If you're cursed to live in interesting times, you might as well notice the interesting stuff. . . Doom for people who don't actually hate people . . . Doomer optimists
If you're cursed to live in interesting times, you might as well notice the interesting stuff. . .
A weird collapse indeed.
Hello Everyone
Just a quick note to let you know the Zero Input Agriculture podcast is now available on all major podcasting distributors.
I will be alternating short episodes where I narrate past substack posts, with long form interviews talking to plant breeders, low input farmers, social networkers and deep thinkers all over the planet.
The first interview has dropped with Brian Reeder, a life long breeder of robust edible daylily which deserve much more attention in permaculture circles.
Sign up as I have months worth of amazing interviews ahead. The next interview will be with David Holmgren about the potential for plant breeding in permaculture.
This week's post is a review of Zeihan's Disunited Nations followed by an application of its methods to the nations of Australasia. I also got a chance to appear on Geopolitics and Empire podcast, so check out the link to the show in the post. https://open.substack.com/pub/zeroinputagriculture/p/repost-book-review-disunited-nations?
Just launched The Long Forum- a monthly post on my writing substack that links all the best long form content from the internet over the last month. This is the best alternative to all the shallow algorithm driven crap on offer. Dig in deep and nourish your mind. https://open.substack.com/pub/haldanebdoyle/p/the-long-forum-march-2024?r=f45kp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
This week's post is a review of the book "Evolution: A View from the 21st Century", which catalogues the many non-random mechanisms of evolution revealed by recent studies.
How is this related to weird collapse? Well periods of upheaval typically increase the rate of speciation and niche switching, often driven through wide hybridisation. How can humans tap into this mechanism to navigate our way to weird futures?