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I live next to gravelly point. On bad days, I grab a blanket and sit and watch the water and the planes above and people playing sports or hanging out with friends. It has broken me, knowing what a massive tragedy has occurred there and I so badly want to pay my respects and help remember those we lost. If anyone has information for any memorial services/sites or any way to get involved with supporting the families please share.
Basically, I was given my renewal offer 63 days before the end of my lease, and my property manager is pressuring me to let him know my intention by the 60 day mark, or it will be automatically assumed that I am renewing month-to-month.
My rent was increased significantly and unexpectedly. I was planning on renewing but no longer can afford to.
Is this allowed? Do I actually have just 3 days to decide? Why does my landlord get to hand me an offer with 3 days to decide, yet I have to have the courtesy to let them know my decision at least two months in advance?
I'm 21M going to an EDM show at Culture (2002 Fenway Street) at 10PM on Saturday (gonna be by myself actually). My parents got my location and stuff unfortunately, so they're on my ass about its safety. In general would you say it is a relatively safe area?
I live in SW and have noticed an unusual amount of helicopters passing over the area in the last hour or so. Anyone know if they’re now being told to fly over DC rather than along the Potomac due to Wednesday’s events?
Hello peeps - Hoping you can help me round out a night out for my upcoming bday. I'm celebrating as a group of 8 women on Saturday Feb 15th. We're in our early 40's and still love to dress up, have a few drinks, dance and have fun!! Hoping to curate a fun night out for me and my friends and I've narrowed down to...
Option A: Navy Yard-ish area
Pre dinner drinks: Trouble Bird (they don't take ressies but assume it'd be okay if we show up around 6:30?)
Dinner: Chloe, got a ressie
Post-dinner drinks: this is where I'm struggling in this area as I don't want to go to a dive bar and party with 20 something year olds. Will Royal Sands be cheesy and ridiculous or is it fun music/dancing? Any other options around this area?
Option B: Shaw or Union Market-ish area
Pre dinner drinks: 600T or Shukran?? Anywhere else that's right in Union Market that would be good?
Dinner: Where can I realistically get a table near here? Haven't heard from El Presidente. Would Palette 22 be fun or too casual?
Post-dinner drinks: I have a table at Lucy Mercer bar at 10:45pm which is why I'm trying to get this itinerary to work haha
Just looking for fun, trendy vibes since we'll be a little dressed up (i.e. not divey/super casual) and good music (old school hip hop/r&b, not today's top hits ;))
And if anything else comes to mind in terms of areas of town/itineraries I'm all ears! Thank you!!
I have one free extra ticket for the event tonight. 6-9pm. PM me and I will send you the ticket. Do not chat (I don't see these as quickly)
Does anyone know what’s going on? For at least the past 15-20 minutes, two police vans and two firetrucks have completely blocked the 3600 block of 14th Street. Buses are backed up, both sides of the street. They’re not letting anyone through.
Are there any other people in the area who are into or want to get into exploring all things spiritual, metaphysical, and mystical but don't really have a group that covers ALL your spiritual interests? I can't be the only one who's had so many ridiculous conversations with myself about things like conciseness, manipulating energy, clairvoyance, the magic of 🍄, cosmic conspiracies and so much more.
Even questioning the parts of Christianity where people have psychic and mystical healing powers.
Where people were being raised from the dead and a 30 something year old carpenter is turning water into wine and disappearing in front of people.
And if we’re all spiritual beings, can we also cultivate that same energy?
But now I need to connect with some easy-going, open minded people who love discovering and discussing fun, interesting, and even bizarre spiritual/metaphysical topics and theories. I want to create a space where we can share our own experiences and ideas in a judgement-free and chill environment. If this sounds like something for you, let me know!
Anyone who has lived in DC for more than a year knows someone who lies about their residency for cheaper car insurance. Guy in my complex has out of state plates with a local car dealer sticker on his vehicle. Classy.
These people live in DC but have out of state plates (and ostensibly an out of state license) so they can get cheaper car insurance because car insurance in DC is expensive.
When their registration is about to expire, they go back home to mommy and daddy's and stop by their local DMV or Secretary of State to commit placard fraud and renew their registration. Then they come back to DC and do it all over again in a few years.
But what's the end game here? If you lie about your registration and you get in a car crash, do the chickens come home to roost if you file an insurance claim? What happens if you get in a car crash and fess up that you don't actually live in your home state but have been living in DC for many, many years? Or does that not happen and there's truly no consequences for lying about where you live to get cheaper car insurance? Plus you don't have to pay any camera fines either.
F you all who do this.
