for our Community for years, guiding players through new mechanics and gameplay for a great learning experience.
Our Discord community welcomes all WoW players! In addition to learning raids, we offer two progression teams: Mythic (Tues-Wed, 10pm-1am EST) and Heroic (Thurs-Fri, 8pm-10pm EST). Plus, we have Mythic+ keys and casual content available.
We're also looking for enthusiastic leaders who enjoy running Mythic Key groups, raids, or other fun events and want to bring players together for a great time. If you’re excited about grouping up and sharing content with others, we’d love to welcome you to our community!
Hello, we are <I N T E G R I T Y> on Tichondrius! We are currently recruiting and are looking for a few exceptional players to join our raid teams. Our ideal candidates are players with high skill and mechanics who are self motivated to clear raid content as efficiently as possible. We raid 2 nights, Tues & Weds for the Mythic team, and Monday nights for the heroic team. When not raiding, a majority of us enjoy mythic+ and playing alts.
4/8 MYTHIC (77% best pull on Broodtwister Ovi'Nax)
In regards to our MYTHIC roster, we try to run a deep but competitive roster to insure that we always have enough raiders to raid. We determine the nightly rosters based on recent performance, optimal raid composition, and attendance. Attendance is important but we are a guild of professional adults with jobs/families and we understand that absences will happen and IRL > WoW. We ask that you just be communicative about it so that the officers are aware and can make the adjustments.
For our HEROIC roster, we aim to have a core 10 to 15 on this roster, which will be further supplemented and bolstered by the MYTHIC raid team players playing alts. Doing so will ensure a consistent raid team with high skill level to efficiently full clear the heroic raids in 3 hours or less every week.
CE Focused Mythic Team:
Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm-11pm Pacific (11pm-2am Eastern)
AOTC Focused Heroic Team:
Monday 8pm-11pm Pacific (11pm-2am Eastern)
if you’re interested please fill out our google form based application and joining our discord server (Discord link is in the application)!
Hey everyone! Looking for a chill guild who I can raid with from 7pm pacific time. I'm already 7/8 heroic but can never make my current guilds time slot to the raids. Looking for continuous pushes for Queen. I'm currently a 617 ilvl enhancement shaman, pretty decent parses. Hit me up if any guilds can use another half decent dps. 🙂
<Risk of Reign> Is a newly formed small guild and were currently looking for more members to build our roster for The War Within! Our focus will be Heroic Raiding and Mythic+ with the goal of obtaining AOTC and KSM
Raid Information:
We Raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9PM to 12PM EST. We're 8/8 Normal and 7/8 Heroic, Once we obtain AOTC, we can start working on alt raids for those interested, or attempt the first 4 bosses on Mythic, or start focusing on other content until the next tier releases!
Our Raid roster consists:
2 Tank (DH/DK)
2 Heals (Resto Sham/Holy Pala)
10 DPS (Monk/Evoker/Demo Lock/Destro Lock/RetPala/2xWarrior/Enhance Shammy/BM Hunter/Survival Hunter)
We're LFM DPS & Heals Prefer mage, priest, druid, monk, rogue, but any class are welcome
Whether you are into Mythic+, raiding, or even sometimes PvP, we've got a spot for you. If you're interested in joining, feel free to leave a comment below or shoot me a message
Battle.net: Greyfalcon#11353
Hey y'all!
I'm a 33yr old dude who works in bars and has a fairly active social life. I just started playing WoW again since Wraith, and am definitely enjoying the game again (especially since it doesn't have to be such a grind to truly enjoy the game). I love tanking, but I have dabbled in dps and healing on alts. PvP is great (I'm proudly mediocre it). Hell, sometimes I'll log on to fish and gather ore.
I do prioritize my real life plans over gaming plans, but I will schedule myself days to be a dork online. I'm available on Tuesdays and rotate with being available on Thursday or Friday nights. Same with my availability for Sat/Sun nights.
Happy to sit on the bench if you already have a full roster for a raid. Also happy just to be an idiot cracking jokes while leveling alts/fishing.
Hit me up here or JudgeDoom#1616 if you think I'd be a fit for your guild! Thanks!
I'm a borderline casual meets sweaty gamer. I have got KSM and AOTC each season since the last season of Shadowlands. I heal and DPS. I'm pretty relaxed. Not a pro by any means. I don't mind joining a guild that's casual or one that is prog minded. I'm not looking for CE or anything close to that.
Shoot me a message. I'm confident I'd be a fine addition to your crew!
Hey !
I’m recruiting for my guild mercs ! We are a bunch of smack talking goobers that raid and shit post in our discord daily.
We are 8/8N 8/8H and currently casually pushing mythic as of this week 1/8M . We have an eclectic group of people in here so the conversation can get entertaining to say the least , we like to argue a lot , but at the end of the day the goal is to kill bosses.
If you’re looking for a bunch of people that are washed up CE has beens currently wanting to relive the glory days before you lost all your gaming time cause you got older and have a family and responsibilities now . Then look no further
If this sounds cool to you , hit me up on discord @cornflake3467
We raid Wednesday - Thursday 7pm - 10pm cst. Typically heroic skip Wednesday into mythic after that. We have plenty of people pushing keys pretty much all day so picking up a group is easy
Looking for DPS at the moment ! But having some good alts to fit the other roles always helps for when we have people missing on raid nights and for keys !
