The premier home for wargaming, reading and painting in the Age of Darkness.
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1 - Be Respectful
2 - Do not post any direct quotes, or requests of quotes, of rules or copyrighted materials (And don't request them).
3 - No Plagiarism
4 - No Recaster Discussion.
5 - No Low Effort or uninformative posting.
6 - Untagged Models Should Belong to the Horus Heresy, Alternative Models Should Be Tagged "Not 30k"
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Suspect he may be third party but certainly looks like an official mini. Thought he may be the Praetor on foot but checked with mine and he's not that...
It is said that Death Guard would wear older and more reliable armour marks like MKII and MKIII (or modified versions of those).
I'm making an army of traitor Death Guard (Istvaan era) and I would like to include some MKIV among MKIII and MKII. What do you think? Is it a thing that could have happened within the Death Guard?
Obviously represents a very corrupted force, but I think mixing it with some vanilla kits could make a pretty striking army.
I need help finding places to buy MK.4 Marines for cheap, or at least within modern HH scale. They look so good and I want them so badly, but where can I find them???
And please share with other brothers and sisters so they too can find their beloved MK.4's.
Hey I’m looking to pimp out a squad SoH despoilers with all heavy chain swords. Do yall know any good 3rd party bits that do them? I haven’t been very satisfied with Etsy
hopefully this is the right sub for this, but what’s a good list to read about the characters in the mournival for the 16th? i’m about half way through horus rising and love the group and each of them are super unique. i’d love to know what other books tell their story, especially to see abaddons fall along with horus
I’ve had this army sitting on the shelf while working on other projects throughout 2024 and finally took the time to smash it all out while I had a few weeks off work at Christmas.
It’s probably 4.5k-ish in points all painted in 6ish weeks. Was a long slog on all the infantry but I’m super chuffed with how it’s turned out!
Check out my Insta for more pics and projects 💪 https://www.instagram.com/hell_jumper_hobbies?igsh=Z2xtdjQ1ajM2dmVm&utm_source=qr
A little lore question:
Seeing as in 30k the legions are a bit like the Astra Militarum in 40k, I am wondering what the equivalent role to a 40k Commissar would be in a space marine legion. In 40k the closest thing would be a chaplain, even though he is probably as much a priest as he is a commissar, but in 30k most legions don't see the emperor as a god and chaplains are much more down to earth. But there are also overseers, whose rules make them leaders of solar auxilia but their depiction and fluff makes them closer to chaplains than "praevians for humans".
So what is your opinion on this? If I wanted to represent the closest thing to a commissar in a legion, what consul would I take?
I feel like I've been seeing quite a bit of forge world models for heresy be in MKIV, and I know that MKV is the next armor set rumored to be coming to truescale, however I feel like MKIV makes more sense as it's more recognizable and was more widespread during the heresy.
Me and my husband have been getting into 30k and realized we don't know anyone near us who plays regularly. We haven't finished our lists yet, but it might motivate us to build/paint more if we know anyone who actually plays. There are lots of 40k groups, but there were a lot of things that kept us from going that route. If there are any other ways to find loyalist and traitors let me know!