
Photograph via snooOG

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I love Woodbury

That’s it

1 Comment
00:03 UTC


Korean language exchange partner?

15:29 UTC


I hate connecticut

fuck off you live in connecticut. Connecticut is the worst place in the world. In Connecticut, people don't live, they are enslaved by the treachery that pervades that shitstain on the Union. Not only does Connecticut promote anarchy and has no legal system, but it actually promotes acts such as murder and armed robbery. Connecticut claims to be part of New England, however it is simply New York's phallic extension. Real New England states, such as Rhode Island, are forced to be bordered with this lawless wasteland, and Massachusetts made the ultimate sacrifice by having the longest border of any state with Connecticut in order to protect Vermont and New Hampshire from Connecticut's horrible influence on the region and the entire world. People from Connecticut are known for their violent nature, often using insults and improper grammar in order to make a point.

1 Comment
00:36 UTC


Woodbury, you have a special election on tuesday!

Hi guys and gals,

I'm from New Haven, but state senate district 32 (including Woodbury!) is having a special election to fill a vacant state senate seat. I and others are supporting Greg Cava (D) to fill this seat. I invite you to assist us with phonebanking efforts if you are able and willing; see this post for more. Happy to answer any questions you might have.

Disclosure: I am not affiliated with the campaign.

Thank you for your attention.

02:55 UTC


Hello from /r/woodburyct!

#####Hello there!

Welcome to the subreddit for Woodbury CT. Our humble nested town in the woods!

This subreddit is for all information and news about woodbury CT. Events, food, etc. If you don't know if you should submit something, message the moderation team first and we'll let you know.

###If you're a resident or planning to become a resident in our wonderful town - subscribe!

If you are moving to connecticut for the first time, please visit /r/movingtoCT first.

Thank you!

14:59 UTC

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