A Subreddit for all things Winter!
We love winter, and we hope you do too. This is the central hub for all things cold. Winter sports, destinations, photos, videos, gear, how-tos and general appreciation of snow angels are all welcome here.
The road into our cabin has been plowed somewhat, but our driveway or a place to park isn’t. We are thinking of walking in, and somehow carrying our snowshoes to use once we get to the unplowed part, but we don’t know how to best carry them. We don’t have an old fashioned pack basket, unfortunately. Any suggestions?
So many opportunities to let the creative juices flow!
I love the cold but it hurting my hands bad.
Winter storm
Not sure if it's just me. But why does fresh winter air smell of animal blood?
Log Entry: Day 1 of Snowpocalypse The snowstorm has claimed its first victims: the grocery store shelves. Gone are the milk, the eggs, the bread—swept away by panicked shoppers with carb-loaded dreams of survival French toast. I arrived too late, staring at the barren wasteland of the bread aisle, where only one lonely option remained: artisanal, gluten-free quinoa oat loaf. I grabbed it, not out of need, but defiance. If this storm wants to take my dignity, it’ll have to try harder. As I checked out, clutching my overpriced bread brick, I wondered: who buys four gallons of milk for a two-day storm? The snow hasn’t even started yet, but we’ve already lost civilization. Pray for me.