Mods removed my original post with the link to the fund hub due to the links to crowdfunding rule but just wanted everyone to know that GoFundMe has created a centralized donation hub for the victims and families affected by the DCA plane crash. Nine pages are currently active and more donation pages are expected to be added as identities are verified. I know many of us were looking for ways to help and though I cannot link to it, you are able to find it by searching 'How to Help: DC Plane Crash'. Much love to everyone and this city <3
Is anyone familiar with the sewage leak near 2900 Virginia Ave NW? There was a leak last month and some of the buildings, TBC specifically, have been closed since then. Any suggestions on who I can contact in the DC gov to get more info on when it will be repaired?
I just found what looks like an old, skinny and red box with windows. Does anyone know what they were used for?
Hey everyone. I made another live events happening near me this weekend. I live in NoVA, but I thought I would post the list here as well since many of the events are in or around DC.
If you want to get this list in your email every Friday, you can do so here.
If you liked this weekly post, signing up for the email version ensures you never miss it.
Hopefully this list was helpful, and you found at least one interesting event. Have a good weekend!
Anyone know good speed dating for college students or 18+ crowd. Especially ones happening valentines week!!!
My wife and I had a baby a couple weeks ago. We both work for international development contractors and will likely be furloughed indefinitely sometime in the next week or two. Under normal circumstances I would be eligible for DC paid parental leave, but I am assuming being furloughed would make me ineligible, though not sure. Our HR team is completely in over their heads understandably and have not given a clear answer. Does anyone know whether or not this is something I'd still be able to avail of if on a furloughed status? Thank you for any insight!
I'm talking pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon/sausage, the works. I want to scarf down a big breakfast
Does anyone know if there are any bungee fitness classes in the DC area??? I tried searching online but couldn’t find any…
Mine has only worked once, and it required help from the station manager. I just tried it now at the Metro Center pay machines, and it didn't work at all. Am I missing something here?
What are the reasons for so many Blackhawk helicopter flights over DC? They aren’t necessary for transportation, and they don’t appear to provide any valuable security function that isn’t duplicative of another resource. Someone clue me in, please!
Looking to have it done for TMJ Dysfunction. Welcome any feedback - positive or negative. Thanks.
I'm thinking about everyone who lost loved ones in the crash on Wednesday, and I also wanted to start an appreciation post for everyone in our community who has been working hard for the last 36+ hours to respond to this tragedy.
Thank you:
This is a terrible tragedy, and the response from the highest levels of our government has been shockingly inappropriate. But the response from ordinary people-- including many of our neighbors-- has been an inspiration. So thank you. <3
I'll be moving into DC soon and I'm trying to figure out a reasonable budget. I know generally things are more expensive in the area, and I was wondering what some of your experiences were like in terms of budgeting for fun/going out. I mean purely on the outing or activity itself, not even counting transportation or anything.
I'm a 22 year old single male, I do plan on casually dating and maintaining an active social life, but I'm also not big into clubbing or parties, maybe a sports league or something. I know I always hear DC has a lot of free activities to offer but I'm not sure if in reality this is something that people take advantage of. For context right now money is not an issue but I would also like to save as much up as possible without sacrificing my social life.
Howdy all,
My brother has been living in DC for the past few years- from his time in college now to being a working adult- and this month 4 speeding tickets have showed up at our house from speed cameras. He lives and works in DC, but is still a legal resident of Delaware, and he has been saying that he doesn't need to pay them because he isn't a resident of DC. Keep in mind that this is 4 this month- there have been plenty more in the last few months that he keeps ignoring because he's convinced that he doesn't have to pay them.
Now, for *some* reason, I feel like this is not true. Something tells me that DC wouldn't just let someone speed as much as they want with no recourse just because they don't *legally* reside within the district, despite the fact that he is physically located there. Our dad and I have been talking about how if he ever gets pulled over in or around DC he's going to get hit by the hammer hard, but my brother swears up and down that they can't do anything to him. Am I correct to worry about this?
Edit: Thank you all for the responses. I'd say that it's about high time to get the ball rolling on changing his residence to DC. He graduated a few years ago and has been in and out of educational arrangements since and I have heard from a few comments that there are exemptions for students in similar- but not exact- situations, but the way I've heard it he should absolutely get switched over regardless. I don't believe that it's happening out of malice, rather ignorance, but the end result is the same.
Regarding the speeding tickets (the initial subject of the post) I will do everything in my power to make it abundantly clear that he should both pay them off and stop speeding. I, my father, and my sister have all told him about it and yet here we are. He lives in a place with incredible transit options and yet refuses to use any of them, so if it goes how the comments are supposing he is en route for a sudden and unwilling lifestyle change, if/when DC catches up to him.
I’m looking to sublet a room in my apartment over the summer but the Facebook groups are all full of scams. Is there another app or something that people use?
With the new administration here in town I’m sure there are plenty of us that would love to buy them a drink, shake their hand and welcome them to our fair city. Any bartenders, servers or hosts seeing any of these new officials out? If so where? Thanks in advance