A sub dedicated to discussing webtoons.
Like /r/webtoons but smaller.
A sub dedicated to discussing webtoons.
Like r/webtoons but smller.
Read the Rules:
1) Stay on topic: All posts and comments must be in some way relevant to webtoons. You may be required to explain how your post/comment belongs here if it does not seem obvious.
2) Post/comments must be respectful and polite.
3) No spam: Users must not spam posts or comments. Feel free to ask the modteam where the line is between what is and what is not spam.
4) No pirating: Users must not post pirated content or enlist other users' help with pirating. Posting Fastpass (from Line Webtoon) chapters or anything similar is also not allowed.
The art crew can keep the full pay in coins if the webtoon becomes an original but otherwise THIS IS A VULUNTARY PROJECT. I want a dedicated crew that can commit to pumping out two episodes each week. The art style can be any anime style, preferable a vibrant and colourful artstyle as many diferent alien planets and biomes will be drawn. The webtoon will have full backgrounds, so i need artists who are good at backgrounds but also artists who can draw people fast
Heres a brief summary of the story
5000 years into the future, a human trapped on a maximum security prison spaceship built to hold him as the sole prisoner escapes. He was framed and innocent, he escapes because a fuel ship that was coming to refuel the prison ship was attacked by pirates causing the prison ship to be unable to evade an incoming astroid. He then gets stranded on a planet he doesnt know and discovers a strange alien species, he befriends them and sets on a ship only to learn the galaxy is in a critical political state, suffocating, dominant, and cruel. He goes on to fight back against this corruption leading a rebellion which eventually leads to an allout war for freedom. As they free planet after planet which causes more and more races to rebel and join the mcs cause, eventually defeating the species that had conquered and controlled 80 percent of the galaxy
If anyone needs a referral code mine is R13C66X
I have many ideas for webtoon comics and one shots but I can't draw and no matter how hard I try or how consistent I am, I can't even draw a simple person or background. They all look like that of a 3rd grader. Is there a way I can make this process easier? Should I just look into getting an artist to work alongside me for my projects? Please help :(
a few years ago i used to read this webtoon but i havent been able to find it as my old account was deleted. i dont remember it completely but there were these two guys that used to be best friends but something happened and they stopped talking and hate each other now. but they had to come back together for something. it wasn't going to be a romance of any sort, it did involve magic or fantasy of some sort. one of the guys had heterochromia and always had a scarf i think, he used to be bullied and he was taller than the other main character. it was a more cartoonish style not realistic. i feel like im going insane trying to find it and idk if its been deleted in the years i was gone.