
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/Waterloo, the subreddit for the Regional Municipality of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. Waterloo Region includes the cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Waterloo, as well as the townships of North Dumfries, Wellesley, Wilmot and Woolwich.

Region of Waterloo — Ontario, Canada.

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Best Coffee Beans in KW

Hello everyone! I'm back once again requesting very specific hobby stuff!

Now, I'm searching for high quality coffee beans! I grind them on my own for espresso, so whole beans is preferred. I've tried Pilot and Midnight Run so far. Both are great, but I'm looking for a nicer, medium roast.

So, what do you all recommend?

1 Comment
19:00 UTC


First aid supplies

Looking for a local place where can I buy affordable first aid supplies like pocket mask and lifeguard whistle? Ordering online costs almost as much as the products themselves.

17:49 UTC


Please drive safely!

Yesterday, I saw a car driving on Fisher-Hallman Rd in Kitchener with its rear window completely covered in snow.

It also appeared that the driver was using summer or worn tires, as the wheels kept spinning with no grip.

It's frustrating to see people ignore basic safety, putting themselves and others in danger.

16:29 UTC


Building department says I need 2.8 m wide garage doors

Applying to build an ADU on top of an existing double garage, and the garage provides the two required parking spaces. However, they're saying two standard 8 ft doors (2.44 m) or a standard 16 ft (4.88m) double door is inadequate and that the doors have to be at least 2.8 m wide per parking space. So two 9' 2-1/4" wide doors or one 18'-5" door. I don't understand how they're interpreting the definition of a "parking space" here, or how they reconcile their interpretation with the reality that the overwhelming majority of all garages in the city probably don't have doors that meet this 2.8 m clear width per parking space requirement.

16:15 UTC


Thankyou everyone!

Hi guys. I dont know how to thank all of you for your kind comments and offers. I'm overwhelmed. I was able to cancel my debit card in time with no incident, however I will still need a pass. I didnt register my bus card which was a mistake so it is what it is. I have no ill will against the person who needed it more, and I take responsibility for forgetting to close the small zip on my backpack. My bad. Temptation. Times are tough now and about to get worse. But, I'm healthy and happy and no amount of money can buy that. Yes I smoke, but I just started on a medication to help me quit so wish me luck cuz it's hard. I worked and managed kitchens and everyone in the kitchen smoked, some just to get a break. Please consider being kind. It's less stressful for me to look at it like someone needed it enough to steal from a stranger. And I pray for them to have a better life because life is difficult.
You guys made me feel so much better. Thanks.

15:11 UTC


"Deport them all"

To the guy who wrote “DEPORT THEM ALL” behind the driver’s seat—if you’re reading this, you’re a coward.

You couldn’t even write it somewhere people would see!! Nah, you had to sneak it behind the back of the very immigrant driving your ungrateful ass around. Pathetic.

14:59 UTC


Westmount Potholes

I know I know - what else is new? But has anyone damaged their car specifically from the potholes on this road? It seems that since the summer they’ve become absolute craters, almost undriveable..

14:05 UTC


Grand River Hospital Emergency for Children

We recently moved to Waterloo with our young toddler. We were told that in the event of an emergency, go to Grand River Hospital. We moved here from London, where we were close to Victoria Children’s Hospital, so I feel like we were a bit spoiled there. I know Grand River isn’t technically a children’s hospital.

So I’m just wondering about your experiences with your children at Grand River. Were they positive? Did they treat your children promptly, and was there a separate waiting area for children? Thanks!

ETA: Why am I being downvoted for this?

03:56 UTC


Car parked in roundabout

Someone parked their car in ira needles/Erb blocking the left lane of cars getting into the roundabout

Update: police is aware of this and sending someone to the location

00:30 UTC


To the jerk who robbed me today downtown Kitchener

You have my bank card and my bus pass that I just topped up for February to get to work. I'm broke, just like you, so please use the money to feed yourself well, and enjoy. My loss. I will now have to figure out how to get a new bus pass so please don't clean out my acct.as I'm still working at 70 and need to get to work.
Thanks for your flattened pack of cigs you somehow put in my backpack. I dont know how you did this but you suck.