Rebuilding our guild with some buddies after its was mismanaged and abandoned. ALL players are welcome, new and vetarans alike. We are putting our raid team back together amd need a couple more DPS and heals to round it off.
Disc: Aus2698 Discord link: https://discord.gg/tmbVBCnv Our guild comes with:
-Crude humor. Can pretty much joke about anythimg as long as it isnt making anyone uncomfortable/crossing the very OBVIOUS line.
-Growth. This is a family. Come grow with us in game/as a person. This is by all intentions to be a permanent home for those seeking
-Communication: officers and gm are very approachable and are there for you in anyway.
Look fprward to meeting you all!
Group of friends looking to fill out rest of roster to clear Heroic 1x per week + doing other content whenever we will like it
We do not plan on Mythic raiding
Raid Times: Monday 8-11EST
Current Progression: 8/8N 7/8H
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/96zqxtcwGB
Discord Username: .kythos
We are a group of friends all 620+ ilvl Recruiting a full roster of players need dps tank and healers, I am a raid leading aotc 1/8M 2700io Blood dk looking to create a guild of players who are trying to compete against each other, guild will be focuses on M+, and Mythic progression. Decided to stop waiting for my previous guild to get things done and be the push i want. Anyone is welcome to join as long as you have the mentality and capacity to push yourself and compete against your own group Raid days will be Tuesday / Wednesday 9-12 CST i am essentially trying to complete a raid roster for S2 but would be ready to get a full group for S1
I’ve inherited a very quiet guild so I’m trying to bolster numbers. Originally used when I played with my sons but they both grown up and moved on.
I’m looking for mature (in age or outlook), friendly players of all levels/experience, that want to meet like minded casual players. Somewhere to come together to chat and play in a safe environment. If you’re looking to dip a toe into m0, or want some help with Delves etc, please shout. It’s usually only me online (most evenings).
Bloque-Daggerspine (Alliance) Hoo-Daggerspine (Horde)
Looking for a active chill guild to m+ with and other content. I will find it hard to make raids if they are on a schedule because of time (babies) but i don't mind just joining as a social spot. I've been through a few guilds recently and no one seems to talk in them
<LEM> is looking for a few more raiders to round out our Mythic raid team! If you are ready to try a little harder, come push Mythic with us on Tuesday-Wednesday. Cross Server/Faction Welcome.
Mythic Raid Group Tues-Wed, 9-1 EST. 4/8M We still need the following dedicated DPS;
Fury Warrior
Demon Hunter
Retribution Paladin
We have one slot for a healer and would consider the following classes;
Holy/Disc Priest
Restoration Shaman
Preservation Evoker
Restoration Druid
Raid spaces are competitive and assigned on merit. Pumpers from all classes are encouraged to inquire/apply.
Must be available to raid BOTH Tues-Wed
620+ Ilvl
8/8H with decent parses min.
Full consumes/Enchants
Contact Information: Revika-Zul'jin (kennedy#1639).
Discord: https://discord.gg/5GdfhtPT
CE TEAM- Currently 4/8M
Schedule: 6-9 PST Wed/Thurs
Spots are open for both the main roster and the bench
Looking for: Balance/Feral/Resto Druid, Havoc DH, Rogue, any High Performing DPS
Discord: Fearsabre
MYTHIC PROG TEAM- Currently 2/8M
Schedule: 6-9 p.m. PST Tues/Thurs
Looking for: Warlock, Resto Shaman, Rogue, Tank
Discord: Its_aislin
Some of our Content!
Here is one of our M+ runs: The Dragonflight Neltharion's Lair Experience
And another: Upper Dawn is BRUTALLY UNFAIR (World of Warcraft Dragonflight)
And the most recent: This Dungeon is SO WRONG in Every Way
Here is our AoTC Fyrakk Kill: AoTC Fyrakk Kill ♥ Amirdrassil with <Body Pull> ♥ WoW
We definitely like to have fun but also enjoy clearing content together. It's a healthy mixture of trying to have fun together, but also wanting to progress because losing together gets boring after a while.
If that seems like it's up your alley, then come try us out! We have open trials on re-clears. We also run a ton of mythic+ dungeons together.
Come join the team today!
[NA] [Illidan] <Weekend Warcrafters> 8/8H Lead (LATE NIGHT FRI/SAT)
Hello, we are a newly forming guild (18+ Mature Content) located on the server Illidan. Our Primary Focus is Mythic Raiding and M+ Dungeons.
Whether you're a parent whose too busy mid-week, or even if your job is consuming your everlasting life - HAVE NO WORRIES - We are here to help!!! We're a group of players from all walks of life (and we understand) - We're players who all are ranging from Social Casual to Semi-Core and even a few Hard-Core raiders.
We are currently looking to fill out our Mythic Raid Team Roster, so whether you're a rDPS or mDPS or Healers - WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU!
If you are interested - Feel free to reply below for further information or better yet!!! YOU CAN FIND US ON THE GUILD RECRUITMENT in game!
Sincerely Greasemonkéy (Guild Master of WEEKEND WARCRAFTERS) (Alt Code 130)
Hope to see you - Nerub-ar Palace!