00:29 UTC


Donating for a School Garden

Dear r/Waterloo,

I am a teacher looking for help in starting a school food garden. Our school community is not really in a position to offer enough financial support to start this project.

We need everything. Tools, seeds, soils, lumber for raised beds, screws, seed lights, trays, gloves, hoses, rain barrels, etc...you name it we, we need it.

A few staff are really engaged with growing food at home and would love to get our school community supplementing their own diets with high quality, nutritious food. Many families rely and food programs, and it would be great to help even more families.

It would be a great opportunity to teach students real skills based on what they are learning. Actually measure side length, calculate area, determine volume. Use multiplication to determine our square foot planting need and grow those seedlings. Track and graph plant growth. Write letters to thank those that donated.

Many students struggle with a lot of the ideas in school because they lack experience/knowledge to ground their thinking a many need those authentic hands on experiences.

With all that said what is the best way to reach out to the greater Waterloo community/local business to help us kick start this project?

Any help is much appreciated.

23:37 UTC


Sewing class for teens

Hi, my daughter is 13 and has shown interest in wanting to learn to sew things with her end goal being making clothing. Is there anywhere in the area where she could learn how to do this?

17:40 UTC


Range Rover mechanics?

Hi friends - incredibly disappointed time after time with the waterloo jag/Land Rover location. Where else do people go in KW (or further idc) to get work done on their cars? Thank you :)

16:04 UTC


Looking for Used-Up Vapes to Recycle Batteries for Sustainability Project

Hey everyone,

I’m working on a side project focused on sustainability, and I’m looking for used-up disposable vapes (or any vapes that are no longer functional). My goal is to safely extract and repurpose the lithium-ion batteries inside, preventing them from ending up in landfills while giving them a second life in small-scale electronics projects.

If you have any dead vapes lying around and are willing to part with them, I’d really appreciate it! I can arrange for pickup so please let me know if you have any to spare. Thanks in advance for helping out with this recycling initiative!

11:19 UTC


Charcoal - dress code?

I know many many years ago, Charcoal used to have a dress code (no jeans for sure - jackets required think).

I haven't been there in more than a decade. Is there still a dress code? On the phone they said no, but I don't want to show up there under dressed.

22:47 UTC


Beautiful day for a walk

21:46 UTC


Please be mindful of other drivers

If you were driving a White GMC Canyon along the 85 S on the bridge south of the roundabout heading into Waterloo at about 15:25 today, thanks for not taking the thirty seconds to knock the ice out of your wheel wells before you hit the road to protect oncoming traffic. I definitely have a few grand laying around to deal with this.


20:52 UTC


Breakfast Burrito in the Loo?

Where can a fellow acquire a breakfast burrito? And by breakfast burrito, I mean a burrito. Not a wrap Mr Tim Horton. But a burrito. Any suggestions of good breakfast burritos in the city that are reasonably priced?

20:26 UTC


Cheap Barbers in the KW Area?

Just looking for a cheap male barber in the area. Don't care about it looking good or anything just anything presentable. I was gonna trim it a number 7 myself, but it's worth a few bucks to not look like a goon.

20:05 UTC


How to make Postmedia flyer delivery stop

I’m at my wit’s end trying to stop the delivery of Postmedia flyers. I’ve registered on their opt-out website seven times now, but they just keep coming. In the winter, it’s especially bad—these things pile up in the snow and turn into a soggy mess if you don’t spot them fast as the person delivering it just throws it into my driveway.

Has anyone actually managed to get them to stop? Is there a secret trick I’m missing, or do they just ignore opt-out requests? I’m considering putting up a “No Flyers” sign on my driveway, but I’ve heard mixed results about whether it actually works and it feels a bit silly.

If anyone has successfully dealt with this, please let me know how you did it! Do you know their contact info so that I can talk to someone? They also don’t respond to emails about this.

19:29 UTC


Weekend Kitchener train service for reading week

19:10 UTC


Lactose free milk

Hi Everyone,

Looking for tips as to the cheapest place to buy lactose free milk in K/W.

Thank you!

18:00 UTC

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